Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] VEGETABLES"" "subject:"[enn] VEGETABLES""
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Assessment of Fungicide Performance for Management of Powdery Mildew on Cantaloupe in 2006Matheron, Michael E., Porchas, Martin 09 1900 (has links)
Powdery mildew occurs annually on melons in Arizona. Podosphaera xanthii (Sphaerotheca fuliginea) is the plant pathogenic fungus that causes powdery mildew on cucurbits, such as cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, cucumber and squash. Development of powdery mildew on melons is favored by moderate temperatures and relative humidity, succulent plant growth and reduced light intensity brought about by a dense plant canopy. Existing products as well as materials under development were evaluated and compared for efficacy in management of powdery mildew on cantaloupe in a field trial conducted during the spring of 2006 at the Yuma Valley Agricultural Center. A high level of disease had developed when disease severity data was recorded at crop maturity (Jun 15). Among treatments, the degree of powdery mildew control ranged from 0 to 100%. Among tested products, several are registered for use in Arizona for control of powdery mildew on melons. Using a mixture of products or rotating among efficacious fungicides with different modes of action is important to minimize the development of insensitivity in the pathogen population to one or more of these active ingredients.
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Evaluation of Fungicides as Potential Management Tools for Phytophthora Crown Rot on Pepper PlantsMatheron, Michael E., Porchas, Martin 09 1900 (has links)
Phytophthora blight of peppers (Capsicum annuum) is caused by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora capsici. In Arizona, the root and crown rot phase of the disease initially can appear on plants early in the growing season in areas of the field where soil remains saturated with water after an irrigation or rainfall event. Disease severity can increase dramatically due to summer rains during July and August in the southeastern Arizona production area. The efficacy of the systemic fungicide mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold)) for control of Phytophthora blight on pepper has been documented; however, in many pepper production regions, populations of the pathogen insensitive to this fungicide have developed. Other chemistries, including dimethomorph (Acrobat) as well as some new fungicides in development, have activity on some species of Phytophthora and associated diseases on crops other than pepper. The objective of the following study was to evaluate additional chemistries for efficacy in suppressing development of root and crown rot on pepper plants grown in soil naturally infested with Phytophthora capsici. In the first trial, nontreated pepper plants were all dead after an average elapsed time of 5 days in soil infested with P. capsici. In the same trial, no plants died after 66 days when the soil was treated with Ranman (cyazofamid), V-10161 (fluopicolide), and Reason (fenamidone) + Previcur Flex (propamocarb). Additionally, only one out of five pepper plants died when treated with Omega (fluazinam), NOA-446510 (mandipropamid) and AgriFos (mono- and di-potassium salts of phosphorous acid). For all of these treatments, the duration of plant survival and fresh weight of plant shoots and roots did not differ significantly from plants grown in sterilized soil. Similar results were obtained in the second trial. The results from these trials suggest that several fungicides currently not registered for use on peppers may be effective components of a management program for Phytophthora root and crown rot. The data is promising; however, additional studies in field soil naturally infested with P. capsici are needed to confirm the preliminary findings of these initial experiments.
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Examination of Soil Solarization as a Management Tool for Fusarium Wilt of Lettuce: 2005 Field TrialMatheron, Michael E., Porchas, Martin 09 1900 (has links)
Fusarium wilt of lettuce was first recognized in Arizona in 2001. Since this first discovery, the pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lactucae (Fol), has been recovered from infected lettuce plants from approximately 30 different fields. This fungus is a soil-borne pathogen that can remain viable in soil for many years. Cultural disease control measures, such as extended soil flooding and soil solarization, have shown promise in managing Fusarium wilt in other cropping systems. The specific research objective during the 2005 growing season was to further evaluate the effect of preplant solarization of planting beds on subsequent development of Fusarium wilt on lettuce. There was no significant difference between the short (28 days) and long (56 days) solarization period in the subsequent number of diseased lettuce plants; therefore, the disease incidence values for both solarization periods were combined and compared to nonsolarized plots. At each data collection date, the number of lettuce plants showing symptoms of Fusarium wilt was significantly lower in solarized beds compared to nonsolarized beds. At plant maturity (Nov 18), Fusarium wilt had claimed virtually all lettuce plants of the cultivar 'Lighthouse' growing in nonsolarized soil; however, only 19% of lettuce plants of the same cultivar growing in solarized soil showed disease symptoms. This equates to an 81% reduction in diseased plants in solarized soil compared to nonsolarized soil. The results of this field trial suggest that a 30-day summer solarization treatment of lettuce beds can significantly reduce the inoculum of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae to levels that would allow substantial growth of a susceptible lettuce cultivar. Additional field studies are needed to refine the solarization process to potentially achieve further increases in efficiency of destroying propagules of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae in infested fields.
