Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] FINITE CAPACITY SCHEDULING"" "subject:"[enn] FINITE CAPACITY SCHEDULING""
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Improving supply chain delivery reliabilityNafthal, Meelis January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Solução de problemas complexos de programação através de regras desenvolvidas em tecnologia APSTuratti, Rangel January 2010 (has links)
O ambiente competitivo no qual as empresas estão inseridas é caracterizado por mudanças frequentes na demanda de seus produtos e por uma necessidade em reduzir custos. Para obter sucesso frente à concorrência, se faz necessário alcançar resultados através da melhoria do processo produtivo, oferecendo respostas mais rápidas a variações na demanda e com uma utilização adequada dos recursos produtivos. Neste contexto, a utilização de softwares Advanced Planning and Scheduling com regra personalizada de programação possibilita melhoria no planejamento e programação da empresa no sentido dos objetivos citados. A partir disso, este trabalho propõe uma sistemática de desenvolvimento e implantação de regras de programação personalizadas. Após, é apresentada aplicação de um caso prático no qual foram detalhadas todas as etapas propostas na sistemática, desde o entendimento das necessidades da empresa até a avaliação dos resultados obtidos. / The competitive environment in which firms operate is characterized by frequent changes in product demand and a necessity to reduce costs. To succeed against the competition, it is necessary to gain competitive advantage by improving the production process, providing faster responses to changes in demand and proper use of productive resources. In this context, the use of Advanced Planning and Scheduling software with custom programming rule allows improved planning and programming company towards the objectives mentioned. This study proposes a systematic development and deployment of custom programming rules, next it is presented a case study which detail the stages proposed in the systematic, from the understanding of the business requirement until the evaluation of results.
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Solução de problemas complexos de programação através de regras desenvolvidas em tecnologia APSTuratti, Rangel January 2010 (has links)
O ambiente competitivo no qual as empresas estão inseridas é caracterizado por mudanças frequentes na demanda de seus produtos e por uma necessidade em reduzir custos. Para obter sucesso frente à concorrência, se faz necessário alcançar resultados através da melhoria do processo produtivo, oferecendo respostas mais rápidas a variações na demanda e com uma utilização adequada dos recursos produtivos. Neste contexto, a utilização de softwares Advanced Planning and Scheduling com regra personalizada de programação possibilita melhoria no planejamento e programação da empresa no sentido dos objetivos citados. A partir disso, este trabalho propõe uma sistemática de desenvolvimento e implantação de regras de programação personalizadas. Após, é apresentada aplicação de um caso prático no qual foram detalhadas todas as etapas propostas na sistemática, desde o entendimento das necessidades da empresa até a avaliação dos resultados obtidos. / The competitive environment in which firms operate is characterized by frequent changes in product demand and a necessity to reduce costs. To succeed against the competition, it is necessary to gain competitive advantage by improving the production process, providing faster responses to changes in demand and proper use of productive resources. In this context, the use of Advanced Planning and Scheduling software with custom programming rule allows improved planning and programming company towards the objectives mentioned. This study proposes a systematic development and deployment of custom programming rules, next it is presented a case study which detail the stages proposed in the systematic, from the understanding of the business requirement until the evaluation of results.
