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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Institutional And Attitudinal Determinants Of Women&#039 / s Legislative Recruitment: The Case Of The Republican People&#039 / s Party In Turkey

Adiguzel, Ozge 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyses the process of women&rsquo / s legislative recruitment in Turkey by focusing on the interaction among the certain features of the Turkish political system including the attitudes of the party elite toward the enhancement of women&rsquo / s political representation. It has been demonstrated in earlier studies that one of the reasons behind women&rsquo / s low level of parliamentary representation in Turkey is the fact that the selectors in the political parties fail to support women candidates adequately in the elections. Related to that, women&rsquo / s legislative recruitment is also likely to be impeded by the unsupportive nature of the main dynamics of political system such as political culture, party system and the v electoral system. Considering the fact that these institutional and attitudinal factors are highly inter-related with each other, the insufficient number of women candidates nominated by the major social democratic party, the Republican People&rsquo / s Party in the 1990s, including the latest national elections on November 3rd, 2002 calls for an analysis of not only the attitudes of the RPP selectors toward positive discrimination mechanisms such as the quotas for women but also of the relevant party institutional factors rooted in the Turkish political system. The study contends that the RPP&rsquo / s women-friendly party culture and selectors&rsquo / positive perspectives towards women&rsquo / s political integration are not sufficient factors for the promotion of women&rsquo / s legislative recruitment within the party. The weakness of the intra-party democracy in the RPP which is particularly the result of the oligarchic structure and the problems with institutionalization significantly impede women&rsquo / s legislative recruitment within the party. The study has found that the low level of women&rsquo / s legislative recruitment in the RPP is a consequence of the interaction between the institutional and attitudinal factors within the RPP which perpetuates patriarchal elite oligarchy in the nomination process. The documented gap between the RPP&rsquo / s party rhetoric and practice in this study is found as the reflection of the party&rsquo / s problems in internalizing social democratic values.

A Comparative Approach To National Protection Law (1940-1956)

Erdemir, Omer 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
A COMPARATIVE APPROACH TO NATIONAL PROTECTION LAW (1940-1956) Erdemir, &Ouml / mer M.A, Department of History Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Se&ccedil / il Karal Akg&uuml / n December 2004, 130 pages This thesis introduces a comparative history of National Protection Law of 1940 and 1956. It analyzes the two applications of the law, first, by the Republican People&rsquo / s Party governments during World War II, and second, by the Democratic Party Government during the years between 1956 and 1960 in view of the general economic policies followed during both periods. It argues, in reference to the ideological struggle over Turkish economic development during the twentieth century, that the enactments and applications of the first and second National Protection Law address the authoritarian characteristics of both the Republican People&rsquo / s Party and the Democratic Party. It further argues, the enactment and application of National Protection Law by the Democratic Party government contradicted with the party&rsquo / s economic principles whereas the Republican governments had already been on the interventionist path that they inherited from the previous decade of etatism. In addition, the thesis reveals that the first National Protection Law was more widely applied than the second. In both cases, the application of National Protection Law failed to solve economic problems and aroused a public discontent which brought about political losses for its executors.

Urban Projects&#039 / Implementations Towards A European City: A Case Analysis Of Eskisehir Greater Municipality

Babadogan, Hale 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes the projects&rsquo / implementations of EskiSehir Greater Municipality in European City context. In this thesis, Regional and Urban Policies of European Union and their historical bases are discussed, moreover / projects of EskiSehir Greater Municipality are examined in accordance with these theoretic parts and with principles of a European City. The thesis also seeks to answer the questions such as why Turkish cities have an aim to be a European City and what should be accomplished to satisfy the conditions of European City.

Public Child Welfare Adoption: The adoptive parent and adolescent adoptee perception of adoption outcomes

Wood, Zoe Breen 27 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Three Dimensional Laminar Compressible Navier Stokes Solver For Internal Rocket Flow Applications

Coskun, Korhan 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
A three dimensional, Navier-Stokes finite volume flow solver which uses Roe&rsquo / s upwind flux differencing scheme for spatial and Runge-Kutta explicit multi-stage time stepping scheme and implicit Lower-Upper Symmetric Gauss Seidel (LU-SGS) iteration scheme for temporal discretization on unstructured and hybrid meshes is developed for steady rocket internal viscous flow applications. The spatial accuracy of the solver can be selected as first or second order. Second order accuracy is achieved by piecewise linear reconstruction. Gradients of flow variables required for piecewise linear reconstruction are calculated with both Green-Gauss and Least-Squares approaches. The solver developed is first verified against the three-dimensional viscous laminar flow over flat plate. Then the implicit time stepping algorithms are compared against two rocket motor internal flow problems. Although the solver is intended for internal flows, a test case involving flow over an airfoil is also given. As the last test case, supersonic vortex flow between concentric circular arcs is selected.

