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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvalita života po jednostranné nefrektomii / Quality of life after unilateral nephrectomy

BUREŠOVÁ, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
At present, quality of life is a closely monitored and discussed topic not only in the medical field, psychlogy and other social sciences. The diploma thesis ``Quality of life after unilateral nefrectomy{\crq}q deals with this issue from the subjective point of view of those who were subjected to unilateral nefrectomy on their quality of life. The diploma thesis aims at reporting on the subjective quality of life of patients after unilateral nefrectomy and to compare it with the quality of life of the common population. The standardized questionnaire SQUALA was used to study the quality of life. Partial goals of the paper were the diagnosis and comparison between the quality of life of the patients after unilateral nefrectomy and the quality of life of common population in particular fields determined by the above mentioned research tool. The fields are: abstract values, health, relations with the next of kin, leisure time and basic needs. A hypothesis was set for the research: The quality of life of people who had suffered a unilateral nefrectomy does not significantly statistically differ from the quality of life of the common population. The basic file was created by patients treated after having been subjected to unilateral nefrectomy. The criterion for choosing the informants was the diagnosis (patients who were subjected to nefrectomy since they suffered from tumor nefrectomy), the time period since the nefrectomy had been carried out (the informants were subjected to nefrectomy at least one year before), occurrence of other diseases (patients who did not suffer from recurrence of the tumor and who have one fully functional kidney). The control group was made up by patients who do not suffer from any serious chronic disease and whose age corresponds to the age of the patients in the unilateral nefrectomy group.

Analýza a vizualizace prostorových dat intravilánu

Muroň, Mikuláš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis and visualisation of the urban spatial data. The subject of the thesis is realized through an evaluation of various localities around the city of Brno from several perspectives (i.e. environmental conditions, transportation, etc.). The acquired data describe the conditions within the city and herein form the basis for the evaluations of individual building objects. These evaluations are subsequently presented through the web application available at www.brno.ml. By contrast to other works and publications related to the described subject, indices are not herein calculated in the fixed but in the dynamic manner based on the preferences of users. The application can well be used by city residents to support their decision making when choosing new housing location or by various city institutions to identify problematic localities.

Vnímání vybraných hledisek kvality života pracovníky podniku střední velikosti ve vztahu k podnikové kultuře / The Perception of chosen aspects of the Quality of Life by a Medium-Size Firm´s Employees in relation to Corporate Culture

Beranová, Hana Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Práce popisuje koordinaci organizace v členění profesora Trunečka a Vodáčka (prostředí, strategie, struktura a kultura). Jednotlivé bloky jsou teoreticky charakterizovány a v praktické části popsány na příkladu podniku střední velikosti. V tomto podniku bylo také provedeno dotazníkové šetření, jenž zjišťovalo vnímání kvality života a podnikové kultury jednotlivými zaměstnanci. V závěru jsou rady a doporučení, jak problematické okruhy vylepšit.

Obnova venkova - příklad malé obce / Rural renewal - a small village example

Hušková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
This thesis, created under the topic of rural renewal, illustrates the rural area and its renewal topic on the example of a small village, specifically East Bohemian village Kosice. To do so it firstly defines a theoretical platform consisting of core concepts in rural areas such as country, village, municipality and influencing entities. The second part of this thesis contains theoretical studies focusing on rural development and renewal with the definition of development support instruments, levels and entities; it also describes potentials and summarizes factors and trends affecting rural life, including migration trends. The first practical part studies and analyzes Kosice, its development over time and current situation which enables inclusion of the village among the rural ones and determination of the research basis. The actual research is based on acquired theoretical and practical knowledge. To consider local specifics a qualitative research consisting of an interview with a mayor is carried out, followed by a quantitative research through questionnaire survey to gain the residents´ perspective on the current development and the possible future development of the village. The results are processed using statistical methods and used to propose recommendations to the village for its future activities according to the obtained opinion of its population.

"Hodnocení kvality života v ČR." / Evaluation of the quality of life in the Czech Republik

Kühnová, Zuzana January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of present state of the quality of life in regions in the Czech Republic. The comparison of regions is based on statistically monitored quantitative data -- objective indicators of the quality of life. In chosen Vysočina region aditionally qualitative indicators that include subjective evaluation of conditions of life in the region were monitored. First two chapters deal with the theory of quality of life and the methods of the measurement. The third part of the thesis focuses on the practical analyses . The aim of the diploma thesis was to evaluate objective conditions of the quality of life using total hierarchical index in all regions, demonstrate regional differences and analyze subjective quality of life in Vysočina region. The analysis of statistical data, scholarly issues and moreover empirical research were used to achieve the aim.

