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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Lawton, Timothy Frost January 1983 (has links)
The Late Cretaceous foreland basin in central Utah developed adjacent to the Cordilleran fold and thrust belt between Albian and latest Campanian time. Subsidence resulted from the lithospheric 'oad of coeval thrust sheets to the west. Compositional trends of foreland-basin sandstones record unroofing of stratigraphic sequences above ramp-style detachment thrusts until the middle Campanian, when folding above a frontal blind thrust system caused recycling of previously deposited foreland basin detritus. Basement uplifts within the foreland basin terminated subsidence in latest Campanian time. Thrust loading created a westward-thickening basin in which the sedimentary wedge fines eastward. Coarse-grained synorogenic strata along the western edge of the basin are included in the Indianola Group, which consists of a lower marine-dominated sequence and an upper fluvial sequence. The marine sequence correlates with the marine Mancos Shale farther east, while the upper fluvial sequence is equivalent to the Mesaverde Group. Individual lithostratigraphic units are time-transgressive, becoming younger eastward. Eight distinct depositional facies are recognized in the Indianola Group: alluvial fan conglomerate, braided fluvial conglomerate, braided fluvial pebbly sandstone, meanderbelt fluvial sandstone and siltstone, delta distributary sandstone, lagoonal sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone, nearshore marine sandstone, and open marine mudstone and siltstone. The Mesaverde Group was deposited mostly by sandy to pebbly braided and meandering rivers which transported detritus eastward from the thrust belt. Facies in the basin combine to form an offlapping sequence of eastward-fining clastic wedges. Sandstones of the basin are quartzarenites, sublitharenites, and litharenites derived from the sedimentary source terrane of the thrust belt. Detrital carbonate grains are an important fraction of the sedimentary rock fragments that dominate the lithic population of the sandstones. Feldspathic litharenites high in eastern exposures of the Mesaverde Group were derived from an arc terrane lying beyond the thrust belt. Linear petrographic trends shown by triangular QtFL and QpLsLv plots resulted from mixing of detritus from multiple sources. The age of synorogenic deposits and their succession by a Maastrichtian to Paleocene overlap assemblage indicate that foreland basin subsidence and major thrust faulting were continuous from late Albian through late Campanian time in central Utah.

Structural patterns and bed stability of humid temperate, Mediterranean and semi-arid gravel bed rivers

Wittenberg, Lea January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Sediment Dynamics and Stratigraphic Architecture of a Lower Silurian Storm-dominated Carbonate Ramp, Anticosti Island, Québec, Canada

Clayer, François 10 August 2012 (has links)
The upper Llandovery succession across the Jupiter-Chicotte formational contact on Anticosti Island, Québec, allows us to study the sediment dynamics and stratigraphic architecture of a storm-dominated, carbonate ramp. The Anticosti paleotropical ramp was slowly subsiding and recording significant changes in sea level in a far field glacial setting during the early Telychian. Three facies associations, grouping nine facies, are recognized along the E-W outcrop belt, and from top to bottom as the: (FA-1) encrinitic carbonate facies, (FA-2) mixed siliciclastic and carbonate facies, and (FA-3) non-encrinitic carbonate facies. These mid to outer ramp sediments represent deposition mostly from episodic, high-energy storm events as evidenced by hummocky cross-stratification, large wave ripples, gutter casts, and wave-enhanced sediment-gravity flow deposits. Spatial and temporal changes in siliciclastic content imply basin margin depositional environments in the eastern sections and change in climate regime from arid to humid conditions. The Chicotte deposition marks a major faunal change with the domination of crinoids triggered by increasing siliciclastic supply, rapid sea level fluctuations and change in substrates. The recognition of one major transgressive-regressive (TR) sequence subdivided in distinct meter-scale cycles allows a high resolution E-W correlation. The development of the TR sequence and meter-scale cycles is driven by glacio-eustacy where the main sequence is 4th order (~400 Ky) with superimposed meter-scale cycles that are 5th and/or 6th order (~100 Ky). Nevertheless, erosional capping surfaces within the more proximal tempestites represent ancient rocky shorelines that developed during forced sea level falls. In order to explain this stratigraphic architecture, a carbonate open-ramp model is proposed with a concave-up profile and a narrow and steep inner ramp in equilibrium with a high-energy coastline.