Computation Of Radar Cross Sections Of Complex Targets By Physical Optics With Modified Surface Normals

Durgun, Ahmet Cemal 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, a computer code is developed in MATLAB&reg / to compute the Radar Cross Section (RCS) of arbitrary shaped complex targets by using Physical Optics (PO) and Modified PO. To increase the computational efficiency of the code, a novel fast integration procedure for oscillatory integrals, called Levin&rsquo / s integration, is applied to PO integrals. In order to improve the performance of PO near grazing angles and to model diffraction effects, a method called PO with Modified Surface Normal Vectors is implemented. In this method, new surface normals are defined to model the diffraction mechanism. Secondary scattering mechanisms like multiple scattering and shadowing algorithms are also included into the code to obtain a complete RCS prediction tool. For this purpose, an iterative version of PO is used to account for multiple scattering effects. Indeed, accounting for multiple scattering effects automatically solves the shadowing problem with a minor modification. Therefore, a special code for shadowing problem is not developed. In addition to frequency domain solutions of scattering problems, a waveform analysis of scattered fields in time domain is also comprised into this thesis. Instead of direct time domain methods like Time Domain Physical Optics, a Fourier domain approach is preferred to obtain the time domain expressions of the scattered fields. Frequency and time domain solutions are obtained for some simple shapes and for a complex tank model for differently polarized incident fields. Furthermore, a statistical analysis for the scattered field from the tank model is conducted.

Urban Disaster Risk Management With Compulsory Earthquake Insurance In Turkey

Taylan, Arzu 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Turkish Compulsory Earthquake Insurance (ZDS) introduced after the 1999 Earthquakes aimed to lower financial burdens of the State and to promote safer building construction. High earthquake risk in Turkey necessitates risk mitigation, in line with the priority of the new international policy. Yet, the ZDS system operates without regard to risk mitigation, and it is far from being a compulsory condition. The ZDS system has low penetration ratios due to expectations of State-aid in the event of a disaster, which arise from perceived attributes of ZDS, according to the findings of the Zeytinburnu household survey. The ZDS system generates social inequalities because purchase of the ZDS contracts is voluntary. This is related to higher social statuses and general insurance purchase behavior, whereas insured homeowners in middle-lower income levels are observed to differ significantly from un-insured homeowners in their perception of the ZDS purchase as &lsquo / compulsory&rsquo / and as a form of &lsquo / social solidarity&rsquo / . Operation of the ZDS disregarding risk mitigation seems to promote fatalistic attitudes andTurkish Compulsory Earthquake Insurance (ZDS) introduced after the 1999 Earthquakes aimed to lower financial burdens of the State and to promote safer building construction. High earthquake risk in Turkey necessitates risk mitigation, in line with the priority of the new international policy. Yet, the ZDS system operates without regard to risk mitigation, and it is far from being a compulsory condition. The ZDS system has low penetration ratios due to expectations of State-aid in the event of a disaster, which arise from perceived attributes of ZDS, according to the findings of the Zeytinburnu household survey. The ZDS system generates social inequalities because purchase of the ZDS contracts is voluntary. This is related to higher social statuses and general insurance purchase behavior, whereas insured homeowners in middle-lower income levels are observed to differ significantly from un-insured homeowners in their perception of the ZDS purchase as &lsquo / compulsory&rsquo / and as a form of &lsquo / social solidarity&rsquo / . Operation of the ZDS disregarding risk mitigation seems to promote fatalistic attitudes and reluctance to conform with requirements of risk mitigation. Low penetration ratio and high earthquake risk threaten efficiency of the ZDS system and does not reduce burdens of the State. Based on survey findings, a more appropriate strategy for the achievement of resilience against earthquakes could be possible through the collaboration of the ZDS system with local administrations. It is observed that by means of a &lsquo / Grant Program&rsquo / , there may be abundant reason and evidence to achieve convertion of the ZDS system from a post-disaster loss compensation mechanism to a predisaster risk reduction benefactor. Supporting municipalities to produce urban risk maps could reduce risks by more accurate estimation of potential losses, and an extended coverage of the ZDS system to urban risks. Relationship analyses between homeowners&rsquo / attributes, perceptions and tendencies toward alternative policies indicate the necessity of introducing policies based risk-rated premiums. Homeowners are observed as requiring technical and financial assistance to take mitigation measures, decisions under individualized conditions, on the other hand, seem to reinforce fatalistic attitudes and reluctance due to the disregard of risk mitigation benefits and ZDS purchase. Waste of public resources and creation of social inequalities could be prevented by enhancing the capacities of local authorities to implement urban risk mitigation plans and community-based projects via a Grant Program. &lsquo / Relationship analyses&rsquo / of the attitudes of homeowners for alternative policies with respect to their attributes and perceptions revealed that a Grant Program could result in the perception of the ZDS system as a form of social solidarity in risk mitigation. This is to reduce fatalistic attitudes, and curb reluctance compared to individualized conditions of insurance purchase. As a result, willingness to mitigate risks through active participation and purchase of ZDS contracts, particularly among homeowners in the middle-lower socio-economic statuses are likely to expand leading to a resilience society.

