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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Novostavba sportovního centra / New Building of Sports Centre

Bratršovský, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The subject of my master´s thesis is the proces of structurylly-technical part of the project documentation of a new building of sports centre in Polná. Designed building is located in the western part of the field by gently sloping terrain. The building is divided into two patrs of the building. Sports hall and facilities for athletes and spectators. The sports hall has one floor and is partially below the surface. The sports hall is covered with a gable roof. Roof cladding is made of sandwich panels. Facilities has two floors and is covered by a flat roof. This is a new building, which are used in conventional building materials. The main fittings include brick and reinforced concrete.

Energocentrum - vybrané části STP / Energy centre - selected parts of building technology project

Suchánek, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Master thesis Energy centre - selected parts of building technology project is solving problems connected with technological issues from the construction work supplier point of view. This thesis concerns such a parts as financial, timing and preparations are. Material used as a base was a master thesis of the student from Civil engineering department.

Sandschalung zur Herstellung von dünnwandigen Sandwiches aus Carbonbeton

Gericke, Oliver, Haase, Walter, Sobek, Werner 21 July 2022 (has links)
aus dem Inhalt: „Die im Teilprojekt Sobek (siehe S. 626 ff .) entwickelte gefrorene Sandschalung zur abfallfreien Herstellung von Betonbauteilen wurde im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Konsortiums Carbon Concrete Composite – C3 für die Herstellung dünnwandiger und gekrümmter Sandwichelemente weiterentwickelt. Der vorliegende Kurzbericht fasst die Forschungsergebnisse des Projekts C3Sandwich zusammen. Eine ausführliche Beschreibung der Arbeiten wurde in [1] veröffentlicht....” / from teh content: „Within the framework of the BMBF-funded consortium Carbon Concrete Composite – C3, the research on sand formwork for the waste-free production of concrete components (TP Sobek, p. 626 seq.) was further advanced towards the production of thin-walled and curved sandwich elements. This report summarizes the research results of the project C3Sandwich. A detailed description of the work was published in [1]....”


ISABELA DE PAULA SALGADO 19 December 2019 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho propõe-se a analisar o comportamento mecânico de painéis sanduíche constituídos por duas camadas externas de compósitos cimentícios reforçados com fibras naturais, separadas por um núcleo de concreto celular autoclavado (CCA). Cada placa de material compósito foi moldada diretamente sobre a superfície de um bloco de CCA, por meio da disposição manual de três camadas unidirecionais de fibras longas de curauá. Visando prover maior durabilidade ao compósito, desenvolveu-se uma matriz com baixo teor de hidróxido de cálcio, substituindo uma parcela do cimento por materiais pozolânicos. Ensaios de caracterização da matriz, dos filamentos de curauá e dos blocos de CCA foram realizados para a obtenção de suas propriedades independentes. Os compósitos foram submetidos a ensaios de arrancamento do tecido, tração direta e flexão a quatro pontos para a avaliação de diferentes aspectos de seus mecanismos de fissuração, resistência e capacidade de deformação. Zonas de carregamento foram indicadas em cada caso para demonstrar o comportamento padrão dos compósitos. Os painéis sanduíche, por sua vez, foram analisados em termos de interface, por meio de ensaios de aderência e micrografias da superfície de transição dos materiais, e de desempenho mecânico, por ensaios de flexão a quatro pontos cíclicos e monotônicos. Esses últimos forneceram a rigidez, capacidade de carga e deflexão dos painéis sanduíche, tal como as principais propriedades de seus elementos: para o núcleo, a resistência ao cisalhamento e o módulo de cisalhamento, e para as lâminas, a resistência à compressão e à tração. Os ensaios cíclicos testaram a resistência do material a séries de carregamento-descarregamento, enquanto ensaios de aderência foram utilizados para verificar a interface entre os compósitos laminados e o núcleo de CCA. Os resultados indicaram um desempenho satisfatório dos painéis sanduíche, uma vez que os compósitos foram capazes de lhes fornecer um comportamento de strain/deflection hardening, aumentando sua resistência e tenacidade. A adesão entre lâminas-núcleo mostrou-se eficaz, de maneira que os diferentes materiais compreendidos demonstraram interação adequada entre si, bem como propriedades complementares. Dentre os objetivos desse trabalho, encontra-se o desenvolvimento de um material sustentável, leve, resistente e tenaz, de modo que constitua uma alternativa promissora e de baixo custo a aplicações de Engenharia. / [en] This present work aims to analyze the mechanical behavior of sandwich panels consisting of two outer layers of natural fiber-reinforced cementitious composites separated by a core layer of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC). The molding of each composite layer was made directly on the surface of an AAC block, by manually arranging three layers of long unidirectional aligned curauá fibers in the mortar. In order to increase the composite durability, a matrix with a low content of calcium hydroxide was developed, where the Portland cement was partially replaced by pozzolanic materials. Characterization tests of the matrix, the curauá filaments and the AAC blocks were performed to obtain their independent properties. The composites were submitted to fabric pull-out tests, direct tensile tests and four-point bending to evaluate different aspects of their cracking mechanisms, strength and deformation capacity. Loading zones were indicated in each case to demonstrate the standard composite behavior. The sandwich panels, on the other hand, were analyzed in terms of interface, through pull-off tests and SEM images of the materials transition surface, and mechanical performance, by means of cyclic and monotonic four-point bending tests. The latter registered the rigidity, load capacity and deflection of the sandwich panels, as well as the main properties of their elements: for the core, shear strength and shear modulus, and for the skin layers, compressive strength and tensile strength. Cyclic tests evaluated the resistance of the material to loading-unloading cycles, while pull-off tests were used to verify the interface between the laminated composites and the AAC core. The results indicated a satisfactory performance of the sandwich panels, since the composite layers provided a strain/deflection hardening behavior to the material, increasing its flexural strength and toughness. The adhesion between the layers and the core proved to be effective, so that the comprised materials displayed adequate interaction between each other, as well as complementary properties. Among the objectives of this work is the development of a sustainable, lightweight, resistant and tough material, in a way that it represents a promising and low-cost alternative to Engineering applications.