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Solução de problemas complexos de programação através de regras desenvolvidas em tecnologia APSTuratti, Rangel January 2010 (has links)
O ambiente competitivo no qual as empresas estão inseridas é caracterizado por mudanças frequentes na demanda de seus produtos e por uma necessidade em reduzir custos. Para obter sucesso frente à concorrência, se faz necessário alcançar resultados através da melhoria do processo produtivo, oferecendo respostas mais rápidas a variações na demanda e com uma utilização adequada dos recursos produtivos. Neste contexto, a utilização de softwares Advanced Planning and Scheduling com regra personalizada de programação possibilita melhoria no planejamento e programação da empresa no sentido dos objetivos citados. A partir disso, este trabalho propõe uma sistemática de desenvolvimento e implantação de regras de programação personalizadas. Após, é apresentada aplicação de um caso prático no qual foram detalhadas todas as etapas propostas na sistemática, desde o entendimento das necessidades da empresa até a avaliação dos resultados obtidos. / The competitive environment in which firms operate is characterized by frequent changes in product demand and a necessity to reduce costs. To succeed against the competition, it is necessary to gain competitive advantage by improving the production process, providing faster responses to changes in demand and proper use of productive resources. In this context, the use of Advanced Planning and Scheduling software with custom programming rule allows improved planning and programming company towards the objectives mentioned. This study proposes a systematic development and deployment of custom programming rules, next it is presented a case study which detail the stages proposed in the systematic, from the understanding of the business requirement until the evaluation of results.
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Έρευνα, σχεδιασμός και μοντελοποίηση ενός ολοκληρωμένου συστήματος ελέγχου και προγραμματισμού παραγωγής στη βάση ενός πρωτότυπου συστήματος αντίστροφου Προγραμματισμού Απαιτήσεων Υλικών (reverse MRP) / Modelling and development of an integrated production planning and control system for discrete manufacturing environments (r-MRP)Λάλας, Χριστόδουλος 30 September 2008 (has links)
Αντικείμενο της διατριβής αποτελεί το πρόβλημα του προγραμματισμού παραγωγής και ελέγχου των αποθεμάτων των συστημάτων διακριτής παραγωγής. Στόχος της είναι να προτείνει ένα νέο σύστημα PPC (r-MRP) που θα ξεπερνά ορισμένους βασικούς περιορισμούς των MRP-based συστημάτων. Το σύστημα αυτό αναπτύχθηκε πάνω σε μία νέα μέθοδο που ενοποιεί τις λειτουργίες διαχείρισης αποθεμάτων και λεπτομερούς χρονοπρογραμματισμού σε μία ενιαία παράλληλη υπολογιστική διαδικασία (reverse MRP).
Ο σχεδιασμός του προτεινόμενου συστήματος ξεπερνάει βασικές αδυναμίες των MRP-based συστημάτων, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τους περιορισμούς δυναμικότητας των παραγωγικών πόρων, τη διακύμανση των χρόνων υστέρησης των εργασιών σε αυτούς και τις σχετικές προτεραιότητες των παραγγελιών, μέσα σε ένα περιβάλλον συνεχούς χρόνου. Επιπλέον εισάγει ένα εργαλείο αξιολόγησης και επιλογής ενός αποδοτικού συνδυασμού χρονοπρογράμματος εργοστασίου και πλάνου αποθεμάτων μέσα από ένα σύνολο διαθέσιμων και εφικτών εναλλακτικών σεναρίων.
Η διαμόρφωση των εναλλακτικών αυτών σεναρίων γίνεται λαμβάνοντας κάθε φορά υπόψη τους υφιστάμενους περιορισμούς δυναμικότητας της επιχείρησης και των υλικών, καθώς και ένα σύνολο κριτηρίων, ενίοτε αλληλοσυγκρουόμενων. Τα εναλλακτικά σενάρια που σχηματίζονται αξιολογούνται μέσα από ένα σύνολο δεικτών απόδοσης τόσο χρονοπρογραμματισμού, όσο και διαχείρισης αποθεμάτων.
Το προτεινόμενο σύστημα υλοποιήθηκε υπό τη μορφή πειραματικού λογισμικού, μέσα σε περιβάλλον προσομοίωσης διακριτών συμβάντων (discrete-event simulation).
