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國立政治大學附屬中學實施 Language Corner之研究 / English Aural and Oral Practice at Language Corner in The Affiliated High School of NCCU

鄭妍方 Unknown Date (has links)
良好的溝通,須透過語言學習,而學生的語言學習更是為日後我國國際化打開大門,因此語言的學習,不僅僅在於書寫語文法層面,更重要的是溝通,以及學生透過與研習得所獲得的國際觀。本研究的目的,即在於探討政治大學附屬中學學生,對於 LC 各項實施滿意度,分析學生背景與其感受之關係,並解析 LC 規劃之理念與現狀,最為未來政治大學附屬中學與他校之參考。 本研究主要分為三個部分:(1)問卷調查以政治大學附屬中學學生為對象,瞭解學生對於教學環境、進行時段、學生對師資看法、學生感受、對話內容、學習效果、與學生對 LC 各項建議;(2)觀察 LC 進行情況,並以地點規劃與師生互動情形為觀察重點;(3)訪談以政治大學附屬中學英文教師、英文科召集人、實驗組組長以及外籍教師為對象,利用開放式的問題深入探析外籍師資招募的問題、資金來源、推廣程度、與校方英文課程配合性、外籍教師特質等。蒐集資料的工具包括問卷、訪談表、學校平面圖、錄音機、與數位相機。在資料分析上,觀察與訪談的部分主要是以描述性的方式記錄,並佐以圖片說明。問卷調查結果則以算術平均數、標準差。 本研究綜合研究問題、研究結果與討論,將研究結論列舉如下: 壹、Language Corner 實施現況 一、學生對於 Language Corner 整體表現持正面、積極態度。 二、學生認同參與後,對英文能力提升有正向之幫助,顯現 LC 計畫實施迄今時間雖短,成效已能獲得學生肯定,值得繼續推動 三、高中生、男生、語言實驗班之學生更認同 LC 之對話環境、目前 LC 之進行時段,且對於參與對話有更正面的感受、對於對話內容有較正面的回應、較認同 LC 之學習效果。 四、英文學期成績 70~79 分者更認同 LC 之對話環境、以及進行時段;而英文學期成績 0~59 分者更滿意目前的 LC 師資、且對於對話內容有更正面的感受。 五、不同英文學期成績之學生對於參與對話的感受呈現鐘型分布,成績最高及最低的群組反應普通,而成績 70~79 分者對參與對話的感受有最正面的回應,顯示在參與過程中,成績中庸者更能感受自在、快樂、緊張、充實。 六、不同英文學期成績對於參與 LC 後之學習效果均表認同,但兩者呈負相關;學期成績越低落者,越能認同 LC 的學習效果,並認為對話內容符合其程度;顯示 LC 計畫依照學生英語能力不同,提供難易有別對話之必要性。 七、高中男生、非語言實驗班、學習英語 11 年以上、參與 1~3 次之學生更滿意目前 LC 之師資。 八、參與 11 次以上、英文學期成績 90及以上之學生對 LC 師資較不認同,表示參與次數較多、英文能力較高之學生無法認同目前之師資;顯現外籍師資接受相關教育課程之必要。 九、學習英語 11 年以上更認同 LC 之對話環境、對於對話過程、對話內容有更正面的感受、也較認同 LC 之學習效果;顯示英文學習年數最長者,對於 LC 計畫的各向度皆有正面評價。 十、學生建議實施地點為圖書館、學生討論室;建議時段為午修、早自習時間;建議談話主題為生活、電影等。 貳、教師意見 一、外籍教師來源不穩,影響對話活動穩定性。 二、以鼓勵取代懲罰,推行成效難以評量。 三、學生時間拿捏不佳,壓縮會話進行時間。 參、本研究根據結果,提出對政治大學附屬中學之建議: 一、學生對會話學習效果評價高,應持續推動。 二、與國際教育交流協會簽約,穩定外籍教師來源。 三、嘗試增加早自習及放學後時段,並且增加舉辦頻率。 四、規定學生基本參與次數,穩定學生參與率。 五、招募校內英語小助教,輔助每日會話教學。 六、善用公開集會或網路公告,加強宣導活動。 七、藉學期初舉辦遊戲活動,使學生認識外籍教師。 八、校內師生與外籍教師應善用資源,促進良好優質的互動教學 九、定期舉辦外籍教師訓練課程,使其對活動內容更了解。 / Good communication requires language skills. Students’ language learning will open up an international domain for our own country. Therefore, language learning should not be limited to writing, memorizing and grammar. What’s more important is the skill to communicate and the international vision student obtains through the process of language learning. Thus, the purpose of this study is to understand how The Affiliate High School of NCCU students satisfy with the Language Corner program from different perspectives, to analyze the ideas that construct Language Corner, and last but not least, to understand current circumstances of Language Corner in AHSNCCU. Gathering the information can provide other schools, as well as AHSNCCU, recommendations and reference about Language Corner. The study can be divided into three category: (a) using survey to understand students’ satisfaction about the location, time, teacher, feeling in participation, conversation content, learning effect of Language Corner, (b) watch and record how students and foreign teachers interact with each other in Language Corner, and (c) interview English teachers, administrational staff, foreign teachers to explore the hidden problems of foreign teacher recruitment, money resource, and etc. The study utilizes questionnaire, video recorder, and digital camera to gather data. As for data analysis, descriptive method, with illustration is conducted. The survey outcome includes: 1. Students hold positive attitude toward Language Corner. 2. Students think their participation in Language Corner did help improve their English proficiency. It shows the effect of Language Corner has been affirmed by students. 3. Students who are male, in language experiment class recognize more with the location, time, conversation content, and above all, the learning effect of Language Corner. 4. Students with 70~79 English scores recognize more with location, time of Language Corner; besides, students with 0~59 English scores are more satisfied with the foreign teachers and conversation content. 5. Students’ feeling about Language Corner participation, by their English score is in bell shape. In other words, the highest and lowest English score group respond plain about participating Language Corner, while students with 70 ~79 English score have best reaction. 6. Students from different English score groups all identify with the effect of participating Language Corner. However, students with lower scores have better response and consider the dialogue not difficult for them. 7. Students who are male, in non-language experimental class, with more than 11 years of English learning background, having attended Language Corner 1~3 times are more satisfied with the current Language Corner foreign teachers. 8. Students who have attended Language Corner for more than 11 times, with scores above 90 are less approved of foreign teachers. 9. Students with over 11 years background of English learning are more content with the location, conversation process, dialogue topic, as well as the learning effect of Language Corner. 10. The locations recommended by students are library, students’ room; while noon, and morning (before class) are viewed as best timing. As for conversation topic, life events, and movies are highly recommended. According to the result, the study brings up some recommendations for AHSNCCU: 1. Students’ hold positive attitude toward the effect of Language Corner; thus, the value of this program is recognized, which makes it worth promoting. 2. AHSNCCU should sign a contract with CIEE to stabilize the foreign teacher supply. 3. Increase the frequency of Language Corner; timing can be shifted to “after-school” on some days of a week. 4. Set the required participation rate for students to stabilize students’ attendance. 5. Recruit students as Language Corner tutor to help students with lower English performance. 6. Utilize public assembly or school webpage to advocate Language Corner. 7. Prepare games at the beginning of each semester to let students be familiar with the new foreign teachers. 8. Students, as well as foreign teachers should make the most out of this program to enable great communication. 9. Give foreign teachers training to prepare them for Language Corner, and enable them to understand mutual expectations.

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