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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李星凡, 01 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Canine Irradiated Spherule Vaccine Trial

Reed, Raymond E. 26 September 2016 (has links)
In the early 1970s, a trial was conducted in Beagles comparing an irradiated spherule vaccine for Valley Fever against a control vaccine. The results did not show a significant difference between the vaccinated and the control dogs. Reactions to the vaccine were significant.

Canine Irradiated Spherule Vaccine Trial

Reed, Raymond E. 27 September 2016 (has links)
In the early 1970s, a trial was conducted in Beagles comparing an irradiated spherule vaccine for Valley Fever against a control vaccine. The results did not show a significant difference between the vaccinated and the control dogs. Reactions to the vaccine were significant.

Canine Irradiated Spherule Vaccine Trial

Reed, Raymond E. 27 September 2016 (has links)
In the early 1970s, a trial was conducted in Beagles comparing an irradiated spherule vaccine for Valley Fever against a control vaccine. The results did not show a significant difference between the vaccinated and the control dogs. Reactions to the vaccine were significant.

Canine Irradiated Spherule Vaccine Trial

Reed, Raymond E. 27 September 2016 (has links)
In the early 1970s, a trial was conducted in Beagles comparing an irradiated spherule vaccine for Valley Fever against a control vaccine. The results did not show a significant difference between the vaccinated and the control dogs. Reactions to the vaccine were significant.

Canine Irradiated Spherule Vaccine Trial

Reed, Raymond E. 27 September 2016 (has links)
In the early 1970s, a trial was conducted in Beagles comparing an irradiated spherule vaccine for Valley Fever against a control vaccine. The results did not show a significant difference between the vaccinated and the control dogs. Reactions to the vaccine were significant.

Motives of Humanity: Saint-Domingan Refugees and the Limits of Sympathetic Ideology in Philadelphia

Dusenbury, Jonathan Earl 29 August 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines two crises that occurred in Philadelphia in the middle of the 1790s: the arrival of refugees from the revolution in the French West Indian colony of Saint-Domingue and the outbreak of yellow fever the followed their arrival. These crises are studied together in order to understand the challenges that they posed to the post-Revolutionary culture of sensibility and to the sympathetic construction of social order that drew upon this culture. Philadelphians’ post-Revolutionary sentimental project – the reorganization of society along lines of fellow-feeling, benevolence, and emotional parity – was strained by the arrival of refugees from Saint-Domingue and by the outbreak of epidemic disease. Both of these events were opportunities to actuate sympathetic ideologies, and in both cases, action fell short of rhetoric. This thesis examines why this was the case. Central to Philadelphians’ ambivalence in creating sympathetic social bonds was the presence of people of color – American and foreign – in the city. When asked to extend fellow-feeling to black Philadelphians and black Saint-Domingan refugees, white Philadelphians equivocated. The reorganization of society in the post-Revolutionary period had presumed emotional equality among Americans, but the issue of race repeatedly demonstrated weaknesses in the application of this ideology. The crises examined within this work demonstrate the enduring appeal of sensibility in 1790s Philadelphia. They also demonstrate its weaknesses. As more and more groups use the language of sympathy and benevolence to voice their demands, sensibility faltered. This thesis builds upon a growing scholarship that examines the effect of the Haitian Revolution on the United States to argue that the arrival of refugees from that revolution to Philadelphia highlighted fundamental ambivalences and fault lines in the United States’ post-Revolutionary sentimental project.

