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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dielektrické vlastnosti epoxidových licích pryskyřic plněných mletou slídou / Dielectric Properties of Epoxy with Ground Mica

Bednář, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the dielectric relaxation spectroscopy applied to samples of an epoxy slip filled by grounded mica with granularity of 40 m. The changes of dielectric properties were investigated depending on the fulfillment of grounded mica, temperature, the relative air humidity, and the frequency between 100 Hz and 1MHz.

Měřicí funkce spektrálního analyzátoru N1996A-503 / Funktions of Spectrum Analyser N1996A-503

Šoukal, David January 2009 (has links)
The theme of this diploma work is to introduce spectrum analzyer Agilent CSA N1996A to readers. In the work there are explained in detail all measuring functions of this machine, there are also mentioned all engineering characteristics and described all operating elements of this machine. In the diploma work is also mentioned the basice division of spectrum analyzers and their principles of activity. In the pracical part there are proposed the measurement assignments for hearers of subject MEMT, where is the possibility to use already mentioned spectrum analyzer. Including of the assignments there are also theoretical analysis of each assignment, their diagrams of wiring, practical metering and interpretation of results.

Napěťové konvejory v lineárních blocích / Voltage Conveyors in Linear Blocks

Dohnal, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis will be realization of tunable frequency filters using voltage conveyors, that are only little explored yet. At the beginnig of diploma thesis the frequency filters and their types will be defined. The theory of voltage conveyors based on principle of duality results from the character of current conveyors. Accordingly these active components will be closely presented. At first there will be defined individual types of voltage conveyors and their closer characteristics. Then design methods of frequency filters using unconventional active components will be described. There will be defined the method of the total admitance net, subsequently design using synthetic components and at the end there will be presented method using follow graphs that will be used to design concrete circuit solution. Using follow graphs method will be found circuit solutions of current structures with unconventional active components. During searching circuit solutions will be very important the posibility to operate the quality factor. That can be obtained by two ways. One way is the activ operation which is done by coeficients of the activ component. Other way is operating using the passiv component. There are found 26 circuits that realize condition of active operating using two active and four passive components. One of these circuits will be chosen and simulated in simulation program PSpice. To compare both methods of operation there will be compiled some circuit with passive operating with two active and five passive components and one of the passive components will be able to operate the quality factor. This circuit will be simulated in the simulation program PSpice again. The circuit will be real compiled and experimentaly measured in laboratory. Results of this measurement will be compared with calculated values and with values acquired from the simulations.

Simulace malé větrné elektrárny se Savoniovým-Darrieovým rotorem / Simulation of small wind power plant with Savonius-Darrieus rotor

Hořava, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with the simulation of small wind power plant with Savonius-Darrieus rotor. On the base of the actuator disk theory the performance of modeled power plant is predicted in theoretical part and the power coefficient as well. The process of designing the wind model is also described in this theoretical part. The practical part of this thesis is dedicated to the creating a model of DS300 vertical axis hybrid wind turbine in Matlab/Simulink. This model was used to generating of the power curve of modeled wind power plant and for the computing of power and total produced energy during an average and above-average day as well. The whole thesis is enclosed by evaluating of obtained results.

Optimalizace přístupu do CDMA sítí / Optimization of Access to CDMA Networks

Kejík, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation thesis is an optimization of access to CDMA networks. To be more specific, this thesis deals with an optimization of admission control in UMTS network. The first part of the thesis deals with the present progress of the particular topic. Thereinafter there is an analysis of admission control in UMTS system. An own UMTS simulation program was created in MATLAB. This program enables implementation and simulation of the selected admission control algorithms. The thesis is focused on load factor based, fuzzy logic based and genetic algorithms. The created UMTS simulator was used for the mutual comparison of all algorithms. The aims of this thesis are the suitable UMTS model design, evaluation and possible optimization of selected algorithms.

