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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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科技心理擁有感、在地知識與科技採用:科技意會觀點 / Psychological ownership, local knowledge, and technology adoption: The perspective of technology sense-making

侯勝宗, Hou,Sheng-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
現代化組織雖然熱衷於導入資訊科技來提升組織競爭力,但研究發現近一半的科技導入最後是以失敗收場;此種不導入科技則組織將失去競爭力、但導入科技後卻達不到預期成效的兩難,是造成組織生產力困境的原因之一。此一企業面對科技採用的兩難困境,引發本論文的研究動機。 實務中許多科技導入失敗的案例已經說明決定企業是否擁有競爭力不在於組織是否導入科技或使用者如何採用新科技,愈來愈多的研究已證實如何在導入科技後,讓員工願意改變既有的工作習性,並樂於持續地使用科技,且逐漸將科技使用內化成為日常工作實踐,可能更加重要。此外,實務中也常發現組織內的科技使用者在面對相同科技時,往往並不是接受科技,或是拒絕科技的二元採用論;相反地,因為使用者會對科技進行自我詮釋與賦予個人意義,故導致許多不同且有趣的採用類型,甚至可能造成非預期的負面反應與行為。 過去許多探討個人層次的科技採用研究專注於科技採用者的認知因素對科技接受與否之影響,本論文則專注於科技採用的情感面探討,瞭解使用者對科技的心理擁有感受如何影響採用行為。綜合過往文獻的不足,本論文提出二項主要研究問題:(1) 科技採用是否存在多元化的採用類型?影響原因為何?與 (2) 科技採用者對科技的心理擁有感如何影響科技採用行為與績效? 針對上述的研究問題,本論文回顧科技採用、科技意會、心理擁有感與在地知識等相關文獻,輔以二階段的研究策略,依序進行個案質化研究的理論建構 (研究一) 與量化假說的理論驗證 (研究二)。首先,研究一以新加坡康福計程車與台灣大車隊計程車為研究個案,藉由瞭解二地的計程車司機如何採用衛星派遣科技之紮根研究,歸納出科技採用者的科技心理擁有感將影響對科技的意會,與使用科技的在地知識類型;其次,科技心理擁有感可藉由以上二者的中介效果,進而影響科技採用型態與採用頻次。本論文由研究一推導出相關的研究假說,以供研究二進行關係驗證。最後,在研究二中,本論文藉由科技心理擁有感、在地知識、科技意會的量表發展與結構方程式統計分析,進行研究一的假說驗證與探討。 經由數百位計程車司機開車實踐的觀察、訪談與大樣本問卷調查後,本論文發現科技心理擁有感可區分為「我的科技心理擁有感」與「我們的科技心理擁有感」二類屬性;而科技心理擁有感將產生二大類的科技意會類型:「實用認同型科技意會」與「自利專屬型科技意會」,與二大類的在地知識:「近地型在地知識」與「遠地型在地知識」,最後,進而影響科技的多元採用類型與採用績效。 本論文有系統地利用質性紮根研究進行構念的歸納與分類,發現不同型式的科技心理擁有感、多元科技意會、在地知識與科技採用類型,並建構一個多構念且具完整性的科技採用分析架構與衡量方法。同時,本論文也借用組織行為理論中的心理擁有感理論於科技採用研究中,以解釋個人對科技的心理擁有感如何影響科技採用行為。整體而言,本論文力求達到研究情境真實性、研究衡量精準性與研究結論類推性的理論建構三大目標。 / For purposed of efficiency, organizations often engage in adopting or transferring new technology across national boundary to increase their competitive advantage. But researches found over half cases of IT (information technology) implementation failed in the end. This dilemma between losing competitive advantage without IT implication and failing in adoption with technology transfer is a main challenge of organization. The research objective of this dissertation is to understand the profound occasions of this dilemma. In the reality, many IT failure cases have illustrated keeping competitive advantage for organization was depends on how to transform users’ routines or habits from current IT usage on post-adoption stage rather than adopting a new technology on pre-adoption stage. In other words, the final goal of IT implementation is to internalize the technology use to become users’ daily practices. In addition, what is missing from the current discussion literature of technology management is that technology adoption is multiple patterns rather than a trade off between acceptance and rejection. Therefore, in different organizational context various users may render multiple interpretations of the same technology, leading diversified adoptive behaviors or some negative and unexpected results of IT use. The first research question of this dissertation is: How do people’s situated practices enact patterns of users’ sense-making towards technology, leading to multiple modes of technology use? Prior studies of technology adoption in individual level have developed a set of useful analysis on technology acceptance from users’ cognition perspective. However, the current literature has not yet investigated behaviors of technology adoption from affective approach. The second research question of this dissertation is: How feeling of ownership of technology individual user has influences their technology use? Through the literature review from technology adoption, technology sense-making, psychological ownership, and local knowledge, we built a two-stage research strategy to answer the above research questions. First, we formulae a conceptual framework by conducting qualitative research approach. Two cases was investigated in this stage, they were Comfort Taxi Co. in Singapore and Taiwan High Transportation Co. (THT) in Taiwan. By ethnographic data collecting from two cases in two years fieldwork, we observed how taxi drivers in Singapore and Taiwan adopt and use the same technology, G.P.S. (Global Positioning System) dispatch system, named Cablink. Second, from the findings of qualitative cases, we generalized the some hypothetical relationships among psychological ownership of technology, technology sense-making as well as patterns of local knowledge users own. The next, we test these hypotheses through questionnaire development and surveys answered by THT taxis drivers in Taiwan. The findings indicated that the taxi drivers had two types of psychological ownership of technology (Self-oriented and Collective-oriented) triggering two modes of technology sense-making (Pragmatism sense-making and Autism sense-making), and two kinds of local knowledge (Local search on knowledge and Distant search on knowledge). Consequently, the frequency of technology use will be influenced by above constructs directly and indirectly. In conclusion, this dissertation proposes to analyze technology adoption through sense-making and feelings of ownership by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings enhance the theory of technology sense-making and psychological ownership, and suggest practical implications for post technology adoption and global technology transfer.

