Tillamook Indian basketry : continuity and change as seen in the Adams Collection

In the Adams Collection at the Tillamook County Pioneer Museum, Tillamook, Oregon, there are 29 baskets that were probably made between 1880 and 1940. They are mostly of raffia, are somewhat faded from their original, bright, commercial colors, and are generally quite small. Despite the fact that these baskets are well-documented and were made by Tillamook women, they are the sort that have been overlooked by anthropologists and by collectors because of their non-"traditional" appearance. In order to determine what relationship these baskets have to Tillamook basketry made earlier, I analyzed them and 39 Tillamook baskets from four other museum collections for features of structural and.decorative techniques, shape, size, and stitch qualities, and noted the.materials used.

Date01 January 1983
CreatorsCrawford, Ailsa Elizabeth
Source SetsPortland State University
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceDissertations and Theses

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