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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺灣圖書資訊學教育指南建構之研究 / Developing Guidelines for Library and Information Science Educational Programs in Taiwan

蔡佳縈, Tsai, Chia-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
教育部於2006年委託高等教育評鑑中心統一對全國公私立大學院校進行評鑑,評鑑工作主要以學門為分類單位,目前共分為47個學門,以因應各大學院校系所性質之多樣性,並做為遴聘評鑑委員之依據。高等教育評鑑中心僅依據學門訂定相關參考效標,並未對各專業學科發展相關標準與指南;此外,目前之評鑑作業中,各圖書資訊學系所隸屬於不同學門進行評鑑,不僅難以確保訪視委員之專業背景、各圖書資訊學系所評鑑結果之客觀性,亦使得圖書資訊學教育品質缺乏ㄧ致標準。 面對上述危機,本論文擬研究臺灣圖書資訊學教育指南,使臺灣圖書資訊學之教育評鑑活動具備更健全、更符合系所專業教育發展的衡量基礎架構,提升臺灣圖書資訊學教育品質,亦成為臺灣圖書資訊學教育品質保證依據。 本論文主要參考英美之圖書資訊學教育標準與指南,以及我國相關研究,利用內容分析法訂定臺灣圖書訊學教育指南芻議;再採焦點團體法進行研究,共舉行4場焦點團體討論會,對象分別為圖書資訊學系所教師、圖書資訊學系所主任、圖書資訊學系所研究生與圖書館館員;各場次參與者對圖書資訊學教育指南芻議進行討論,凝聚臺灣圖書資訊學教育指南所應具備之要件與內涵共識。 本研究最後所形成之圖書資訊學教育指南草案共分為圖書資訊學定義與範圍、教育任務與目標、課程、教師團隊、學生、行政管理、教學資源與設施等7大項,27小項,40個分項指標;教育指南草案適用範圍涵蓋大學部、研究所(碩士班、博士班)、專業學程與繼續教育。研究建議包括中華圖書資訊學教育學會舉辦論壇討論草案再行公佈、舉辦圖書資訊學學門意涵與教育工作坊、專案研究圖書資訊學教育評鑑制度、推動圖書資訊學教育評鑑與指南之實施。 / In 2006, the Ministry of Education commended the higher education evaluation to Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan. Higher education evaluation divided all universities into 47 colleges, to respond to schools’ variegation and to choose the evaluation members. Higher education evaluation center only sets related guidelines according to different colleges, but doesn’t provide related standards or guidelines to professional disciplines. In addition, library and information science schools are attached to different colleges in current evaluation, and that may cause unfair assessments and impact evaluation results. Faced with the crises above, this thesis on guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan is to make the educational evaluation of library and information science develop better, fit the professional needs, and enhance the quality of education. This paper refers library and information science education standards and guidelines of Britain and the United States, as well as related researches in Taiwan. We used the content analysis to develop draft of guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan, and then held four focus group interviews which were aimed at different targets of the Department of Library and Information Science: teachers, directors, students and librarians, to discuss the draft of guidelines and cohere the content and elements of guidelines. The final form of guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan is divided into 7 parts, including the definition, goals and objectives, curriculum, faulty, students, administration, and physical resources and facilities. There are 27 indicators, and 40 sub-indicators. The guidelines offered here are primarily applied to the undergraduate, graduate(Master classes and PhD), professional programs and continuing education level. Finally, we suggested that the Association of Library and Information Science Education of Republic of China should hold discussion of the guidelines, and other related associations should hold workshops on education of library and information science as well as research in evaluation system of library and information science, and promote the educational evaluation and implementation of library and information science.

海峽兩岸圖書資訊學碩士教育之比較研究 / A comparative study of library and information science education for the master degree programs between Taiwan and the Mainland China

