Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] VIRTUAL SOURCE"" "subject:"[enn] VIRTUAL SOURCE""
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Développement et validation d’un modèle de sources virtuelles adapté à la prédiction d’images EPID pour le contrôle qualité des traitements de RCMI / Development and validation of a new virtual source model for portal image prediction and treatment quality controlChabert, Isabelle 11 February 2015 (has links)
L’essor des nouvelles techniques de traitement en radiothérapie externe a rendu nécessaire la mise en place de nouveaux contrôles qualité (CQ). Il est en effet capital de s’assurer que la dose délivrée au patient est bien conforme à celle qui lui a été prescrite. Les détecteurs EPID, initialement utilisés pour contrôler l’exactitude du positionnement du patient, sont de plus en plus employés pour vérifier la conformité du traitement. L’image qu’ils enregistrent au cours d’une irradiation peut par exemple être comparée à une image de référence, qui correspond à ce qui aurait été mesuré si le traitement s’était déroulé dans les conditions de sa planification. Le succès de ce CQ repose (1) sur la précision avec laquelle on peut prédire l’image EPID (ou portale) de référence et (2) sur les performances de l’outil de comparaison d’image utilisé. Nous avons étudié au cours de cette thèse ces deux points clés. Nous nous sommes tout d’abord tournés vers une méthode de prédiction d’images EPID haute résolution basée sur le couplage de simulations Monte-Carlo (MC) et de la technique de débruitage DGPLM. Pour la mettre en œuvre, nous avons modélisé un accélérateur linéaire d’électrons à usage médical (linac) dans le code MC PENELOPE et optimisé les paramètres de sa source d’électrons primaires pour des calculs de dose dans l’eau. L’analyse d’un fichier d’espace des phases (PSF) de 71 Go stocké sous le cône égalisateur nous a ensuite permis de développer un modèle de sources virtuelles (MSV) représenté par des histogrammes corrélés (environ 200 Mo). Ce nouveau MSV, plus compact que le PSF, est tout aussi précis pour les calculs de dose dans l’eau si son maillage est déterminé selon une méthode adaptative. La modélisation du détecteur EPID dans PENELOPE suggère que les hypothèses faites sur les propriétés de la tâche focale du linac sont trop simplistes et doivent être reconsidérées. L’évaluation du MSV pour la prédiction d’images EPID haute résolution a quant à elle conduit à d’excellents résultats. Une fois la chaine de prédiction de l’image portale de référence validée, nous l’avons utilisée pour détecter des irrégularités dans les traitements de RCMI. Dans une étude préliminaire, nous avons volontairement introduit des erreurs de traitement dans le calcul d’images EPID (dérive du faisceau d’irradiation, modification de la morphologie ou de la position du patient). Le γ-index traditionnellement utilisé en routine s’est avéré moins performant que le χ-index pour les détecter. Une étude plus approfondie aura pour objet de déterminer des seuils de détection d’erreurs en fonction de leur nature et d’éprouver les performances d’autres tests. / Advanced techniques used in radiotherapy for cancer treatment, such as Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), require extensive verification procedures to ensure the correct dose delivery. Electronic Portal Imaging Devices (EPIDs) are widely used for quality assurance in radiotherapy, and also for dosimetric verifications. For this latter application, the images obtained during the treatment session can be compared to a pre-calculated reference image in order to highlight dose delivery errors. The quality control performance depends (1) on the accuracy of the pre-calculated reference image (2) on the ability of the tool used to compare images to detect errors. These two key points were studied during this PhD work. We chose to use a Monte Carlo (MC)-based method developed in the laboratory and based on the DPGLM (Dirichlet process generalized linear model) denoising technique to predict high-resolution reference images. A model of the studied linear accelerator (linac Synergy, Elekta, Crawley, UK) was first developed using the PENELOPE MC codes, and then commissioned using measurements acquired in the Hôpital Nord of Marseille. A 71 Go phase space file (PSF) stored under the flattening filter was then analyzed to build a new kind of virtual source model based on correlated histograms (200 Mo). This new and compact VSM is as much accurate as the PSF to calculate dose distributions in water if histogram sampling is based on adaptive method. The associated EPID modelling in PENELOPE suggests that hypothesis about linac primary source were too simple and should be reconsidered. The use of the VSM to predict high-resolution portal images however led to excellent results. The VSM associated to the linac and EPID MC models were used to detect errors in IMRT treatment plans. A preliminary study was conducted introducing on purpose treatment errors in portal image calculations (primary source parameters, phantom position and morphology changes). The γ-index commonly used in clinical routine appears to be less effective than the χ-index. A future in-depth study will be dedicated to determine error detection threshold according to their nature and to evaluate other comparison test robustness. The developed portal image prediction method associated to robust analysis tools will then constitute an adapted way to assure treatment quality control.
