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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Auswirkung der SPRED2-Defizienz auf die kardiale Funktion und Beeinflussung durch die Behandlung mit dem Aldosteronantagonisten Eplerenon / Impact of SPRED2-deficiency on cardiac function and influence through treatment with aldosterone receptor antagonist eplerenone

Augustin, Anne Marie January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
SPRED2 ist ein Inhibitor des Ras/ERK-MAPK-Signalwegs. Um die Folgen einer SPRED2-Defizienz zu erforschen, wurden im Rahmen vorheriger von Ullrich et al. durchgeführter Untersuchungen mittels Gene-Trap-Methode bereits mannigfaltige Auffälligkeiten im Phänotyp der SPRED2-Mäuse festgestellt. So zeigten die Tiere einen Hypochondroplasie-ähnlichen Zwergenwuchs, Verhaltensauffälligkeiten, einen krankhaft gesteigerten Wasserkonsum und nicht zuletzt eine deutlich reduzierte Lebenserwartung im Vergleich mit den WT-Tieren. Des Weiteren fielen erhöhte Aldosteronspiegel auf, die bei näheren Untersuchungen nicht einer erhöhten Aktivität des RAAS geschuldet zu sein schienen. Vielmehr zeigte sich eine deutlich erhöhte Aldosteron-Synthase-Expression in der Nebennierenrinde. Erste Hinweise darauf, dass die SPRED2-Defizienz auch Auswirkungen auf den kardiologischen Phänotyp haben könnte, ergaben sich bereits bei initialen Untersuchungen von Ullrich et al. So konnte bei den SPRED2-KO-Tieren neben hämodynamischer Auffälligkeiten eine gesteigerte Herz-Körpergewicht-Ratio festgestellt werden. Die im Rahmen dieses Folgeprojekts durchgeführten Untersuchungen sollten die Frage klären, ob die Defizienz des SPRED2-Gens Auswirkungen auf die Herzleistung hat und hierüber die verkürzte Lebenserwartung der KO-Tiere verschulden könnte. Hierfür wurden zunächst Untersuchungen der elektrischen kardialen Aktivität mittels EKG und Elektrophysiologischer Untersuchung durchgeführt. Die Ermittlung von Herzrhythmusstörung und die Quantifizierung derselben spielte hierbei eine besondere Rolle. Des Weiteren sollte mit der Durchführung von PSR-Färbungen zur Bestimmung des kardialen Kollagengehaltes histologischen Fragestellungen Rechnung getragen werden. Aufgrund des bereits aus den vorherigen Studien bekannten Hyperaldosteronismus der KO-Tiere stellte sich darüber hinaus die Frage, ob die im Rahmen der Studie feststellbaren kardiologischen Auffälligkeiten als Konsequenz der gesteigerten Aldosteronwerte, oder aber als direkte Folge des Genotyps gewertet werden müssen. Aus diesem Grund wurden alle oben genannten Untersuchungen mit Tieren, welche einer Behandlung mit dem Aldosteronantagonisten Eplerenon zugeführt worden waren, wiederholt. Bei der Auswertung der basalen Ruhe- und Stress-EKGs zeigten sich einige Parameter bei den KO-Tieren pathologisch verändert. So war das QRS-Intervall, als Korrelat zur intraventrikulären Überleitungszeit, bei den KO-Mäusen verlängert, im Stress-EKG waren darüber hinaus sowohl die Dauer der P-Welle als auch des PQ-Intervalls erhöht. Durch die Behandlung mit Aldosteron waren diese Unterschiede zwischen WT- und KO-Gruppe teilweise nicht mehr feststellbar. Das die atrioventrikuläre Überleitungszeit abbildende PQ-Intervall war sowohl im Vergleich mit dem behandelten WT, als auch mit dem unbehandelten WT nicht mehr signifikant erhöht. Auch die Länge des QRS-Komplexes näherte sich unter Eplerenon-Behandlung dem der unbehandelten WT-Tiere an und sank bei der Stress-EKG-Auswertung sogar unterhalb des Signifkanzniveaus. Bei der EKG-Analyse in Bezug auf Arrhythmien ergab sich bei Gegenüberstellung der basalen WT- und KO-Gruppe eine deutlich gesteigerte Vulnerabilität für Herzrhythmusstörungen bei den KO-Tieren. Durch die Behandlung mit Eplerenon konnte hierbei ein deutlicher Erfolg erzielt werden mit