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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

基於多元編碼機制之區域特徵描述子 / Local Descriptors Based on Multi-level Encoding Scheme

翁苡甄 Unknown Date (has links)
影像辨識一直是電腦視覺中很重要的技術,且伴隨著行動裝置與相機的普及,人們更加重視辨識的準確度與效能,以區域梯度分佈及直方圖表示方法為基礎的影像特徵描述子,如SIFT與SURF,是近十多年來的物件辨識技術中所採用的主流演算法,然而此類特徵表示法,常需要為多維度的資訊提供大量的儲存空間與複雜的距離計算流程,因此,近年來有學者提出了另一種形式的區域二元特徵描述子 ( Local Binary Descriptor, LBD),以二元架構建立描述子,使得LBD能在較少空間之下提供可相抗衡的辨識率。 本論文提出以多元編碼機制之區域特徵描述子(LMLED),乃基於LBD的基本架構,但改以多元編碼取代LBD的二元編碼方法,利用緩衝區的架構達到更強的抗噪性,並提出降維方法以承襲二元編碼在儲存空間的優勢,使得多元編碼機制之區域特徵描述子能在不影響匹配能力與儲存空間的情況下,得到更佳的影像辨識能力。 / Efficient and robust object recognition is an important yet challenging task in computer vision. With the popularity of mobile equipment and digital camera, the demand for effectiveness and efficiency in image recognition has become increasingly pressing. In the past decade, local feature descriptors based on the distribution of local gradients and histogram representation such as SIFT and SURF have achieved a certain level of success. However, these descriptors require a large amount of storage and computing resources for high dimensional feature vectors. Hence, local binary descriptor (LBD) arises and becomes popular in recent years, providing comparable performance with binary structure that needs dramatically lower storage cost. In this thesis, we propose to employ multi-level encoding scheme to replace binary encoding of LBD. The resultant descriptor is named local multi-level encoding descriptor (LMLED). LMLED takes advantage of multiple decision intervals and thus can achieve better noise resistivity. Methods to reduce the dimension have been devised to maintain low storage cost. Extensive experiments have been performed and the results validate that LMLED can achieve superior performance under noisy condition while maintaining comparable matching efficacy and storage requirement.

基於點群排序關係的特徵描述子建構 / Feature descriptor based on local intensity order relations of pixel group

吳家禎, Wu,Chia Chen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的進步以及網際網路的普及,影像資訊的傳遞已經漸漸取代文字的表達,人們對於影像的需求也越來越多元,使得影像處理技術以及影像資訊分析也就越來越重要。然而,影像中其中一項重要的資訊為特徵描述子,強而有力的描述子能使得影像在辨識、分類等應用上有較佳的回饋,描述子的建構方式根據編碼原則分為:基於區域梯度統計、基於點對關係以及基於點群關係。其中,基於點群關係的編碼方式因為點群的選取及排序過程中,可能會產生過多的關係表示方法數,以至於不利於計算,因此過去較少有利用點群關係的編碼方式所建構而成的特徵描述子。 本論文提出描述子建構方式-LIOR,是以點群排序關係為基礎的編碼方式,相較於LIOP方法隨著點群內的點數增加,元素關係數大幅度的成長,造成描述子維度過大,計算時間和空間皆可能需要大量的消耗,而本研究方法足以改善計算維度的問題,重新定義點群關係的排名機制,並以像素值為基準加入權重分配,以區別加權排序之間不同大小差值所造成的影響程度。 實驗結果顯示本研究方法對於不同影像劣化效果的資料集,不僅能提升選取多點為一群的影像比對評估效能,同時也能改善點群內元素關係過多的排名表示法,降低以多點為群集的特徵描述子維度,節省了影像比對的計算時間以及空間,仍可維持整體影像配對之效能。

基於點群排序關係的動態設定特徵描述子建構及優化 / Construction and optimization of feature descriptor based on dynamic local intensity order relations of pixel group

游佳霖, Yu, Carolyn Unknown Date (has links)
隨著智慧型手機的普及,在移動裝置上直接處理圖像的需求也大幅增加,故對於影像特徵描述子的要求,除了要表現出區域特徵的穩健性,同時也要維持良好的特徵比對效率與合理的儲存空間。過去所提出的區域影像特徵描述子建構方法之中,LIOP方法具有相當不錯的表現力,但其特徵描述子維度會隨著點群取樣數量的提高而以倍數增加,因此本研究提出Dynamic Local Intensity Order Relations (DLIOR)特徵描述子建構方法,利用LIOR方法探討點群中點與點之間的關係,減緩其維度增長幅度;透過動態設定像素差距門檻值,處理影像間像素差距分佈不均的問題,並使用線性轉換、點對歐幾里德距離等方式,重新定義描述子欄位的權重設定。經過實驗證實,DLIOR方法能夠使用比LIOP方法更少的維度空間,描述更多點群數的特徵資訊,並且具有更高的特徵比對能力。 / With the popularity of smart phones, the amounts of images being captured and processed on mobile devices have grown significantly in recent years. Image feature descriptors, which play crucial roles in recognition tasks, are expected to exhibit robust matching performance while at the same time maintain reasonable storage requirement. Among the local feature descriptors that have been proposed previously, local intensity order patterns (LIOP) demonstrated superior performance in many benchmark studies. As LIOP encodes the ranking relation in a point set (with N elements), however, its feature dimension increases drastically (N!) with the number of the neighboring sampling points around a pixel. To alleviate the dimensionality issue, this thesis presents a local feature descriptor by considering pairwise intensity relation in a pixel group, thereby reducing feature dimension to the order of C^N_2. In the proposed method, the threshold for assigning order relation is set dynamically according to local intensity distribution. Different weighting schemes, including linear transformation and Euclidean distance, have also been investigated to adjust the contribution of each pairing relation. Ultimately, the dynamic local intensity order relations (DLIOR) is devised to effectively encode intensity order relation of each pixel group. Experimental results indicate that DLIOR consumes less storage space than LIOP but achieves better feature matching performance using benchmark dataset.

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