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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sandstone weathering, Electrical Resistivity Tomography, and the deterioration of San Rock Art in the Golden Gate Highlands National Park, South Africa

Mol, L. January 2011 (has links)
Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) is a novel technique which can be used to build up a 2D pseudo-section of resistivity distribution of a porous material. Here, it is used to visualise internal moisture regimes by measuring the resistivity distribution of transects within sandstone, inferring that high resistivity equals low moisture content and vice versa. This method was used to perform two intermediate complexity laboratory tests; the first one to determine high-resolution, multi-scale drying patterns of sandstone, the second to determine capillary ingress of moisture within a sandstone block and the influence of temperature on moisture distribution. It was found that moisture behaviour showed far more complex patterns than previously acknowledged. A new model is therefore proposed which describes the influence of increased near-surface temperatures on capillary rise. This series of tests bridge the gap between field observations and mathematical models, as well as confirm the validity of ERT as a geomorphological tool. This research was continued by investigating the role of internal moisture in sandstone weathering using the Golden Gate Highlands National Park (GGHNP), South Africa as a case study. The ERT data was correlated with Equotip (rock surface hardness) and Protimeter (rock surface saturation) measurements. Seven sites were investigated, which showed that there is a non-linear correlation between rock surface hardness and internal moisture patterns. In addition, annual change measurements confirmed that the fluctuating patterns of internal moisture can be correlated to strengthening or weakening of the rock surface. This research therefore proposes two new conceptual weathering models. The first correlates ‘optimal moisture content’ to rock surface strength. The second correlates the development of shelters and changing weathering patterns to the non-linear interaction between case hardening and internal moisture. This new approach to sandstone weathering can be incorporated into conservation methods, as rock surface loss is one of the main causes of the San Rock Art deterioration observed in the GGHNP.

Characterisation of porous media using the lattice Boltzmann method

Jones, Bruce January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Rozpad sedimentů díky kapilárně stlačenému vzduchu: přehlížený erozní mechanismus / Sediment disintegration due to air compressed by capillarity: overlooked erosion mechanism

Vaculíková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Cílem této práce bylo orientačně otestovat, do jaké míry je rozpad díky vzduchu stlačovanému kapilární vodou nasávanou do sedimentu (kapilárně-pneumatický rozpad, KP rozpad) významným procesem při erozi různých sedimentů, jako jsou písky až slabě cementované pískovce, spraše, jíly, jílovce a případně i jílovité půdy. Dílčím cílem bylo především vytvořit a na několika vybraných materiálech otestovat jednoduchou metodiku, prokazující, zda sediment podlehne KP rozpadu, dále vypočítat destrukční tlak daný KP rozpadem v pórech sedimentu a porovnat ho s tahovou pevností materiálu a konečně posoudit vliv mineralogie a porosity sedimentů na KP rozpad. Pro odlišení KP rozpadu od jiných destrukčních procesů jsem zvolila pozorování rozpadu dvojic vzorků, kdy jeden byl saturován za běžného atmosférického tlaku vzduchu a druhý ve vakuu. Tato metoda je schopná odlišit KP působení od jiných erozních procesů a zároveň je přiměřeně rychlá a vhodná pro různé sedimenty a zeminy. Pozorování potvrzuje, že KP působení je schopno rozložit různé sedimenty a zeminy na jemné částice, jedná se o velmi důležitý proces rozpadu, který probíhá i ve stojaté vodě, může být iniciátorem pipingu a měl by být proto intenzivně studován. Srovnání vypočtených hodnot pórového tlaku s tahovou pevností ukázala, že vypočtené pórové tlaky...

