Spelling suggestions: "subject:"čelisti"" "subject:"novelist""
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Návrh manipulačního stolu pro otáčení obrobků / Design of manipulation table for workpiece rotatingHorák, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the design of the manipulator for rotating objects, especially workpieces, semifinished products, or complete products around horizontal axis. It’s the manipulator for objects where is needed change orientation during production process. This thesis describes step by step construction of individual components of the manipulator and calculations of propulsive units. At the beginning the conveyor roller with propulsive unit is designed. The next step is construction of scissor lift table and choice of the propulsive unit. There is also made FEM analysis for the scissor mechanism. The next unit is aimed to the construction and computation of rotating and telescopic jaw. Then hydraulic circuit with computation of the propulsive unit is designed. As the final step the appropriate type of sensors are chosen and the step diagram of the manipulator is made. The manipulator is designed in the 3D model program and there are also made some assembly drawings.
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Původ a biologická afinita údajné gravettienské mandibuly Předmostí 30 ze sbírek Moravského zemského muzea. / Origin and Biological Affinity of the Alleged Gravettian Mandible Předmostí 30.Drahošová, Michala January 2015 (has links)
Dissertation solves the problem of the origin of the mandible from collection of Moravian Museum in Brno. Publications of authors working in the location Předmostí u Přerova since the year 1884 have been used to achieve this goal. Simultaneously records in the incremental books of MZM in Brno have been researched, unfortunately without success. Therefore research of the biological affinity of the mandible P30 with others gravettiens discovery has been accepted as well as variability of recent humans. For study we used methods of geometric morphometrics, which allows us better clarify shape discrepancies in comparison with standard analytic methods. Comparison of shape variability of the mandible we used 91 cranial CT exposures of the recent Czech population. We placed 42 landmarks to segmented 3D models of the mandible and we made a PCA analysis. To extend the argument for justifiability to incorporate studied sample among discoveries from Předmostí u Přerova we created file of linear proportions of the tooth crown based on available publications and our own measuring. Morphological study, shape analysis of the mandible and dimension of the teeth leads us to results that the mandible P30 in our study can really belong to the Gravettien Age. Key words: Mandible, Molars, Předmostí u Přerova,...
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Optimalizace intenzivního chovu larev candáta obecného (Sander lucioperca L.)MORAVA, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis was test, comapre and observe the best density of rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) for growth and survival of zander (Sander lucioperca) larvae stage in the recirculation aquatic systém (RAS). The secondary experiment tests initial feeding of zander by dint of rotifers and consequently by mix of rotifers and artemia. Main experiment observe effect of different density of rotifers on survive and growth of zander. Other observe parameters such as Fulton´s coeficient, total lenght of fish, weight of fish, etc. Fish was divided into 4 groups with different density of feeding and the control group without feeding. Rotifers has been used in density of 2, 6, 10 and 20 pieces per larva. The best growth in "D" group has been compensate by lower surviving. On the other hand the best ratio of survive has been observe in "C" group, which showed lower growth. The optimal rate of growth and survive has been declared in "B" group, which were feed with dose of 6 pieces rotifers for larva. In the second experiment were observe body changes of zander after initial feeding by rotifers folowed with feeding mix of rotifers and artemia. There were observe successful fulfillment of gas bladder and deformation of fish body and spinal after 40 days of keeping larvae in RAS. In the end of experiment there were also observe defirmations body - for example missing lower jaw, upper jaw or both of them. Spinal deformities occured in the form of scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis and zig zag distortion. The experiment has shown that unsuccessfully filled gas bladder is closely related to the formation of deformitiy in the zander. Another negative factor that affects the filling of the gas bladder is grease on the surface of the water level, so I recommend installing the grease trap in the fill phase of the gas bladder.
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Konstrukční návrh přípravků pro změnu výrobního postupu tlakových zásobníků Common Rail / Design of Clamping Fixtures for Common Rail Manufacturing Process ChangeMacháček, Kamil January 2012 (has links)
Práce se zabývá změnou výrobního procesu výroby tlakového zásobnku system Common Rail. Předmětem práce je take návrh a úprava upínacího přípravku pro výrobu kovaných tlakových zásobníků pro obráběcí centra ELHA.
