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快速生成建構於Web之客製化撮合系統 / Rapid Generation of Web-Based Customized Matching Systems吳儼翰, Wu, Yan Han Unknown Date (has links)
而什麼是撮合呢? 撮合是指有A、B兩群對象,在特定的規則與限制條件下,希望使每一A(B) 群對象可以連結至某些B(A)群對象,而使總體滿意度達到最大。以數學而言,一個A、B兩群間的撮合,就是一個滿足特定條件的A、B兩個集合間的二元關係。撮合類型可能是一對一、一對多、 多對多三種。一對一表示一個A群成員只能跟一個B群成員配對,一對多表示 一個A(B) 群成員能跟多個B(A) 群成員配對,多對多則指一個A群成員能跟多個B群成員配對且一個B群成員也能跟多個A群成員配對。
由於撮合型態與策略具有相當大的分歧性,以專用演算法實做並不實際,因此我們採用ASP(Answer set programming)實做撮合程式。ASP 是一種邏輯編程語言,具有宣告式程式特性,廣泛用於組合性問題的解決上,極適合應用在撮合策略的制定與實做。
在可真正執行撮合程式之前,必須預先建置A、B兩群對象的基本資料,因此我們的系統將允許開發者輸入A、B兩群對象的基本後設資料及撮合策略,而系統將據此建立對應Web介面與資料庫,允許使用者建立撮合對象的基本資料。一旦基本資料建立完成,系統即可依據系統設定的撮合策略以及以ASP實做的基本配對規則快速產生撮合結果,提供給使用者參考。 / There are a lot of application domains in which we may encounter the problem of finding a matching among two parties of entities. However, it is often the case that once a matching is needed, we cannot easily find a good matching strategy suitable for our purpose, not to mention one with a computerized implementation. This thesis aims to provide a web-based matching generation system allowing the quick generation of customized matching systems for users' need after their input of different demands of matching types and strategies. The supported types of matchings include most often used cases such as marriage/dating matching, paper review assignment, college admission dispatch and student-advisor selection etc.
What is a matching? A (bipartite) matching problem contains two parties of entities, each member of which has a preference over members of the opposite party. A matching in a matching problem is a binary relation between both parties of entities. The goal of a matching problem is to find one or more optimal matching in which the total satisfaction of both party members is maximized. Matching problems can be classified according restrictions imposed on matchings. 1-1 matching requires each member of both parties to be matched to at most one opposite party member, 1-m matching allows only members of one party to be matched to more than one opposite party member, and m-m matching allows members of both parties to be matched to more than one opposite party member.
Because there is a great variety of matching types and strategies, it is impractical to employ dedicated algorithm per case. It is thus eagerly expected to have a general framework in which different types of matching and strategies can be encoded. By applying Answer-set Programming (ASP) we provided one such framework in this thesis. ASP is logic programming language with declarative characteristics, widely applied in the solution of hard combinatorial problems, to be used in the encoding and solving of matching problems with different preference matching strategies.
Theoretical discussion of matching algorithms always assumes that party members and their preferences are available in advance. However, to engineer a matching system, we still need to provide means to achieve it. Our system is thus also a matching support system, through the web interface of which developers and end-users can enter meta and individual information about all concerned properties and/or preferences of party members. After a possibly further processing of users' preference on the values of concerned properties of opposite party members for deriving every member's preference on the member of the opposite party, succeeding matching thus can obtain all needed data.
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具有產生參考解答功能的高中化學計算問題生成系統 / A generation system for high school chemistry word problems with accompanying solutions張博城, Zhang, Bo Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的目的是改善上述問題。我們設計並實做一系統,只要使用者輸入簡單需求,即可自動產生高中化學問題以及伴隨詳細解答,可方便出題者快速產生各式不同主題的高中化學應用題目。我們的系統提供一個Web前端供使用者輸入所需要生成的題目之資訊。系統由此收齊相關參數之後,接著即可依據參數產生符合題目限制條件的化學問題生成模型。此問題模型為一hypergraph,節點代表已知或未知相關化學量,超連結(hyperedge)則代表數個化學量間的相依關係。有了此一以ASP(Answer Set Programming)表達的問題模型之後,系統即可利用ASP求解器(Solver)進行單一或多個題目生成,後續工作則是驗證每一生成題目之可行性並產生解題步驟,最後經由Django整合呈現於Web上。 / In recent years there has been great progress in the development of online learning. Well-known platforms such as international Khan Academic or local Junyi Academy in Taiwan provide courses in various subjects allowing interested students to study in a very convenient and autonomous way. As expected, courses on common subjects such as high school chemistry are offered with rich content by these platforms. However, there are shortcomings in these courses about the problems they provide for the students to practice or test. In addition to rich content, an ideal course should provide abundant problems of all possible topics, with each given detailed solution, so that students can evaluate their achievement of study by practicing or testing themselves with these problems. Unfortunately, no courses on these platforms meet the above requirements.
The purpose of this thesis is to improve the above shortcoming by providing a system which can generate automatically word problems on various topics of high school chemistry, together with detailed accompanied solutions. Our system is a web-based application implemented using Django. It provides a front-end enabling the users to enter related information for the word problems they want the system to generate. According to the parameters collected from the front-end, our system will generate a corresponding chemical problem model. The model is a hypergraph with nodes representing known or unknown chemical quantities related to the problem and hyperedges representing relations or dependencies among these quantities. After the model is generated as a logic program of ASP(Answer-set Programming), the system will use an ASP solver to generate one or more candidate problems. Subsequent works are then used to verify the feasibility of each problem and produce a solution for the feasible one. Finally the generated problems as well as solutions are wrapped in the server side and then sent to and presented friendly in the client's browser.
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