Η απόδοση του μελετήθηκε μέσα από την πιλοτική εφαρμογή του σε μία τυπική κλωστοϋφαντουργική μονάδα και βρέθηκε να υπερτερεί σε συγκεκριμένες περιπτώσεις της υπολογιστικής διαδικασίας ενός τυπικού συστήματος MRPII, όσον αφορά ένα σύνολο δεικτών απόδοσης χρονοπρογραμματισμού και διαχείρισης αποθεμάτων. Το προτεινόμενο σύστημα r-MRP θα μπορούσε να ενσωματωθεί σε ένα MRP-based σύστημα ως ένα διασυνδεόμενο υποσύστημα (module) υποστήριξης της λειτουργίας προγραμματισμού παραγωγής και ελέγχου αποθεμάτων. / This thesis discusses the design of a production planning and control system (PPC) for discrete manufacturing environments, referred to as r-MRP. The proposed approach operates under the framework of hierarchical finite capacity shop-floor modelling and discrete-event simulation.
It overcomes some of the main deficiencies of MRP-based systems by considering capacity constraints, lead times fluctuations, lot sizing and priority control in a ‘bucket-less’ environment. The r-MRP system was developed based on a new method that integrates shop scheduling and material planning in a simultaneous computational process (reverse MRP). Under this methodology, material and capacity constraints are considered, together with a number of conflicting planning criteria, in a continuous time environment. Lead times are dynamically calculated variables, based on actual loads in each workcenter. A number of alternative feasible shop schedule and material plan combinations are formed in real time.
The r-MRP system was implemented as an experimental software tool. Its performance has been evaluated in a case study of a textile company with ‘real life’ data. When studied through a set of simulation experiments it has been found to outperform standard MRPII system in cases of short production times, high value inventory items and frequent, small deliveries by suppliers, in terms of a number of scheduling and inventory performance indicators. The r-MRP tool can be incorporated in legacy IT systems as an interfaced functional module.
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[pt] A Gestão Estratégica de Curto Prazo é uma abordagem
gerencial que
interliga as ações do dia-a-dia no chão-de-fábrica e os
objetivos estratégicos das
organizações, através do uso de simuladores
computacionais, baseados na lógica
da capacidade finita. Utilizando o simulador, o
programador da produção
consegue gerar cenários alternativos de programas de
produção para acionar o
chão-de-fábrica e avaliar os impactos de suas decisões
através de diversos
indicadores de desempenho. Baseada em experiências
acumuladas no
desenvolvimento e na implantação destes simuladores em
diversas empresas, esta
dissertação está organizada em duas partes. A primeira,
voltada para uma
dimensão tecnológica, tratando dos aspectos relevantes da
modelagem de
simulação para a geração de programas de produção
aderentes à realidade do
chão-de-fábrica. A segunda, dirigida para uma dimensão
organizacional e
humana, onde é proposta uma metodologia de implantação da
Gestão Estratégica
de Curto Prazo. Dentre os impactos do uso dessa tecnologia
de gestão,
identificados numa aplicação, destacam-se a redução de
estoques em processo, um
aumento na flexibilidade do chão-de-fábrica para acomodar
variações de mix e
volume da demanda e, ainda, uma redução no tempo
despendido pelos
planejadores para programar as atividades da fábrica. / [en] The Strategic Short-Term Shop-floor Management is a
approach that links decisions taken on a daily-basis at
the shop-floor with the
strategic goals of the organization, by using a finite
capacity scheduling simulator.
Using this system, the production planner is able to
generate alternative
production schedules (scenarios) for the shop-floor and to
evaluate the impacts of
her (his) decisions through different operational and
economical performance
measures. This thesis is based on the knowledge accrued in
developing and
implementing these simulators in different industrial
sites and is organized into
parts. The first part addresses a technological dimension
by examining aspects of
the simulation model that are relevant for generating
schedules adherent to the
shop-floor reality. The second part focuses on an
organizational and human
dimension and describes a methodology for implementing the
Strategic Short-
Term Shop-floor Management. Among the results obtained in
an actual
application of this managerial approach, the following
stand out: a reduction of
work-in-process, more flexibility in the shop-floor for
dealing with mix and
volume variations of demand, and a decrease in the time
spent by planners for
scheduling the plant activities.
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