A regional, 3-D computer-based sedimentological model of the permian Witbank coalfield, South Africa

28 January 2009 (has links)
M.Sc. / The objective of this work is to establish a regional, three-dimensional sedimentological model of the clastic strata of the Vryheid Formation and pre-existing basin floor topography of the Witbank Coalfield, South Africa. This considers an area extending from 25°30’ S to 26°30’ S by 28°30’E to 30°E. This has been undertaken using computer modelling to examine the three-dimensional distribution of the sedimentary rocks. The basis for the geological model presented in this thesis is 1190 borehole logs collected from three mining companies involved in coal extraction in the study area, namely Anglo American Coal Corporation, Duiker Mining Limited and Ingwe Coal Corporation Limited. These borehole logs are converted to a common data format for inclusion into the 3-D model. These borehole logs are correctly positioned in space using a digital elevation model. The primary objective of this research was to visualize the interburden and overburden sedimentary rocks within the study area, so as to be able to understand the distribution and hence origin of these rocks. As commercially available modelling tools have several restrictions with respect to the current work, Geovision cc. was contracted to develop the tools needed for the geological visualization of the data. Using the three-dimensional model, the distribution of the various facies and facies associations can be defined, to understand the depositional history of the basin. These characteristics include the delineation of the general trend of the basement topography. The distribution of the lower glacial and paraglacial sedimentary rocks within the study in steep-sided palaeovalleys, marked by rapid facies and thickness changes from diamictite through argillite, and minor sandstones and conglomerates is shown in 3-D. Evidence of lobate deltas and bedload sandy river deposits between the No. 2 and No. 4 Seams is presented in 3-D. The 3-D characteristics of the rocks between the No. 4 and No. 5 Seams, proposed to represent a period of deltaic progradation during an overall marine transgression is described. By using a 3-D model it is possible to evaluate the distribution of sedimentary rocks, both through space and through time. These palaeoenvironmental interpretations facilitate a better understanding of the genesis of the Witbank Coalfield. Furthermore, this enhanced geological modelling can facilitate improved mine planning and mining techniques.

\"História ecológica da floresta de Araucária durante o Quaternário Tardio no setor sul da serra da Mantiqueira: análises sedimentológicas e palinológicas na região de Monte Verde (MG)\" / \"Ecological history of the Araucaria forest during the late Quaternary: sedimentological and palinological results from the Monte Verde region, Serra da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil\"

