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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


朱正聲, Chu, Jeng-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束後,全球化成為世界趨勢。全球化帶來經濟的繁榮與發展,但同時也便利了組織犯罪活動的擴張,升高了國際犯罪率,其中毒品走私即為最具代表性組織犯罪類型。毒品危害世界已有半世紀之久,儘管在國際組織及各國共同努力防制下,毒品問題卻仍持續升高,根據「聯合國毒品控制和犯罪預防辦公室」(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)2006年全球毒品報告指出,全球毒品濫用人數高達2億人,占世界15-64歲人口之5%。另據統計,國際間非法毒品走私日趨熱絡,其交易金額亦逐年上升,進入21世紀後全球毒品每年交易金額高達八千億至一兆美元,與全球武器交易金額相差無幾,顯見在全球化的趨勢下,毒品犯罪活動逐漸國際化、組織化、專業化、智慧化,並造成全球毒品泛濫的加遽。 在全球化時代下,亞洲毒品犯罪也更形嚴峻,其中以中國大陸毒品犯罪成長最快速,同樣我國毒害亦升高。臺灣地區毒品犯罪於90年代逐漸嚴重,主要濫用的毒品種類為海洛因及甲基安非他命,1993年臺灣因毒品犯罪進入高峰期而正式「向毒品宣戰」,之後毒品問題明顯下降,惟在反毒十餘年後,毒品犯罪又見升高,特別是近年來新興合成類毒品(搖頭丸、K他命、FM2等)的出現,使毒品種類更多元化,犯罪更複雜化,而毒品快速的泛濫已造成國家、社會安全重大危害。中國大陸自1996年起即成為台灣地區海洛因等毒品的主要來源地,隨著全球化的發展,大陸地區已成為毒品重要的生產、轉運及輸出國。而當今兩岸交流快速增加,人民往來日益密切,隨著兩岸加入WTO及開放小三通、觀光等措施,販毒集團更容易活動,致兩岸毒品犯罪也面臨更嚴厲的挑戰。 有鑒於毒品犯罪日益升高,臺灣地區復於2004年宣布,將2005年至2008年定為「全國反毒作戰年」,再次全面向毒品宣戰。儘管如此,以國內現行查緝毒品的制度、資源及相關法令等,能否與全球化下國際販毒趨勢潮流或者是販毒集團相抗衡,令人懷疑。特別是在我國毒品問題占有非常重要部分的兩岸毒品犯罪,迄今兩岸間尚未建立任何合作機制,致完全無法有效遏止日益升高的兩岸毒品走私活動,及剷除跨境販毒集團。鑒此;如何健全國內緝毒機制、整合資源、提昇緝毒技能等,以及如何強化國際及兩岸合作關係,積極發揮國內「拔根」、國際、兩岸「斷源」的相輔相成效果,以遏止國內毒品氾濫趨勢,實為當務之急。 關鍵字:全球化、毒品走私、毒品犯罪、合成毒品、緝毒工作、兩岸緝毒 合作、國際緝毒合作 / After the Cold War, globalization has become an international trend. Globalization brings economic prosperity and development. However, it also assists the expansion of organized crime and increases the international crime rate. Among all the different types of organized crime, drug smuggling is the most representative of this. Drugs have been a major problem in the world and have threatened society for more than half a century. Although international organizations and governments in different countries have worked together to prevent drug trafficking, the problem is still getting worse. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s report in 2006, up to 200 million people, which was about 5% of the world population aged between 15 and 64, abused drugs. According to a statistical data, the crime rate of illegal drug smuggling in the world has risen, and amount of drugs sold has increased year by year. In the 21st century, the total amount of drugs sold in the world is up to USD.800 billion to USD.1 trillion every year, which is not different than amount of the international trade of weapons. It is obvious that under the trend of globalization, drug trafficking has become more international, organized, professional and technical. In addition, the flooding of drugs internationally has become more and more serious. In the age of globalization, the problem of drug crime in Asia is getting more and more serious. Among all the Asian countries, the related crime rate in China has increased most rapidly. In Taiwan, the crime rate also has increased. The problem has been getting worse in Taiwan since the 1990s. Heroin and methamphetamine were the most commonly abused drugs in the 1990s. In 1993, the Taiwan government declared a war against drug trafficking because of the high peak in the crime rate. Afterwards, the problem improved noticeably. However, after a decade of the anti-drug campaign, the problem got serious again. Recently, the appearance of newly synthetic drugs (such as MDMA, ketamine and FM2) has caused a great diversity of drugs to spring up and the result has been a corresponding increase in the complexity of related crimes. The flooding of drugs at a fast pace has already endangered the country and the society as a whole tremendously. Since 1996, Mainland China has become the main supplier of heroin to Taiwan. Owing to the trend of globalization, China has also become the main country producing, transporting and exporting drugs in the world. At present, dealings and contacts between Taiwan and China have become more frequent, and has led to some significant changes across the strait. Some of these changes include membership in the WTO, the development of trade links (the mini three links), and the development of tourism between Taiwan and China. These factors have made it easier for drug gangs to smuggle drugs back and forth between the two countries. This has made it more challenging for authorities in dealing with the rise in drug trafficking. Respecting the fact that drug trafficking is getting more and more serious in Taiwan in recent years, the Taiwan Government announced in 2004 that from 2005 to 2008 would be the “Years to fight drugs nationally”. It also declared a war against drugs once again. Still, whether or not the current drug inspecting system, resources, and related laws in Taiwan can match against international drug smuggling trend is still questionable. Especially when it comes to the issues of drug smuggling between China and Taiwan, which is an important part of the drug problem in Taiwan, there is still no cooperative mechanism across the strait. Therefore, there is still no effective way to stop the crime rate from rising and to eradicate cross-border drug gangs. In lieu of this, how to improve the anti-drug mechanism is a serious issue. Some suggestions have been to combine different resources, and enhance skills of the drug enforcement units in Taiwan, as well as to promote international cooperation between Taiwan and China are necessary so that the drug trafficking problem can be solved and the supply of drugs from other countries can be stopped at the same time. Key words: Globalization, drug smuggling, drug trafficking, drug gangs, synthetic drugs, drug enforcement, drug enforcement cooperation across the strait, international drug enforcement cooperation

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