Vlhkost a její transport v připovrchové zóně kvádrového pískovce / Moisture and its transport in shallow subsurface of quartz sandstone

Svobodová, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with moisture transport in porous medium of quartz sandstone. Capillary water and its movement is crucial for processes such as salt and frost weathering, growth of organisms and development of honeycombs and tafone. However, moisture transport is still not well described. I focused particularly on two new methods applied to sandstone investigation. In the laboratory I studied moisture transport in sandstone samples by means of repeated injection of uranine solution. I observed the evolution of evaporation front based on the changes in solution concentration indicated by difference in color of uranine solution. Additionally I investigated moisture content in the shallow subsurface of sandstone outcrops in the field using suction pressure and moisture content measurements by microtensiometers and TDR in three locations in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. Uranine proved to be an excellent tracer for visualization of the evaporation front geometry and its evolution in time. The results suggest that moisture transport is considerably affected by the presence of biofilms which are hydrophobic and retain moisture transport to surface. In addition, the values of suction pressure measured in honeycombs and a tafone are in agreement with the salt weathering model proposed by Huinink et al. (2004).

Elaboration d'un modèle structural, pétrophysique et mécanique des failles en milieu gréseux poreux : implication pour la migration et le piégeage des fluides / Development of a structural, petrophysical and mechanical model of faults in porous sandstone environment : implications for the migration and trapping of fluids

Philit, Sven 13 November 2017 (has links)
La cataclase est un processus de déformation efficace en termes de réduction de porosité et de perméabilité dans les grès poreux, constituant des aquifères et réservoirs d’hydrocarbures classiques. Un enjeu majeur concernant la déformation dans les grès consiste à identifier les processus contrôlant l’évolution des structures cataclastiques et reconnaitre les paramètres influençant l’expression de la déformation à l’échelle microscopique et à l’échelle du bassin.Dans cette étude, nous nous concentrons sur l’analyse structurale des amas (« clusters ») de bande de déformation cataclastiques afin de considérer une déformation suffisamment localisée représentant un potentiel rôle de barrière sur les fluides. Nous choisissons sept sites d’étude présentant des clusters formés en tectonique extensive et contractive, dans différent régimes Andersoniens, à différentes profondeurs d’enfouissement, et dans des grès aux lithologies variées. Nous utilisons une approche analytique afin d’estimer l’évolution de l’état de contrainte des grès jusqu’à la déformation. L’utilisation de modèles numériques permet d’analyser l’influence de certains paramètres physiques sur la structuration de la déformation.Nous montrons que la position de l’enveloppe de rupture du grès (dépendant de sa lithologie) semble déterminer la morphologie de la déformation. D’autre part, les clusters formés en régimes Andersoniens normal, décrochant et inverse semblent respectivement couramment se former sur la même partie de l’enveloppe.Les clusters formés en régime normal montrent des épaisseurs fines à moyennes, des densités de bande importantes et forment, avec d’autres clusters, des réseaux d’échelle kilométrique souvent localisés à proximité d’une faille majeure. Ils représentent une barrière potentielle pour les fluides. Les clusters formés en régime décrochant ont des épaisseurs et des densités de band moyennes. Parce qu’ils semblent éparses, ces clusters ne forment probablement aucun frein pour les fluides. Les clusters formés en régime inverse ont des épaisseurs et des densités de bande moyennes si la rupture est atteinte sur la partie fragile de l’enveloppe. Ils semblent potentiellement plus épais avec des densités de bands faibles voire deviennent de simples réseaux de bandes distribuées si l’enveloppe de rupture est atteinte sur sa partie ductile. Parce qu’ils sont courts et éparses, ces clusters ne représentent pas de frein pour les fluides.Nous relions le développement des clusters et leur morphologie à l’agencement microscopique des clasts dans le matériel déformé. La faible compaction du matériel déformé des