Siqueira, Eliane de 11 December 2006 (has links)
A baixa temperatura média anual (< 18ºC), a localização em zona de altitude elevada (> 1500 m) e a diversidade florística, bem representativa da parte sul da serra da Mantiqueira, tornam a região de Monte Verde (município de Camanducaia, sudeste do Estado de Minas Gerais), propícia para a investigação de mudanças climáticas ocorridas no Quaternário tardio, meta desta Dissertação. Para buscar esta meta, propõe-se como objetivo a análise e descrição da sucessão paleoflorística, integrada ao aporte sedimentar e às condições geoquímicas de deposição nesta região, com base de dados palinológicos, sedimentológicos (granulometria, concentração de matéria orgânica e teor e tipos de minerais pesados) e geocronológicos (datações 14C por espectrometria de aceleração de massa). A área amostrada foi a margem esquerda do Córrego dos Cadetes, afluente do rio Jaguari. Trata-se de um vale fluvial encaixado em alvéolo de relevo acidentado, onde se coletou testemunho raso (2,10m) contínuo, com equipamento vibrocorer (vibro-amostrador). Os depósitos sedimentares tertemunhados são argilo-arenosos orgânicos e turfosos. Sua análise sedimentológica demonstra a ocorrência de variações graduais e cíclicas relacionadas a mudanças no balanço entre aporte sedimentar terrígeno e biodretítico e/ou orgânico, controlado por alterações no tipo de processo deposicional, e, por extensão, na cobertura vegetal, esta possivelmente influenciada por oscilações climáticas do Quaternário Tardio. As cinco datações obtidas ficaram compreendidas no intervalo entre 20830-20370 anos 14C cal A.P. (100 cm de profundidade) e 2350?2150 anos 14C cal A.P. (10 cm). Os dados palinológicos permitem interpretar que durante todo esse período a região foi dominada por floresta, principalmente com a presença de Araucaria angustifolia, sob clima predominantemente frio e úmido, porém com possíveis oscilações de umidade. Para efeito de inferências paleoclimáticas, quatro fases principais foram identificadas, expressas a seguir em idades extrapoladas. A primeira fase corresponde ao intervalo de 17000 a 15000 anos A.P., no qual há oscilação da cobertura vegetal e aumento de erosão nas encostas, sob clima frio e úmido. Na segunda fase, de 15000 a 9000 anos A.P., detectou-se aumento de umidade acompanhado da redução do aporte trativo. A terceira fase, correspondente ao intervalo de 9000 a 8000 anos A.P., registra decréscimo na umidade e aumento da taxa de sedimentação. Nos últimos 8000 anos A.P., ocorre a manutenção da floresta de Araucaria em condições climáticas frias e úmidas. / Low annual average temperature (< 18ºC), the localization in a zone of high altitude (> 1500 m) and high floristic diversity, representative of the southern part of the Serra da Mantiqueira highlands, turn the Monte Verde region (city of Camanducaia, Southeast of the State of Minas Gerais), propitious for the inquiry of Late Quaternary climatic changes, the aim of this dissertation. The objective of the study is to analyze and describe the paleofloristic succession based on palynology, integrated with sedimentological (grain size and heavy mineral analysis), geochemical (quantification of organic matter) and geochronological (14C AMS dating) data. The sampled area is located at the left margin of the Cadetes stream, a tributary of the Jaguari River. A 2.10 m long sediment core was collected on the fluvial valley with a vibrocore equipment. The sandy-clay sediments show a high organic content and are similar in appearance to peatbog deposits. The sedimentological analysis demonstrate the occurrence of gradual and cyclic variations related to the change in incoming of terrigenous biodetrital/organic sediments, controlled by alterations in the type of depositional process, and, therefore, possibly by the vegetation cover. All these changes were possibly influenced by climatic oscillations of the Late Quaternary. The five 14C AMS dates obtained encompass the period between 20830-20370 14C cal. A.P. (100 cm of depth) and 2,350-2,150 years 14C cal. A.P. (10 cm). The palynological results indicate that in the last 20,000 years the landscape was characterized by Araucaria angustifolia forest under predominantly cold and humid climates, with minor oscillations of humidity. Four pollen phases had been identified, with extrapolated ages for paleoclimatic inferences. The first one corresponds to the interval between 17,000 and 15,000 years A.P. with oscillation of the forest cover under cold and humid climate. Between 15,000 and 9,000 years A.P., there is an increase of humidity and reduction of tractive sedimentary supply. The third interval corresponds to the period between 9,000 and 8,000 years A.P. with a decrease in humidity and increase of the sedimentation rate. In the last 8,000 years A.P. Araucaria forest was maintained under cold and humid climatic conditions, as it did during the Late Pleistocene.