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Examination of Fungicides for Management of Powdery Mildew on Cantaloupe in 2007Matheron, Michael E., Porchas, Martin 01 1900 (has links)
Powdery mildew occurs annually on melons in Arizona. Podosphaera xanthii (Sphaerotheca fuliginea) is the plant pathogenic fungus that causes powdery mildew on cucurbits, such as cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, cucumber and squash. Development of powdery mildew on melons is favored by moderate temperatures and relative humidity, succulent plant growth and reduced light intensity brought about by a dense plant canopy. Existing products as well as materials under development were evaluated and compared for efficacy in management of powdery mildew on cantaloupe in a field trial conducted during the spring of 2007 at the University of Arizona, Yuma Valley Agricultural Center. A moderately-high level of disease had developed when disease severity data was recorded at crop maturity in mid-June. Among treatments, the degree of powdery mildew control ranged from essentially 0 to 100%. Materials that reduced the severity of disease on both the top and bottom of leaves by an average amount of at least 90% included Microthiol Disperss, Procure, Quintec, V-10118, Inspire Super, Endura, Cabrio, and Pristine, when applied on a 7-day spray interval. Other treatments that reduced powdery mildew by at least 80% compared to untreated plants included alternation between the conventional fungicide Procure and the biopesticides, Serenade Max, Sonata, or Actinovate as well as alternation among the two biopesticides Actinovate and Kaligreen. Alternating applications of products with different modes of action is imperative to minimize the development of insensitivity in the pathogen population to one or more of these active ingredients. Among the products evaluated this year, several are registered for use in Arizona for control of powdery mildew on melons.
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Further evaluation of Soil Solarization as a Management Tool for Fusarium Wilt of Lettuce: 2006 Field TrialMatheron, Michael E., Porchas, Martin 01 1900 (has links)
Fusarium wilt of lettuce was first recognized in Arizona in 2001. Since this initial discovery, the pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lactucae (Fol), has been recovered from infected lettuce plants from over 40 different fields. This fungus is a soil-borne pathogen that can remain viable in soil for many years. Soil solarization has shown promise in managing Fusarium wilt in other cropping systems as well as in lettuce field trials conducted during 2004 and 2005. In an effort to maximize the solarization effect on subsequent disease development, the following factors were evaluated in a 2006 field trial: 1) solarization of unshaped versus preshaped beds, 2) the effect of soil moisture on solarization efficiency of preshaped beds, and 3) effect of lettuce type on Fusarium wilt incidence after solarization. The entire field was flood irrigated on Jun 21. Plots were solarized during Jul and/or Aug by covering beds with 1-mil thick clear plastic. During the solarization treatment from Jul 3 to Sep 10, the mean soil temperature in preshaped solarized beds at a depth of 2 and 9 inches was 116 and 95°F, respectively, and 102 and 97°F, respectively, in beds not covered with plastic. When solarization was initiated 15 days after soil irrigation, a 20% reduction in Fusarium wilt was recorded for a crisphead lettuce cultivar grown on solarized unshaped beds compared to a 56% reduction in disease when the same crisphead cultivar was grown on preshaped solarized beds. There was no significant difference between a one and two month solarization period in the subsequent number of diseased lettuce plants. Solarization of preshaped beds 15 days after irrigation for one month reduced Fusarium wilt on crisphead lettuce by 56%, whereas the same solarization period initiated seven days after irrigation resulted in a 96% reduction of disease. The same one-month solarization period started one week after soil irrigation reduced the incidence of Fusarium wilt on green leaf (Two Star) and romaine (Green Towers) by 97 and 88%, respectively, compared to plants grown on unsolarized beds. The data show that summer solarization of moist soil can 1) destroy propagules of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae in infested fields and 2) be a useful cultural management tool to significantly reduce the incidence of Fusarium wilt in a subsequent crop of lettuce.
