Curriculum for At Risk Students

This curriculum project reviews the research on students who have been labeled drop-outs and/or low-achievers. Several different types of teaching models were reviewed to determine the best model to be used for drop-out and/or low-achieving students.
The project includes curriculum materials that correspond to the Minimum Level Skills objectives for the General Math II course designated by the Duval County School System in Florida. The curriculum also corresponds to the required textbook for the General Math II course. This project strives to increase the ability of the students in the Graduation Enhancement Program to pass the Minimum Level Skills Test and increase their knowledge in the area of basic and common sense mathematic concepts. III
Date01 January 1991
CreatorsBean, Pamela W.
PublisherUNF Digital Commons
Source SetsUniversity of North Florida
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceUNF Theses and Dissertations

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