Lived Experiences with Social Networking Technology to Improve Physical Activity

Research suggests that Black women living in the United States are not engaging in sufficient physical activity, which is a major factor negatively impacting their health outcomes. Black Girls Run (BGR) is a targeted national health movement using the capacity of social networking technology as a tool to interact with and inspire Black women to live healthy through running. Literature lacked the voice and perspective of Black women who were embracing the innovation of technology to positively improve their health behaviors. The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to gain a better understanding of the composite experiences of women in BGR and how they utilize social networking technology to improve their physical activity. Social cognitive theory provided the theoretical framework. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 13 women participants of BGR, who were selected using purposive sampling technique. Data were transcribed, organized, analyzed, and coded into common themes with the support of Nvivo 11 software. The findings revealed that social networking served as a tool that the women in BGR used to connect, encourage, and motivate physical activity, and it thereby helped to support their social and physical well-being. Study findings may contribute to positive social change by increasing knowledge and awareness of how technology can be used to promote healthy behaviors among Black women. This study may also provide useful information to stakeholders interested in health promotion strategies and programs to reduce the health disparity gap for Black women in the United States.
Date01 January 2019
CreatorsEubanks, Paula Nobles
Source SetsWalden University
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceWalden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies

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