Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SOIL STABILIZATION"" "subject:"[enn] SOIL STABILIZATION""
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Plant selection for revegetation projects in Hong Kong /Wong, Siu-wai. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Phil.)--University of Hong Kong, 1993.
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Plant selection for revegetation projects in Hong KongWong, Siu-wai. January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (M.Phil.)--University of Hong Kong, 1993. / Also available in print.
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A study of trail degradation along the Pat Sin Range, North New Territories, Hong Kong.January 1992 (has links)
by Leung, Yu-fai. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1992. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 167-178). / abstract --- p.ii / acknowledgements --- p.iv / table of contents --- p.vi / list of tables --- p.ix / list of figures --- p.xi / list of plates --- p.xiii / Chapter CHAPTER I --- introduction / the problem --- p.1 / The Country Parks of Hong Kong --- p.1 / Resource Impacts of Country-Park Recreation --- p.3 / Trail Degradation --- p.4 / objectives of the study --- p.5 / scope of the study --- p.6 / Chapter CHAPTER II --- literature review / introduction --- p.8 / research approaches --- p.9 / physical degradation on trails --- p.11 / Compaction / Widening and Incision / Erosion --- p.16 / FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO TRAIL DEGRADATION --- p.17 / Use Characteristics --- p.19 / Environment --- p.20 / RECREATION IMPACT STUDIES IN HONG KONG --- p.21 / Chapter CHAPTER III --- study area / introduction --- p.24 / the pat sin leng country park --- p.24 / "Topography,Geology and Soils" --- p.25 / Climate and Vegetation --- p.29 / Recreational Use and Management --- p.31 / the pat sin range trail --- p.35 / Chapter CHAPTER IV --- research methodology / introduction --- p.41 / research design --- p.41 / hypotheses --- p.43 / SAMPLING SCHEME --- p.44 / VARIABLES INCLUDED IN THE STUDY --- p.46 / FIELD MEASUREMENTS --- p.49 / Degradation-Indicator Variables --- p.49 / Site Condition Variables --- p.58 / LABORATORY ANALYSIS --- p.63 / DATA MANIPULATION AND ANALYSIS --- p.65 / Chapter CHAPTER V --- SITE AND DEGRADATION CONDITION OF THE PAT SIN RANGE TRAIL / INTRODUCTION --- p.67 / SITE CONDITION OF THE TRAIL --- p.67 / Parent Material --- p.67 / Topography --- p.72 / TREAD SURFACE MATERIAL --- p.80 / COMPACTION OF TRAIL TREAD --- p.82 / MORPHOLOGY OF TRAIL TREAD --- p.90 / Tread width --- p.91 / Incision Depth --- p.94 / Tread Cross-Section Area --- p.96 / Multiple Treads --- p.96 / Other Morphology Variables --- p.98 / OVERALL EVALUATION --- p.98 / Other Evidence of Degradation --- p.98 / Summary Rating --- p.101 / REMARKS --- p.106 / Chapter CHAPTER VI --- ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON TRAIL DEGRDATION / INTRODUCTION --- p.107 / BRANCHING EFFECT OF TRAILS --- p.108 / PARENT MATERIAL --- p.112 / Parent Rock --- p.112 / Soil Properties --- p.115 / LOCATIONAL FACTORS --- p.120 / Aspect --- p.120 / Slope Steepness --- p.124 / Trail Position on Slope --- p.136 / OVERALL EVALUATION --- p.145 / Chapter CHAPTER VII --- MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS / INTRODUCTION --- p.151 / MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS --- p.152 / THE CASE OF PAT SIN RANGE TRAIL --- p.153 / MONITORING TRAIL USE AND IMPACTS --- p.159 / Chapter CHAPTER VIII --- CONCLUSION / SUMMARY OF FINDINGS --- p.162 / LIMITATION OF THE STUDY --- p.164 / SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH --- p.164 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.167 / APPENDIX / DESCRIPTIONS OF SELECTED DEGRADED SITES --- p.179
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The occurrence and extent of collapse settlement in residual granite in the Stellenbosch areaGildenhuys, Nanine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Large areas of the earth’s surface are covered by soils that are susceptible to large
decreases in bulk volume when they become saturated. These soils are termed
collapsing soils and are very common in parts of the USA, Asia, South America and
Southern Africa. This study is concerned with the occurrence of these collapsible soils
in the residual granites of the Stellenbosch area. The study was undertaken as
relatively little is known about the collapse phenomenon in the problematic weathered
granites of the Western Cape. The majority of research thus far has been carried out
on the deep residual soils formed on basement-granite in the Transvaal areas, whereas
little attention has been paid to the Cape granites.
