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國際會計準則第41號農業會計公報在我國適用性之研究 / A case study on the application of international accounting standard 41 agriculture in Taiwan曾韶芳 Unknown Date (has links)
國際會計準則第41號農業會計公報(以下簡稱IAS 41),規範農業活動相關之會計處理,用以認列、衡量生物資產及農產品。我國現行的財務會計準則規範內,尚未制訂專門規範農業活動之公報,國內企業對於農業活動及生物資產之揭露並不一致。
本研究以台灣糖業股份有限公司為個案研究對象,探討國內以從事農業活動為主之企業對IAS 41準則之適用性及其相關議題。研究分析顯示,台糖公司所從事之業務符合IAS 41對「農業活動」及「生物資產」之定義,亦滿足公報中規範需對資產進行原始認列的條件。因此,台糖公司符合IAS 41之適用範圍,須針對「生物資產」、「農產品收成時」的相關規範予以報導。台糖公司飼養之豬隻,須採用公允價值模式進行原始認列,產生之損益需計入當期損益;期末於資產負債表上單獨列示為生物資產科目,並揭露採公允價值模式計算之生物資產總價值。豬隻的續後評價,則須於期末確認生物資產公允價值減除銷售費用之餘額是否有變動,並將變動差額於發生當期認列損益。至於各該年度從事畜殖活動所產生與豬隻相關之支出,例如飼料費用、畜殖醫療及飼養費用、薪資費用、管理及間接費用等,則以當期費用處理。 / International Accounting Standard #41 Agriculture (IAS 41) establishes standards of accounting for agricultural activities to recognize, measure biological assets (living plants and animals) and agricultural produce (harvested product of the entity's biological assets). Currently, there are no Financial Accounting Standards which specifically relate to agricultural activities in Taiwan. The disclosures regarding to agricultural activities and biological assets have been found varied across companies.
In this dissertation, we chose Taiwan Sugar Corporation (TSC) as our subject case to understand how IAS 41 would affect companies in Taiwan after IFRSs was adopted. The analysis showed that the operation activities of TSC qualified the Company to the scope of IAS 41. The Company needs to disclose biological assets and agricultural produce at the point of harvests according to IAS 41. First of all, swine should be measured on initial recognition and at subsequent reporting dates based on fair value concept. Secondly, the gain on initial recognition of biological assets and changes on value during a specific period of time are reported on net profit or loss. Thirdly, all costs related to biological assets that are measured at fair value are recognized as expenses when being incurred. Finally, separate disclosure of biological assets is required according to IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements.
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