Influência da quantidade e disposição de dados na modelação de terrenos aplicada a batimetria de reservatórios. Estudos de caso: UHE Três Irmãos - SP e UHE Chavantes - SP / The influence of sampling rate and location for terrain modeling applied in reservoir bathymetric surveys. Cases of studies: Tres Irmaos - SP Reservoir and Chavantes Reservoir - SP

Estigoni, Marcus Vinícius 20 January 2012 (has links)
Visando garantir a disponibilidade hídrica em seus diferentes usos são construídos reservatórios, estes sempre associados a problemas de perda de volume de armazenamento devido ao processo de assoreamento. A atualização destes dados, bem como a quantificação do assoreamento geralmente é feita através de Levantamento Batimétrico. Apesar da grande importância do tema não é observado na literatura um método padronizado para a realização de estudos batimétricos, autores e organizações apresentam métodos dispares quanto à quantidade e disposição dos dados. Deste modo, a presente pesquisa buscou elencar os métodos apresentados na literatura e analisá-los quanto a precisão obtida no cálculo de volume do reservatório, utilizando como estudo de caso o reservatório da UHE Três Irmãos (SP). Observou-se que os MDTs gerados pelos métodos não representavam com fidelidade trechos estreitos do reservatório (braços) bem como o talvegue. Foi então proposto um método para a determinação do espaçamento entre seções bem como uma rotina para geração de MDT considerando características do talvegue. O método proposto para determinação do espaçamento entre seções se mostrou capaz de representar com relativa boa precisão trechos dos braços (diferença máxima encontrada de 5,01%) e apresentou tempo de coleta de dados de 60% do método mais preciso apresentado na literatura. A rotina de geração de MDT proporcionou em média melhora de aproximadamente 30% na qualidade dos dados de volume calculados. Por meio da aplicação dos métodos desenvolvidos na UHE Chavantes foi calculado um assoreamento de 3,91%, de acordo com os resultados, sem a utilização das rotina de geração de MDT desenvolvida cálculo do volume do reservatório seria subestimado em 1,61%, superestimando o cálculo do assoreamento. / Water reservoirs are built with the main purpose of guaranteeing water supply, however, their volume always decreases due the sedimentation processes. Bathymetric surveys can be deployed to assess the current volumetric capacity of a given reservoir and to estimate and quantify the sedimentation process. Although Bathymetric surveys are considered to be a key factor when analyzing and assessing properties of a given reservoir, a standard method for its deployment is yet to be defined. Authors and research groups presents different methods about the sampling rate as well as the choice of adequate spots for data collection. The overall goal of this research was to identify and analyze the different methods deployed in previous published literature analyzing the accuracy of the volume data provided by these different methods. Três Irmãos reservoir (São Paulo) was used as a case study where methods were compared. It was pointed out that the DEMs obtained were unable to accurately represent narrower reservoirs areas (tributaries) and the thalweg. Therefore was proposed a new method for determining the distance among survey sections as well as a routine for DEM generation takes into account the thalweg characteristics. Results revealed that the data pulled out was able to represent with accuracy the tributary areas (maximum difference was 5.01%). In addition, a reduced data collection time was observed (60%) when compared against the most accurate method found in published literature. The proposed technique for DEM generation indicated approximately 30% of quality improvement in the data calculated for the reservoir volume. The developed method was applied on a bathymetric survey conducted on the Chavantes reservoir (São Paulo). The loss of reservoir capacity assessed was 3.19%. According to results, a bathymetric survey which does not deploy the new method proposed would underestimate the reservoir\'s volume by 1.61% and overestimate the sedimentation process.

