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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eficiência Energética num Mercado Restruturado: O Caso da Iluminação Pública em Cipolletti, Argentina / Energy Efficiency in a Restructured Market: The Case of Public Lighting in Cipolletti, Argentina

Pedranti, Aquiles 15 August 1997 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma descrição do funcionamento do atual mercado elétrico Argentino e o relacionamento entre os diferentes atores. Em particular, para a concessionária de distribuição Energia de Rio Negro S.A. (EdERSA) é feita uma caracterização mais aprofundada. Na área de abrangência dessa concessionária, depois de analisadas as oportunidades para as medidas de eciêncía energética, são revisadas as barreiras, com ênfase naquelas barreiras à conservação na iluminação pública. ldentificado o potencial de conservação na iluminação pública, é proposto um programa concreto de eficiência num estudo de caso para a cidade de Cipolletti, Província de Río Negro, Argentina. O programa contempla diferentes propostas de troca de equipamentos por outros mais ecientes, buscando melhorar a qualidade do serviço de iluminação, e criando uma outra iniciativa que alivie tanto a atual capacidade limitada de transformação, quanto a operação de todo sistema elétrico. Como parte do estudo de caso e feita a avaliação do programa proposto, quantificando os resultados obtidos para os diferentes participantes: consumidor (Município), concessionária (EdERSA) e sociedade. Conclui-se que as medidas de eficiência energética na iluminação pública representam uma oportunidade econômica factível de aproveitamento pelo Município, concessionária EdERSA, ESCO\'s ou Bancos com benefício resultantes para toda a sociedade, permitindo uma redução de 34% no consumo de energia e 2% em demanda da potência de ponta. / This work brifly describes the operation of the newly restructured Argentine electricity market and the relationship between actors involved. More detailed description es provided for Energía de Rio Negro S.A. \" (EdERSA) utiliy. After analyzing the opportunities for the energy efciency improvement in the EdERSA area the barriers are reviewed, with emphasis in those barriers to the conservation in the public illumination. Once identified the potential of energy conservation in the street lighthing, an efciency program based on technology sustitutions is proposed for the case Cipolletti city, province of Rio Negro, Argentina. These substitutions allow improvement of quality of the public lighting service, and additionally provide an initiative that helps to alleviate the currently limited transformation capacity as well as the operation of distribution system. The evaluations of the programs are carried out on the perspectives of the several participants: consumer (municipality), utility (EdERSA) and Society. It is concluded that the energy efficiency mesures in the public illumination represent an economically feasible opportunity to take advantage of by the municipality, EdERSA (utility), ESCOs or Banks, providing benefit to all Society, allowing a reduction of 34% in energy consumption and around 2% of power peak demand.

Análise do Aproveitamento Econômico e Energético do Óleo de Palma na Guiné-Bissau na Perspectiva do Desenvolvimento Susténtavel / Analysis of the Economic and Energy Utilization of Palm Oil in Guinea-Bissau in the perspective of sustainable development

