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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

「海上的心聲」: 未來人與物之相互關係 / “Whispers from the Sea”: On Future Human-Object Interrelationships

姚紀徽, Yao, Chi Hui Unknown Date (has links)
現今,人類的科技世代到處充斥著遍佈運算的便利物件,目前我們人類與科技人造物之間的互動模式,大多數都是:讓此物進入人類的生活。主要的目的是:為了讓人們更有效率地利用這些科技物件,解決他們在生活上的任何困難,或者改變生活不便利的困境。然而,每當物件在面對人類、開始產生情感與意識時,正在􏸿􏸿地影響著人的知覺感受,同時,人們也賦予了物件新的意義,讓這些物件們產生了新的地位。因此,如何讓人們感受到「物自身」的存在,是本研究探討的主要核心。本論述透過技術現象學哲學家 Don Ihde 的互動關係理論,提出了「科技物件的存在」;以展覽形式的創作「海上的心聲」,創造地點主角彭佳嶼的天氣裝置,進行物自身的內省與探究。本論述的創作手法重新連結了數位資訊對於人類的意義,進而達到「我之於物,物之於我,體驗這個世 界。」   未來,人類與科技產物的生存模式,彼此透過探索和經驗,相互交織、 影響、重置與習慣;人類與物體的互動關係,也將會進行許多未來生活的互動性對話,產生更多值得探討的物件生存議題,以及發展性的想像空間。 / Today, technology is pervasive in our life. The main purposes of the interactions among a human and technological objects are problem solving or efficiency promoting. Nevertheless, the meanings of life and the presence of technologies are often ignored. Don Ihde, who proposed the concept of the experience of object and presented four types of object-human utilization relationships, is one of few researchers who dealt with the issues mentioned above. Based on Don Ihde' s philosophy of technology, the objective of this thesis is to identify the presence of technology of creative design work in rethinking the object-human relationships. The overall concept is an experimental design called “Whispers from the Sea”, which interprets and reveals the weather data in Pengjia Islet. This creative work shows the characteristic Installations which making weather datas in visual and auditory sensations. This study also invites participants to comment meanings among themselves and Pengjia Islet.   In the future, human-object interrelationships will be a very important issue. Thus, one has to pay attention to the existence of an object, and attach importance to effects of smart objects into physical world.