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Effect of Fungicides and Lettuce Cultivar on Severity of Botrytis Gray Mold: 2007 StudyMatheron, Michael E., Porchas, Martin 01 1900 (has links)
Gray mold, caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea, usually has been considered a minor disease in field-grown lettuce. However, for the past two lettuce production seasons, the incidence of this disease has increased significantly in Southwestern Arizona lettuce fields. Most of the infected fields were planted to romaine lettuce; however, some iceberg lettuce plantings were involved as well. The occurrence of gray mold was most prevalent during February and March. The primary symptoms of the disease include plant wilting accompanied by a fuzzy gray growth at the plant base, which contains masses of airborne spores. Sclerotia may also be present on infected tissue. Infected plants that show these symptoms usually wilt and die. Botrytis cinerea can survive on crop debris, as a pathogen on numerous crops and weed hosts, and as sclerotia in soil. Airborne spores that land on senescent or damaged lettuce stems and leaves germinate and rapidly colonize this tissue. Once established, the pathogen grows into adjacent healthy stems and leaves. A field trial was established to 1) evaluate the effectiveness of some fungicides to reduce the incidence of Botrytis gray mold and 2) compare the susceptibility of some lettuce cultivars to this disease. Botrytis gray mold did not develop in plots of the crisphead cultivar 'Winterhaven'; however, the disease was present in all plots planted with cultivars of romaine lettuce. Among the tested romaine cultivars, Botrytis gray mold incidence was lowest in 'A 35585-1', 'Fresh Heart' and 'Rome 59' in untreated plots as well as in plots treated four times with the fungicides Rovral, Endura, or Switch. On the other hand, disease incidence was highest on the cultivar 'Green Towers' in untreated plots as well as those treated with one of the three tested fungicides. To compare the ability of tested fungicides to control Botrytis gray mold, the disease incidence values for each of the five romaine cultivars treated with each specific fungicide were pooled together and compared to disease levels recorded on untreated plants. Foliar applications of treatments were made Jan 24, Feb 1, Feb 16 and Feb 28, 2007. A 31% reduction in disease was recorded on romaine lettuce plants treated with Switch, whereas a 17% reduction in Botrytis gray mold was observed on plants treated with Endura. Rovral did not significantly reduce Botrytis gray mold in this trial. Additional field trials are planned to verify these initial findings.