signifikanter Reduktion der Arrhythmieereignisse. Die elektrophysiologische Untersuchung ergab neben unauffälligen Parametern der Funktion des Sinusknotens und der AV-Überleitung ebenfalls Hinweise für eine gesteigerte Empfindlichkeit für Arrhythmien. Die durch EPU induzierten Arrhythmien zeigten sich durch Eplerenon-Behandlung gleichermaßen rückgängig. Mittels Kollagenfärbung konnte der initiale Verdacht, dass die SPRED2-KO-Tiere zu einer vermehrten kardialen Fibrosierung neigen, bestätigt werden. Dabei zeigte sich durch die Behandlung mit Eplerenon eine deutliche Beeinflussung und Reduktion des kardialen Kollagengehaltes. Insgesamt lässt sich schlussfolgern, dass die mannigfaltigen phänotypischen Effekte, die die SPRED2-Defizienz bedingt, nur teilweise dem Hyperaldosteronismus der Tiere geschuldet sind und durch therapeutische Einflussnahme auf diesen auch nur partiell kompensiert werden können. / SPRED proteins are inhibitors of the Ras/ERK/MAPK signaling pathway, an evolutionary highly conserved and very widespread signaling cascade regulating cell proliferation, differentiation, and growth. To elucidate physiological consequences of SPRED2 deficiency, SPRED2 KO mice were generated by a gene trap approach and heart investigations were systematically performed. An initial phenotypical characterization in studies of Ullrich et al showed a hypochondroplasia-like dwarfism, abnormally high water uptakes, behavioural syndromes with excessive grooming and reduced survival times. Also, investigations revealed hyperaldosteronism in SPRED2 KO mice with doubled serum aldosterone as compared with WT mice. Systematic investigation of contributing upstream hormone axes demonstrated, that hyperaldosteronism developed independently of an overactivated Renin-Angiotensin system as indicated by halved serum Ang II levels in KO mice. However, aldosterone synthase expression in the adrenal gland was substantially augmented. First indications for cardiac pathologies in SPRED KO mice resulted from initial cardiac tests of Ullrich et al., revealing enlarged hearts with elevated heart weight/body weight ratios, as well as increased stroke volumes in KO mice. To investigate whether the cardiac phenotype and the reduced survival time is a consequence of the genotype or secondary due to hyperaldosteronism, electrocardiograms, electrophysiological studies, both with arrhythmia analysis, as well as PSR-stainings, were performed with untreated mice, as well as animals after eplerenone treatment. Some ECG-parameters showed significant differences, for example QRS-interval was prolonged in KO-mice, as correlation for ventricular conduction time. Under isoproterenol stimulation, p-wave duration as well as PQ-interval revealed to be extended. These differences showed to be reduced due to eplerenone treatment, in case of PQ-time and QRS-interval after isoproterenol stimulation, even in significant dimension. Concerning the arrhythmia analysis in ECG and EPU, results showed a distinctly increased vulnerability for arrhythmias in KO-mice, which could be influenced with eplerenone treatment. EP studies revealed no significant differences regarding function of sinus and atrioventricular node, but, analogous to ECG-studies, significant more and severe arrhythmias could be detected in KO-mice, which could be clearly reduced with eplerone. By use of Picro-sirius red staining as a tool to appraise collagen fibers, a significant higher amount of collagen in heart slices of KO-mice could be proved, while treatment with eplerenone reduced fibrosis distinctly, both in WT and in KO-mice. In summary, manifold phenotypical characterizations of SPRED2 KO mice showed to be only partially result of the hyperaldosteronism and revealed only partial influence due to eplerenone treatment.

