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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nursing graduate.

Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Towards nursing competencies in spiritual care

Leeuwen, Renatus Ronaldus van, January 2008 (has links)
Proefschr. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. / Auteursnaam op omslag: René van Leeuwen. Met lit.opg.-Met samenvatting in het Nederlands.

Urinary incontinence in nursing home care

Saxer, Susanne. January 2008 (has links)
Proefschrift Maastricht. / Lit. opg. - Met samenvatting in het Nederlands en Duits.

Fall prevention in psychogeriatric nursing home residents

Neyens, Jacques Christiaan Luc. January 2007 (has links)
Proefschrift Maastricht. / Lit. opg. - Met een samenvatting in het Nederlands.

Burnout & work in long-stay psychiatric nursing

Melchior, Matthijs Eduard Willem. January 1996 (has links)
Proefschrift Rijksuniversiteit Limburg, Maastricht. / Met lit. opg. - Met samenvatting in het Nederlands.

Nursing student, Shaun Miller, hanging an IV bag.

Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Enabling awareness in nursing homes with mobile health technologies

Klakegg, S. (Simon) 22 February 2019 (has links)
Abstract This thesis explores the use of assistive in-situ technologies for formal caregivers in nursing homes. More specifically, focus is placed on improving context awareness and medication management. Although these topics have previously been researched for elderly care in general, few solutions targeting nursing homes have been generated. As the aging population further increases the burden on this care environment, it is important that solutions are found to help maintain care quality. The main findings in this thesis emphasise how technology can assist formal caregivers and facilitate increased patient wellbeing. The articles presented in this thesis describe our creation of a context-aware sensor system (named CARE) and a non-expert miniaturised near-infrared spectroscopy (MNIRS) solution. Both systems were designed iteratively with the help of nurses and were evaluated in a nursing home. CARE quantifies elderly residents’ behaviour, analyses the resulting data and produces valuable and actionable insights for nurses. Results from a two-month-long user study demonstrate that the system can facilitate increased awareness of patients’ needs and enhance care service. The custom MNIRS solution allows nurses to scan pharmaceuticals and obtain accurate identifications. This method significantly outperforms currently available tools in nursing homes and represents a promising solution that can reduce medication mismanagement. In the discussion section of the thesis, we revisit the research questions defined in the introduction and examine how each were answered. In addition, we discuss the augmentation of nursing home technology and various stakeholders’ perspectives. We then highlight how the work covered in this thesis was conducted in collaboration with industry and offer some conclusions, limitations and reflections. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöstyö tutkii paikkasidonnaisten teknologioiden käyttöä hoitajien työn helpottamiseksi vanhusten palvelukodeissa. Työn keskiössä on erityisesti kontekstitietoisuuden lisääminen ja lääkehoidon valvonta. Näitä aiheita on tutkittu laajalti aiemminkin, mutta aitoihin ympäristöihin keskittyviä ratkaisuja on vielä vain vähän. Väestön ikääntyminen aiheuttaa haasteita vanhustenhoidossa, ja siksi on tärkeää kehittää ratkaisuja hoidon laadun ylläpitoa varten. Väitöstyön löydökset painottavat teknologian roolia hoitajien avustajana sekä hoidettavien hyvinvoinnin ylläpitäjänä. Työn artikkelit kuvailevat kontekstitietoisen järjestelmän (CARE) koko kehitys- ja elinkaaren sekä lähi-infrapunaspektroskopiaan perustuvan ratkaisun lääkehoidon prosessien parantamiseksi. Molemmat järjestelmät kehitettiin iteratiivisesti hoitajien avulla ja koestettiin aidossa ympäristössä vanhainkodissa. CARE analysoi asiakkaiden liikkeitä ja toimintoja sekä visualisoi niistä korkeamman tason tietoa hoitajille. Kahden kuukauden kenttäkokeen tuloksena voidaan todeta, että järjestelmät yhdessä voivat auttaa hoitajia ymmärtämään asiakkaiden tarpeita sekä parantamaan hoidon laatua. Lähi-infrapunaspektroskopiaan perustuvalla kannettavalla ratkaisulla puolestaan hoitajat voivat varmistaa lääkehoidon oikeellisuuden. Tämä menetelmä on tarkempi ja parempi kuin tämänhetkiset käytössä olevat ratkaisut lääkkeiden oikeaksi toteamiseen. Väitöstyön keskusteluosuus palaa tutkimuskysymyksiin ja selventää, kuinka tehty työ ja saavutetut tulokset vastaavat niihin. Lisäksi keskustelu antaa yleiskuvan eri osapuolien näkemyksistä kehitetyn ratkaisun hyödyistä ja sen soveltuvuudesta käytännön työhön. Lopuksi väitöstyö luo katsauksen yhteistyön rooliin eri osa-alueiden toteuttamisessa ja esittää kriittisen näkökulman työn puutteisiin sekä yhteenvedon.


Worthy, Susan Froede. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.


