Socioeconomic Status-Related Inequities on Maternal Health Services: Trends, Associations, and Outcomes

Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Ethiopia remains one of the highest in the world due in part to very limited use of maternal health services. However, the underlying factors for limited use of the services and hence the high MMR are not well known. The purpose of this study was to identify factors associated with use of maternal health services and maternal health risks, to analyze inequity patterns between use of maternal health services and maternal health risks, and to measure the magnitude and trends in inequity. Behavioral-cultural and structural theories of health inequalities were used to frame the study. Research questions included whether there were trends of inequity in use of maternal health services, if sociodemographic characteristics were associated with use of the services, and whether inequities in use of the services were associated with maternal health risks. The study design was quantitative and used data collected through Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) conducted in 2000, 2005, and 2011. DHS had employed stratified 2-stage cluster design; this analysis used logistic regression method, odds ratio chi-square test, and correlation measures. The findings indicated statistically significant inequities on use of antenatal care and skilled birth attendant services associated with women's residence, level of education, income, administrative region, distance to a health facility, out-of-pocket payment for health services, and involvement in decision making. Based on the findings, it is recommended to design maternal health policies and programs that improve access and use of the services, specifically for women in rural areas, with no education and with limited economic capacity. Further research is also recommended for regions where sample size was limited. Maternal health policies and programs designed to reach the most disadvantaged women could increase service use and improve maternal health, leading to positive social change.
Date01 January 2016
CreatorsWorkneh, Nibretie Gobezie
Source SetsWalden University
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceWalden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

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