Consequences of an altered intrauterine environment on the offspring???s renal, cardiovascular and renin angiotensin systems

O???Connell, Amanda Elizabeth, School of Medical Science, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This thesis reports the effects of an altered intrauterine environment on the offspring???s renal, cardiovascular and renin angiotensin systems. After a midgestational asphyxial episode in fetal sheep (30 min total umbilical cord occlusion at 90 days; term 150 days) the hydrops that resulted had not completely resolved by 130 days. While the heart and kidneys were apparently unaffected, the brain and lung weights were 37% and 50% lower than sham values, respectively and there were joint contractures. The effects of maternal renal disease on the offspring were investigated. Although in utero fetuses of subtotally nephrectomised ewes (STNx) had altered urine flow rates, sodium excretion, haematocrits, plasma chloride and plasma renin levels, by 1-2 weeks after birth these values in the lambs (STNxL) were similar to controls (ConL) under baseline conditions. Body weight and the weights of most organs were similar, including the kidney, in which glomerular number was normal. In the neonatal period, the lambs were subjected to four challenges: furosemide (2 mg/kg intravenous bolus), infusion of angiotensin II and phenylephrine, intravenous infusion of 0.15M saline (50 ml/kg over 30 min) and haemorrhage (20% estimated blood volume over 10 min). These challenges revealed evidence of programming of several aspects of the renal, cardiovascular and renin angiotensin systems in the STNx offspring. As young adults at 6 months of age, male and female offspring of STNx ewes were normotensive and had normal renal function. On a high salt diet (HSD, 0.17M NaCl in 8L water for 5-7days), female offspring of both groups did not become hypertensive. However, the STNx offspring must have retained salt and water as plasma sodium was increased and haematocrit was decreased. In the STNx offspring only, there was a relationship between glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and mean arterial pressure, indicating an inability to maintain a constant GFR in response to changes in arterial pressure.

Consequences of an altered intrauterine environment on the offspring???s renal, cardiovascular and renin angiotensin systems

O???Connell, Amanda Elizabeth, School of Medical Science, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This thesis reports the effects of an altered intrauterine environment on the offspring???s renal, cardiovascular and renin angiotensin systems. After a midgestational asphyxial episode in fetal sheep (30 min total umbilical cord occlusion at 90 days; term 150 days) the hydrops that resulted had not completely resolved by 130 days. While the heart and kidneys were apparently unaffected, the brain and lung weights were 37% and 50% lower than sham values, respectively and there were joint contractures. The effects of maternal renal disease on the offspring were investigated. Although in utero fetuses of subtotally nephrectomised ewes (STNx) had altered urine flow rates, sodium excretion, haematocrits, plasma chloride and plasma renin levels, by 1-2 weeks after birth these values in the lambs (STNxL) were similar to controls (ConL) under baseline conditions. Body weight and the weights of most organs were similar, including the kidney, in which glomerular number was normal. In the neonatal period, the lambs were subjected to four challenges: furosemide (2 mg/kg intravenous bolus), infusion of angiotensin II and phenylephrine, intravenous infusion of 0.15M saline (50 ml/kg over 30 min) and haemorrhage (20% estimated blood volume over 10 min). These challenges revealed evidence of programming of several aspects of the renal, cardiovascular and renin angiotensin systems in the STNx offspring. As young adults at 6 months of age, male and female offspring of STNx ewes were normotensive and had normal renal function. On a high salt diet (HSD, 0.17M NaCl in 8L water for 5-7days), female offspring of both groups did not become hypertensive. However, the STNx offspring must have retained salt and water as plasma sodium was increased and haematocrit was decreased. In the STNx offspring only, there was a relationship between glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and mean arterial pressure, indicating an inability to maintain a constant GFR in response to changes in arterial pressure.

