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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'éducation civique hors laïcité : comparaison entre l'Allemagne et la France

Flitner, Elisabeth January 1992 (has links)
Cet article compare quelques points de départ de l'éducation civique en France, système laïque, et en R.F.A., système où les organisations religieuses sont établies au sein de l'État. Une analyse de développements récents suggère que les différences entre les deux systèmes se réduisent. En Allemagne comme en France, l'éducation civique s'organise de plus en plus autour d'une conception individualiste de citoyenneté. Nous faisons l'hypothèse que ce rapprochement est un effet concomitant de la massification de l'enseignement secondaire, commune aux deux pays.

Revolte gegen den Rationalismus : Beziehungen zwischen Max Webers und Hegels Analysen zur Dialektik der Verwissenschaftlichung

Flitner, Elisabeth January 1983 (has links)
Inhalt: I. Um welchen Preis entwickelt sich das moderne wissenschaftliche Denken? II. Zum politischen Sinn wissenschaftlicher Arbeit III. Weber und Hegel — mehr als nur Gegnerschaft

Sozialisation und Gesellschaft bei Piaget

Harten, Hans-Christian, Flitner, Elisabeth January 1972 (has links)
Inhalt: I. Grundannahmen der Piagetschen Entwicklungstheorie II. Die Entwicklung von Normen III. Die Entwicklung von Gesellschaften IV. Interpretation

Kulturkonflikt? : Neues über Ausländerfamilien

Flitner, Elisabeth January 1990 (has links)
Inhalt: - Stimmt es wirklich: Außenseiter in zwei Kulturen? - Stimmt es wirklich: Die Stellung der Frau verbessert sich in der neuen Umgebung? - Stimmt es wirklich: Der traditionelle Familienzusammenhalt ist gefährdet? - Stimmt es wirklich: Notwendig ist ein Wertwandel? - Ausländische Kinder - eine »Begabungsreserve« - Moderne Familien...

Wirkungen von Geschlecht und sozialer Herkunft auf Schullaufbahn und Berufswahl : neue französische Untersuchungen

Flitner, Elisabeth January 1992 (has links)
Die französische Bildungssoziologie interessiert sich vor allem für die Reproduktion sozialer Schichtung; weil dazu zahlreiche und detaillierte Untersuchungen vorliegen, kann die Erforschung von Geschlechtsunterschieden das relative Gewicht von Schicht und Geschlecht bei der Entstehung von Schulnoten, Schullaufbahnen, Schulabschlüssen und Berufsentscheidungen gut vergleichen. In der Herstellung solcher Querverbindungen zwischen zwei Dimensionen sozialer Ungleichheit, die häufig getrennt untersucht werden, liegt eine der Stärken eines neuen französischen Buches über „Mädchen und Schule", das die folgende Übersicht in den Mittelpunkt stellt. / French educational sociologists are mainly interested in "class", not in gender. Nevertheless, during the past two decades, an impressive amount of Statistical information on gender-related differences in both scholastic achievement and vocational training has been accumulated. The author summarizes a recent French book on "girls at school" ("L'ecole des filles" by MARIE DURU), presents a few other studies on the topic, and discusses the idea of "girls as rational actors" underlying DURUS approach.

Zur Entwicklung des moralischen Urteils : Gegensätze zwischen den Theorien Kohlbergs und Piagets

Flitner, Elisabeth January 1980 (has links)
Inhalt: - Kohlbergs Theorie der Moralentwicklung - Kohlbergs Vorschlag zur Moralerziehung - Moral - nur eine Sache der Erkenntnis? - Sozialer Zwang, Gefühle und Vernunft - Moralentwicklung nach Piaget - Moral und Demokratie


Taylor, Roger S 01 February 2005 (has links)
The Cognitive Load and Active Processing learning theories offer seemingly conflicting implications to educators regarding the most effective way to present instructional materials. The apparent contradiction between these bodies of research was investigated in terms of a Region of Proximal Learning (RPL) framework. The results from Experiment 1 provide evidence that the RPL can successfully unify these separate areas of research and provide more useful guidance to educators. Experiment 2 examined how the affordance of Learner Control (LC), an inherent aspect of the Web, may interact with the Region of Proximal Learning. Results from this experiment provide evidence that individuals can utilize LC to adaptively select material of appropriate difficulty for their ability level. However, this did not lead to increased learning.

Desistance From Childhood Aggression

Gilliom, Miles 03 June 2005 (has links)
This longitudinal study of disadvantaged boys (N = 258) had three aims. The first aim was to identify individuals who desisted from high early physical aggression (PA). A group-based trajectory analysis with different, age-sensitive measures of PA revealed that most aggressive young boys desisted (i.e., dropped to normative levels of PA) by middle childhood. Second, the study sought to discover predictors of desistance. In particular, analyses tested the proposition that desisters experience high child risk, low caregiving risk, and positive life transitions. The results provided partial support for this view. As anticipated, desisters were indistinguishable from chronically aggressive boys in PA and impulsivity at age 2. Contrary to expectation, however, desisters resembled boys with persistently low PA on a measure of fearfulness and exhibited intermediate risk (i.e., between chronics and lows) on toddlerhood measures of maternal depression, harsh parenting, and family adversity. Furthermore, life transition variables (e.g., changes in parenting, relationships with teachers and peers) failed to discriminate desisters from chronics or lows after accounting for early child and family factors. The third aim was to determine whether boys who desisted from early aggression experienced continuing difficulties in the form of social skills deficits or nonaggressive conduct problems. As expected, desisters improved in both domains according to maternal, teacher, and youth reports. In fact, by the end of middle childhood, desisters were indistinguishable from lows on these measures, with one exception: Mothers of desisters rated their sons higher on nonaggressive conduct problems.


Newell, Lisa C. 03 June 2005 (has links)
Face perception and recognition is an area of much research across infancy, childhood, and adulthood. Unfortunately, there has been a lack of integration across these areas in the past. As such, there is a need for a comprehensive review of this literature. When examined, a number of discrepancies in research findings across these areas can be identified. The current literature review and empirical investigation take a first step in reconciling discrepancies in the literature and make suggestions for future investigations to bring together these disparate areas. Five-year-old children, eight-year-old children, eleven-year-old children, and adults were tested under either incidental or intentional learning conditions for recognition of distinctive and typical own- and other-race faces. No differences were evident between the incidental and intentional learning conditions. However, evidence of a significant distinctiveness effect was found for all age groups. In addition, the cross-race effect was shown to be highly dependent on the distinctiveness of the faces. In fact, there was no evidence of a cross-race effect for the highly typical faces, while a reversal of the cross-race effect was found for the highly distinctive faces. In other words, for the highly distinctive faces, other-race faces were recognized more accurately than own-race faces, a contrast to previous research demonstrating more accurate recognition for own-race faces than other-race faces. The results from the current study suggest that the cross-race effect is more complex than previously thought and that distinctiveness is a powerful influence in face recognition across development.


Wilson, Stephen Jeffrey 03 February 2005 (has links)
Recent years have seen the emergence of research applying functional neuroimaging to the study of cue-elicited drug craving. This research has begun to identify a distributed system of brain activity during drug craving. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to examine the effects of smoking expectancy on the neural response to neutral (e.g., roll of tape) and smoking-related (holding a cigarette) stimuli in male cigarette smokers deprived of nicotine for 8 hours. As predicted, several brain regions exhibited differential activation during cigarette versus neutral cue exposure. Moreover, instructions about smoking opportunity affected cue-elicited activation in several regions. These results highlight the importance of perceived drug availability in the neurobiological response to drug cues.

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