Analýza přístupu firem ke společenské odpovědnosti v porovnání s požadavky standardu Global Reporting Initiative / Analysis of organizations' approach to corporate social responsibility in comparison with requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative Standard.

The thesis deals with analysis of the quality of corporate social responsibility reports sampled from in Czech Republic seated organizations. First chaps concentrate on themes of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The thesis treats of individual instruments in the field of CSR (standards, approaches or codes). The focus is concentrated on G3 Standard of Global Reporting Initiative, which is crucial for the whole analysis. GRI Standard is internationally reputable instrument for CSR reporting. Before the analysis itself the thesis offers short view of researches in the sphere of sustainable development. CSR reporting is still not a common practice among organizations doing business in Czech Republic. There are some exceptions. What is the quality of CSR reports of firms who are in Czech Republic corporate social responsible? Fundamental part of the thesis is concentrated in the analysis of five CSR reports according to the statement of requirements of GRI Standard. From the analysis results some recommendation for firms who want to report abreast of GRI Standard.
Date January 2008
CreatorsHolinková, Jana
ContributorsPlášková, Alena, Hykš, Ondřej
PublisherVysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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