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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

應急蜂巢式行動網路的拓撲設計 / Topology design for contingency cellular network

黃玉潔, Huang, Yu Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
大型災害頻傳傷亡慘重,若能把握於救災黃金72小時內救出受困民眾,則可望挽回更多寶貴的生命,但災區通訊網路基礎設施常因災害而遭受嚴重損毀,無法正常運作。救災工作在缺乏通訊系統的支援下,因溝通協調的困難而紊亂無章、效率低落。 本研究提出一個可快速恢復特定區域通訊服務的網路,並為其設計通訊的拓撲結構。我們稱該網路為應急蜂巢式行動通訊網路(Contingency Cellular Network),簡稱CCN網路。CCN網路利用無線電連接災區行動電話網路中斷訊但結構未損的基地台建構而成,具有建置速度快、使用門檻低等多項特點,可支援災區救援的緊急通訊。 本研究中,我們以各毀損基地台通訊範圍內的通訊需求人數與災區毀損程度,作為效益參數,嘗詴在蜂巢式網路的格網架構以及數量有限的緊急通訊設備下,選擇效益較高的位置點配置緊急通訊設備,建立應急蜂巢式行動網路的網路拓撲,此拓撲除追求最大救災效益外,並顧及通訊品質,避免建立負載失衡的連線。我們將問題塑模為一類似圖論中的K-Minimum Cost Spanning Tree (K-Cardinality Tree or KCT)問題,稱為Depth Bounded K-Maximum Profit Spanning Tree問題,並提供數個快速的啟發式演算法,可在緊急時快速地建立應急蜂巢式行動網路拓撲。 / When a catastrophic natural disaster occurs, the efficiency of disaster response operation is critical to life saving. However, communication systems, such as cellular networks, usually crashed due to various causes that make coordination difficult for many disorganized disaster response workers extremely. Unfortunately, rapid deployment of many existing emergency communication systems relies on a good transportation system, which is usually not available in a catastrophic natural disaster. We propose a Contingency Cellular Network (CCN) by connecting disconnected base stations together with wireless links and portable power generators. CCN can support existing mobile phone users with limited capability. Such a system can support a large number of voluntary workers in the early hours of a catastrophic natural disaster, thus saving many lives. Communication traffics, either voice or data, are forwarded hop-by-hop to the external network that remains operational. The efficiency and effeteness of CCN is obviously depends on the topology of such a forwarding network. This thesis addresses the design of forwarding topology aiming to maximize its efficiency. We take the degree of emergency degree of the damage, population of each stricken as the priority measure as well as the amount of emergency recovery resources as the constraint to determine the topology. We model the CCN topology design problem into a Depth Bounded K-Maximum Spanning Tree Problem. The problem is proven NP-hard and we designed an efficient heuristic algorithm (DBTB) to solve it. We also model CCN topology design problem into a Hop Concerned K-Maximum Spanning iii Tree Program and designed a HCTB algorithm to solve it. The simulation results show that DBTB algorithm can control tree depth effectively but HCTB can gain more profit.

應急蜂巢式行動網路建構排程 / Scheduling of contingency cellular network deployment

王彥嵩 Unknown Date (has links)
大型自然災害會癱瘓通訊系統嚴重影響到救災效率,本論文旨在快速提出一個建構排程供應急通訊系統佈建。無線通訊系統的成熟極大的為使用者帶來便利性,但當發生大規模的地震或強烈颱風等重大天然災害時,通訊系統卻常常因架構原因,隨著電力與交通系統的損毀而癱瘓。由歷年大型災變中多數災區內之行動通訊系統全面中斷即可印證行動通訊系統其實是極為脆弱,而有效運作的通訊系統卻是災情傳遞、資源調度以及互助協調是否順利的關鍵因素。 本篇論文所探討的應急通訊系統是利用僅存的連通基地台和斷訊卻沒有損毀的基地台建構一個臨時性的網路,稱為應急蜂巢式行動網路(contingency cellular network,CCN)。由於災區的交通系統可能癱瘓,因此CCN的建構需視各種運輸能力而規劃,而各個地方受災情況不盡相同,CCN的建構順序也須辨明輕重緩急依序建構,網路拓樸的規劃是本研究團隊的另一研究主題,本文主在探討如何在網路拓樸已知情況下進行CCN建構排程以達到最大的救災效益,因此我們提出一適合CCN樹狀結構的最佳化排程模型,以追求救災效益的最大化,這些模型可供使用者(救災指揮單位)系統化的解決CCN建構排程問題。 模型包含CCN樹狀拓樸、基地台數目、基地台建構時間、基地台重要度、拓樸連線集合和建構工作組數。在此模型下提出一個考慮各基地台的時效性以及重要性而進行快速排程的演算法,此演算法透過計算排程總救災效益決定優劣。分三階段實驗。三階段實驗皆可在數秒內得出接近最佳解的排程。 / When stricken by a large-scale disaster, the efficiency of disaster response operation is very critical to life saving. We propose to build a contingency cellular network to support emergency communication in large scale natural disasters by connecting disconnected base stations. This paper addresses the deployment scheduling problem. The advance of mobile communication technologies has brought great convenience to users. Cellular phone becomes the first communication tool most people would use in emergency. However, cellular networks were usually crashed due to earthquake, typhoons or other natural disasters due to power outage or backhaul broken. Unfortunately, the efficiency of communication system is a critical factor to the success of disaster response operation such as resource allocation as well as coordination of rescue and relief operations. We designed a contingency cellular network (CCN) by connecting physically intact but service-disrupted base stations together with wireless links. As the disaster area's transport system may be paralyzed, the construction of CCN may have to rely on air transportation such as helicopter or even airdrop. Since the transportation capacity may be very limited, scheduling of CCN deployment order according to the demand of disaster operation becomes an important issue. We model the CCN Deployment Scheduling Problem into a combinatorics optimization problem aiming to maximize disaster operation efficiency. The problem is proven NP Hard. Thus, we design an efficient heuristic algorithm to solve the problem when it is needed in urgent.

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