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Biotype Designations and Insecticide Susceptibility of Southwestern Bemisia tabaciDennehy, Timothy J., DeGain, Benjamin A., Harpold, Virginia S., Nichols, Robert J. 01 1900 (has links)
We report biotype identifications and susceptibility to insecticides of whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) collected from cotton, vegetables, melons and ornamental plans during the 2005 season. No major problems with field performance of insecticides against whiteflies were confirmed in 2005 in Arizona. Whitefly resistance to pyriproxyfen did not increase, relative to levels recorded in 2004. However, we detected pyriproxyfen resistance in all Arizona whitefly samples tested. A single sample collected from cotton in Holtville, CA, had no detectable resistance to pyriproxyfen. Samples from cotton in Buckeye, Coolidge, Scottsdale, and Stanfield, Arizona had the highest levels of resistance, with > 31-45% of eggs surviving diagnostic concentration bioassays of 0.1 ug/ml pyriproxyfen. Whitefly susceptibility to buprofezin (Applaud®/Courier®) has not changed significantly since 1997. Resistance to synergized pyrethroids (e.g., Danitol® + Orthene®) has decreased strikingly on a statewide basis since 1995, though unacceptably high frequencies of resistant whiteflies were detected in some 2005 collections from all commodities sampled. Whiteflies collected from Arizona cotton, melons, and vegetables continued to be highly susceptible to imidacloprid (Admire®/Provado®). One whitefly collection from poinsettias in Phoenix (05-39) was substantially less susceptibile to imidacloprid, and the related neonicotinoid insecticides, acetamiprid, and thiamethoxam. Regression analysis yielded a significant correlation for whitefly susceptibility to acetamiprid and thiamethoxam. Whiteflies from cotton that were least susceptibile to acetamiprid were also significantly less susceptible to thiamethoxam (Actara®/Centric®/Platinum®). The most worrisome of our 2005 findings was that 6 out of 13 samples of whitefly-infested poinsettias collected from retail stores in metropolitan Tucson and Phoenix consisted of only the Q biotype of Bemisia tabaci. The plants were infested with very low whitefly numbers and thus we were unable to establish them in laboratory cultures to evaluate their resistance status. The Q biotype is native to Spain and was first detected in the US by our group in 2004 on a sample taken from poinsettias. The Q biotype strain we detected in 2004 was highly resistant to a broad range of insecticides used to manage whiteflies in Arizona. None of the 26 field collections evaluated in 2005 was the Q biotype.
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Have Distances Traveled by the Sweet Potato Whitefly Been Underestimated?Byrne, David N., Hardin, Jesse A. 01 1900 (has links)
The importance of the sweet potato whitefly to Arizona vegetable continues to ebb and flow from year to year. Over the last 25 years much of this likely is tied to the invasion by different strains. As we continue to study this insect, an aspect of importance to their management is their ability to disperse. In past studies we have determined how far they are capable of flying in a day’s time, 95% migrate 1.6 miles. We are now investigating their ability to fly multiple days. If they do migrate on more than 1 day, we must readjust our estimates of their influence on surrounding fields.
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Insect Crop Losses and Insecticide Usage for Spring Melons in Central Arizona for 2007Palumbo, John, Fournier, Al, Ellsworth, Peter, Taylor, Erin, Rice, Kevin 01 1900 (has links)
Impact assessment is central to the evolution and evaluation of our IPM programs. Quantifiable metrics on insecticide use patterns, costs, targets, and frequency, crop losses due to all stressors of yield and quality, and other real world economic data (e.g., crop value) are our most objective tools for assessing change in our systems. We recently initiated a project to measure the impact of insect losses and insecticide uses in cantaloupes and watermelons grown in central Arizona (Maricopa, Pinal and La Paz counties). The data generated in this report is useful for responding to pesticide information requests generated by EPA, and can provide a basis for regulatory processes such as Section 18 or 24c requests, as well as for evaluating the impact of our extension programs on risk reduction to growers. This information also confirms the value of PCAs to the melon industry by showing the importance of cost-effective management of insect pests in desert production.
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Efficacy of RADIANT (Spinetoram) Against Western Flower Thrips in Romaine LettucePalumbo, John, Richardson, Jesse 01 1900 (has links)
RADIANT, a new 2nd generation spinosyn insecticide has recently been introduced to the vegetable industry that has shown excellent activity against western flower thrips in lettuce. Several studies were conducted over 2 growing seasons at the Yuma Ag Center to evaluate the efficacy of RADIANT against thrips in romaine lettuce. Three trials were conducted in spring lettuce under moderate and heavy population pressure, and two fall trials were conducted under low to moderate thrips pressure. In each study, RADIANT performed statistically comparable to or better than Success for control of thrips, but at lower use rates. It appears to provide better residual activity against larvae than Success and the standard compounds presently used, but does not appear to provide any additional adult efficacy. RADIANT will be an excellent addition to our IPM programs, however because it has the same mode-of-action as Success, it will not provide an additional rotational partner for our resistance management programs.
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