An emerging public health threat: Mayaro virus increases its distribution in Peru

Aguilar-Luis, M.A., Aguilar-Luis, Miguel Angel, del Valle-Mendoza, Juana, Silva-Caso, Wilmer, Gil-Ramirez, Tamara, Levy-Blitchtein, Saul, Bazán-Mayra, Jorge, Zavaleta-Gavidia, Victor, Cornejo-Pacherres, Daniel, Palomares-Reyes, Carlos, Del Valle, Luis J. 01 March 2020 (has links)
Background: The infection caused by Mayaro virus (MAYV), which presents as an acute febrile illness, is considered a neglected tropical disease. The virus is an endemic and emerging pathogen in South America and the Caribbean, responsible for occasional and poorly characterized outbreaks. Currently there is limited information about its expansion and risk areas. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in 10 urban primary care health centers in the Cajamarca region of Peru from January to June 2017. A total of 359 patients with suspected febrile illness were assessed. RNA was extracted from serum samples, following which MAYV real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) for the detection of the nsP1 gene was performed. Results: MAYV was detected in 11.1% (40/359) of samples after RT-PCR amplification and confirmatory DNA sequencing. Most infections were detected in the adult population aged 18–39 years (40%) and 40–59 years (32.5%). Headache was the most frequent symptom in patients with MAYV infection (77.5%), followed by fever (72.5%), myalgia (55.0%), and arthralgia (50.0%). During the study, most of the MAYV cases were seen in May (47.5%) and April (35.0%), corresponding to the dry season (months without rain). Conclusions: This study is novel in describing the presence of MAYV in Cajamarca, an Andean region of Peru. Symptoms are non-specific and can be confused with those of other arbovirus or bacterial infections. Molecular biology methods such as RT-PCR allow the timely and accurate detection of MAYV and could thus be considered as a tool for surveillance in endemic areas. / This research was supported by the Bio & Medical Technology Development Program of the National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (No. 2015M3A9B6073666 ). This study was supported by CONCYTEC Peru , under the contract No 164-2016-FONDECYT, Lima, Peru. Incentive for Research of the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (No. UPC-C-01-2019), Lima, Peru. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. / Revisión por pares

A histological and immunohistochemical study of the lesions observed in desert warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus) and bushpigs (Potamochoerus porcus) following experimental challenge with CSF virus