Evolução sedimentar holocênica do delta do rio Tubarão, Estado de Santa Catarina / Holocene sedimentary evolution of the Tubarão river delta, Santa Catarina State (Brazil)

Nascimento Junior, Daniel Rodrigues do 11 February 2011 (has links)
O delta do rio Tubarão, situado na costa centro-sul catarinense entre os municípios de Tubarão, Jaguaruna e Laguna, constitui raro exemplo de delta lagunar ativo no Brasil. Sua planície deltaica cobre área aproximada de 250km2, onde são encontradas evidências de migração de canais fluviais dadas por séries de truncamentos de antigos distributários, alguns ainda ativos. Dez testemunhos foram obtidos junto aos principais canais distributários do rio Tubarão, a partir dos quais foram realizadas análises de fácies, granulométrica, de minerais pesados, de teor de matéria orgânica e de relações químio-isotópicas, além de datações 14C. Também foram levantados acervos históricos de fotografias aéreas e de dados de prospecção mineral de subsuperfície. Cerca de 5000 anos atrás, na região de seu ápice, próximo ao rio tributário Capivari de Baixo, o delta do rio Tubarão ingressou numa antiga baía lagunar e ramificou-se em sete distributários principais que, desde seus momentos iniciais de migração, foram controlados por avulsões autogênicas rumo a antigas depressões do fundo da bacia receptora. Tais avulsões progradaram o delta inicialmente para SW, depois para ENE, e então para NNE, favorecendo a fragmentação da antiga baía lagunar em uma série de lagos e lagunas menores. Diante deste cenário dinâmico, sambaquis foram erigidos no entorno do sistema lagunar, constituindo importantes registros arqueológicos de interação entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica. O resultado das análises granulométricas indicou que a sedimentação deltaica, nas proximidades de encostas de morros, foi misturada com colúvio e/ou depósitos de fluxos gravitacionais, como evidenciado pela presença de intervalos texturalmente muito imaturos em alguns testemunhos. Em relação à análise de minerais pesados, o principal fator de controle nas variações da assembleia em depósitos de delta e de bacia é a proveniência sedimentar. Em termos mediatos, essa proveniência reflete fontes plutônicas e metamórficas (médio a alto grau) do Batólito de Florianópolis (e xenólitos associados) e do Complexo Granito-Gnáissico, e rochas arenáceas alteradas da Bacia do Paraná. Em termos imediatos, depósitos deltaicos destacam-se pela afinidade mineralógica com as areias do rio Tubarão, inferida sobretudo a partir da presença mútua de grãos alterados de cianita e estaurolita, enquanto que depósitos da bacia lagunar destacam-se por sua similaridade mineralógica com areias dos rios tributários Braço do Norte e Capivari de Baixo, neste caso principalmente pela presença de zircão. A matéria orgânica presente nos depósitos do delta e de sua bacia receptora resulta do aporte de fontes terrestres (fornecido pelos rios) e marinhas (trazido via desembocaduras lagunares), fato que é evidenciado pelos resultados de \'delta\'\'POT.13 C\', \'delta\'\'POT.15 N\' e razão \'C IND.ORG\'/\'N IND.TOTAL\'. Particularmente, nos sedimentos da bacia, variações entre diferentes tipos de matéria orgânica têm ocorrido ao longo do Holoceno, as quais são atribuídas tanto ao isolamento físico progressivo do sistema lagunar em relação ao mar aberto como por mudança climática regional (aumento destacado de precipitação). A análise isotópica de oxigênio (\'delta\'\'POT 18 O\') de conchas de moluscos em depósitos da bacia indicou enriquecimento relativo em \'ANTPOT.16 O\' durante o Holoceno. Este resultado, a exemplo daquele dos isótopos