GOODRUM, ANN ELAINE 01 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Inadequate Care, Abuse and Neglect in Norwegian Nursing Homes

Malmedal, Wenche January 2013 (has links)
Inadekvat pleie og omsorg, overgrep og forsømmelser i norske sykehjem Beboere på sykehjem er spesielt sårbare og i risiko for å bli utsatt for inadekvat pleie og omsorg, overgrep og forsømmelser. Dette fordi de er mer eller mindre avhengig av hjelp grunnet kroniske sykdommer, særlig gjelder dette beboere med kognitiv svikt og atferdsmessige problemer. Gjentatte rapporter om enkelthendelser indikerer at fenomenet også finnes i norske sykehjem, men det er fortsatt lite kunnskap om i hvor stor grad dette forekommer. En overordnet målsetting med denne avhandlingen var å bidra til økt kunnskap om inadekvat pleie og omsorg, overgrep og forsømmelser i sykehjem. Fra 16 sykehjem har 616 ansatte besvart et spørreskjema. Avhandlingen undersøker utbredelse av ulike typer handlinger rapportert av ansatte, i tillegg til å undersøke mulige faktorer som bidrar til inadekvat pleie og omsorg, overgrep og forsømmelser. Dette arbeidet vil gi kunnskap som kan være nyttig for å utvikle forebyggende strategier og dermed bidra til bedre kvalitet i sykehjem. Avhandlingen består av tre delstudier (Paper I-III), og i tillegg noen resultater som ikke er omhandlet i artiklene. Den første delstudien undersøkte utbredelsen av ulike typer inadekvat pleie, overgrep og forsømmelser som ansatte rapporterte at de hadde begått. Den andre delstudien undersøkte ulike faktorers innvirkning på inadekvat pleie, overgrep og forsømmelser. Den tredje delstudien undersøkte ansattes holdninger til å rapportere hendelser begått av kolleger. I tillegg til resultater presentert i de tre artiklene, ble det bl. a. undersøkt hvordan ansatte forklarte at slike hendelser kunne finne sted, og om de tilla ulik forklaring for de forskjellige typene inadekvat pleie, overgrep og forsømmelser. Studiens hovedfunn er at beboere i sykehjem utsettes for inadekvat pleie og omsorg av både emosjonell og fysisk karakter, samt forsømmelser. Totalt rapporterte 91% at de hadde observert en kollega begå minst en handling, og 87% rapporterte at de selv hadde begått minst en av de handlingene opplistet i spørreskjemaet. Forsømmelser og handlinger av emosjonell karakter var hyppigst rapportert, både som observert og selvutført. Videre ser en at ulike karakteristika ved institusjonen (f.eks. størrelse og beliggenhet), ved ansatte (f.eks. alder og utdanning), og relasjonelle faktorer (f.eks. konflikter) i ulik grad assosieres med de tre typene. Ansatte er stort sett positive til å ville rapportere handlinger begått av kolleger, selv om noen grupper er mer tilbakeholdne, f.eks. de eldste ansatte. Ulike typer inadekvat pleie, overgrep og forsømmelser tillegges ulike forklaringsfaktorer, dette understreker behovet for å undersøke hver av typene separat. Den høye forekomsten av inadekvat pleie og omsorg, overgrep og forsømmelser som er kommet fram i denne studien påpeker behovet for å intervenere. Det er fortsatt mangel på oppmerksomhet rundt dette i mange land, også i Norge. En forutsetning for endring er å erkjenne at problemet finnes, deretter må det følges opp med handling. Et viktig element i god praksis er å være i stand til å oppdage inadekvat pleie og omsorg, overgrep og forsømmelser og også å forstå hvilke alvorlige konsekvenser slike handlinger kan ha for beboerne. Denne avhandlingen har bidratt til økt kunnskap om inadekvat pleie, overgrep og forsømmelser i sykehjem, men det gjenstår fortsatt mye å undersøke. / Inadequate Care, Abuse and Neglect in Norwegian Nursing Homes Residents in nursing homes are particularly vulnerable and at risk of inadequate care, abuse and neglect because they are more or less dependent on their caregivers owing to chronic illnesses, especially those with cognitive and behavioural problems. Repeatedly reported single acts of inadequate care indicate that the phenomenon also occurs in Norwegian nursing homes, but there is a lack of knowledge about the extent to which it occurs. The overall purpose of this thesis was to contribute to increase knowledge of inadequate care, abuse and neglect in nursing homes by exploring the frequencies and types reported by staff, investigating factors seen as predictors of inadequate care, abuse and neglect, as well as how staff attributed inadequate care. Data in the thesis were obtained from a cross-sectional survey conducted in one county in the middle of Norway including nursing staff (n=616) from 16 nursing homes. The thesis consists of three studies, as well as some additional results. The first study (Paper I) investigated the frequency and types of inadequate care committed by staff in nursing homes. The second study (Paper II) investigated 11 factors that were hypothesized to be associated with inadequate care of emotional, negligent, and physical character committed by staff in nursing homes. The third study (Paper III) aimed to describe attitudes held by nursing home staff on reporting negative/ unwanted acts committed by their colleagues. Additionally (included in the thesis, but not published), perceived reasons for inadequate care, abuse and neglect and whether there are different reasons for the specific types of inadequate care were investigated. Main findings are that residents in Norwegian nursing homes are exposed to different types of inadequate care, abuse and neglect. All in all, 91% of the nursing staff reported they had observed a colleague commit at least one act of inadequate care and 87% reported that they themselves had committed at least one act of inadequate care. Acts of negligent and emotional character were most frequently reported, both as observed and committed. The types of inadequate care were associated with various institutional characteristics (e.g. size and location), staff (e.g. age and education), and relational characteristics (e.g. conflicts and aggression), but not to the same extent. Further, positive attitudes towards reporting acts of inadequate care committed by their colleagues were found, but also that some groups were more reluctant to report, e.g. the eldest groups of staff. Staff attributed the different types of inadequate care for different reasons, a result that emphasizes the need for further investigation. The high prevalence of inadequate care, abuse and neglect in this thesis underlines the need to intervene. There is still a lack of awareness of inadequate care, abuse and neglect in institutions for older persons in many countries, and recognition of the phenomena is the first step to a change, but it needs to be followed up by actions. An important element in nursing practice is to be able to recognize the occurrence of and understand the potential severe consequences of inadequate care, abuse and neglect particularly for frail, older persons. This thesis has contributed to extend the knowledge base regarding inadequate care, abuse and neglect in nursing homes, yet there is much more to be revealed and investigated.

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