理解科技的後採用困難:實務契合度觀點的質化研究 / Understanding Difficulties of Post Technology Adoption: A Practices Fit Perspective

陳信宏, Chen,Shin-Horng Unknown Date (has links)
科技的採用問題,一直是資訊管理領域一個重要的議題。而以往研究,為了解為何科技會無法被採用,在研究上會分析科技導入至採用初期所面臨到的障礙與挑戰,以協助組織排除科技採用的困難。然而,對於科技的採用而言,採用困難的發生,並不只局限於科技的「前採用階段」而已,在科技被採用以後,同樣也會面臨到科技因為不適用所帶來的採用問題。為此,本論文之研究目的,即在於理解科技在「後採用階段」,發生科技採用困難的本質與原因。 在本論文中,作者主要從實務契合度的觀點,來理解供應鏈系統的採用困難。實務契合度的觀點認為,科技具有內嵌「實務」的特性,每一種科技,根據它的目的,都會被植入一些實務,來協助採用者進行組織活動。因此,所謂的科技採用就是將科技所內嵌的實務,轉移到採用者身上。然而,由於採用者處於他們所屬社會/組織系統中,可能也有他們自己一套的實務活動方式,所以科技內嵌實務與採用者實務之間的不契合,就會發生在科技採用的過程中。在本研究中,根據這樣的看法,作者以詮釋性質化研究的方式,分析了一家筆記型電腦公司的供應鏈系統採用問題。從中發現,根據組織結構、產品材料技術與產業網路的條件原因所影響,供應商會和該公司形成出不同類型的採購實務,而供應鏈系統所提供出的「實務」,因為和這些供應商與該公司的採購實務之間,有著全然不同的特性與假設,故導致了系統採用上的困難。本論文相信,這樣的研究成果,將會加深對科技採用問題的理解,並對供應鏈系統的管理,有實務的貢獻。 / Technology adoption has always been a central research issue in the information systems discipline. Despite years of investigative effort, most of past studies primarily focus on the pre-adoption stage, but very few studies examine post-adoption behaviors, post IT application, and consequences of adoption. In this dissertation, unlike the typical studies to analyze adoption difficulties during pre-adoption stage, I focus on the post technology adoption stage and aim to understand why technology adoption may become failures in organizations after effective deployment for a period of time. In this dissertation, I consider an adoption of supply chain system from the practices fit perspective. The practices fit lens argues that organizational practices (such as procurement practices) are embedded in the technology (such as supply chain systems), and the technology adoption could be as a transfer of the practices to the recipient’s adopters. However, since adopters lie in their specific social/organizational context over time, they have gradually developed a variety of practices to deal with organizational matters. In this circumstance, after the technology is adopted, the difficulties of adoption may occur because of the incompatibility between adopters’ practices and technology practices. From this perspective, I apply an interpretive stance in the study to report a case of supply chain system, and to analyze how and why practices misfit may induce the problems of the adoption. The case study reveals that there are different types of procurement practices for an organization to conduct procurement activities with their suppliers. Each type of procurement practices is affected by the organizational structures, product technologies, and industrial network. However, the supply chain system is not to take account of these conditions into the system principles. As a result, the system is considered inapplicable for supporting the procurement activities by adopters. Important implications are provided to enhance the theoretical development of technology adoption. Practical insights are discussed with regard to supply chain management.

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