Ocenenie spoločnosti Rodinný pivovar Bernard a.s. / The Valuation of the Company Rodinný pivovar Bernard a.s.

The goal of the thesis is to valuate the company Rodinný pivovar Bernard a.s. for the purpose of possible sale or merger in the future. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part explains the valuation procedure, particular analyses and methods used in the practical part. A discounted cash flow method was applied, specifically the two-phased model using free cash flow to the firm. The practical part started with a strategic and financial analysis, which helped to build a financial plan. The financial plan made a basis for valuation of the company by income method.

Date January 2008
CreatorsSiničáková, Gabriela
ContributorsScholleová, Hana, Heřman, Jan
PublisherVysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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