Consequences of an altered intrauterine environment on the offspring???s renal, cardiovascular and renin angiotensin systems

O???Connell, Amanda Elizabeth, School of Medical Science, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This thesis reports the effects of an altered intrauterine environment on the offspring???s renal, cardiovascular and renin angiotensin systems. After a midgestational asphyxial episode in fetal sheep (30 min total umbilical cord occlusion at 90 days; term 150 days) the hydrops that resulted had not completely resolved by 130 days. While the heart and kidneys were apparently unaffected, the brain and lung weights were 37% and 50% lower than sham values, respectively and there were joint contractures. The effects of maternal renal disease on the offspring were investigated. Although in utero fetuses of subtotally nephrectomised ewes (STNx) had altered urine flow rates, sodium excretion, haematocrits, plasma chloride and plasma renin levels, by 1-2 weeks after birth these values in the lambs (STNxL) were similar to controls (ConL) under baseline conditions. Body weight and the weights of most organs were similar, including the kidney, in which glomerular number was normal. In the neonatal period, the lambs were subjected to four challenges: furosemide (2 mg/kg intravenous bolus), infusion of angiotensin II and phenylephrine, intravenous infusion of 0.15M saline (50 ml/kg over 30 min) and haemorrhage (20% estimated blood volume over 10 min). These challenges revealed evidence of programming of several aspects of the renal, cardiovascular and renin angiotensin systems in the STNx offspring. As young adults at 6 months of age, male and female offspring of STNx ewes were normotensive and had normal renal function. On a high salt diet (HSD, 0.17M NaCl in 8L water for 5-7days), female offspring of both groups did not become hypertensive. However, the STNx offspring must have retained salt and water as plasma sodium was increased and haematocrit was decreased. In the STNx offspring only, there was a relationship between glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and mean arterial pressure, indicating an inability to maintain a constant GFR in response to changes in arterial pressure.

Regulation of angiotensinogen in adipocytes by polyunsaturated fatty acids

Fletcher, Sarah Jean 01 May 2010 (has links)
Adipose tissue is well-recognized as an endocrine organ which secretes a variety of bioactive molecules, including angiotensin II and its precursor angiotensinogen (Agt). There is mounting evidence linking the adipose renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and diet to obesity and obesity-related disorders. However, research addressing dietary regulation and function of adipose RAS is limited, and the specific mechanisms by which PUFAs modulate the endocrine function of adipose tissue remain largely unclear. There are several potential mechanisms that may mediate PUFA effects on Agt, including toll-like receptor signalling, prostaglandins or PPAR-gamma. Thus, we propose to investigate whether PUFAs differentially modulate Agt expression and secretion and to examine possible mechanisms by which PUFA alter Agt expression using the 3T3-L1 cell line. Differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes were treated with arachidonic acid (AA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), AA + EPA, or vehicle (C) for 48 hours. Results showed a significant increase in intracellular Agt protein following treatment with PUFAs. Agt secretion, however, was only increased by AA. Interestingly, there is a dose-dependent decrease in Agt protein levels by EPA suggesting that a minimum concentration of n-3 PUFAs is required to elicit an Agt response. Agt mRNA levels were measured by RT-PCR and results showed a significant increase in Agt mRNA in response to treatment with AA but not EPA. These findings suggest that Agt regulation by PUFAs is complex and occurs both post-transcriptionally and post-translationally. Changes in mRNA stability may account for the observed effects of PUFAs. Adipocytes were treated with the transcriptional inhibitor actinomycin D (Act D) and Agt mRNA expression was measured over time. Total RNA was also measured at each time point to ensure that Act D treatment was effectively decreasing transcription. Agt mRNA expression was not significantly altered by treatment with EPA while treatment with AA increased Agt mRNA levels. These results suggest that Agt mRNA stability is differentially increased by n-6 but not n-3 PUFAs. Although there are clear effects of AA on Agt secretion and mRNA stability, the signaling pathways mediating this response remain to be determined, and additional studies are necessary to further dissect the underlying mechanisms of this regulation.

Role of Sympathoadrenal and Renin-Angiotensin System in Hemodynamic State after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

No description available.