Silva, Orlando Cristiano da 19 September 1997 (has links)
A oferta energética na Guiné-Bissau, centrada em combustíveis fósseis importados e recursos da biomassa florestal, engendra sérios problemas à economia e ao meio ambiente. Os altos custos de importação do óleo diesel aliados a problemas estruturais do setor elétrico guineense geram um dos mais precários padrões de atendimento às necessidades energéticas do mundo. A demanda energética a partir da biomassa, por outro lado, constitui um dos fatores de degradação dos recursos florestais. Este trabalho apresenta uma alternativa para a geração de energia elétrica que consiste na utilização do óleo de palma proveniente de plantações extensivas de dendezeiros geneticamente melhorados, em substituição ao óleo diesel. Esta alternativa contempla benefícios ambientais, sociais e econômicos e atende os princípios do desenvolvimento sustentável preconizados pelo Relatório Bruntland em 1987. Foram analisadas duas alternativas tecnológicas de geração de eletricidade a partir do óleo de palma. Uma a partir do óleo in natura na Ilha de Bubaque e outra a partir do óleo de palma transesterificado na região Cacheu. A análise dos custos envolvidos mostrou que os projetos são viáveis e competitivos, se comparados com o atual sistema de geração à base do óleo diesel importado. Face a valorização do óleo de palma e do caroço do palmiste no mercado internacional, analisou-se a alternativa da exportação destes dois produtos oriundos das duas localidades. Chegou-se a conclusão da oportunidade de geração de receitas que poderiam atenuar o peso da importação dos derivados de petróleo na balança comercial. / The supply of energy in Guinea-Bissau, based on imported fossil fuels and biomass brings serious problems to Economy and to the Environment of that country. High importation costs of diesel as well as structural problems faced by the power sector in Guinea-Bissau leads to one of the most precarious supply systems to meet demand in the world. On the other hand, the energy demand based on biomass is considered as being one of the principal causes of degradation of the environment resources. This dissertation discuss an alternative to generate power from palm oil as feedstock in substitution of diesel. This alternative includes an overview of the environmental, social and economical benefits based on the principles of the sustainable development stated by The Brundtland Report in 1987. It was also discussed other two technological alternatives to generate power from palm oil. One of them is concerned to the use of palm oil in natura\" in the Isle of Bubaque. The other one is concerned to the use of transesterified oil in the Cacheu region. The cost analysis showed that the projects are feasible and competitive it compared to the current power generation based on imported diesel. Moreover, it is included an analysis of the exportation of those product considering the increase of their prices in the international market. Finally, it is concluded that the revenues from the alternatives discussed above could minimize the impact of oil imports in the GuineaBissau international trade.

A Mitigação de Gases de Efeito Estufa Associados ao Consumo Energético do Equador: O Caso do Setor Residencial / Mitigation of greenhouse gases related to energy consumption in Ecuador: The Case of Residential Sector

Benavides, Alvaro Cesar Morales 19 September 1997 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda temas especificamente relacionados com a conservação da energia e o aproveitamento das fontes energéticas alternativas, como opções viáveis para reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa associadas ao consumo energético do setor residencial do Equador. Neste contexto, são apresentados alguns aspectos gerais da problemática do \"Aquecimento Global, considerado como uma possível grande crise do próximo século, para logo analisar questões especificas do setor energético equatoriano, que têm relação com a produção e consumo de energia e suas implicações sobre as emissões de gases de estufa. Numa fase inicial se realiza uma análise da situação atual do setor, suas características de funcionamento, aspectos institucionais e legais, com ênfase na situação da conservação a as fontes não convencionais de energia. Com ajuda de um modelo para a projeção da demanda com base nos usos finais da energia, se estabeleceu um cenário que considera diversas medidas de mitigação, realizando-se, após, uma avaliação dos efeitos que estas teriam sobre a diminuição dos níveis de consumo energético e, por conseguinte, das emissões de gases, calculando-se, também, os respectivos custos. Finalmente se propõe certas estratégias para a implantação das medidas selecionadas, através das quais seria possível superar os obstáculos para conseguir uma evolução do consumo energético do setor estudado, num âmbito de eficiência energética, buscando a preservação do meio ambiente. / The present work analyses energy conservation and use of energy altemartive Sources, as viable options to reduce the greenhouse gases emissions associated to energy consumption in the residential sector of the Equador. In this context, general aspects of the Global Warming problem are reviewed, considerating it as the possible great crisis of the next century. Then, specic questions of the Equadorian\'s Energy Sector are analysed, as they related to production and consumption of energy and their implications to greenhouse gas emissions. The current situation of the sector, characteristics of operation, institutional and legal frameworks, are reviewed, with emphasis on energy conservation and non-conventional energy sources. LEAP model is used for projection of energy demand based on end-uses. Base Case and Alternative Scenario are developed, considering mitigation measures based on energy conservation and substitution. Assesments of measures, costs and impacts on energy consuption and on greenhouse gases emissions are carried out. Finally, an implementation strategy for selected measures is proposed, aimed at overcoming barriers and attaing energy efciency and environmental preservation.

