Integration mechanisms in large Turkish and Finnish projects

Large construction projects are conducted in complex and uncertain climate by multiple stakeholders with varied expertise which increased the popularity of integration management particularly in 21st century. The main objective of the thesis is to find ways to improve integration capability in case projects. The study is pursued by both theoretical and empirical analysis. Literature was reviewed in order to provide solid theoretical background. Furthermore, questionnaire was formulated based on literature, and semi-structured interviews were conducted for the sake of data collection. Then, collected data was analysed and synthesised with theoretical background. Three research questions were defined and guided the study in order to accomplish the main objective:

1. How can integration mechanisms be analyzed in the context of large projects?

2. What is the current state of the use of integration mechanisms in Finnish and Turkish large projects?

3. How to improve integration in Finnish and Turkish large projects?

Collaborative contracting is presented as one of the key concepts that influence integration endeavour of a project along with effectual stakeholder management. Withal, integration mechanisms were figured out to be means to improve integration capacity in construction business. Integration mechanisms are classified as formal, lateral, social and information and communication technologies. One case project from Finland and two case projects in Turkey are analysed and it is inferred that Finnish project that use project alliance as project procurement form has superiority regarding integration comparing with other traditional Turkish projects. It is justified once more that relational project delivery arrangements and lean tools -when acquired with lean ideology- pave the way for integration capability. Moreover, effective stakeholder management and gauging integration capacity in relation with integration requirements have great influence on improving integration in case projects.

The results of the thesis provide data about difference between relational and traditional projects in different countries, data about readiness of integration in Finland and Turkey and suggest ways to improve integration. Therefore, future studies about improvement on integration can exploit this master’s thesis.
Date30 May 2018
CreatorsKarasu, T. (Taha)
PublisherUniversity of Oulu
Source SetsUniversity of Oulu
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Rightsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess, © Taha Karasu, 2018

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