Analýza vývoje kvality života v ČR a jeho porovnání s ostatními státy EU a OECD / Analysis of Quality of Life in the Czech republic and its comparison with other EU and OECD countries

Bambula, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This work focuses on quality of life and its measurement using different tools. The central subject of the work is to analyze the quality of life in Czech regions using appropriately chosen indicators. Comparison of quality of life in the region is based on quantitative statistically monitored data objectively reflecting the quality of life. The first part of this work is devoted to the theory associated with the measurement and indicators of quality of life. The second part focuses on the analysis of the quality of life in regions, the composite index and comparison of quality of life measured by Preston Curve in OECD and EU countries. The objectives of this thesis are achieved by using method of statistical data analysis and comparison of the results.

Kvalita života lidí s psychotickým onemocněním / Quality of Life of People with Psychotic Disorder

Alvado Blanco, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of quality of life in people with mental, respectively psychotic, diseases. It is a serious illness that affects all the personality and has a great impact on the quality of life. In the theoretical part is defined the concept of quality of life, its history, different angles of view and methods of measurement. Then you can find a detailed description of psychotic disease and life with it, and it is also more closely devoted to the quality of life of people with mental illness and its measurement. In the empirical part quantitative research is presented, whose aim is to determine which areas of life perceive people with psychotic illness as inferior to those without mental illness. Another aim is to find out whether social workers who work with people with psychotic illness at social housing shelter perceive the quality of life of these patientsin a different way than the patients themselves. The results obtained with the SQUALA subjective quality questionnaire show that these patients feel a lower quality of life in the area of health and close relationships than the general population. Furthermore, the results show that social workers are well aware of the quality of life of their clients with a psychotic illness, where they differ only in the area of...

Kvalita života mladých nezaměstnaných lidí za pomoci dotazníku WHOQOL - BREF / The quality of life of young unemployed people via WHOQOL - BREF survey

Udatný, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis in its theoretical part introduces the reader to the issue of the quality of life. This polysemantical term, which can be hardly defined, is based on a wide range of views and applicable approaches. The first chapter deals with the definition and description of basic and related concepts. The second part describes the instruments of social policy, employment policy and its division. The conclusion of the thesis offers an objective and subjective measures of the quality of life, which were applied to the author's examined districts, whose respondents were young unemployed within thirty years of age.

Kvalita života v krajích v roce 2013: jakými ekonomickými ukazateli ji hodnotit? / What economic indicators are the most appropriate measures of quality of life in Czech regions in 2013?

Holanová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis introduces comparison of economic situation and overall quality of life in regions of the Czech Republic in 2013. Based on hierarchical Quality-of-life Index (QLI), the thesis confirms stated hypothesis, which assumes that ordered lists of regions by GDP per capita and alternative, more complex QLI will differ. Aforementioned index is composed of 24 cross-section indicators, which are sorted into three particular categories. Inputs can be considered both consistent and comparable, since the analysis is based on data published by Czech statistical office, individual ministries and official specialized institutions. As the following synthesis proves, Prague region is the best ranked - especially thanks to its favorable economic and demographic conditions. The thesis therefore denies another hypothesis, which expects Prague to perform worse due to its high rate of crime and lower quality of environment than in other regions. Regression analysis implies that total GDP per capita contribution to QLI corresponds to 70 percent.

Kvalitet života kod dece i omladine sa cerebralnom paralizom / Quality of life in children and youth with cerebral palsy