徐雅力, Hsu, Ya Li Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸圖書資訊學碩士教育經過近三十年發展,已各自形成不同的特色,近年來兩岸學術交流頻繁,但鮮少有文獻探討兩岸圖書資訊學碩士教育,因此本研究探討海峽兩岸圖書資訊學碩士教育之概況及目標之差異,並比較入學資格、畢業要求與專業課程設置之異同,最後再對兩岸圖書資訊學碩士教育之評鑑制度做一了解。 / 本研究藉由比較圖書館學研究法及文獻分析法,針對臺灣地區國立臺灣大學、國立政治大學、國立師範大學及國立中興大學,大陸地區武漢大學、北京大學、南京大學及中國人民大學等八所學校為對象進行研究,並且根據研究結果,歸納出兩岸圖書資訊學碩士教育的優勢及異同,以做為臺灣未來發展圖書資訊學碩士教育之參考。 / 綜合本研究的分析結果發現,比較兩岸有以下異同:臺灣地區目前有8所圖書資訊學碩士班,大陸則有42所,大陸將「圖書館、情報與檔案管理」做為一級學科,底下又劃分為圖書館學、情報學與檔案學三個二級學科,與臺灣的教育層級不同。臺灣學位名稱為「圖書資訊學碩士」,大陸則為「管理學碩士」。臺灣學校有合聘教師以提升相關學科領域的專業知識。在教學目標方面各有特色,台灣大學以理論實務並重,師範大學培育數位資訊管理人才,政治大學孕育圖書館及檔案館人員,中興大學以培養圖書資訊管理應用人才為特色,大陸四校則以掌握圖書館學基礎理論和專業知識為要旨。兩岸八校皆採用考試入學及推薦甄試,均要求通過資格考試及論文撰寫。大陸對於碩士生外語能力較臺灣注重。專業課程方面,「資訊科技與應用」相關的課程為兩岸八校數量最多,說明了傳統圖書館學已融入資訊科學。八校必修課程保持圖書資訊學核心內涵,臺灣四校選修課程凸顯其教育特色。臺灣地區評鑑制度由「高等教育評鑑中心」主導,大陸地區則是「教育部學位與研究生教育發展中心」負責,臺灣在2008年12月已公布「圖書資訊學教育指南」,大陸則無此類之標準。 / 本研究為兩岸圖書資訊學碩士教育提出以下建議:(一)提升臺灣圖書資訊學碩士生之外語能力。(二)加強臺灣圖書資訊學碩士班師資。(三)課程規劃應結合實務需求。(四)圖書資訊學碩士畢業生應加強專業繼續教育。(五)保持圖書資訊學核心價值且與新科技結合。(六)鼓勵圖書資訊學碩士生積極參與學術活動。 / For nearly three decades, Library and Information Science Education for the Master Degree Programs in Taiwan and in Mainland China shape their own features. This study investigates the following issues about Library and Information Science Education for the Master Degree Programs in Taiwan and in Mainland China: (1) What is the general condition? (2) How the education goals are different from each other? (3) How the admissions and graduation requirements are distinct from each other? (4) What are the dissimilarities in curriculum design between each other? (5) What education evaluation systems do they possess? / Through comparative librarianship and documentary analysis, this study compares Library and Information Science Education for the Master Degree Programs in Taiwan with that in Mainland China, and explores the advantages, similarities, and differences between them, including National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University, National Taiwan Normal University, and National Chung Hsin University in Taiwan, and National Wuhan University, National Peking University, National Nanjing University, and Renmin University of China in Mainland China. It attempts to be reference resource for future development of Library and Information Science Education for the Master Degree Programs in Taiwan. / The results are as following. In Taiwan there are 8 institutes offering Library and Information Science Education for the Master Degree Programs, and 42 in Mainland China. In Mainland China, Library, Information and Archival Studies belongs to national first-class disciplines, and containing three second-class disciplines, Library Science, Information Studies, and Archival Studies. This kind of demarcation is different from that in Taiwan. The four institutes in Taiwan confer the degree name as “Master of Library and Information Science,” and the four institutes in Mainland China grant “Master of Business Administration.” The four institutes in Taiwan have affiliated faculty to instruct related professional knowledge. Besides, the goals of Library and Information Science Education for the Master Degree Programs in Taiwan and that in Mainland China are diverse. For example, National Taiwan University emphasizes both theory and practicality. National Taiwan Normal University aims at training digital information managers. National Chengchi University intends to cultivate advanced specialities for libraries and archives, and National Chung Hsin University is characterized by fostering experts of Library and Information Science Management. As for the four institutes in Mainland China, their objectives are to equip students with basic theories and expertise on Library Science. / Entrance exams and recommendation screening examinations are both adopted by these 8 institutes, and students have to write thesis and pass the qualifying examination for graduation. However, foreign language requirement in Mainland China is more strict than in Taiwan. In the part of curriculum, at these 8 institutes, the number of courses planned pertaining to the category of “Information Technology and Application” is the most. It reveals the combination of traditional Library Science with Information Science. Obligatory courses at these 8 institutes conform to the core values of Library and Information Science, and elective courses at four institutes in Taiwan demonstrate their distinct education objectives. About the evaluation for Master Degree Programs, in Taiwan it is led by “Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan,” and in China it is dominated by “China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center.” In addition, “Guidelines for Library and Information Science Educational Programs in Taiwan” was announced in December, 2008. Nevertheless, this kind of sandard is lack in Mainland China. / Based on the finding results, this study proposes six suggestions: (1) Enhance foreign language proficiency of Masters of Library and Information Science in Taiwan. (2) Advance the quality of faculty.(3) Take into account the practical needs when planning curriculum.(4) Enrich professional continuing education for Masters graduating from Library and Information Science. (5) Maintain the core values of Library and Information Science, and also integrate with new technology. (6) Encourage Masters of Library and Information Science to actively participate in academic activities.