clusters créés en régimes normal et décrochant semble être à l’origine de l’étroite localisation des bandes à cause de la présence de plans de faiblesse dans le matériel déformé. Pour le même degré de déformation, la compaction plus élevée du matériel en régime inverse favoriserait la distribution des bandes.Le passage à la faille tel qu’observé dans les clusters en régime normal est permis par la présence entre les grès de niveaux incluant des minéraux fragiles. Ces niveaux permettent l’initiation et la propagation d’une surface de glissement majeure dans les grès adjacents. L’initiation d’une faille est aussi favorisée lorsque des grès poreux sont juxtaposés contre une lithologie indurée.Notre étude montre que la cimentation de quartz des parties les plus déformées des clusters est fréquente, même dans le cas de clusters ayant été enfouis à des profondeurs inférieures à 800 m. Cette cimentation est catalysée par l’intense degré de cataclase, semble être précipitée par « self-healing » et altère les propriétés pétrophysiques des clusters. / Deformation through cataclasis, which corresponds to grain crushing, is an effective process of porosity and permeability reduction in porous sandstones, classical aquifers and hydrocarbon reservoirs at depth. A major stake concerning the deformation in sandstone is to understand what processes govern the growth of the cataclastic structures and to recognize what parameters influence the expression of the deformation at microscopic scale and at basin scale.In this study, we focus on the analysis of cataclastic deformation band clusters in order to consider a significantly concentrated deformation regarding the potential of fluid flow baffling. We select seven study sites presenting clusters formed in extensional and contractional tectonics, under different Andersonian regimes, at various burial depths and in sandstones of varying lithologies. To complement the structural analysis, we use an analytical approach to estimate the stress-state evolution of the sandstones leading to deformation. Numerical modeling allows the analysis of the influence of physical parameters on the structuring of the deformation.We show that the position of failure along the failure envelope of the sandstone (which depends on its lithology) seems to determine the morphology of deformation. On the other hand, normal, strike-slip and thrust Andersonian regime clusters respectively seem to form frequently on the same part of the envelope.Normal regime clusters (favorably formed in extensional tectonics) have thin to medium thickness, with high band density and form, with other clusters, networks of km-scale length - often localized near a major fault. They are likely to baffle fluid flow. Strike-slip regime clusters (favorably formed in contractional tectonics) have medium thickness with medium band densities. Due to their sparseness, they seem unlikely to form a baffle for fluids. Thrust regime clusters (favorably formed in contractional tectonics) have medium thickness and medium band density if failure is attained on the brittle part of the envelope. They seem potentially thicker, with low band density and tend to form arrays of deformation bands if failure is attained on the cap of the envelope. Because they are short and sparse, they do not represent an effective baffle for fluid flow.We relate the process of cluster growth and their resulting morphology to the microscopic arrangement of the clasts in the deformed material. The minor compaction in the deformed material of normal and strike-slip regime clusters seems to be at the origin of the dense localization of the bands through the presence of weaker planes in the deformed material. For the same degree of deformation, the more compacted material in thrust regime clusters would favor the distribution of the bands.Faulting of normal regime clusters is enhanced by the presence of layers including weak minerals between the sandstones. These weak layers are responsible for the initiation and propagation of major slip-surfaces in the adjacent sandstone from small displacements. The initiation of major slip-surfaces is also favored when porous sandstone is juxtaposed with a hard lithology.We find that the quartz cementation of the most deformed parts of the clusters is common, even in clusters that were never buried below 800 m. This cementation is promoted by an intense degree of cataclasis, seems to form by “self-healing”, and may reduce the petrophysical properties of clusters.