Gers, Sophette 19 October 2011 (has links)
English: Common warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus) and bushpigs (Potamochoerus larvatus), were experimentally infected with classical swine fever virus (CSFv) following the diagnosis of classical swine fever (CSF) subtype 2.1 in 2005 in domestic pigs in South Africa. At that time, no data regarding their susceptibility or the potential lesions in these wild suids were available. Seven sub-adult warthogs and six bushpigs were captured, taken to the high containment facilities of the Transboundary Animal Diseases Programme of the Agriculture Research Council (ARC) - Onderstepoort Veterinary Research Institute, and infected intranasally with the South African isolate. In each experiment, two in-contact control animals of the same species verified intraspecies transmission, while two domestic pigs were used to demonstrate virus virulence and viability. Surviving animals were euthanized 44 days post infection. Formalin-fixed tissue samples collected from all experimental animals were evaluated for histological lesions. The warthogs, which remained clinically normal throughout the study, developed histological lesions that were inconsistently present and sometimes subtle. Three warthogs, including one in-contact control, developed distinct perivascular lymphoplasmacytic cuffing in their brains. Subtle lesions included scant lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of various organs, occasionally accompanied by perivascular cuffing. In contrast, the bushpigs developed overt clinical signs similar to CSF in domestic pigs. Four animals out of six, including two in-contact controls, died or were euthanized during the trial. On post mortem examination, intestinal necrosis and ulceration, purulent rhinitis and pneumonia were present. Acutely affected animals developed lymphoid necrosis and depletion whilst surviving individuals showed perivascular lymphoplasmacytic cuffing in multiple organs. Immunohistochemical demonstration of CSFv antigen using a commercially available mouse monoclonal antibody, WH303, revealed intense, widespread labelling in most tissues of all the warthogs and bushpigs as well as the four domestic pigs used as controls during the trial. A wide range of cell types and tissues reacted with the antibody. These included: mononuclear cells (monocyte-macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells), follicular reticular cells, epithelial cells, vascular endothelial cells, mesothelial cells, smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. Tissues that were labelled included tonsil, lymph nodes, spleen, third eyelid, adrenal gland, urinary bladder, skin, liver, kidney, lung, certain cells within central nervous tissue like the choroid plexus, various parts of the gastro-intestinal tract as well as glandular tissue like the pancreas and salivary gland. The tonsils were the most consistently labelled tissue, while no labelling was noted in myocytes of skeletal or cardiac muscle. From the present work, it was concluded that these wild Suidae are susceptible to CSFv and intra-species transmission under experimental conditions can occur. / Afrikaans: Wilde Afrika varke, nl. vlakvarke (Phacocoerus africanus) en bosvarke (Potamochoerus larvatus) was eksperimenteel infekteer met europese varkpes virus nadat die siekte in kommersiële mak varke diagnoseer is in 2005 (dit was tipeer as subtipe 2.1). Geen inligiting oor die vatbaarheid of potensiële letsels weens europese varkpes infeksie in hierdie wilde varke was beskikbaar nie. Sewe wilde onvolwasse vlakvarke en ses bosvarke is gevang, na die isolasie eenheid van die Onderstepoort Veterinêre Instituut se oor-grens siekte afdeling geneem en intranasal geïnfekteer met die Suid-Afrikaanse isolaat van 2005. Twee in-kontak kontrole diere van dieselfde spesie is gebruik in elke eksperiment om intra-spesie oordraging vas te stel en twee mak varke om virus lewensvatbaarheid en virulensie te demonstreer. Oorlewende diere is uitgesit na 44 dae. Formalien gefikseerde weefsel monsters is versamel van hulle, sowel as van diere wat uitgesit is tydens die eksperiment. Die vlakvarke was klinies normal regdeur die eksperiment, maar het wel histologiese letsels ontwikkel wat subtiel was en ook nie altyd teenwoordig in alle gevalle nie. Drie vlakvarke, waarvan een ‘n in-kontak dier was, het prominente limfo-plasmasitiese perivaskulêre flensing in hul breine ontwikkel. Subtiele letsels het klein hoeveelhede limfoplasmasitiese infiltrasies in verskeie organe en somtyds perivaskulêre flensing ingesluit. In teenstelling, het die bosvarke uitgesproke kliniese tekens soortgelyk aan Europese varkpes in mak varke, ontwikkel. Vier uit die ses diere, insluitend twee in-kontak diere is dood of uitgesit tydens die eksperiment. Met nadoodse ondersoek is daar intestinale nekrose en ulserasie, purulente rinitis en pneumonie gevind. Diere wat dood is, het limfoïede nekrose en limfoïede uitputting getoon, terwyl die oorlewende bosvarke perivaskulêre flensing met limfo-plasma selle in verskeie organe ontwikkel het. Immunohistochemiese demonstrasie van Europese varkpes virus antigen deur gebruik van ‘n kommersieël beskikbare muis monoklonale teenligaam, WH303, het duidelike wydverspreide kleuring in meeste weefsel van die die vlakvarke, bosvarke en mak varke getoon. ‘n Wye reeks van weefsel en sel tipes het met die teenliggam reageer naamlik: mononukliêre selle (monosietmakrofage en limfo-plasma selle), follikulêre retikulêre selle, epiteel, vaskulêre endoteel, mesoteel, gladde spier selle en fibroblaste. Weefsel wat gemerk is met die teenliggaam het ingesluit: mangels, limfknope, milt, derde ooglid, adrenaal klier, urienblaas, vel, lewer, nier, long, sekere selle in die sentrale senuwee stelsel, soos die koroïed pleksus, verskeie dele van die gastro-intestinale stelsel sowel as klier weefsel soos die pankreas en speekselklier. Die mangels was die mees konsekwent gemerkte weefsel, terwyl geen kleuring gevind is in miosiete van skelet of hartspier nie. Uit hierdie werk kon daar afgelei word dat vlakvarke en bosvarke vatbaar is vir Europese varkpes en dat intra-spesie oordraging plaasvind onder eksperimentele omstandighede. / Dissertation (MMedVet)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Paraclinical Sciences / Unrestricted

The complement fixation test in the diagnosis of the rickettsial diseases of man tick borne relapsing fever, African human trypanosomiasis, and Rift valley fever

Wolstenholme, Brian 03 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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