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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


[pt] No mercado editorial, o livro eletrônico didático tem sido encarado como um grande ponto de interrogação tanto pela adoção em sala de aula quanto por sua cadeia produtiva, muito porque sua demanda foi criada a reboque da revolução digital e não foi possível estruturar um processo ou uma expertise na sua constituição como produto da indústria cultural. As principais editoras brasileiras do ramo, neste contexto, criaram suas coleções a partir do modelo adotado no livro impresso incluindo recursos digitais a medida que a tecnologia permite e que o mercado vem aceitando para compor o livro eletrônico didático. Neste processo, o papel do designer gráfico tornou-se passível de questionamento e porque não dizer reestruturação, oportunidade a qual me parece essencial a descobrir entendendo as nuances dos agentes envolvidos no processo, mas também aberto a entender a cadeia produtiva e mais precisamente o uso em sala de aula, a participação do professor e a performance do aluno frente ao recurso digital. Parto do seguinte questionamento: qual é a contribuição do designer na produção do livro didático eletrônico para que ofereça uma experiência de uso que favoreça o processo de ensino aprendizagem? Para tentar responder a essa pergunta, esta pesquisa se debruça sobre a análise dos componentes digitais do livro didático eletrônico cujo objetivo é mapear, estabelecer conexões e parâmetros para esses recursos que são componentes do objeto de pesquisa. O livro escolhido faz parte do catálogo da Editora Learning Factory S.A é identificado como book app, no que tange sua classificação como livro eletrônico. A metodologia para análise parte de uma pesquisa documental para escolha e critérios de seleção do volume a ser estudado, de cunho exploratório e posteriormente segue o estudo de caso relacionado. Pensar o uso é de extrema importância para se delinear outras possibilidades do papel do designer gráfico como mediador na produção de recursos didáticos, entendendo também sua importância e responsabilidade social na sua práxis cotidiana. Portanto essa pesquisa vem a se somar a outras do mesmo campo dando sua contribuição ao ligar os pontos diretamente relacionados entre produtores/agentes e usuários e público, distantes pelas rotinas, orçamentos e cronogramas dos escritórios, num espaço de reflexão e análise dentro do ambiente acadêmico. / [en] In the publishing market, the electronic textbook has been seen as a great question mark both for adoption in the classroom and for its production chain, much because its demand was created in the wake of the digital revolution and it was not possible to structure a process or a expertise in its constitution as a product of the cultural industry. The main Brazilian publishers in this field have created their collections based on the model adopted in the printed book, including digital resources as technology allows and that the market has accepted to compose the electronic textbook. In this process, the role of the graphic designer became questionable and why not say restructuring, which seems essential to me to understand the nuances of the agents involved in the process, but also think about the production chain and more precisely the use in the classroom, the participation of the teacher and the performance of the student in front of the digital resource. Based on the question about the contribution of the designer in a production of the electronic textbook in a way the can enhance the learners experience. In order to answer this question, this research focuses on the analysis of the digital components of the electronic textbook whose purpose is to map, establish connections and parameters for those resources that are components of the research object. The chosen book is part of the catalogue of Learning Factory S.A / Cultura Inglesa and is identified as book app, regarding its classification as electronic book. The methodology for analysis is based on a documentary research for the selection criteria of the volume to be studied, with an exploratory nature and later follows the related study case. To think about the use is of extreme importance to delineate other possibilities of the role of graphic designer as mediator in the production of learning resources, understanding also their importance and social responsibility in their everyday praxis. Therefore, this research comes to add to others of the same field giving their contribution in connecting the directly related points between stakeholders, distant by the routines, budgets and schedules of the offices, in a space of reflection and analysis within the academic field.

Embodiment and agency in digital reading : preschoolers making meaning with literary apps

Frederico, Aline January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation investigates meaning-making in children's joint-reading transactions with literary apps. The analysis of meaning-making focuses on embodiment as a central aspect of literary app's texts and their reading and on children's negotiation of agency in the act of joint-reading. Meaning-making is understood through a multimodal social semiotics perspective, which considers that meaning is realised in the dynamic transaction between reader, text and social context. Therefore, the dissertation integrates the analysis of the apps and of the children's responses to capture the dynamics of meaning-making in such transactions. Case studies were conducted with six families, who read the apps The Monster at the End of This Book (Stone & Smollin, 2011) and Little Red Riding Hood (Nosy Crow, 2013) in an English public library. The central method of data collection involved video-recorded observations of parent-child joint-reading events, complemented by graphic elicitation, informal interviews and a questionnaire. The video data was analysed through multimodal methods. The findings indicate that the participant readers used their bodies not only as a material point of contact and activation of the interactive features but also as a resource for meaning-making in their transactions with the apps. The reader's body was essential in their engagement with the material and interactive affordances of the apps, in reader's expressions of their responses, and in the sharing of the reading experience with the parents. The body of the reader, through spontaneous and interactive gestures, is a mode of communication in the multimodal ecologies of both the text and the reader's responses. Furthermore, the child readers constantly negotiated their agency within the constraints posed by the text, which include the narrative itself and its interactive features, and those posed by the joint-reading situation. The bodies of the readers played an essential role in this dual negotiation of agency. Children's agency was scripted, that is, the readers exerted their agency within the limitations of a script. The script, however, allowed readers to improvise, and their performances also involved resistance to the script through playful subversion. In the joint-reading event, children's agency was foregrounded, positioning the children as protagonist readers, who performed most of the interactions and lived the aesthetic experience of the text fully, to the expense of their parents, who mostly participated as supporting readers, transferring their agency to the children through scaffolding.

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