Investigação Geofísica do Alto Estrutural de Anhembi - SP / Geophysical research of high structural Anhembi - SP

Francisco de Assis Cavallaro 10 December 2013 (has links)
Nesse trabalho são apresentados os resultados de levantamentos gravimétricos e magnetométricos feitos no Alto Estrutural de Anhembi, SP. Para a área total, foi adotada a escala de semi-detalhe, enquanto que, para a área de ocorrência de geiseritos, os levantamentos foram feitos em escala de detalhe. O Alto Estrutural de Anhembi registra dois eventos geológicos importantes durante a evolução da Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná, ou seja, uma intensa atividade geotermal no final do Permiano que produziu milhares de geiseritos, bem como a migração e o transporte do óleo da Formação Irati armazenados em arenitos da Formação Pirambóia causados pela intrusão de diques e sills associados ao vulcanismo da Formação Serra Geral. Esses reservatórios são agora arenitos asfálticos que afloram na borda da estrutura circular, mostrando que eles estão localizados na base da Formação Pirambóia. O levantamento gravimétrico de semi-detalhe mostra uma anomalia positiva na direção NW-SE superposta ao rio Tietê, que indica uma forte correlação com o Lineamento Tietê. Esta é a prova de que, durante a sedimentação das formações do final do Permiano , havia um alto estrutural separando as formações Serra Alta, Teresina e Rio do Rasto a sul do rio Tietê, da Formação Corumbataí a norte do mesmo rio. Além disso, a anomalia gravimétrica residual também mostra uma feição aproximadamente circular coincidindo com a área de afloramentos da Formação Teresina no centro do Alto Estrutural de Anhembi. O padrão e forma da anomalia gravimétrica residual confirmam que as rochas do embasamento estão dispostas em blocos escalonados resultados do efeito dominó. Na realidade, a estrutura das rochas do embasamento é reproduzida na superfície por falhas e lineamentos. Levantamentos de semi-detalhe não mostram qualquer possível rocha ígnea como fonte de calor sob a área dos geiseritos. Os resultados sugerem que uma possível falha ao longo do córrego do Retiro tenha servido como conduto principal para a água quente vindo do embasamento. A fonte de calor está associada com a deformação dúctil ocorrida no interior da crosta e do manto superior. / In this work results from gravity and magnetic surveys done on Anhembi Structural High, SP, are presented. For whole area a large scale surveying was adopted while for outcropping area of geyserites both gravity and magnetic surveys were done at a small scale. This structural high records two important geological events during the evolution of the Paraná Sedimentary Basin, that is, an intense geothermal activity in Late Permian that produced thousands of geyserites, and migration and transport of oil from the Irati formation trapped into sandstones of the Pirambó ia Formation caused by intrusion of sills and dykes associated with the Serral Geral volcanism. These reservoirs are now tar sand deposits that outcrop in the border of the circular structure showing that they are located in the bottom of the Piramboia Formation. Gravity survey at large scale shows a positive anomaly in NW-SE direction matching the Tietê river which indicates a strong association with Tiet ê Lineament. This is the proof that during sedimentation of Late Permian formations there was a structural high along this lineament separating Serra Alta, Teresina and Rio do Rasto formations occurring southern Tietê river from the Corumbatai formation that occurs only northern this river. Moreover, residual gravity anomaly also shows an approximately circular feature matching the outcropping area of the Teresina formation in the center of the structural high. The pattern and shape of this residual gravity anomaly also confirms that the basement rocks are broken into blocks laying each other such as domino effect. Actually, the structure of t he basement rocks is reproduced on the ground by faults and lineaments. Small scale surveys do not show any possible igneous rock as heat source under the area of geyserites. Results suggest that a possible fault existed along the Retiro river served as the main conduct for hot water coming from the basement. The heat source is associated with ductile deformation occurred under the crust and upper mantle.

Investigação Geofísica do Alto Estrutural de Anhembi - SP / Geophysical research of high structural Anhembi - SP

