Perceived Child-Parent Relationships and Child Adjustment in Families with Both Adopted and Natural Children

This study examined perceived child-parent relationships and child adjustment in families with both adopted and natural children. Of interest was the relationship between these perceptions and the social and emotional adjustment of the children. Perceived parent-child relationships were measured by the Child Parent Relationship Scale developed by Swanson. The California Test of Personality was utilized to measure the children's adjustment.
Date08 1900
CreatorsTernay, Marilyn R.
ContributorsWilborn, Bobbie L., Thetford, Paul E., Curry, John F., Medler, Byron
PublisherNorth Texas State University
Source SetsUniversity of North Texas
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis or Dissertation
Formatvii, 110 leaves, Text
RightsPublic, Ternay, Marilyn R., Copyright, Copyright is held by the author, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.

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