The aim of the study was achieved through the experimental work which included
double oedometer testing, indicator analyses and shear strength testing. Double
oedometer tests were performed to quantify the potential collapse settlement of the
soils from the demarcated study area. To provide a better understanding of the
collapse behaviour of the soils, indicator analysis, which included Atterberg limits
and particle size distributions, were performed. Direct shear tests were further carried
out on saturated and natural moisture content specimens to establish the effect of
collapsibility on shear strength and whether substantial additional settlement of the
saturated soils would occur during shear.
It was found that collapsible soils are prevalent in the demarcated study area as the
majority of soils showed a potential collapse settlement of 1% or more. Collapse
exceeding 5% were calculated in a few instances proving some soils to be highly
collapsible. The double oedometer and indicator analysis results were used in an
attempt to obtain a relationship between collapse settlement and a combination of
easily determined properties such as dry density (void ratio), moisture content and
grading, but no meaningful conclusions have emerged. The shear strength tests
indicated that a clear correlation does not exist between collapsibility and shear
strength. It was further established that a relationship between collapse settlement
determined during the double oedometer testing and the volume change during shear strength testing cannot be assumed. It can thus be concluded that soils can be very
unpredictable and further research on the collapse phenomenon is indicated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Groot dele van die aarde se oppervlakte is bedek deur grondtipes wat geneig is tot ‘n
afname in volume as dit deurweek word. Hierdie gronde word swigversakkende
gronde genoem en dit word algemeen teëgekom in dele van die VSA, Asië, Suid-Amerika en
Suider-Afrika. In hierdie studie word die voorkoms van swigversakkende
gronde in die residuele graniet in die Stellenbosch area ondersoek. Die studie is
onderneem aangesien relatief min i.v.m. die swigversakking-verskynsel in die
problematiese verweerde graniet van die Weskaap bekend is. Die meeste van die
navorsing sover is onderneem op die diep residuele gronde wat gevorm is op die
Argaïese graniet in die Transvaal gebied, en betreklik min aandag is geskenk aan die
Kaapse graniet.
Tydens die studie is eksperimente wat dubbele oedometer toetse, indikator analises,
en skuifsterkte toetse insluit, uitgevoer. Dubbele oedometer toetse is uitgevoer om die
potensiële swigversakking van die grond in die afgebakende studiegebied te
kwantifiseer. In ‘n poging om die swigversakking-verskynsel van die grond beter te
verstaan, is indikator analises wat Atterberg grense en partikel grootte verspreiding
insluit, uitgevoer. Direkte skuiftoetse is ook uitgevoer op deurweekte grondmonsters
en op monsters wat natuurlike vog bevat, om sodoende die effek van swigversakking
op skuifsterkte vas te stel en om uit te vind of aansienlike addisionele sakking van die
deurweekte gronde tydens skuif plaasvind.