Cavallaro, Francisco de Assis 10 December 2013 (has links)
Nesse trabalho são apresentados os resultados de levantamentos gravimétricos e magnetométricos feitos no Alto Estrutural de Anhembi, SP. Para a área total, foi adotada a escala de semi-detalhe, enquanto que, para a área de ocorrência de geiseritos, os levantamentos foram feitos em escala de detalhe. O Alto Estrutural de Anhembi registra dois eventos geológicos importantes durante a evolução da Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná, ou seja, uma intensa atividade geotermal no final do Permiano que produziu milhares de geiseritos, bem como a migração e o transporte do óleo da Formação Irati armazenados em arenitos da Formação Pirambóia causados pela intrusão de diques e sills associados ao vulcanismo da Formação Serra Geral. Esses reservatórios são agora arenitos asfálticos que afloram na borda da estrutura circular, mostrando que eles estão localizados na base da Formação Pirambóia. O levantamento gravimétrico de semi-detalhe mostra uma anomalia positiva na direção NW-SE superposta ao rio Tietê, que indica uma forte correlação com o Lineamento Tietê. Esta é a prova de que, durante a sedimentação das formações do final do Permiano , havia um alto estrutural separando as formações Serra Alta, Teresina e Rio do Rasto a sul do rio Tietê, da Formação Corumbataí a norte do mesmo rio. Além disso, a anomalia gravimétrica residual também mostra uma feição aproximadamente circular coincidindo com a área de afloramentos da Formação Teresina no centro do Alto Estrutural de Anhembi. O padrão e forma da anomalia gravimétrica residual confirmam que as rochas do embasamento estão dispostas em blocos escalonados resultados do efeito dominó. Na realidade, a estrutura das rochas do embasamento é reproduzida na superfície por falhas e lineamentos. Levantamentos de semi-detalhe não mostram qualquer possível rocha ígnea como fonte de calor sob a área dos geiseritos. Os resultados sugerem que uma possível falha ao longo do córrego do Retiro tenha servido como conduto principal para a água quente vindo do embasamento. A fonte de calor está associada com a deformação dúctil ocorrida no interior da crosta e do manto superior. / In this work results from gravity and magnetic surveys done on Anhembi Structural High, SP, are presented. For whole area a large scale surveying was adopted while for outcropping area of geyserites both gravity and magnetic surveys were done at a small scale. This structural high records two important geological events during the evolution of the Paraná Sedimentary Basin, that is, an intense geothermal activity in Late Permian that produced thousands of geyserites, and migration and transport of oil from the Irati formation trapped into sandstones of the Pirambó ia Formation caused by intrusion of sills and dykes associated with the Serral Geral volcanism. These reservoirs are now tar sand deposits that outcrop in the border of the circular structure showing that they are located in the bottom of the Piramboia Formation. Gravity survey at large scale shows a positive anomaly in NW-SE direction matching the Tietê river which indicates a strong association with Tiet ê Lineament. This is the proof that during sedimentation of Late Permian formations there was a structural high along this lineament separating Serra Alta, Teresina and Rio do Rasto formations occurring southern Tietê river from the Corumbatai formation that occurs only northern this river. Moreover, residual gravity anomaly also shows an approximately circular feature matching the outcropping area of the Teresina formation in the center of the structural high. The pattern and shape of this residual gravity anomaly also confirms that the basement rocks are broken into blocks laying each other such as domino effect. Actually, the structure of t he basement rocks is reproduced on the ground by faults and lineaments. Small scale surveys do not show any possible igneous rock as heat source under the area of geyserites. Results suggest that a possible fault existed along the Retiro river served as the main conduct for hot water coming from the basement. The heat source is associated with ductile deformation occurred under the crust and upper mantle.

Modèle structural, mécanique et pétrophysique de la localisation de la déformation dans les grès poreux(Provence, France) / Structural, mechanical and petrophysical model of strain localization in porous sandstone (Provence, France)