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Simulace pohybu zdroje zvuku pro vícekanálovou reproduktorovou topologii / Simulation of sound source motion for multichannel speaker topologyDvořák, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This paper describes the simulation of the motion of a sound source in space with several speakers. It deals mainly with the study and subsequent implementation of events necessary for simulating the motion of the virtual sound source. The theoretical part is therefore concerned with finding these phenomena and with their description. Mainly that means description of panning of the sound and of the Doppler effect. In the following practical part of the work, the previously described phenomena are applied into Matlab. In the created interface , it is then possible to select the parameters of the simulation, such as the trajectory of the motion of the virtual sound source, the number of the points of the trajectory, etc. Analyses of the generated signal are then made of the selected referential parameters of the simulation.
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[pt] Sinais ultrassônicos são amplamente utilizados na indústria para detecção
de defeitos e caracterização de materiais. Neste âmbito, o método de focalização
total (TFM) é comumente aplicado no pós-processamento dos dados ultrassônicos.
Estes dados são adquiridos por transdutores multielementos do tipo
phased array pela técnica de Captura de Matriz Completa (FMC). Embora a
técnica FMC-TFM seja amplamente empregada, a energia da onda transmitida
ao material é limitada pela utilização de um único elemento do transdutor, podendo
fornecer uma baixa relação sinal-ruído (SNR) na imagem reconstruída.
Para superar essa limitação e melhorar a qualidade das imagens TFM, propõese
neste trabalho o uso da técnica Fontes Virtuais combinada com dois métodos
diferentes de melhoria do SNR: Decomposição do Operador de Reversão Temporal
(DORT) e Correlação Espacial de Sub-abertura (SASACI). Neste último,
foram ainda propostas alterações para tornar a abordagem original mais robusta.
Ambas as propostas de combinação foram aplicadas e avaliadas para
melhorar as imagens de caracterização de múltiplos defeitos. Tais propostas
foram avaliadas por meio de simulações e experimentos. As simulações consideraram
um modelo de elementos finitos de um bloco de aço contendo quatro
furos simulando defeitos volumétricos no material. Vários níveis de ruído foram
adicionados aos sinais simulados para se avaliar o desempenho das combinações
propostas em um ambiente com alto nível de ruído não-correlacionado. As
combinações propostas nos dados de FMC simulados mostraram que o uso da
técnica Fontes Virtuais combinada com a técnica DORT foi capaz de aumentar
o SNR em 21.5 dB, enquanto a combinação de Fontes Virtuais com o SASACI
foi capaz de aumentar o SNR em 76.2 dB. Este último resultado está 16.3 dB
acima da soma dos ganhos individuais de cada técnica, enquanto o primeiro
está 7.4 dB acima. Isso indica um efeito sinérgico no aumento da qualidade
da imagem para ambas as combinações. Além disso, o uso das Fontes Virtuais
mostrou-se capaz de melhorar a imagem reconstruída, onde inicialmente não
é possível distinguir o ruído do sinal de interesse. A avaliação experimental foi
realizada sobre o bloco de aço de quatro furos com as mesmas propriedades
do bloco simulado. Ao contrário da simulação, os dados coletados não estão
sujeitos à altos níveis de ruído não-correlacionado. Portanto, em ambas as
combinações, o emprego da técnica Fontes Virtuais não resultaram em ganhos
significativamente superiores aos ganhos individuais de cada técnica. Os métodos
DORT e SASACI sem Fontes Virtuais aumentaram o SNR em 7.5 dB e
75.0 dB, respectivamente, enquanto que, com o seu uso, esse aumento foi de
9.2 dB e 74.1 dB. Os resultados do SASACI, quando comparados ao DORT, se
mostraram evidentemente superiores tanto na simulação quanto na avaliação
experimental. Ambos os métodos proporcionaram melhoria da qualidade de
imagens TFM e, portanto, promissores para serem aplicados em ensaios não
destrutivos. / [en] Ultrasonic signals are widely utilized in the industry for detecting defects
and material characterization. In this context, the Total Focusing Method