Sportovní centrum ve Zlíně / Sports Centre in Zlín

Studený, Marek January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with project documentation for the realization of the sports centre in Zlín. Object is located on the edge of the city Zlín in build-up area of the sports halls. Object is defined from two sides by major roads, that are connected with family and residential buildings. Building site of the object is sligtly sloping, however with ground adapting adjusts into seeming flat land. The hall is devided on three operation parts. First and dominant unit is formed by gaming area with grandstrand, corresponding facilities included. Second unit is formed by mountaineering wall, corresponding included. Third unit is formed by bar, corresponding facilities included. Object is drafted with consideration of the Baťas architecture. Object is designed like a skeleton construction with combinated system of frames. Main supporting vertical construction of skeleton is designed from reinforced prefabricated concrete column. Main supporting horizontal construction of skeleton is designed like a system solution slimfloor, that is based on placing prestressed segment onto bottom side of a special beam Deltabeam. Within the main supporting construction is designed stifenner and construction of grandstrand as well, maid from reinforced prefabricard concrete. Sheathing of the object is combinated. From the second floor is designed system from thermal insulated sandwich panels, which is anchored into the pre-set steel construction. Roof is designed as a flat roof with trapezoidal metal sheet with thermal insulation and waterproofing layer made from m-PVC. Fillings of the object including light curtain wall is designed from system Schüco.

Příprava realizace výrobního a administrativního objektu v Moravanech / Construction preparation of production and administrative building in Moravany

Veselý, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the elaboration of a building-technological project for the construction of a hall in Moravany u Brna. The work includes comprehensive studies of implementation including timetable, financial plans and technological regulations. It also deals with the design of the main building mechanisms, building equipment, control and test plan. There are also three drawings of the construction site equipment for the implementation stages.

