Initialement con¸cu pour d´echarger le CPU des tˆaches de rendu graphique, le GPU estdevenu une architecture massivement parall`ele adapt´ee au traitement de donn´ees volumineuses.Alors qu’il occupe une part de march´e importante dans le Calcul Haute Performance, uned´emarche d’Ad´equation Algorithme Architecture est n´eanmoins requise pour impl´ementerefficacement un algorithme sur GPU.La contribution de cette th`ese est double. Dans un premier temps, nous pr´esentons legain significatif apport´e par l’impl´ementation optimis´ee d’un algorithme de granulom´etrie(l’ordre de grandeur passe de l’heure `a la minute pour un volume de 10243 voxels). Un mod`eleanalytique permettant d’´etablir les variations de performance de l’application de granulom´etriesur GPU a ´egalement ´et´e d´efini et pourrait ˆetre ´etendu `a d’autres algorithmes r´eguliers.Dans un second temps, un outil facilitant le d´eploiement d’applications de Traitementdu Signal et de l’Image sur cluster multi-GPU a ´et´e d´evelopp´e. Pour cela, le champ d’actiondu programmeur est r´eduit au d´ecoupage du programme en tˆaches et `a leur mapping sur les´el´ements de calcul (GPP ou GPU). L’am´elioration notable du d´ebit sortant d’une applicationstreaming de calcul de carte de saillence visuelle a d´emontr´e l’efficacit´e de notre outil pourl’impl´ementation d’une solution sur cluster multi-GPU. Afin de permettre un ´equilibrage decharge dynamique, une m´ethode de migration de tˆaches a ´egalement ´et´e incorpor´ee `a l’outil. / Originally designed to relieve the CPU from graphics rendering tasks, the GPU has becomea massively parallel architecture suitable for processing large amounts of data. While it haswon a significant market share in the High Performance Computing domain, an Algorithm-Architecture Matching approach is still necessary to efficiently implement an algorithm onGPU.The contribution of this thesis is twofold. Firstly, we present the significant gain providedby the implementation of a granulometry optimized algorithm (computation time decreasesfrom several hours to less than minute for a volume of 10243 voxels). An analytical modelestablishing the performance variations of the granulometry application is also presented. Webelieve it can be expanded to other regular algorithms.Secondly, the deployment of Signal and Image processing applications on multi-GPUcluster can be a tedious task for the programmer. In order to help him, we developped alibrary that reduces the scope of the programmer’s contribution in the development. Hisremaining tasks are decomposing the application into a Data Flow Graph and giving mappingannotations in order for the tool to automatically dispatch tasks on the processing elements(GPP or GPU). The throughput of a visual sailency streaming application is then improvedthanks to the efficient implementation brought by our tool on a multi-GPU cluster. In orderto permit dynamic load balancing, a task migration method has also been incorporated into it.
Identifer | |
Date | 18 December 2012 |
Creators | Boulos, Vincent |
Contributors | Grenoble, Houzet, Dominique |
Source Sets | Dépôt national des thèses électroniques françaises |
Language | French |
Detected Language | English |
Type | Electronic Thesis or Dissertation, Text |
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