Implementação e aplicações do método Monte Carlo Reverso para líquidos homogêneos / Implementation and applications of the reverse Monte Carlo method for homogeneous liquids

Fileti, Eudes Eterno 20 December 2000 (has links)
O interesse geral de nosso grupo é estudar sistemas moleculares em fase líquida. Para isto existem vários métodos de simulação. Dentre eles, os mais utilizados são o método Monte Carlo Matropolis e Dinâmica Molecular. Porém ambos necessitam do conhecimento prévio do potencial de interação molecular. Neste trabalho, estudamos um método de simulação recente que embora tenha sido idealizado em 1968 por Kaplow et al. só foi formalizado em 1988 por McGreevy et al. Este método é hoje chamado de Monte Carlo Reverso. A vantagem deste método é que ele não necessita do potencial de interação, mas sim do fator de estrutura ou da função de distribuição radial que podem ser obtidos experimentalmente por meio de espalhamento de raio-X ou de nêutrons. A desvantagem é que ainda existem algumas dúvidas sobre sua confiabilidade e aplicabilidade para sistemas líquidos. Neste trabalho, realizamos um estudo investigativo procurando adquirir conhecimento a respeito deste método para podermos obter nossas próprias experiências e conclusões. Inicialmente, desenvolvemos um código computacional utilizando o método Monte Carlo Reverso. Depois realizamos simulações de argônio líquido com a finalidade de testar nosso programa e posteriormente aplicarmos o método para o oxigênio líquido. Baseados nos resultados que obtivemos, concluímos que apesar do método Monte Carlo Reverso não ser capaz de descrever a termodinâmica do sistema, ele gera estruturas configuracionais com as mesmas características que as geradas com o Monte Carlo Metropolis. No futuro pretendemos analisar se as configurações geradas com o Monte Carlo Reverso são capazes de reproduzir as propriedades quânticas (dipolo, espectro de absorção, etc) da mesma maneira que o Monte Carlo Metropolis / Implementation and applications of the reverse Monte Carlo method for homogeneous liquids

Estudo de diagramas de fases de alguns variantes do modelo ANNNI e de um modelo planar clássico helicoidal / Study Phase Diagrams Variants Mode Model ANNNI Classic Planar Coil

Cadorin, Jair Libero 18 June 1993 (has links)
Nesse trabalho estudamos dois tipos de modelos para a descrição dos sistemas magnéticos modulados. O primeiro é o modelo ANNNI (\"Axial Next-Nearest-Neighbor Ising\"). Dentro dos limites da aproximação de campo médio estudamos vários efeitos que surgem quando as interações intraplanares são menores que as interações interplanares. Investigamos em particular a ocorrência de fases desordenadas, assim denominadas por apresentar planos com magnetização nula. Estudamos ainda o comportamento dos pontos de acumulação de pontos de ramificação que determinam o limite entre as transições do tipo comensurável-comensurável e comensurável-incomensurável. Também investigamos dois variantes do modelo ANNNI, um com spin qualquer e outro com spin 1 e anisotropia de campo cristalino. O segundo tipo de modelo estudado, apropriado para sistemas apresentando modulações helicoidais das magnetizações, é um modelo planar clássico com interações competitivas entre primeiros e segundos vizinhos numa direção axial. Restringimos o nosso estudo ao zero absoluto de temperatura. Fizemos expansões das magnetizações em série de Fourier para campos baixos e altos. Também fizemos análise de estabilidade das fases comensuráveis, dentro de uma aproximação contínua, utilizando a teoria dos sólitons. Finalmente, estudamos numericamente o diagrama de fases do modelo aplicando o método dos potenciais efetivos. / In this work we have studied two types of models for the description of modulated magnetic systems. The first is the ANNNI (Axial NextNearest-Neighbor Ising) model. Within the mean-field approximation we have studied various effects which comes about when the intralayer interactions are weaker than the interlayer interactions. We have investigated in particular the possibility of partially disordered phases, characterized by the presence of layers with zero magnetization. We also have studied the behavior of the accumulation points of the branching points, which separates the commensurate-commensurate transitions from the commensurate-incommensurate transitions. We have also investigated two variants of the ANNNI model, one with an arbitrary spin and the other with spin 1 and a term of crystal-field anisotropy. The second type of the model we have studied, appropriate for systems presenting helicoidal modulation of the magnetization, is a classical planar model with nearest and next-nearest interactions along an axial direction. \\\'Ve have restricted our study to the absolute zero of the temperature. The magnetization is expanded in Fourier series for high and low fields. We also analyse the stability of the commensurate phases, within a continuum approximation, using the soliton theory. Finally, we construct numerically the phase diagram of the model using the method of effective potentials.