Daar is gevind dat swigversakkende gronde die oorheersende grondtipe in die
afgebakende studiegebied is waar meeste van die gronde ‘n potensiële swigversakking
van meer as 1% toon. ‘n Swigversakking van meer as 5% is in ‘n paar gevalle
bereken, wat bewys dat sommige grondtipes hoogs versakkend is. Die resultate van
die dubbele oedometer en indikator analises is gebruik in ‘n poging om te bewys dat
daar ‘n verhouding bestaan tussen swigversakking en ‘n kombinasie van kenmerke
wat maklik vasgestel kan word soos droë digdheid (ruimte verhouding), voginhoud en
gradering, maar daar kon nie tot ‘n sinvolle slotsom gekom word nie. Die skuifsterkte
toetse toon dat daar nie ‘n duidelike korrelasie bestaan tussen swigversakking en
skuifsterkte nie. Daar is verder vasgestel dat dit nie moontlik is om te aanvaar dat daar ‘n verhouding bestaan tussen swigversakking soos vasgestel tydens die dubbele
oedometer toetsing, en die verandering in volume tydens skuifsterkte toetsing nie.
Daar is dus tot die slotsom gekom dat grond baie onvoorspelbaar kan wees en dat
verdere navorsing na die swigversakking-verskynsel nodig is.
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Feasibility of seismic refraction method in determining the degree of compaction of a fill slope on Waterloo Road, Hong KongKwok, Wai-hau., 郭維孝. January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Earth Sciences / Master / Master of Science
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The impact of microbial extracellular polymeric substances on sediment stabilityLubarsky, Helen V. January 2011 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the impact of microbial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on sediment stability and the related factors which influence “biogenic stabilisation” as a basis to the prediction of sediment erosion and transport. The ability to make direct and sensitive measurements of the physical properties of the biofilm is a critical demand to further understanding of the overall biostabilisation processes. Therefore, attention has been focused on developing a new technique, Magnetic Particle Induction (MagPI) for measuring the adhesive properties of the biofilm. MagPI determines the relative adhesive properties or “stickiness” of the test surface, whether a biofilm, a sediment or other submerged material. The technique may have future applications in physical, environmental and biomedical research. Newly developed Magnetic Particle Induction(MagPI) and traditional techniques Cohesive Strength Meter (CSM) for the determination of the adhesion/cohesion of the substratum were used to assess the biostabilisation capacity of aquatic microorganisms. Whilst these devices determine slightly different surface properties of the bed, they were found to complement each other, increasing the range of measurements that could be made and presented a strong correlation in the overlapping portion of the data. It is recognized that microorganisms inhabiting natural sediments significantly mediate the erosive response of the bed (“ecosystem engineers”) through the secretion of naturally adhesive organic material (EPS: extracellular polymeric substances). Interactions between main biofilm consortia microalgae, cyanobacteria and bacteria in terms of their individual contribution to the EPS pool and their relative functional contribution to substratum stabilisation were investigated. The overall stabilisation potential of the various assemblages was impressive, as compared to controls. The substratum stabilisation by estuarine microbial assemblages was due to the secreted EPS matrix, and both EPS quality (carbohydrates and proteins) and quantity (concentration) were important in determining stabilisation. Stabilisation was significantly higher for the bacterial assemblages than for axenic microalgal assemblages. The peak of engineering effect was significantly greater in the mixed assemblage as compared to the bacterial and axenic diatom culture. This work confirmed the important role of heterotrophic bacteria in “biostabilisation” and highlighted the interactions between autotrophic and heterotrophic biofilm components of the consortia. An additional approach, to investigate the impact of toxins on biostabilisation capacity of aquatic organism was performed on cultured bacterial and natural freshwater biofilm. The data suggest a different mode of triclosan (TCS) action ranging from suppressing metabolisms to bactericidal effects depending on the TCS concentration. The inhibitory effect of triclosanon bacterial and freshwater biofilms was confirmed. This information contributes to the conceptual understanding of the microbial sediment engineering that represents an important ecosystem function and service in aquatic habitats.