Ballas, Grégory 02 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude est destinée à améliorer la compréhension des caractéristiques structurales, pétrophysiques et mécaniques des bandes de déformation dans les grès poreux ainsi que de leur rôle potentiel sur la migration ou le piégeage des fluides en milieu réservoir. L'analyse structurale et pétrophysique des réseaux de bandes de Provence montre que leur perméabilité découle principalement de l'intensité de la cataclase dans leur microstructure et des processus diagénétiques qui peuvent s'y localiser avec la profondeur. L'analyse régionale de ces réseaux de bandes souligne l'influence majeure du régime tectonique sur leur distribution, leur organisation et leur perméabilité. Les bandes associées au régime normal (cataclactiques et peu perméables) sont localisées autour des failles cartographiques, tandis que les bandes associées au régime inverse (modérement cataclastiques et perméables) sont distribuées dans toute la région. Les bandes inverses sont fortement cataclastiques et imperméables uniquement autour du chevauchement de Roquemaure ce qui montre le rôle potentiel de la présence de grande faille sur les caractéristiques structurales et pétrophysiques de ces bandes. D'autre part, cette analyse suggère que la granulométrie de l'encaissant peut influencer l'initiation et l'organisation des réseaux. L'analyse mécanique des bandes de déformation a ensuite été réalisée à partir des résultats obtenus en Provence. L'enveloppe de plasticité de ces matériaux est calculée à l'aide d'une solution analytique. Les essais triaxiaux menés sur le grès de la carrière de l'Etang (orange) confirment la forme de ces enveloppes estimées théoriquement. Les essais réalisés sur les sables de Boncavaï (Uchaux) montrent que la taille des grains, le tri et de la compaction dans ces matériaux peu lithifiés influent sur leurs enveloppes de plasticité et la localisation des bandes cataclastiques à faibles profondeurs. Les trajets de contraintes sont estimés pour les phases d'enfouissement et de chargement tectonique (extension et compression) à partir de la relation entre contrainte principale et contraintes secondaires (K0), calibrée à partir de données de forage. Ces résultats sont intégrés à un modèle permettant d'estimer la nature et les caractéristiques structurales des bandes susceptibles de se former dans un contexte géologique donné. Un modèle structural, mécanique et pétrophysique a été établir à partir de ces différents résultats. Ce modèle est calibré à partir des données de perméabilité mesurées sur les bandes de Provence et des résultats du modèle mécanique de localisation cité précédemment. Ce modèle a ensuite été confronté à une synthèse des données de perméabilité disponibles dans la littérature et confirme l'influence des différents paramètres de contrôle pris en compte dans le modèle. Ce modèle a enfin pu être appliqué sur deux sites d'explorations/exploitations d'uranium en réservoir gréseux poreux et validé par les résultats obtenus, en concordance avec les observations de terrain. / This study is designed to improve the understanding of structural, mechanical and petrophysical characteristics of deformation bands in porous sandstone such as their potential influence on fluid storage or migration in reservoir setting. Structural and petrophysical analysis of band networks from Provence show that permeability of band is mainly controlled by the degree of cataclasis and diagenetic processes at depth. Map-scale analysis of band networks underlines the major influence of tectonic regime on band distribution, organization and permeability. Band associated to normal-fault regime (cataclasis and low-permeability) are located around map-sclae-fault whereas band associated to thurst-fault regime (moderate cataclasis and permeability) are pervasively distributed in all the area. Reverse-sense band are cataclastic and low-permeabiilty around the Roquemaure thrust, which show the potential role of large-scale fault on structural and petrophysical characteristics of bands. This analysis also shows the influence of fault propagation on formation of low permeability catacastic bands. This analysis suggests also granulometry as factor controlling organization of band networks. A mechanical analysis of deformation bands is realized based on results from Provence. Yield envelopes of these materials are calculated from analytical solution. Triaxial tests done on sandstone (L'Etang quarry, Orange) confirm the shape of yield envelope theoretically calculated. Triaxial tests done on the poorly-lithified sands (Boncavaï quarry, Uchaux) show grain size, sorting and packing influencing yield envelope and cataclastic band localization at shallow burial depth. Stress paths are calculated for burial and tectonic event (extension and contraction) using the relationship between main stress and secondary stresses (K0) calibrated from well data. These different results are integrated into a model which allows to estimate type and structural characteristics of bands susceptible to form for a known geological setting. A structural, mechanical and petrophysical model is established form these results. This model is calibrated by permeability data from deformation bands of Provence and results from the mechanical model of strain localization. This model is also confronted to a synthesis of permeability data from literature, which confirms the influence of the different controlling parameters integrated to the model. This model is applied for two sites of uranium exploration/exploitation in porous sandstone reservoirs and validated by field observations.

Utiliza??o de imagens ALOS/PALSAR no mapeamento digital de atributos f?sicos dos solos / Digital mapping of physical attributes of soils using ALOS/PALSAR images