理解行動電話:流動的媒介與日常生活 / Understanding mobile phones: mobile media and everyday life

曹家榮, Tsao, Chia Rong Unknown Date (has links)
本文試圖探究行動電話於當代普及所帶來的影響。一直以來,網際網路及隨之而生的「模控空間」都被看作是我們這個時代最重要的媒介與文化發展。然而,晚近十年間的電子媒介技術發展卻顯示出,行動電話已然成為網際網路之外同樣影響人們日常生活甚鉅的一種媒介。甚至,如同Howard Rheingold所指出的,它已逐漸地改變了我們當下與未來的生活形式。循此,簡言之,本文的目的即在於,試圖理解行動電話所帶來的是什麼樣的生活世界,以及這又是如何可能的?在回答此一問題時,本文所採取的基本理論觀點與分析架構乃是一種試圖超越過去技術決定論的新取徑。亦即,立基於「人─技術─世界」相互關連的關係性基礎上,本文主張,人們日常使用與操作技術的實作實際上總是展開於技術物所形塑的結構脈絡之中,同時,此一結構脈絡本身卻也是由人們的實作過程「有方法地」反身維繫與再建構的。換言之,本文將說明,實際上行動電話普及所帶來的影響不僅僅導因於技術特性的結構作用,同時也是人們日常實作持續建構與維繫的結果。 更清楚地說,在論文中我們指出了行動電話普及所導致的結構性變遷與影響為(1)由行動電話「水平嵌合」的延伸形式所帶來的「混雜實在」。也就是說,行動電話的使用者實際上是處於一種「雙面舞台」的情境之中。透過行動電話的中介,人們如今理所當然地將其脈絡視為是混雜交織著虛擬/物質、遠處/近在的指涉。(2)源自於行動電話「流動」的技術特性而逐漸形成的「即刻化時間」與「個人化社會空間」的時空框架。正是在這一轉變的時空框架中,浮現了本文稱之為「隨傳隨到的個人社群」的新形態人際關係樣態。而這些結構性的變遷與影響,在本文看來,同時也是人們日常實作持續「有方法地」完成、維繫與再生產的產物。以俗民方法學為基礎,本文回到實際日常使用與操作行動電話的實作過程中,探究人們是如何有方法地完成「打行動電話」的日常生活。例如,我們指出了「體現」與「轉譯」乃是人們操作行動電話理所當然地依賴著的方法;此外,由於「打行動電話」的實作仍「在」當下既存的互動場景之中,其完成也就有賴於「協同實作」的打造;人們的實作也顯示出,並不只是由於行動電話的技術特性與設計,更是因為人們總是有方法地管理、完成「打行動電話」的過程,人際之間的連結才呈現為「個人化即刻連繫」之樣態。 總之,藉由這些觀察與分析,本文試圖指出行動電話造就的「結構」實際上也是實作建構的產物。然而,雖然本文主張人們實際上參與了框限著自身的「結構」的建構,但這並不意味著人們就必然只能如此生存著。相反地,從「人─技術─世界」的相互關連來看,既然我們的日常生活並非單純由「技術」所決定的、既然我們的生存樣態同樣也取決於自身的「實作」,本文在最後試圖說明的便是,我們也就總是有著「不必然如此」的可能性。藉由三個案例的呈現,本文說明了「多元」的行動電話使用與操作實作如何可能。些實作並不是意圖正面對抗、顛覆既那些與行動電話實作相關的既有「常識」與「預設」,但在其迴避、繞道、偏離與走出的各種形式中,我們卻能清楚地看到實際行動電話的使用與操作中,如何不斷地逾越了既有的軌跡與秩序。換言之,回過頭來,本文試圖說明的是,「理解」行動電話同時也意味著我們必須要在各種「捨」與「得」的權衡之中做出選擇。在每一刻的行動電話操作實作之中,我們不僅選擇了如何完成當下的秩序,同時也選擇了走向什麼樣的「行動未來」。這不僅是「如何生活」──亦即,如何使用行動電話的選擇──的問題,同時也是關於「如何存在」──亦即,在更根本的層次上成為什麼樣的存有──的反思。 / This thesis attempts to discuss the impacts brought by the prevalence of mobile phones. Although the Internet and the cyberspace have been thought as the most important media and cultural development of our age, the progress of the electronic media in recent decade has showed that mobile phones have also brought important structural changes in our life. Accordingly, what we want to understand is how mobile phones have changed our life world. In response to this question, the thesis adopts a new approach which goes beyond the traditional technological determinism. That is, based on the interrelationship of the “human-technics-world”, it proposes that the everyday technological practices always unfold in the context structured by our technics, and the structured context itself is also, at the same time, constructed reflexively by user’s technological practices. First, the thesis indicates the structural changes brought by mobile phones as follows: (1) the “hybrid reality” emerging from the extending and mediation of mobile phones; (2) the “immediatization of time” and the “individualization of social space” resulted from the widespread use of mobile phones. Second, based on ethnomethodology, we explore how the user accomplishes the everyday “using” of the mobile phone skillfully and reflexively. The investigation shows that, for example, (1) the user, while using the mobile phone, depends upon the methods of “embodiment” and “translation”, and takes them for granted; (2) the accomplishments of the using practices actually are the products of the “cooperation” between the user and the members at the scene because the user is still “in” the present situation; (3) the using practices also show that the “individualized and immediatized connection” which emerges as the figure of our interpersonal relationship is not only due to the technical characteristics of mobile phones, but also the product of user’s skillful using practices. Third, although the thesis advocates that the everyday using practices reflexively construct the structural changes which in turn shape the practices themselves, it also attempts to point out that we still have the possibility of transgressing the given structural constraints. We explicate, by three cases, how different and multiple ways of mobile phone using are possible. These “variant practices” do not represent the opposition and the subversion of the given structure shaped by mobile phones, but indicate that we still could choose different ways of using, and different kinds of life.

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