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Patterns of inorganic phosphate and carbohydrate allocation in sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense Crantz) and southern cattail (Typha domingensis Pers.) grown at low and high phosphate levelsUnknown Date (has links)
In recent history, C. jamaicense has been displaced by another native monocot, T. domingensis, predominantly resulting from increased phosphorous enrichment in the Everglades. This study aimed to elucidate these two species responses to low and high [Pi] in terms of allocation, photosynthate partitioning and growth. C. jamaicense growth was independent of Pi, while T. domingensis growth increased with [Pi]. Under high [Pi], allocation to younger T. domingensis shoots occurred, while C. jamaicense shoots retained more [Pi], while low [Pi] resulted in homogeneous allocation patterns for both species. Additionally, Pi deficiencies induced carbohydrate levels in older shoots of T. domingensis, while [Pi] had no effect on photosynthate partitioning patterns in C. jamaicense. ACP activity was induced by Pi deficiency in all T. domingensis shoots and increased with shoot age, while no effect was observed in C. jamaicense. Results indicate these two species differ in allocation strategies when [Pi] is altered. / by Brian Hill. / Vita. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2009. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2009. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Time- stress-compressibility characteristics of cementitiously stabilized organic soilsUnknown Date (has links)
Effect of cementitious stabilization on the stress-compressibility characteristics of
three different South Florida organic soils were evaluated in this study. The
objectives of the research were to (l) determine if the secondary compression
characteristics of organic soils and peats can be stabilized with (a) cement only,
(b) binary blends of cement/slag (C-S), cement/gypsum (C-G), and cement/cement-kiln-dust (C-CKD) and (c) ternary blend of cement-slag-gypsum in equal proportions; (ll) quantify the effectiveness of cementitious stabilization by evaluating the time-stress-compressibility (t-log σ'v - e) relationship in terms of the Cα / Cc ratio; and (lll) provide some guidelines for selecting optimum dosage of cementitious materials in deep mixing methods when organic soils and peats are encountered. It was concluded that cementitious mixes containing various waste materials is effective in controlling the secondary compression behavior of organic soils, and therefore should be considered in deep mixing methods as a sustainable practice. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Estabilização de solos com cimentos pozolânicos de cinza de casca de arroz e de resíduo cerâmico. / Soil stabilization with pozzolanic cements produced by rice husk ash and ceramic wastes.Abiko, Alex Kenya 29 April 1987 (has links)
A questão central deste trabalho é demonstrar a viabilidade técnica e econômica da estabilização de solos com os cimentos pozolânicos de cinza de casca de arroz e de resíduo cerâmico. Para alcançar este objetivo o trabalho foi desenvolvido em duas etapas: a primeira referente ao desenvolvimento dos cimentos pozolânicos e a segunda referente à estabilização do solo propriamente dita. Em ambas as etapas adotou-se o critério da simplicidade e da possibilidade de utilização de equipamentos leves e de absorção de mão-de-obra não especializada. Os resultados técnicos e econômicos referentes ao cimento pozolânico de cinza de casca de arroz foram animadores; porém o mesmo não ocorreu com o cimento pozolânico de resíduo cerâmico que apresentou um desempenho em um patamar inferior. Quanto à estabilização de solos, os experimentos e a avaliação econômica efetuada mostram que a eficácia dos cimentos pozolânicos utilizados é limitada sendo difícil a obtenção de resultados comparáveis com o atualmente obtido com o cimento Portland. / The main scope of this work is to demonstrate the technical and economical viability of the soil stabilization with pozzolanic cements made from rice husk ash and waste bricks and tiles. In order to reach this objective the work has been developed in two stages: the first referes to the development of the pozzolanic cement and the second one referes to the soil stabilization. In both these stages the criteria that has been adopted was of the simplicity, of the use of light equipments and of non skilled labour. The technical and economical results referring to the rice husk ash pozzolanic cement were encouraging; but the same was not the case with the waste bricks and tiles pozzolanic cement that had an inferior performance. As regards the soil stabilization, the tests and the economical evaluation show that the efficiency of the pozzolanic cement is limited thus the results achieved are not as good as of the Portland cement.