BERNINI, Thiago Andrade 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-05-17T19:12:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Thiago Andrade Bernini.pdf: 6680378 bytes, checksum: 98cf74e5c188b6420235be6f37868b6b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-17T19:12:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Thiago Andrade Bernini.pdf: 6680378 bytes, checksum: 98cf74e5c188b6420235be6f37868b6b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / CAPES / The survey and analysis of the spatial distribution of soil attributes through geostatistics tools are essential for agricultural land use according to soil capability. The images of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) have great potential for soil moisture estimation and, thus, these sensors can assist in mapping the physical-hydric and physical properties of soils. The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the potential use of radar images (microwave) ALOS/PALSAR on the identification of soils in an area of the Botucatu formation, dominated by sandy and medium texture soils in the municipality of Mineiros, Goi?s State, Brazil. The area has approximately 946 hectares, with the relief of the region ranging from plain to low undulating hills and the geology of the area is composed basically by sandstones of the Botucatu formation. In the present study there were sampled 84 points for calibration and 25 points for validation, collected in the depths of 0-20 cm and 60-80 cm. The soil samples were analyzed for the determination of sand, silt, clay, field capacity (CC), permanent wilting point (PMP) and total water available (AD). For the development of the work were acquired ALOS/PALSAR radar images of five dates and different polarizations, totaling 14 images, which were processed for the geographic and radiometric corrections, using a DEM. Were also generated covariates of terrain attributes: high (ELEV), slope (DECLIV), relative position of the slope (PR-DECL), vertical distance of the drainage channel (DVCD), ls factor (FACTOR-LS) and Euclidean distance (D-EUCL). Prediction of soil attributes was performed using Random Forest methods (RF) and Random Forest Kriging (RFK), having as predictive covariates the radar imaging and terrain attributes. Image processing of the ALOS/PALSAR radar images enabled the geographical and radiometric corrections, transforming the data into backscatter coefficient (??) in units of dB, corrected by digital elevation model (MDE). The acquired images represented broad range of ?? between the different dates. The soils of the study area are predominantly sandy, with most of the sampled points classified as Neossolos Quartzar?nicos (Entisols), followed by Latossolos (Oxisols). The RF models employed for prediction of physical-hydric and physical attributes of soils provided an analysis of the contribution of these covariates in the predictive models. The landscape attributes that caused the largest impact in the prediction of the studied attributes are related to the altitude. The images of 5/3/2009 (HH1, VV1, HV1 and VH1) and 9/26/2010 (HH3 and HV3), obtained in drier periods, had best correlations with the soil attributes. The analysis of the semivariograms of the RF prediction models residues demonstrated greater spatial dependence in the 60 to 80 cm layer. The Kriging approach coupled with RF model contributed to the improvement of the prediction of sand, clay, CC and PMP. Using ALOS/PALSAR radar images and terrain attributes as covariates in RFK models showed potential to estimate the physical (sand and clay) and physical-hydric (CC and PMP) attributes, which can assist in mapping of soils associated with the Botucatu formation parent materials. / O levantamento e a an?lise da espacializa??o dos atributos do solo atrav?s de ferramentas de geoestat?stica s?o fundamentais para que cada hectare de terra seja cultivado segundo as suas reais aptid?es. As imagens de radar de abertura sint?tica (SAR) t?m um grande potencial para a estima??o de umidade do solo e, desta forma, estes sensores podem auxiliar no mapeamento de propriedades f?sicas e f?sico-h?dricas dos solos. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial de utiliza??o de imagens de radar (micro-ondas) ALOS/PALSAR na identifica??o de solos em uma ?rea da Forma??o Botucatu, dominada por solos de textura arenosa e m?dia no munic?pio de Mineiros - GO. A ?rea tem aproximadamente 946 ha, com o relevo da regi?o variando de plano a suave ondulado e geologia da ?rea ? composta basicamente, por Arenitos da Forma??o Botucatu. No presente estudo foram amostrados 84 pontos para calibra??o e 25 pontos para valida??o, coletados nas profundidades de 0-20 cm e 60-80 cm. As amostras de solo analisadas para a determina??o de areia, silte, argila, capacidade de campo (CC), ponto de murcha permanente (PMP) e ?gua total dispon?vel (AD). Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho foram adquiridas imagens de cinco datas e diferentes polariza??es, totalizando 14 imagens, que foram processadas para a corre??o geom?trica e corre??o radiom?trica, utilizando o MDE. Tamb?m foram gerados covari?veis dos atributos do terreno: eleva??o (ELEV), declividade (DECLIV), posi??o relativa da declividade (PR-DECL), dist?ncia vertical do canal de drenagem (DVCD), fator-ls (FATOR-LS) e dist?ncia euclidiana (D-EUCL). A predi??o dos atributos do solo foi realizada utilizando os m?todos Random Forest (RF) e Random Forest Krigagem (RFK), tendo como covari?veis preditoras as imagens de radar e os atributos do terreno. O processamento das imagens do radar ALOS/PALSAR possibilitou as corre??es geom?trica e radiom?trica, transformando os dados em unidades de coeficiente de retroespalhamento (??) corrigidos pelo modelo digital de eleva??o (MDE). As imagens adquiridas representaram de forma ampla as varia??es de ?? ocorridos em diferentes datas. Os solos da ?rea de estudo s?o predominantemente arenosos, com a maioria dos pontos amostrados classificados como NEOSSOLOS QUARTZAR?NICOS, seguidos dos LATOSSOLOS. Os modelos RF empregados para a predi??o dos atributos f?sicos e f?sico-h?dricos dos solos proporcionaram a an?lise da contribui??o das covari?veis preditoras. Os atributos do terreno que exerceram maior influ?ncia na predi??o dos atributos estudados est?o relacionados ? eleva??o. As imagens de 03/05/2009 (HH1, VV1, HV1 e VH1) e 26/09/2010 (HH3 e HV3), obtidas em per?odos mais secos, tiveram melhores correla??es com os atributos do solo. As an?lises dos semivariogramas dos res?duos da predi??o dos modelos RF demonstraram maior depend?ncia espacial na camada de 60 a 80 cm. A abordagem da Krigagem somada ao modelo RF contribu?ram para a melhoria da predi??o dos atributos areia, argila, CC e PMP. O uso de imagens de radar ALOS/PALSAR e atributos do terreno como covari?veis em modelos RFK mostrou potencial para estimar os atributos f?sicos (areia e argila) e f?sico-h?dricos (CC e PMP), que podem auxiliar no mapeamento de solos associados aos materiais de origem da Forma??o Botucatu.