Krasnik Rastislava 08 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Istraživanje je obuhvatilo primenu generičkog upitnika (Kiddy-KINDL, Kid-KINDL, Kiddo-KINDL i verzije za roditelje Kiddy-KINDL i KINDL), bolest-specifičnog upitnika (CPQOL-Child i CPQOL-verzija za roditelje), kao i upitnika za procenu porodičnog kvaliteta života dece sa cerebralnom paralizom (Family quality of life survey. Main caregivers of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities). Analizom je obuhvaćeno 70. dece i omladine sa cerebralnom paralizom i njihovih roditelja. Kvalitet života dece sa CP uzrasta 4-17 godina, ispitan generičkim upitnikom ne pokazuje statistički značajne razlike u svim ispitivanim domenima bez obzira na nivo motoričkog onesposobljenja prema GMFCS. Kvalitet života sa aspekta roditelja ispitan generičkim upitnikom pokazuje da deca uzrasta 3-6 godina sa CP nivoa I-II prema GMFCS, imaju statistički značajno bolji kvalitet života u domenu zdravstvenog i emocionalnog stanja, samopo&scaron;tovanja i socijalnog života, dok deca uzrasta 7-17 godina imaju statistički značajno bolji kvalitet života samo u domenu emocionalnog stanja. Ova razlika se može objasniti činjenicom da su roditelji starije dece sa CP pro&scaron;li kroz proces prihvatanja bolesti tokom vremena. Kvalitet života dece sa CP uzrasta 8-12 godina, ispitan bolest-specifičnim upitnikom ne pokazuje statistički značajne razlike u svim ispitivanim domenima bez obzira na nivo motoričkog onesposobljenja prema GMFCS. Kvalitet života sa aspekta roditelja ispitan bolest-specifičnim upitnikom pokazuje da deca uzrasta 4-12 godina sa CP nivoa I-II prema GMFCS, imaju statistički značajno bolji kvalitet života u domenima: socijalno blagostanje i prihvatanje, osećanje o funkcionisanju, uče&scaron;će i fizičko zdravlje, kao i bol i uticaj invalidnosti. Nema razlike u stavu deteta i roditelja u domenima kvaliteta života mereno generičkim upitnikom. Međutim, upotrebom bolest-specifičnog upitnika dobija se podatak da roditelji ocenjuju kvalitet života deteta značajno lo&scaron;ije u domenima: osećaj o funkcionisanju, kao i uče&scaron;će i fizičko zdravlje. Roditelji dece sa CP nivoa I-II prema GMFCS navode bolji kvalitet porodičnog života u odnosu na roditelje dece nivoa III-V prema GMFCS, ali bez statističke značajnosti. Analizom ispitivanih dimenzija domena u sumarnoj skali utvrđeno je da je roditeljima najvažnija dimenizija značaj porodičnog kvaliteta života. Ostale ispitivane dimenzije domena (mogućnost, inicijativa, postignuće, stabilnost i zadovoljstvo) bile su niže ocenjene u odnosu na dimenziju značaj, a međusobno su bile ujednačene. Za procenu kvaliteta života kod dece sa CP ipak se preporučuje upotreba bolest-specifičnog upitnika u cilju detektovanja domena od interesa, kako bi se pravovremenom akcijom zdravstenih profesionalaca, podr&scaron;kom na nivou zajednice, kao i dru&scaron;tva u celini, uklonile pote&scaron;koće i omogućio kvalitetan život detetu sa cerebralnom paralizom i njegovoj porodici.</p> / <p>The study included the use of generic questionnaire (Kiddy-KINDL, Kid-KINDL, Kiddo-KINDL versions for parents Kiddy-KINDL and KINDL), a disease-specific questionnaire (CPQOL-Child and CPQOL-version for parents), as well as the questionnaire for evaluation of family quality of life of children with cerebral palsy (FQOL-DD). The analysis included 70 children and youth with cerebral palsy and their parents. The quality of life of children with CP aged 4-17 years, examined by a generic questionnaire, shows no statistically significant differences in any investigated domains regardless of the level of motor disability according to GMFCS. The quality of life from the parent aspect obtained by the generic questionnaire shows that children aged 3-6 years with CP levels I-II GMFCS, had a significantly better quality of life related to health and emotional status, self-esteem and social life, while children aged 7-17 years had a significantly better quality of life only in the domain of emotional state. This difference can be explained by the fact that parents of older children with CP had the time to pass through the process of accepting the disease. The quality of life of children with CP aged 8-12 years, examined by the disease-specific questionnaire, shows no statistically significant differences in any investigated domains regardless of the level of motor disability according to GMFCS. The quality of life from the parent aspect according to the disease-specific questionnaire shows that children aged 4 -12 years with CP levels I-II GMFCS had a significantly better quality of life in following domains: social well-being and acceptance, feeling of functioning, participation and physical health, as well as the pain impact and disability. There is no difference in the attitude of the child and parents in the domains of quality of life as measured by the generic questionnaire. However, by using disease-specific questionnaires it is clear that parents assess the quality of life of the child significantly worse in the following domains: a sense of functioning, of participation and physical health. Parents of children with CP levels I-II GMFCS report better quality of family life in comparison to the parents of children with level III-V GMFCS, but without statistical significance. By the analysis of the dimensions of domains tested in the aggregate scale it was found that for parents the most important dimension was the family quality of life. Other tested dimensions of domains (the ability, initiative, achievement, stability and satisfaction) were assessed lower in comparison to the dimension of the importance, and they were equable. For assessment of the quality of life in children with CP the use of disease-specific questionnaires is recommended in order to detect domains of interest, with the aim to introduce timely action of health professionals, support at the community level and in a society as a whole, as well as to remove difficulties and facilitate quality of life for the children with cerebral palsy and their families.</p>

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