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Contribuição ao estudo de solo-emulsão em pavimentos de rodovias de baixo volume de tráfego para o Estado do Maranhão. / Contribution to the study of soil-emulsion of low-volume roads for Maranhão State.Sant\'Ana, Walter Canales 23 April 2009 (has links)
O Estado do Maranhão possui uma rede de aproximadamente 55.000 km de estradas, em sua grande maioria com volumes diários médios inferiores a 400 veículos, e uma baixa densidade de rodovias pavimentadas (0,02 km/km²). Os recursos escassos das administrações públicas impossibilitam a realização de novas obras de pavimentação no Maranhão, em ritmo adequado para que alcance padrões similares aos dos Estados brasileiros mais desenvolvidos. A busca de alternativas de pavimentação ou de melhoria da trafegabilidade das estradas, empregando materiais disponíveis na região e técnicas que sejam introduzidas facilmente no meio técnico local, foi a motivação central do trabalho. O uso de solo local reduz consideravelmente os custos, por evitar grandes distâncias de transporte, porém muitos solos de ocorrência na região precisam de estabilização para o emprego em pavimentos. A estabilização destes solos por meio de emulsão asfáltica é uma das alternativas existentes e compõe o objetivo central da tese. Apesar de ser uma técnica utilizada no passado, há poucos trabalhos publicados e não se dispõe de uma norma brasileira que trate de um procedimento laboratorial, nem tampouco uma especificação de serviço que trate das técnicas executivas. Neste trabalho, realizouse um levantamento das ocorrências de solo na região da ilha de São Luis e a seleção de quatro solos para mistura com um tipo de emulsão apropriada para esta finalidade. Realizaram-se ensaios básicos de caracterização dos solos e da emulsão asfáltica, testando-se diversas porcentagens de emulsão e de umidade da mistura solo-emulsão. Compactaram-se e curaram-se corpos-de-prova em diferentes condições, de modo a identificar a melhor prática e os eventuais ganhos com o tempo e forma de cura em laboratório. Foram determinadas propriedades mecânicas destas misturas solo-emulsão de forma a qualificar os materiais e compará-los entre si e com os materiais de pavimentação usualmente empregados na região. Conceberam-se dois trechos experimentais, com acompanhamento técnico da execução da obra. Após solicitação ao tráfego, os trechos foram monitorados por meio de deflectometria e evolução das patologias. A pesquisa laboratorial e os trechos concebidos e avaliados possibilitaram a proposição de um procedimento laboratorial para a mistura solo-emulsão e de um método executivo para pavimentos, aplicáveis para a região estudada, mas que podem servir de base para estudos com outros solos e regiões, e melhoria da técnica. / The Brazilian State of Maranhão has a road network of 55,000-km, mainly with an average daily traffic lower than 400 vehicles and a low density of paved roads (0.02- km/km²). Limited Government funds inhibit new paving works, so the State of Maranhão cannot reach road patterns similar to those of other more developed States in Brazil. The search for a paving alternative or for the improvement on the road traffic conditions, using local materials available and procedures that can be easily introduced in the local technical environment, was the prior motivation in this work. The use of a local soil considerably reduces the amount spent on long hauls; however, many occurrence soils in this region need stabilization to be employed in paving works. The stabilization of these soils by asphalt emulsions is one of the current alternatives and is the main purpose of this thesis. Despite being a technique used in the past, there are a few papers published and there is neither a Brazilian standard for guiding laboratory tests nor a service specification concerning construction techniques. In this work, a soil occurrence survey was carried out in the region of São Luis Island and also the selection of four soils to be mixed with one type of emulsion appropriate to this purpose. Basic tests for characterizing the soils and the asphalt emulsion were made, testing several percentages of emulsion and moisture of the mixtures soil-emulsion. Samples were compacted and cured in different conditions, in order to identify the best practice and laboratory way of curing, as well as possible gains over time. Some mechanical properties of those soilemulsion mixtures were determined to qualify the materials and to make a comparison among them and also with paving materials usually employed in the region. Two trial sections were constructed, with technical monitoring of the whole process, including the construction work. After loading by the traffic, they were monitored by means of deflections and defects evolution. The laboratory research and the trial sections studied enabled the development of a proposition containing a laboratory procedure for the mixture soil-emulsion and a paving executive method, applicable to the studied region, but it can serve as a basis for studies of other soils and regions and for improving the technique.
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