A Geologic and Hydrochemical Investigation of the Suitability of Central Utah's Navajo Sandstone for the Disposal of Saline Process Water and CO2

Randall, Kevin L. 01 May 2009 (has links)
Salt water is produced from the Ferron Sandstone Member of the Mancos Shale in central Utah as part of the production of coalbed methane (CBM) and is disposed of by injection predominantly into the Navajo Sandstone between 4,500 feet to 7,300 feet and is considered to be a hazardous waste. Local government agencies are concerned about the potential impacts on shallow groundwater because of this disposal method. Water samples were gathered from four shallow water-supply wells, and nine salt water disposal (SWD) wells to compare hydrochemistries as an indicator of potential mixing. Shallow water-supply wells are likely recharged by local precipitation while the source of CO2 is from atmospheric and/or soil CO2 gas and comparatively, are low in total dissolved solids. Carbonate mineral dissolution is the source of CO2 in the SWD wells and is exceptionally high in TDS. The SWD water appears to be old water and displays an evaporative signature. A geologic analysis was conducted for the Drunkards Wash gas field using 479 digital gas well logs. Three subsurface faults were identified with one fault in the north and the other two in the central part of the gas field near the eastern and western flanks. These faults were further confirmed by comparing average monthly gas and water production from the first 24 months in these faulted areas to adjacent control areas. Areas near faults reveal two to six times greater gas production than that of the associated control areas, and water production is greater by nearly an order of magnitude. This difference is likely due to the fracturing associated with the damage zone near the faults allowing for increased flow of gas and water. Due to the high injection pressures the vertical hydraulic gradient has been reversed from downward to upward. However, due to the thick sequences of shale separating the disposal aquifers and the shallow aquifers the estimated time required for the disposal waters to migrate to the surface would be at least 2,000 years. I conclude that the saline waters produced from the Ferron Sandstone are being safely sequestered in deeply buried, extensive and geologically-sealed aquifers.

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