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國民小學校長讀書會團隊學習與學校效能關係之研究 / A study on the relationship between elementary school principals’ book club team learning and school effectiveness.

張秀瑩, Hsiu-Ying Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究國民小學校長讀書會團隊學習與學校效能之關係。本研究採用問卷調查之研究法,問卷調查樣本以臺灣地區基隆市、台北市、台北縣、桃園縣、宜蘭縣、新竹縣、新竹市及苗栗縣八縣市公立國民小學校長為研究對象,共計抽取391位公立國民小學校長,樣本回收247份,回收率為63.17%;樣本可用227份,可用率58.1%。研究工具包含自編之「國民小學校長團隊學習調查問卷」及採用之「國民小學學校效能調查問卷」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析、結構方程模式(SEM)分析等方法進行分析討論。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 一、國民小學校長團隊學習之內涵包括績效滿意、責任義務、目標承諾、一般承諾、互補技能與團隊衝突。 二、國民小學學校效能之內涵包括學校建築環境設計、學校行政領導、教師教學效能、學生整體表現、社區家長支持與學校組織氣氛。 三、校長團隊學習的得分程度佳,並以「責任義務」得分最高,而「績效滿意」得分最低。 四、學校效能的現況得分程度佳,並以「學校行政領導」能力表現最佳,以「教師教學效能」能力得分最低。 五、校長背景變項中,性別、最高學歷及學校區域在校長團隊學習的得分差異達顯著水準,但在年齡、校長年資、學校規模未達顯著差異。 六、校長背景變項中,性別、年齡及最高學歷對學校效能的得分差異達顯著水準,但校長年資、學校規模及學校區域未達顯著差異。 七、校長團隊學習與學校效能間呈顯著正相關。 八、校長團隊學習對學校效能具有中度預測力,且以責任義務最具有預測力。 九、校長讀書會團隊學習對學校效能的模式經驗證後適配度佳,具有顯著影響力。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關的建議 一、宜有計畫推行、倡導並輔助校長讀書會的成立。 二、教育行政人員一同加入參與校長團隊學習,達到資源互助與共同成長。 三、協助校長讀書會之成功經驗出版或網站建構。 四、舉辦增進校長學校經營效能之團隊學習進修活動。 五、建立完整之國小校長在職訓練發展制度。 六、針對校長讀書會給予經費上的補助。 貳、對國民小學校長的建議 一、校長參與讀書會團隊學習時,應對績效滿意、責任義務、目標承諾、一般承諾、互補技能與團隊衝突有所關注。 二、參與校長讀書會團隊學習首重責任義務。 三、校長應有計畫,且有恆心、毅力的參與校長讀書會團隊學習。 四、各個校長讀書會團隊間應頻繁接觸,以增進交流、對話並學習。 五、建置校長讀書會經驗分享平台,以幫助個人與團隊之成長與發展。 六、注重專業知能與實踐能力,以持續進修達成自我能力之躍進。 七、邀請資優的退休校長或表現優良的現職校長積極參與校長讀書會以分享豐富經驗。 / The main purpose of this research is to study the relationship of principals’ book club team learning and school effectiveness in elementary schools. The research methods used was questionnaires investigation. The research instrument was distributed to 391 public elementary school principals inclusive of Taipei City, Taipei County, Keelung City, I-Lan County, Taoyuan County, Hsin Chu County, and Miaoli County. There are totally 227 valid samples used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, multiple regression and SEM through the use of LISREL 8.71. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1. The principals’ book club team learning includes: Commitment to Purpose, Commitment to a Common Approach, Complementary Skills, Accountability, Team Conflict, Team Performance and Satisfaction. 2. The school effectiveness includes: School’s Environment and Facilities, School’s Administrative Leadership, Teacher’s Teaching Effectiveness, Student’s Comprehensive Performance , Parental Support from Community, School Atmosphere. 3. All the elementary principals’ book club team learning got positive outcomes, and “Accountability” dimension ranks the highest, “Team Performance and Satisfaction” dimension ranks last. 4. All the elementary school effectiveness received positive outcomes, and “School’s Administrative Leadership” dimension ranks the highest, “Teacher’s Teaching Effectiveness” dimension ranks last. 5. The elementary school principals’ background demography district incurred a significant difference with all the principals’ book club team learning. 6. The elementary school principals’ background demography incurred a insignificant difference with all the school effectiveness. 7. The principals’ book club team learning for elementary school principals are positively correlated with the school effectiveness. 8. The principals’ book club team learning could positively predict the school effectiveness, especially “Accountability” dimension. 9. The model of the principals’ book club team learning to the school effectiveness for an elementary school principal is proper. In the last, based on the research results, the researcher proposes some suggestions for “Educational Administrative Agencies” and “the principals of elementary schools”, hoping to benefit the professional competence of principals and school principals in-service education in the future. Key words: principals’ book club, team learning, school effectiveness

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