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Eksperimentalno istraživanje procesa na slivu: padavine, oticaj i erozija tla / Experimental Research of Catchment Processes: Rainfall, Runoff and Soil Erosion

<p>Kao produkt erozionih procesa u slivu javlja se erozioni nanos koji sa padine<br />dospeva&nbsp; u&nbsp; rečnu&nbsp; mrežu.&nbsp; Erozijom&nbsp; se&nbsp; odnosi&nbsp; povr&scaron;inski&nbsp; pokrivač&nbsp; bogat<br />hranljivim sastojcima i smanjuje poljoprivredna proizvodnja, smanjuju se<br />propusne moći kanala, zapremine akumulacija i pogor&scaron;ava se kvalitet vode.<br />Predmet&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji&nbsp; je eksperimentalno<br />izučavanje&nbsp; erozije&nbsp; tla&nbsp; na&nbsp; slivu,&nbsp; prouzrokovane&nbsp; padavinama i&nbsp; povr&scaron;inskim<br />oticajem sa peskovitog zemlji&scaron;ta pod nagibom. Variranjem parametara koji<br />utiču na proces erozije, a koji su istraženi u ovom radu(nagib terena, dužina<br />slivne povr&scaron;ine i intenzitet ki&scaron;e) dobijeni su hidrogrami oticaja i psamogrami<br />na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; kojih&nbsp; su&nbsp; urađene regresione analize. Za&nbsp; ispitivanje&nbsp; veze&nbsp; između<br />padavina,&nbsp; oticaja&nbsp; i&nbsp; erozije&nbsp; napisan&nbsp; je&nbsp; matematički&nbsp; model oticaja, baziran na<br />jednačinama&nbsp; kinematskog talasa,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; predstavlja osnovu za dalja<br />istraživanja.</p> / <p>Erosion processes in the catchment produces sediments that reaches the river network. Erosion leads to reduced agricultural production, reduction in the channel and accumulation storage capacity and deteriorating water quality. The research presented in this doctoral thesis is an experimental study of soil erosion caused by rainfall and surface runoff from sandy soil on inclined surface. By varying the parameters that influence the process of erosion (slope, length of the plot and the intensity of rainfall), hydrographs and graphs of the sediment concentrations are obtained and the regression analysis is performed. To investigate the relationship between rainfall, runoff and erosion, mathematical model of runoff, based on the kinematic wave equations, is written. This model forms the basis for further research.</p>
Date31 October 2014
CreatorsGabrić Ognjen
ContributorsPlavšić Jasna, Spasojević Miodrag, Ivetić Marko, Despotović Jovan, Radić Zoran
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Građevinski fakultet u Subotici, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Civil Engineering at Subotica
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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