de carbono e de nitrogênio dos sedimentos, sugere isolamento gradual das águas lagunares em relação às de mar aberto. / The Tubarão river delta, located on the centre-south coast of Santa Catarina State, among the municipalities of Tubarão, Jaguaruna and Laguna, is rare example of active lagoonal delta in Brazil. Its delta plain covers an area of about 250km2, where there are evidences of migration of fluvial channels in a set of truncations of ancient distributaries, some of these still in activity. Ten cores were acquired adjacent to the main distributary channels of the Tubarão river, from which analyses of facies, grain size, heavy minerals, organic matter, chemistry-isotope ratios, and radiocarbon datings were performed. Also, aerial photographies and data of subsurface mining were surveyed from historical collections. Thereabout 5,000 years ago, in the region of its apex, near Capivari de Baixo tributary river, the Tubarão river delta entered an ancient lagoonal bay and branched seven main distributaries. Since the beginning of its migration, these distributaries were controlled by autogenic avulsions towards ancient depressions in the bottom of the basin. Initially, these avulsions prograded the delta towards SW, afterwards to ENE, and then to NNE, favoring the fragmentation of the ancient lagoonal bay in a set of smaller lakes and lagoons. Faced with this dynamical scenario, shellmounds were erected surrounding the lagoon system, composing important archaeological records of the interaction between sedimentary evolution and prehistoric human occupation. The results of the grain size analysis showed that the deltaic sedimentation, in the vicinity of slopes of hills, was mixed with colluvium and/or gravity flow deposits, that is evidenced by the presence of texturally very immature intervals in some cores. The analysis of heavy minerals, by its turn, showed that the main controlling factor in the variations of its assemblage in deposits of delta and basin is the sedimentary provenance. In terms of mediate sources, this provenance reflects plutonic and metamorphic (medium to high grade) rocks of the Florianópolis batholith (including its xenoliths) and of the Granite-Gneiss Complex, and weathered sedimentary sandstones of the Palaeozoic Paraná basin. Regarding immediate sources, deltaic deposits stand out by its mineralogical affinity with sands of the Tubarão river, mainly by the mutual presence of weathered grains of kyanite and staurolite, whereas deposits of the lagoon have mineralogical similarity with the sands of Braço do Norte and Capivari de Baixo tributary rivers, especially in relation to the presence of zircon. The origin of the organic matter found in the deposits of the delta and in its lagoonal basin is both from sedimentary input of terrestrial sources (provided by rivers) and marine (brought via inlets), fact evidenced by results of \'delta\'\'POT.13 C\', \'delta\'\' POT.15 N\', and \'C IND.ORG\'/\'N IND. TOTAL\' ratio. Particularly, in the sediments of the basin, variations between different types of organic matter have occurred during the Holocene, and are attributed both to the progressive physical isolament of the lagoon system from the open sea, and by local climate change (pronounced augment of precipitation). The isotope analyses of oxygen (\'delta\'\'POT.18 O\') of molluskan shells from the deposits of the basin present relative enrichment in \'ANTPOT.16 O\' during the Holocene. This result, as well as the one from isotope analyses of carbon and nitrogen of sediments, suggests gradual isolation of the lagoonal waters of influence of waters from the open sea.