臺灣圖書資訊學碩士班碩士生就業與教育供需之研究 / Study on Employment Market and Education of Library and Information Science Master Programs in Taiwan

柯君儀 Unknown Date (has links)
民國69年,臺灣大學成立臺灣第一所圖書館學研究所碩士班,迄今已有25年,目前有臺灣大學、政治大學、中興大學、臺灣師範大學、淡江大學與輔仁大學共六所碩士班成立。然而學校所培養出來的學生是否符合目前圖書館與資訊服務市場的需求,可以透過碩士畢業生的就業情形,來加以評估課程設計與教學方針是否符合就業市場所需。 本研究旨在瞭解碩士畢業生的就業市場、工作能力需求與學校課程供應之現況,並進一步地探討工作能力需求與學校課程供應之供需狀態是否平衡,希望藉此研究瞭解臺灣圖書資訊學碩士生就業情形,並提供圖書資訊學教育與課程規劃與調整之參考。在研究方法上,採用「文獻分析法」、「問卷調查法」、「網路內容分析法」,與「深度訪談法」,運用量化與質化的方式,蒐集6校在民國90至94年碩士畢業生的就業情形及工作能力需求、92學年至94學年課表,與6校的教學理念,以瞭解及分析臺灣近五年碩士畢業生就業市場與工作能力需求是否能夠與圖書資訊學碩士教育達到平衡。 本研究發現:1.臺灣圖書資訊學碩士畢業生的就業市場除圖書館機構外,有新興市場出現,分為九大類,包括:(1)教育機構;(2)政府機構;(3)學術研究機構;(4)博物館、美術館與檔案館;(5)圖書館資訊整合系統公司;(6)電腦公司;(7)通訊/網際網路業;(8)大眾傳播業;(9)自行創業。2.圖書資訊學碩士畢業生的工作能力需求有42項,分別為圖書館與資訊服務專業能力(16項)、教學與研發能力(4項)、科技與管理能力(11項)、個人能力(11項)。3.圖書資訊學碩士畢業生欠缺的工作能力需求以科技與管理能力及個人能力為主。4.六所圖書資訊學研究所共有194門課開設。5.課程開設理念除市場與研究考量外,也依老師專長領域劃分。6.工作能力需求與課程供需未達平衡。 最後建議:1.課程應配合市場與能力需求。2.課程設計朝向專科性(Specialty)發展。3.建立學術界與實務界合作機制。4.建立各校畢業生就業輔導與追蹤機制。5.碩士畢業生應加強專業繼續教育。6.保持本學門核心價值與新科技應用。 / It has been twenty-five years as National Taiwan University established its Master Programs of Library and Information Science (LIS) in 1980. Since then, six universities in Taiwan began to offer LIS Master Programs: National Taiwan University, National Cheng-chi University, National Chung Hsing University, National Taiwan Normal University, Tamkang University, and Fu-Jen University. Therefore, the analysis of employment situations of LIS master graduates can be used to evaluate the suitability of the courses in meeting the current market needs in the library and information industries. This research is also helpful in determining whether the curriculum design and teaching principles meet current market needs. The purpose of this research is first of all, to understand the LIS master graduates’ employment status. With the outcome, this research seeks to determine whether the working skills of the LIS master graduates match the programs’ curriculum design. Furthermore, the result also reveals if those LIS students fit in the employment market in Taiwan and brings up positive suggestions to adjust the courses for future use. The research methods of the study are as follows: “Questionnaire Survey”, “Websites Content Analysis”, and “In-depth Interview”. In questionnaire survey, we collect the statistics of LIS master graduates employment and the demand over them on work competence from 2001 to 2005. In websites content analysis, we gather class curriculums between 2003 and 2005, and the teaching principles of those six universities stated above. Followed by quantitative and qualitative analyses, this research achieves a better understanding on the correlation between the demand of LIS master graduates’ employment and work competence, and the supply of the LIS education in Taiwan for the past five years. Below are the findings: 1. There are emerging markets other than library institutions, including: educational institutions, governmental institutions, academic institutions, museums/galleries/archives, corporations of integrated library information systems, computer corporations, communication/internet industry, mass media dissemination industry and enterprisers. 2. There are totally forty-two core competencies for a LIS master graduate: LIS skills (16 items), skills of teaching and research (4 items), skills of techniques and administration (11 items), and personal skills (11items). 3. LIS master graduates are most lack of work competencies in technology, administration, and personal skills. 4. There are total 194 curriculums available within these six Master Programs. 5. In addition to the concerns of market and research, these curriculums are classified as well according to the faculty’s professional backgrounds. 6. It is unbalanced between the demand of work competencies and the supply of training curriculums in LIS Master Programs. The study makes final suggestions as follows: 1. The curriculum should meet the demand of work competence. 2. The curriculum should move toward specialty. 3. A cooperative link should be established between academics and library and information industries. 4. LIS Master Programs should create career consulting and employment monitoring system. 5. Master graduates should keep their continuous professional education. 6. The core value should be maintained and new technology application should be used well.

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