(TFM) is commonly applied for post-processing of ultrasonic data. Those are
acquired by phased array transducers through the Full Matrix Capture (FMC)
technique. Although the FMC-TFM technique is widely employed, the energy
of the wave transmitted to the material is limited by the utilization of a single
element of the transducer, which can provide a low Signal-Noise Ratio (SNR)
of the reconstructed image. To circumvent this limitation and enhance TFM
image quality, this work proposes the use of the Virtual Sources technique
combined with two different methods for SNR improvement: Decomposition
of the Time Reversal Operator (DORT) and Spatially Averaged Sub-Aperture
Correlation Imaging (SASACI). In the latter, we also propose modifications to
make the original approach more robust. Both combinations were implemented,
applied and evaluated for the enhancement of images for characterization of
multiple defects. These proposals were all assessed through simulations and
experiments. The simulations considered a finite element model of a steel
block containing four holes emulating volumetric defects on the material.
Several noise levels were added to the simulated signals aiming for performance
assessment in an environment with high levels of non-correlated noise. The
proposed combinations in the simulated FMC data showed that the utilization
of the Virtual Sources technique combined with DORT increased the SNR
up to 21.5 dB, while the combination of Virtual Sources with SASACI was
capable of increasing SNR up to 76.2 dB. The second combination is 16.3 dB
above the sum of the individual gains for each technique applied separately,
while the first combination is 7.4 dB above. This implies a synergistic effect in
the improvement of image quality for both proposed combinations. Moreover,
the utilization of the Virtual Sources technique was capable of enhancing
the reconstructed image, where it is not possible to initially distinguish the
noise of the signal of interest. The experimental evaluation was realized on the
four-hole steel block with the same properties of the simulated block. Unlike
the simulation, the collected data were not subjected to high levels of noncorrelated
noise. Thus, for both combinations, the utilization of the Virtual
Sources technique did not result in significantly superior gains when compared
to the individual gains obtained from each technique individually applied. The
use of DORT and SASACI without Virtual Sources caused an SNR increase of
7.5 dB and 75.0 dB, respectively, while this increase was of 9.2 dB and 74.1 dB
when the Virtual Sources was used in combination. The results obtained
from SASACI, when compared to DORT, were evidently superior for both
simulation and experimental evaluation. Both methods showed potential for
improvement of TFM image quality, and thus, are promising for application
in nondestructive evaluation.
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Coulomb Interactions in Electron Beams in the Vicinity of a Schottky and Cold Field Emission Sources / Coulomb Interactions in Electron Beams in the Vicinity of a Schottky and Cold Field Emission SourcesLiška, Ivo January 2010 (has links)
Dizertační práce se zabývá problematikou výpočtu vlivu coulombovských interakcí částic na parametry emitovaného elektronového svazku v blízkosti Schottkyho a studené katody. Práce poskytuje základní předhled o problematice, popisuje vytvořené modely emisních zdrojů a metodu simulace Monte Carlo. Představuje novou metodu generování vstupních dat, která klade větší důraz na přesnou simulaci emisního procesu. Pozornost je zde věnována zejména vlivu interakcí na energiovou šířku, velikost virtuálního zdroje a jas katody v závislosti na velikosti poloměru hrotu a emisním proudu. Sledováním vývoje energiové šířky bylo zjištěno, že naprostá většina interakcí se odehrává v prostoru do několika mikrometrů od hrotu katody. Závislost spočtené celkové energiové šířky na úhlové intenzitě je ve shodě s dostupnými experimentálními daty. Spočtené energiové rozšíření vlivem coulombovských interakcí bylo srovnáno s hodnotami vypočtenými pomocí vzorců založených na analytických přiblíženích. Bylo zjištěno, že některé z nich přijatelně předpovídají trendy ale nemohou být použity pro kvantitativní odhad.
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