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Sledování ontogenetického vývoje mandibuly na základě metod geometrické morfometrie / Evaluation of ontogenetic development of the mandible using geometric morphometric methodsKiebelová, Alena January 2010 (has links)
During ontogeny there are a lot of changes in the entire human skeleton. This thesis deals with shape changes in the mandible, which are caused by genetic, hormonal, as well as mechanical factors. The most important mechanical factors influencing the shape of mandible are development of deciduous and permanent dentition and also development of masticatory muscles. 34 children mandibles of known age and 14 adult mandibles were analysed and compared for this thesis. Data were obtained by scanning coordinates of 36 landmarks using Microscribe G2X, and then were processed by software PAST and Morphologika2 using multivariate statistics (PCA, MANOVA). Geometric morphometrics is used for a detailed analysis of shape changes of the mandible. There is no difference between dental and chronological age. In conclusion, lower jaw narrows during growth, the body extends more in the region of third molars and the ramus grows mainly in the region of condylar process. Chin prominence also occurs during ontogeny. In the group of adult mandibles the variability is caused by coronoid process height and the body width. The hypothesis, that age groups are significantly different from each other, and therefore due to tooth mineralization there are marked shape changes, is confirmed.
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Deformační a napěťová analýza dentálního implantátu zavedeného v horní čelisti / Stress-strain analysis of dental implant inserted in maxillaDušková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Variety of problems can appear when introducing dental implants, especially to in the maxilla. Biggest problems are caused by insufficient quality and volume of the bone tissue of the alveolar process. This thesis focuses on stress-strain analysis of an implant introduced in the maxilla. Mechanical interaction between the implant and bone tissue is solved using computational modelling with the finite element method. From analysis of results, it was discovered that deformation and tension of the implant are influenced by the direction of the load, osseointegration and thickness of the cortical bone tissue. In the anterior region, it is necessary to work with other types of load than axial.
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Deformačně a napěťová analýza čelisti se zubním implantátem VNI / Stress - strain analysis of jaw with tooth implant type VNIŠkolník, Roman January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is dealt with stress-strain analysis of jowl with teeth implants. Teeth implants when locked in place (jowl) have the ability to replace and be used in the same way as the missing teeth. The implant creates a pillar column in the buccal cavity and then the tooth cap or bridge is secured on the pillar column. In this diploma thesis it is described as a solution of stress and strain of two types of cylindrical teeth implants VNI. Thesis specializes on the influence of deviation implant from the vertical axis. The solution is accomplished in program ANSYS Workbench by Finite Element Method (FEM). The geometric models are made in program SolidWorks 2005.
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Deformačně a napěťová analýza čelisti se zubním implantátem MTI / Stress - strain analysis of jaw with tooth implant type MTIPetrlíková, Helena January 2008 (has links)
This diploma work is oriented on the deformation and load stress analysis of the jawbone with the razor-blade dental implant of the company MTI. There is a literature search on this theme in the beginning of this work. Deformation and tenseness of the system is done by computerized method FEM. There is detailed description of creating the computational model in this work. The geometry model of the system was created in the 3D CAD design software SolidWorks. Discretization, model of constrains and load sets including own solution was created in the ANSYS Workbench. On the basis of solutions with different load sets, which are presented in this work, is created a deformation and load stress analysis for two razorblade implant of copany MTI.
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Deformační a napěťová analýza totální endoprotézy temporomandibulárního kloubu / Stress-Strain Analysis of Total Endoprosthesis of Temporomandibular JointHorňas, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The presented master’s thesis deals with the problem of the application of total endoprosthesis (TEP) during temporomandibular joint (TMJ) replacement. The implantation of TEP occurs due the severe TMJ disease (arthrosis, ankylosis, cancer) or its macrotrauma. Condylar prosthesis is fixed during the implantation by self-tapping screws to the mandible. This fixation causes a change of stress-strain behaviour of mandible, TEP and fixation screws. In the thesis is performed the stress-strain analysis by using computational modeling in use the finite element method (FEM). Analysis is performed for six different screws positions (the number of screws is unchanged) and for a variable the static friction coefficient (in range 0.1 to 0.11) between condylar prosthesis (CP) and fossa prosthesis (FP). Altogether, 36 variants of computational models were created. The stress strain analysis detected a substantial influence of the static friction coefficient value to final results of displacements, contact pressure on the articulation surface between the CP and the FP and also to von Mises stress of the CP. A substantial influence of different screws position is detected for von Mises stress in the screws and for von Mises strain in the cortical and spongious bone tissue.
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Deformačně a napěťová analýza čelisti s úbytkem kostní tkáně / Stress - strain analysis of jaw with decrease bone tissueKrpalek, David January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with stress - strain analysis of jaw with decrease of bone tis-sue. At first was created a model of geometry using graphic program Rhinoceros 4.0 upon acquisition by the 3D scanner. That was converted to the computational system ANSYS Workbench 11 which uses for solving the finite element method (FEM). Solving was executed with homogenous, linear and isotropic material model of bone with different characteristics for compact and cancellous bone. Forces of the three working muscles, which participate on chewing, were given on the basis of the force and moment balance mandible. Solving was executed for 12 variant simulating occlusion in places, where was earlier found teeth.
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