Lobbing a jeho regulace v České republice / Lobbying and it's regulation in Czech Republic

Hujová, Anna January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "Lobbying and its regulation in the Czech Republic" deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of lobbying regulation. Its aim is to make a comprehensive and effective regulation of the campaign for the Czech Republic. It first examines basic terms: lobbying, lobbyists and public officials. It provides a theoretical overview of the lobbying regulation tools. The thesis describes two forms of regulation which are self-regulation and regulation by law. A separate chapter is devoted to demark lobbying from corruption. The following chapter provides an overview of lobbying regulation in the selected countries. This analysis shows the various options and approaches to lobbying regulations, which is reflected in adjustments to the individual states. In practice the use of rights and obligations for lobbyists, a lobbying group or both simultaneously. Attention is also given to attempts made to regulate lobbying in the Czech Republic. So far, however, none of them have been applied in practice. Based on findings from previous chapters and assessment of the state regulation of lobbying in the Czech Republic, there are suggested basic principles of regulation for this activity. The final chapter presents the outcome of the thesis and gives us a specific list of measures that are...

Analýza a návrh vinutí střídavých strojů / Analysis and design of the AC machines winding.

Vorel, Luboš January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on an analysis and design of an AC machines windings. In the theoretical part of the thesis, differences between single-layer and double-layer windings are explained. Next, the properties of a stator winding of synchronous machines are described. Finally, the winding factor is determined by means of a standard calculation method and by means of a new progressive calculation method, too. In the experimental part of this thesis, the stator winding of a high-speed synchronous generator excited by permanent magnets on the rotor is designed. This generator is driven by a steam turbine.

Vyjádření pasívní perspektivy v současné francouzštině / Expression of Passive Perspective in Modern French

Zikmundová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
(in English): The objective of the thesis is to give a definition of passive perspective and to describe how passive perspective can be expressed in modern French. Follows an analysis of French passive constructions in different types of texts from various communicative fields. As the thesis reveals, the expression of passive perspective in modern French is not limited to periphrastic passive. Passive perspective can be expressed also by reflexive passive, secondary passive constructions se faire, se laisser and se voir and by nominal passive. The analysis showed that these means of expression of passive perspective can be found in both journalistic and specialized texts.

Ekonomické vyhodnocení škod kůrovcem na lesních porostech v revíru Stříbrné Hutě / Economic evaluation of damages caused by bark beetle on forest stand in the district of Stribrne Hute

HEJNÁ, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to evaluate the damage caused by bark beetle on forest stand in the district of Stribne Hute which is managed by Forest Management Tabor. Forest stands are being damaged by various harmful effects which reduce theirs ecological stability. The damage is defined as a reduction of utility value or as a damage caused by adverse effects. Spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) is significant part of entomocenosis and it is being considered as the most serious pest of spruce stands. Data from 2007 - 2012 were processed, it consisted of bark beetle matter production records, evaluation of timber harvest (especially random harvest) and calculation of revenues. The price lists of average values of spruce logs KH and A/B quality was used to calculate revenues from bark beetle matter and standard quality. The comparison of revenues was used to determinate the loss caused by bark beetle. Losses were minimal due to the quantity of bark beetle which did not reach state of emergency.

Možnosti energetických úspor v bytovém domě Merhautova / Possibilities of energy savings in the residential house Merhautova

Bartek, Čeněk January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is about the reduction of the energy intensity of the existing residential house Merhautova. The design documentation is focused on the thermal insulation of the living area, the replacement of windows and doors according to the variant of the design, accessible entrance to the house, loggia on the south side of the building and the replacement of the roofing. At the beginning of the diploma thesis the experimental part of the thermography was performed. Images of the existing object by the thermal camera were taken and building survey for the design documentation of the current state of the building was performed. Within the theoretical calculations the energy performance certificate was processed in options of the entering the thermal bridges. The energy performance certificate with thermal bridges calculated according to the details was compared with the energy performance certificate with estimated thermal bridges. A comparison of two options of the replacement of windows and doors was made in realation of the energy intesity of the building. A preliminary budget of these two options was also calculated with regard to the expected simple return on investment due to the heat saving.

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