Regulation of angiotensinogen in adipocytes by polyunsaturated fatty acids

Fletcher, Sarah Jean 01 May 2010 (has links)
Adipose tissue is well-recognized as an endocrine organ which secretes a variety of bioactive molecules, including angiotensin II and its precursor angiotensinogen (Agt). There is mounting evidence linking the adipose renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and diet to obesity and obesity-related disorders. However, research addressing dietary regulation and function of adipose RAS is limited, and the specific mechanisms by which PUFAs modulate the endocrine function of adipose tissue remain largely unclear. There are several potential mechanisms that may mediate PUFA effects on Agt, including toll-like receptor signalling, prostaglandins or PPAR-gamma. Thus, we propose to investigate whether PUFAs differentially modulate Agt expression and secretion and to examine possible mechanisms by which PUFA alter Agt expression using the 3T3-L1 cell line.Differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes were treated with arachidonic acid (AA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), AA + EPA, or vehicle (C) for 48 hours. Results showed a significant increase in intracellular Agt protein following treatment with PUFAs. Agt secretion, however, was only increased by AA. Interestingly, there is a dose-dependent decrease in Agt protein levels by EPA suggesting that a minimum concentration of n-3 PUFAs is required to elicit an Agt response. Agt mRNA levels were measured by RT-PCR and results showed a significant increase in Agt mRNA in response to treatment with AA but not EPA. These findings suggest that Agt regulation by PUFAs is complex and occurs both post-transcriptionally and post-translationally.Changes in mRNA stability may account for the observed effects of PUFAs. Adipocytes were treated with the transcriptional inhibitor actinomycin D (Act D) and Agt mRNA expression was measured over time. Total RNA was also measured at each time point to ensure that Act D treatment was effectively decreasing transcription. Agt mRNA expression was not significantly altered by treatment with EPA while treatment with AA increased Agt mRNA levels. These results suggest that Agt mRNA stability is differentially increased by n-6 but not n-3 PUFAs. Although there are clear effects of AA on Agt secretion and mRNA stability, the signaling pathways mediating this response remain to be determined, and additional studies are necessary to further dissect the underlying mechanisms of this regulation.

Platelet and endothelial function : Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and the renin-angiotensin system.

Rajendran, Sharmalar January 2009 (has links)
The phenomenon of platelet hyperaggregability and decreased platelet responsiveness to nitric oxide (also termed as nitric oxide resistance), documented in several cardiovascular disease states, is associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes. The series of experiments described in this thesis address primarily some aspects of the pathophysiology, epidemiology and therapy of the phenomenon of end-organ resistance to nitric oxide (NO) in two important conditions, that are closely associated with cardiovascular risk factors and disease states:- Polycystic ovary syndrome, which is closely linked with the metabolic syndrome and premature subclinical atherosclerosis. The renin-angiotensin system, which is recognized as a significant mediator in the pathophysiology of a number of cardiovascular disease states. The first study examined the epidemiology/pathophysiology of putative platelet/endothelial dysfunction in young individuals with PCOS. The subsequent studies focused on the potential impact of the renin-angiotensin system on platelet and endothelial function. This mechanistic review is set in the context of a number of recent major clinical studies which have demonstrated surprising efficacy of certain angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (ramipril and perindopril) in the prevention of thrombotic processes. Thus we tested the hypothesis whether ACE inhibitor ramipril sensitizes platelets to NO (as a potential mechanism for improved cardiovascular outcomes) in a high risk patient cohort. In addition, particular attention will be given to the emerging role of the heptapeptide Angiotensin- (1-7), a possible physiological antagonist to Angiotensin II in the vasculature and the limitation of the current literature concerning potential effects of the renin-angiotensin system on thrombotic mechanisms. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1348615 / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Medicine, 2009

Consequences of an altered intrauterine environment on the offspring???s renal, cardiovascular and renin angiotensin systems