Review and analysis on the influences of different factors on the shear strength of soil-structural interface

Wu, Jian Si January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Science and Technology. / Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Modelling column-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankment on soft soil foundation

Zhao, Lin Shuang January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Science and Technology. / Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Investigations of turbulent flow in the combustion chamber of a spark-ignition engine

James, E. H. January 1972 (has links)
The thesis describes an investigation into the turbulent flow existing in the two limiting designs of spark ignition engine combustion chamber, i.e. 'squish' and cylindrical disc designs. The analysis is concentrated on the compression stroke and the early part of the expansion stroke. The application of hot-wire anemometry to such work is described especially with regard to anemometer adjustment for optimum frequency response and hot wire probe calibration. The latter was achieved by utilizing an analytical procedure in which a heat balance of the wire was generated. The varying effects of temperature, pressure and flow velocity on the wire's convective heat loss characteristics were catered for by the Nusselt Number-Reynolds Number relationship of Collis and Williams. Excellent calibrations were achieved.

Theoretical and experimental study of flow in annular vaneless diffusers

El-Geresy, B. A. January 1982 (has links)
Annular vaneless diffusers have been studied both experimentally and theoretically to investigate their flow behaviour and performance. The experimental work was carried out on large models of a conical diffuser and a curved diffuser with initial contraction. Besides steady inlet conditions a simulated impeller discharge flow with a jet-wake pattern was investigated. For both conditions of steady and unsteady flow the curved diffuser gave better performance and improved stability. The jet-wake flow proved to have no significant effect upon the performance of either diffuser. The conical diffuser exhibited reversed flow on the hub which increased with mass flow reduction, and when the mass flow was low separation extended from outlet to inlet and strong low frequency pulsations of the flow were initiated. This pulsating flow phenomenon was explained as a rotating stall. Large areas of reversed flow or any flow pulsations were not detected in case of the curved diffuser. An analytical direct solution of the inviscid flow through annular vaneless diffusers of any geometry was developed on the basis of the streamline curvature approach. The solution was obtained under the assumption of a linear distribution of flow parameters. The direct solution agreed quite well with known numerical methods and with experimental results up to separation. While separation itself was well predicted, the solution failed to predict any decrease in flow distortion which was observed experimentally; this was due to the nature of the assumptions within the inviscid analysis. The direct inviscid solution was combined with a boundary layer calculation method from the literature to provide a simultaneous solution of the inviscid core and boundary layer interaction. The calculation method gave good results in the case of non-separated flows. It is felt that this calculation method could be further improved by the inclusion of separation and curvature effects in the boundary layer equations.

Investigation of steady and unsteady flow in annular vaneless diffusers

Abir, Arie January 1983 (has links)
Three types of annular diffusers associated with radial and mixed flow turbocharger compressors have been studied both experimentally and theorticaly. The investigations have been carried out on model diffusers six times larger than the normal turbocharger in order to enable detailed flow traverse measurements to be carried out. These measurements have been obtained using both a five hole yaw probe and a hot wire anemometer in order to observe the development of the flow profiles throughout the diffuser with particular reference to flow stability. To measure the onset and development of unstable flow flush mounted wall pressure transducers were employed. Radial, curved annuler and straight annuler diffusers have been tested in order to study their relative merits. Two curved diffusers, which are used with mixed flow compressor impellers, have been studied. It has generally been observed that the straight annular diffuser was the least stable, with the radial diffuser having the best stability characteristics. For mixed flow compressor designs, therefore, the curved annular diffuser, which turns the flow from the conical to radial direction, is to be prefered. The theoretical analysis employed the finite element method to solve the basic Navier-Stokes equations using a stream function-vorticity formulation, with the common two equation, k-€ turbulence model. In order to obtain solutions at high Reynolds numbers a dynamic mesh system was used which solved for the required properties at the centre node only using the variational method. The mesh was then regenerated so that each non-boundary node become a centre node in turn. The theoretical analysis has been used to study the effect of inlet velocity profiles upon the stability of the diffuser. The analysis indicated the type of velocity profiles which should be avoided if possible.

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