Ocelová konstrukce volejbalové haly / The steel construction of a volleyball hall

Kratochvílová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the study of sports hall designated for volleyball. The volleyball hall is steel construction with arched truss with span of 30 meters. Sport`s background, roofed by mono-pitch plus saddle roof, is part of south-easterly side of the hall. The hall is situated in moderate slope terrain in cadastre unit Zbraslav na Moravě. Designed hall has rectangular plan (48 x 30 m) to this belongs also the foyer and the clubroom. Clear height of the hall is 15 m. Object consists of columnal structural system with steel columns that support arched truss. Center to center spacing of main truss is 8 m. The object is set up on reinforced concrete foundation pad. Column foot is sticked in foundation pad and column head is pinned. Roof’s and wall’s bracings provide stability of the hall. Curtain walling and roof cover is made of sandwich panels Kingspan. Insolation and daylighting is guaranteed by plastic windows set in the wall.

Global and Local Buckling Analysis of Stiffened and Sandwich Panels Using Mechanics of Structure Genome

Ning Liu (6411908) 10 June 2019 (has links)
Mechanics of structure genome (MSG) is a unified homogenization theory that provides constitutive modeling of three-dimensional (3D) continua, beams and plates. In present work, the author extends the MSG to study the buckling of structures such as stiffened and sandwich panels. Such structures are usually slender or flat and easily buckle under compressive loads or bending moments which may result in catastrophic failure.<div><br><div>Buckling studies of stiffened and sandwich panels are found to be scattered. Most of the existed theories employ unnecessary assumptions or only apply to certain types of structures. There are few unified approaches that are capable of studying the buckling of different kinds of structures altogether. The main improvements of current approach compared with other methods in the literature are avoiding unnecessary assumptions, the capability of predicting all possible buckling modes including the global and local buckling modes, and the potential in studying the buckling of various types of structures.<br></div><div><br></div><div>For global buckling that features small local rotations, MSG mathematically decouples the 3D geometrical nonlinear problem into a linear constitutive modeling using structure genome (SG) and a geometrical nonlinear problem defined in a macroscopic structure. As a result, the original structures are simplified as macroscopic structures such as beams, plates or continua with effective properties, and the global buckling modes are predicted on macroscopic structures. For local buckling that features finite local rotations, Green strain is introduced into the MSG theory to achieve geometrically nonlinear constitutive modeling. Newton’s method is used to solve the nonlinear equilibrium equations for fluctuating functions. To find the bifurcated fluctuating functions, the fluctuating functions are then perturbed under the Bloch-periodic boundary conditions. The bifurcation is found when the tangent stiffness associated with the perturbed fluctuating functions becomes singular. Moreover, the arc-length method is introduced to solve the nonlinear equilibrium equations for post-local-buckling predictions because of its robustness. The imperfection is included in the form of geometrical imperfection by superimposing the scaled buckling modes in linear perturbation analysis on mesh.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Extensive validation case studies are carried out to assess the accuracy of the MSG theory in global buckling analysis and post-global-buckling analysis, and assess the accuracy of the extended MSG theory in local buckling and post-local-buckling analysis. Results using MSG theory and extended MSG theory in buckling analysis are compared with direct numerical solutions such as 3D FEA results and results in literature. Parametric studies are performed to reveal the relative influence of selective geometric parameters on buckling behaviors. The extended MSG theory is also compared with representative volume element (RVE) analysis with Bloch-periodic boundary conditions using commercial finite element packages such as Abaqus to assess the efficiency and accuracy of the present approach.<br></div></div>

Skladovací hala / Storage hall

Ščudla, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The master´s thesis on the topic Storage hall is processed in the form of project documentation for the realization of the new building. This building is projected on a plot 2828/108, 2828/106, 2828/105, 2828/104, 2828/222 and 2828/107 in the cadastral area Brno – Cernovice. This building is adjoined to the existing production hall and is divided into two parts. This parts are storage and administration. The administrative part has two floors and includes office space and hygienic facilities for own employees. The storage part is determined for storing of plastic products.

Autodílny s autoškolou / Car repair shop and driving school

Podola, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to partly elaborate the project documentation of a car repair shop. The building is situated in Hranice (Přerov district) next to the industrial estates near a town part called Nová. It is a three storey building with two aboveground floors and a basement. The building is divided into two parts. The industrial part is designed as prefabricated structure and the non-industrial part is designed to be bricked in Wienerberger Porotherm system. The building is intended for maintenance and repair of racing cars. There are also the office spaces for the company's management and a room for a driving school in the building.

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