Geocronologia e proveniência dos sedimentos holocênicos da confluência dos rios Negro e Solimões, AM

Ferreira, Manuela Pinheiro 26 April 2013 (has links)
O sistema fluvial amazônico representa a maior bacia de captação de sedimentos do mundo. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar as areias transportadas pelos rios Negro e Solimões e discriminar a contribuição do aporte sedimentar arenoso derivado destes dois rios para a formação do rio Amazonas. Além disso, buscou-se identificar variações temporais da geomorfologia fluvial da zona de confluência dos rios Negro e Solimões. Para tanto, foram utilizados métodos de análise geomorfológica e de fácies, granulometria, sensibilidade por luminescência opticamente estimulada (LOE) da fração areia e datações LOE e 14 C. Os sedimentos das barras do rio Negro apresentam maior porcentagem de areia, com diâmetro médio em 375,76 µm, os quais são dominados por grãos de quartzo de sensibilidade LOE moderada (3,06). Já os sedimentos das barras dos rios Solimões e Amazonas são mais finos, com diâmetro médio em 154,58 µm e 134,36 µm, respectivamente, alta porcentagem de feldspato e grãos de quartzo com baixa sensibilidade LOE (2,49 e 2,53, respectivamente). O aporte arenoso do rio Solimões (88,08% para sedimentos de calha e 98,23% para barras) sobre o rio Amazonas é dominante em relação ao aporte do rio Negro (11, 91% para sedimentos de calha e 1,76% para barras). Os dados de sensibilidade LOE sugerem que os sedimentos do rio Negro são acomodados principalmente na calha do rio Amazonas. Os arenitos da Formação Alter do Chão adjacentes ao canal do baixo rio Negro representam a principal área fonte dos sedimentos deste rio. A baixa maturidade composicional e sensibilidade LOE reduzida dos sedimentos do rio Solimões sugerem rápido transporte sedimentar a partir de áreas fontes andinas. O tempo de estocagem mínimo para as areias de barras expostas durante a seca do rio Negro varia entre 0,34±0,04 ka e 1,7±0,26 ka. Já o período mínimo de estocagem das areias em barras dos rios Solimões e Amazonas variou entre 1,3±0,21 ka e 11,9±1,18 ka. As principais fases de construção das barras dos rios Solimões e Amazonas estariam relacionadas principalmente com eventos de precipitação extrema do Holoceno. / The Amazon river system is the largest sediment catchment basin in the world. In this context, this study aims to differentiate the sands carried by the Negro and Solimões rivers and estimate the sandy sedimentary supply derived from these two rivers to the Amazon river. Furthermore, this research also deals with temporal variations of fluvial geomorphology in the confluence area of the Negro and Solimões rivers. For this purpose, we used methods of geomorphological, facies and grain size analysis coupled with optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) sensitivity of sand fraction and OSL and 14 C dating. The sediments of the Negro river bars showed a higher percentage of sand, with mean diameter of 375,76 µm, which are dominated by quartz grains with moderate OSL sensitivity (3,06). On the other hand, sediment from bars of Solimões and Amazonas rivers are thinner, with mean diameter of 154,58 µm and 134,36 µm, respectively, high percentage of feldspar and quartz grains with low OSL sensitivity (2,49 and 2,53, respectively). The contribution of Solimões river sands (98.23%) to the Amazon river is dominant in relation to the contribution of the Negro river (1.76%). OSL sensitivity data suggest that the Negro river sediments are accommodated mainly in the Amazon River channel. The Alter of Chão Formation sandstones outcropping adjacent to the lower Negro river channel area represent the main source of sediments for this sector of the Negro river. The low compositional maturity and reduced OSL sensitivity of Solimões river sediments suggest rapid sediment transport from Andean source areas. The minimum storage time for the Negro river sand bars exposed during the dry season varies between 0,34 ± 0,04 ky and 1,7 ± 0,26 ky. The minimum storage time of sands in bars from the Solimões and Amazonas rivers ranged between 1,3 ± 0,21 ky and 11,9 ± 1,18 ky. The main construction phases of the Solimões and Amazonas rivers bars would be related to extreme precipitation events during the Holocene.

Estimativa da concentração de sedimentos utilizando a teoria da entropia / Estimation of sediment concentration using the theory of entropy

