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影響在臺多國籍企業資訊管理績效之研究 / The Study for the Effects on the Performance of Information Management of Taiwan Branches, Factories and Subsidiaries of Multinational Companies

李基永, Lee, Chi Yung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟發展與產業環境劇烈的變動,資訊技術應用已成為公司產業升級,改善管理提昇體質的必備工具,也因引進資訊技術而有應用資訊系統、電傳通訊與資料交換,對組織與管理產生莫大的衝擊與影響,所以有效應用資訊技術逐成為企業管理學者與實務界共同關心的課題。   有關多國籍企業的資訊技術管理課題,在國外有不少的研究文獻係探討在國外母公司的應用情形與績效,而其在臺多國籍企業國內分公司的資訊技術應用管理課題與績效則很少被探討。   本研究主要是以國內分公司所在地的觀點,探討在臺多國籍企業於引進資訊技術應用時所面臨的課題,除探討課題特性外,並研究公司特性對資訊部門角色型態與績效的影響。   本研究母體設定為已在國內設立資訊部門三年與年營業額二億以上的在臺多國籍企業,採隨機抽樣設計,共選出148家樣本公司,以人員訪談或郵寄問卷方式調查,有55家公司的資訊部門主管或高階管理者回覆了問卷,回收率為37.2%,有效問卷44份;本研究的重要發現為:   一、課題格面、角色型態與績效構面之發現   依課題內涵將三十二項課題分為技術、管理、支援與環境四個課題構面,資訊部門角色型態分別為主導者、支援者與附屬者三群,而績效則分為內部效益與外部效益兩個績效構面,「內部效益」所含蓋的項目都是與在臺公司的內部使用者有關的服務成效,用來衡量使用者對資訊部門提供各項服務的滿意度;「外部效益」,所含蓋的則都是與母公司及其他國外分公司有關的服務績效,用來衡量他們對在臺分公司資訊部門所提供資訊服務的滿意度。   二、重要課題之發現   1.在細項課題中,無論是目前或未來「資料保密與安全」都是最受重視的課題;名列第二的,在目前的是「在預估的費用成本內達成引進資訊技術目標」,未來的則是「資訊技術整合」;而名列第三的,在目前的是「發展一套電腦整合資訊系統」,未來的則為「提高公司內部資訊技術與知識」。   2.在課題構面分類中,無論是目前或未來都以「技術」與「管理」類課題較受重視,其次才是「支援」與「環境」類的課題。   三、角色型態分群與課題構面關係之發現   1.技術與管理構面;三種角色型態都很重視此兩構面且有額著差異,以「主導者」最重視,「支援者」次之,「附屬者」又次之。   2.支援構面;三種角色型態對此構面重視程度不高,相形之下以「主導者」較重視此構面。   3.環境構面;三種角色型態較不重視此構面,尤其「附屬者」更低。   四、企業特性與角色型態關係之發現   「主導者」角色型態的公司,其特色是資訊部門員工人數最多,資訊系統應用層次最高,已相當電腦化又與外界有相當程度的資料交換與連線,因擁有最多的資源,足以發揮主導者角色,也由於其主導角色的關係,積極引入母公司資訊技術,致使自行發展或由本地廠商發展的比率反而最低。   五、目前製造業與服務業比較之發現   1.重要課題   「資訊保密與安全」在兩種產業中都是最受重視的課題;在製造業中為前十大重要課題而服務業不是的有「成立資訊技術應用管理委員會」、「臺灣通訊品質與成本對引進影響」與「在臺軟硬體廠商能力對引進影響」,但在服務業中前十大重要課題而製造業不是的有「選擇集中或分散資料處理考量」、「資訊部門方向活動計劃透明化」與「有效訂定引進資訊技術管理方法」。而在兩種產業都是前十大課題項目的則有「資料保密與安全」、「提高資訊人員與使用者資訊技術與知識」、「在預估的費用成本內達成引進資訊技術的目標」、「遵守國際間資料交換協定之重要性」、「發展一套電腦整合資訊系統」、「資訊技術整合」及「資訊專案之權責目標明確訂定」。   2.資訊部門角色型態   製造業中的資訊部門角色大都為「附屬者」,約佔該產業59.3%,而服務業則大都為「主導者」,約佔54.5%。若以角色型態觀之,則「主導者」在兩產業中各佔一半,在「支援者」中約有70%屬製造業,而「附屬者」中也大都屬製造業,約有90%之多。   六、角色型態與績效關係之發現   1.內部效益;不論採取任何角色型態,對此績效構面的影響都未達顯著差異,資訊部門角色型態並非影響內部效益的要件。能及時滿足使用者真正的需求才是關鍵因素。   2.外部效益;三種角色型態對此績效構面影響有顯著差異,而「主導者」的影響則非常明顯,主要在其有整體規劃,主動積極引進資訊技術,滿足母公司及國外其他分公司的需求。 / Information Technology (IT) becomes more and more important and impacts the efficiency of organization and management, after the development of economics and changes of Industrial competi-tions. The information management is the key to manage the performance of IT applications and gets common concerns increa-singly of the company executives and scholars. This research is based on the domestic viewpoints to study the " Issues " of IT applications in Taiwan branches/Subsidiaries/Facfcories of multi-national company (MNC) ; other than the natures of "Issues" , it will also identify the characteristics of MNC,the role of compu-ter department of Taiwan branches of MNC and its performance. The selective population are those Taiwan branches of MNC with computer department setup for more than 3 years and annual reve-nue higher than 200 millions Taiwan dollars. After random selec-tion, this study has sampled 148 companies and gotten 55 respon-ses, the rate is 37.2%, however the useful samples is 44.   Having applied the statistical tools of correlation , factor analysis, cluster analysis and t-test on the collected data of questionaires, this study has concluded:   1. The Categorization    1.1 Categories of issues       1) Technique       2) Management and Administration       3) Support       4) Environment    1.2 Categories of Role of Computer Department in Using IT       1) Leader       2) Supporter       3) Follower    1.3 Categories of Performance       1) Internal performance (contributions)       2) External performance (contributions)   2. The Important Issues      1) "Data Security and Safety" is the most important issue as in both present and future.      2) The issues of "Technique" and "Management/Administraction" are more concerned than those of "Support" and "Environment".   3. Relationship of Role and Category of Issues      1) Issues of "Technique " and " Management / Administration " Those three roles have significantly different concerns, the "Leader" has the most concerns on these two kinds of issues, the "Supporter" is the next, then the "Follower".      2) Issues of "Support"   Those three roles are concerns on this kind of issues.      3) Issues of "Environment"   Those three roles are not so concerns on this kind of issues.   4. Relationship of Company Characteristics and Role of Computer Department     The role of "Leader" indicates 4 natures differently from the others:      1) Has the highest number of computer staffs      2) Has the highest level of information systems application      3) Has the highest level of computerization      4) Provides certain level of data exchanges and online services   5. Manufacturing vs. Services Industries      1) Important Issues      "Data Security and Safety" is the most important issue in both areas; as a whole, there are 7 issues simultaneously ranked as top ten of both industries.      2) Roles of Computer Department       Most of those computer departments of manufacturing act the role as " Follower " , while that of services industry run as " Leader " ; however from viewpoints of a role) "Leader" are evenly in both industries, " Supporter " and "Follower" are mostly in manufacturing.   6. Relationship of Role of Computer Department and Performance      1) Internal Performance (Contributions)       No matter which role the computer department is working , there is no significant difference in internal performance.      2) External Performance (Contributions)       The three roles of computer department have ignificantly different in external performance, especially, the "Leader has the most outstanding performance.

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