Suitability of the TMS320 Digital Signal Processor in Digital Signal Processing Applications Requiring Multiple-Precision

The TMS320 single-chip digital signal processor, produced by Texas Instruments, shows promise for a long life-cycle not only because it fills a technical need in the digital signal processing field; but because it also represents an excellent early design. Furthermore, Texas Instruments has provided thorough software and development support. However, this chip was not designed to support digital signal processing applications which require multiple-precision operations. In this paper, algorithms were developed and expressed in macros that provide the capability of modeling systems requiring multiple-precision operations. Finally, a performance envelope showing the system complexity versus sampling bandwidth limitations is provided to show the capability of the TMS320 in digital signal processing applications requiring multiple-precision.
Date01 January 1985
CreatorsWalker, Randall L.
Source SetsUniversity of Central Florida
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceRetrospective Theses and Dissertations
RightsPublic Domain

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