O???Connell, Amanda Elizabeth, School of Medical Science, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This thesis reports the effects of an altered intrauterine environment on the offspring???s renal, cardiovascular and renin angiotensin systems. After a midgestational asphyxial episode in fetal sheep (30 min total umbilical cord occlusion at 90 days; term 150 days) the hydrops that resulted had not completely resolved by 130 days. While the heart and kidneys were apparently unaffected, the brain and lung weights were 37% and 50% lower than sham values, respectively and there were joint contractures. The effects of maternal renal disease on the offspring were investigated. Although in utero fetuses of subtotally nephrectomised ewes (STNx) had altered urine flow rates, sodium excretion, haematocrits, plasma chloride and plasma renin levels, by 1-2 weeks after birth these values in the lambs (STNxL) were similar to controls (ConL) under baseline conditions. Body weight and the weights of most organs were similar, including the kidney, in which glomerular number was normal. In the neonatal period, the lambs were subjected to four challenges: furosemide (2 mg/kg intravenous bolus), infusion of angiotensin II and phenylephrine, intravenous infusion of 0.15M saline (50 ml/kg over 30 min) and haemorrhage (20% estimated blood volume over 10 min). These challenges revealed evidence of programming of several aspects of the renal, cardiovascular and renin angiotensin systems in the STNx offspring. As young adults at 6 months of age, male and female offspring of STNx ewes were normotensive and had normal renal function. On a high salt diet (HSD, 0.17M NaCl in 8L water for 5-7days), female offspring of both groups did not become hypertensive. However, the STNx offspring must have retained salt and water as plasma sodium was increased and haematocrit was decreased. In the STNx offspring only, there was a relationship between glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and mean arterial pressure, indicating an inability to maintain a constant GFR in response to changes in arterial pressure.

Fetal programming of sheep for production on saltbush

Chadwick, Megan January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Saltbush is one of the few types of forage that will grow on salt affected land but, sheep struggle to maintain weight when grazing saltbush mainly because of its high salt content. Therefore, a strategy to improve salt tolerance of sheep would be beneficial to the profitable use of revegetated saline land. This could be done by manipulating the dietary salt load of pregnant or lactating ewes which could 'program', or permanently alter the physiology of their offspring to allow them to cope better with a high-salt diet as adults. When rat dams consume a high amount of salt during pregnancy, the salt balance mechanisms of their offspring are 'programmed' due to suppression of the offspring's renin-angiotensin system in early development. If this occurs in offspring from ewes grazing saltbush, beneficial adaptations may be programmed in these offspring which could allow them to better cope with the high-salt content of saltbush. I tested the general hypothesis that offspring born to ewes that consumed a high-salt or saltbush diet from mid-pregnancy to early lactation would have an increased capacity to cope with salt that would allow them gain weight when grazing saltbush in later life. To test this hypothesis, I pair-fed ewes either a high-salt diet (14% NaCl) or control diet (2% NaCl) in an animal house from day 60 of gestation until day 21 of lactation. During the same period, I also conducted a field experiment where ewes grazed on saltbush (supplemented with barley) or on pasture (supplemented with lupins). ... This led to the high-salt offspring retaining more salt than control animals. In contrast, the renin activity of saltbush was consistently lower than pasture offspring which allowed them to excrete salt more rapidly. In experiment three, the saltbush offspring gained tissue weight after grazing saltbush for 8 weeks, whereas the offspring in the other three treatments lost weight. High-salt and saltbush offspring also had higher greasy fleece weights at 22 months of age than their respective control groups. Feeding saltbush to ewes from mid-pregnancy to early lactation induces physiological adaptations in their offspring that allow them to cope better with salt and gain weight when grazing saltbush as adults, supporting my hypothesis. However, contrary to expectations, the high-salt offspring did not gain weight when grazing saltbush because their physiological adaptations, such as salt retention, did not allow them to cope better with a salt load. The reason that saltbush offspring showed different adaptations to highsalt offspring is likely to be because saltbush contains not only NaCl but also high amounts of other minerals such as potassium, and other plant compounds, which may influence the adaptive responses of the offspring. This research has direct implications for farmers because it shows they could utilize otherwise unproductive saltland by grazing pregnant ewes on saltbush to 'program' their offspring to gain weight when they graze saltbush later in life.

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