Martins, Patrícia Diniz 25 August 2016 (has links)
A preocupação com a qualidade das águas vem promovendo o desenvolvimento de técnicas cada dia melhores de monitoramento e controle. Como os sedimentos transportam a maior parte dos contaminantes da água, seu estudo é fundamental. Diante do elevado número de variáveis existentes para a determinação da concentração de sedimentos e elevados custos de campanhas de monitoramento, torna-se necessário o desenvolvimento de métodos mais acessíveis e que tragam resultados práticos satisfatórios. Para tanto, este trabalho trata da aplicação da teoria da entropia, um método probabilístico, para determinar a concentração de sedimentos em calhas com diversas concentrações e granulometrias. Para isso, foi proposta uma relação entre os parâmetros da teoria da entropia com a finalidade de reduzir o esforço computacional. Os resultados mostraram-se satisfatórios para concentrações acima de 10 g/L com R² superiores a 0,88. Os erros quadráticos calculados neste trabalho foram inferiores aos encontrados quando utilizada a teoria da entropia por Tsallis e pela Equação de Rouse, modelos clássicos de determinação do perfil de concentração de sedimentos. A técnica também foi aplicada a jusante e no interior do Reservatório de Mogi. Pode-se observar que é possível utilizar a teoria da entropia para simular o perfil de concentração de sedimentos em reservatórios, uma vez que a utilização da relação entre os parâmetros facilita os cálculos, reduz o número de parâmetros modelados e consequentemente o esforço computacional além de representar melhor as variações da concentração de sedimentos ao longo do perfil. A aplicabilidade do modelo proposto e a facilidade da utilização do método probabilístico, já que não necessita fornecer os dados de condições hidráulicas do leito, nem mesmo de granulometria, torna-o viável. / The concern about quality of water has been promoting the development of each day better monitoring and control techniques. As sediments transport most water contaminants, their study is fundamental. Given the large number of variables for determining sediment concentration and high costs of monitoring campaigns, it becomes necessary to develop more accessible methods which bring satisfactory practical results. Therefore, this work deals with application of the theory of entropy, a probabilistic method to determine concentration of sediments in river channels with various concentrations and particle sizes. For this purpose, it was proposed a relationship between the theory of entropy parameters in order to reduce the computational effort. The results were satisfactory at concentrations above 10 g/L with R² greater than 0.88. The calculated squared errors in this study were lower than those found when using the theory of entropy by Tsallis and the equation of Rouse, classic models for determining the sediment concentration profile. The technique was also applied to downstream and inside the Mogi reservoir. It can be observed that it is possible to apply the theory of entropy to simulate sediment concentration profile of reservoirs, since the use of the relationship between parameters facilitates calculations, reduces the number of modeled parameters and consequently the computational effort as well as better represents the variation of sediment concentration along the profile. The applicability of the proposed model and the ease of using the probabilistic method, since it does not need provide data of hydraulic bed conditions not even grain size, make it feasible.

The evolution of Maldivian coral reef rim islands

East, Holly Kate January 2017 (has links)
The first detailed investigation of Maldivian rim island development and reef-to-island connectivity is presented. Study sites were selected on windward and leeward rim aspects of Huvadhu Atoll, and analyses were undertaken at a millennial, contemporary and near-future temporal scales. At millennial temporal scales, contrasting models of island development were presented for the windward and leeward sites. Marked between-site differences were found in the timings of island initiation (2,800-2,000 cal. yr. B.P. and 4,200-3,600 cal. yr. B.P. at the windward and leeward sites respectively). Hence, sea-level does not represent the sole control upon island formation. The period of island initiation and heightened mobility occurred during the mid-Holocene sea-level highstand. Future sea-level rise may thus reactivate the process regime responsible for reef island initiation, potentially inducing further island building and/or heightened island mobilisation. Contemporary analyses highlighted the homogeneity of the sediment reservoir across marine, beach and island sediments. Specifically, sand-grade coral was dominant across all samples within both sites (>50%). The most likely source of sand-grade coral is excavator parrotfish, which was consistent with ecological survey-based estimates of sediment production (excavator parrotfish accounted for 72.8% and 68.2% of sediment production at the windward and leeward sites). The highest sediment production rates were found within the lagoonward environments (59.4% and 75.4% at the windward and leeward sites), which is consistent with the more recent lateral lagoonward mode of island building. With regard to near-future analyses, the apparent recent areal expansion of seagrass beds demonstrated the capacity of ecological changes to cause shifts in sediment production budgets (contributing an additional ~243 tonnes yr-1 of sediment on the leeward rim platform). In addition, significant increases in benthic sediment mobility were found at both study sites under sea-level rise scenarios. Increases in mobility were markedly larger in magnitude at the leeward site than at the windward site. A challenge for the adaptive capacity of atoll nations is thus to acknowledge this atoll-scale diversity in future management strategies.

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