Identification Of Proteins Interacting With Tagged-pathogen Effector Protein In Agro-delivered Planta

Dagvadorj, Bayantes 01 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Wheat is one of the most essential food sources in the world. However, there has been serious yield loss of wheat production due to stripe rust disease caused by the fungal pathogen Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. The cost-effective and long-lasting defense to the disease can be achieved by generating genetically resistant crops against the disease forming pathogens. To accomplish this, first step is to acquire knowledge in the plant pathogen interactions of the crop and the pathogen of interests at the cellular and the molecular level. In this thesis research, PstHa2a5 candidate effector gene from Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici is investigated to identify its role and interaction between host factors in yellow rust infected Triticum aestivum L. The gene construct was engineered with FLAG-tag fusion at its N-terminus, and synthesized. This construct was cloned into pJL48-TRBO vector for an expression in Nicotiana benthamiana via agrobacterium-mediated gene transformation. The expressed protein structure with FLAG-tag was purified, and immunoprecipitated with one putative N. benthamiana interactor by immunoprecipitation experiments. This candidate interactor protein will be identified with Mass Spectroscopy. In addition to this, subcellular localization of the effector candidate was examined in N. benthamiana plant. This was achieved by cloning PstHa2a5 gene construct in pK7WGF2 gateway destination vector and localization is determined by GFP expression in N. benthamiana after agrobacterium-mediated gene transformation.

Defining General Conservation Principles For Primary Schools Of Rum Minority In Istanbul

Ekmekci, Onur Tunc 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, it is aimed to make a study on Primary Schools of Rum Minority in Istanbul, and in light of this study, to define general principles for conservation studies on these schools. Rum Minority had an important part in social and cultural life in Istanbul and in late 19th Century, their impact in the city increased with their financial power, especially in Beyoglu. Increase in number of schools they built also occurred in the same timeline. Schools built in and after this term by Rum Minority were built as important public buildings of a minority group and possess strong authenticity, technical-artistic, socio-cultural and economical values. In order to decide which values, problems and potentials these buildings bear, a site survey study is done for this thesis. Primary Schools of Rum Minority in Istanbul are among strongest solid evidences of cultural diversity in Istanbul, and Turkey. While conserving these cultural assets, considering all their values, problems, and potentialities is vital. In addition to conservation studies, interpretation and presentation are also necessary steps for reintegration of these buildings to the city. This thesis performs as an effort made to document features and current state of these schools, decide their value, problems, and potentials / and defining general conservation principles for them.

Explaining The Relationship Between High School Students&#039 / Selected Affective Characteristics And Their Physics Achievement

Dogan Tekiroglu, Ozlem 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between some of selected affective characteristics of high school students related to physics lesson and their physics achievement in electricity concept. These affective characteristics of the students includes their interest in physics, importance of physics, enjoyment of extra-curricular activities related to physics, physics course anxiety, physics test anxiety, achievement motivation in physics, student motivation in physics, self-efficacy in physics and self-concept in physics. Two causal models explaining the direction of the relationship between these affective characteristics and physics achievement was hypothesized and tested. A questionnaire consisted of 10 sub-dimensions was used in order to determine the affective characteristics of high school students. The achievement scores were obtained by using Ninth Grade Electricity Test developed by the researcher. The Ninth Grade Electricity Test includes 29 items about the electricity concept. The Ninth Grade Electricity Test and the Affective Characteristics Scale were administered to 1457 students in 22 foreign language high schools in Ankara when they start to tenth grade in 2004-2005 academic year. The researcher was the data collector and was present in the class during administration of scale and test. The preliminary analyses were conducted by using Excel and SPSS 10.0 and the confirmatory analysis and testing of the hypothesized structural models were conducted by LISREL 8.30 for Windows. The findings indicated that achievement in physics has a significant effect on high school students&rsquo / affective characteristics. Since, affective characteristics of students are effective on achievement in later years, they should be firmly formed at high school years. Besides, affective characteristics should be improved whether they have an effect on achievement or not, because they have an effect on persistence in from of selection of courses which also may give the chance of being successful in a subject to a student.

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