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梅妃故事研究 / The research of Mei Fei

王怡仁 Unknown Date (has links)
梅妃,福建莆田人,唐玄宗開元時期寵妃,天寶年間與楊貴妃爭寵互嫉,自貶上陽東宮,安史之亂時殉節而死。唐代所有的正史典籍都未登載,生平事蹟記載於南宋李俊甫《莆陽比事》〈梅妃入侍〉中,作者不明,敘述江采蘋與唐玄宗情愛互許的愛情故事,文本中的〈一斛珠〉、〈樓東賦〉、〈題梅妃畫真〉等詩作,成為宮廷棄婦的代表作。元代的梅妃故事,載錄於陶宗儀《說郛》所收錄的〈梅妃傳〉,擴大〈梅妃入侍〉的情節,多了唐玄宗縱情聲色,以致怠政誤國的鄙視和貶責,在原本的愛情故事中,加入政治嘲諷,加深道德意義的教化思想。 明代〈江妃傳〉,梅妃成為反面形象人物,梅妃與楊貴妃聯手成為宮闈爭嫉的主使者,謝肇淛用以嚴厲批判,嘲諷寵妾妒媚的社會現象,是梅妃故事的旁枝之作。明代另一部崑曲傳奇――《驚鴻記》,繼承〈梅妃傳〉的敘述主線,穿插楊貴妃誣陷太子與梅妃私通的謠言、梅妃投庵遇救的情節,營造梅妃化險為夷的高潮。另一方面,為了改編梅妃死於兵亂的結局,塑造大團圓的戲劇性效果,文人典雅的曲辭與賓白,使得情節之間有著密切的因果脈絡;梅妃寄身道觀之後,涉及宗教仙佛的奇聞軼事,接二連三而來,最後終於與唐玄宗重圓歡會。《驚鴻記》按著「遭亂―離散―投庵―出庵―團圓」的時間順序,民間敘事在文人創作中延伸著,深富世俗化的趣味。 到了清代,歷史章回小說《隋唐演義》,以寄世托生的命運貫串梅妃的人生,延續《驚鴻記》大團圓的戲劇主軸,把安史之亂肇禍的主因歸納於楊貴妃。楊貴妃破壞唐玄宗、梅妃刻骨銘心的兩世姻緣,塑造梅妃在生死關頭,深明大義和自我犧牲的精神,梅妃成為《隋唐演義》中,唯一展現正面形象的女性人物。明、清兩代的梅妃故事,在唐代歷史事件中加入宮闈秘事,人物性格鋪陳細膩、近乎現實性的描寫,迎合大眾需要,提供趣味性、諷刺性及人情味的特性。梅妃故事長期存在隱晦不顯的狀況,本篇從歷時性與共時性的角度,以民間敘事與文人敘事的概念深入分析,期待在梅妃故事的研究上,有更豐富意涵及展現。 / Mei Fei, Hong Keng Putian city residents, the greatest jealousy with Gui-Fei Yang in the Tang Dynasty, was from the kaiyuan to Tianbao Periods. Mei Fei was demoted to the Shangyang east palace, Martyrdom and died of The An-Shih Rebellion. All history is not contined in Tang Dynasty, recorded her life story in Southern Song Dynasty, Li-Junfu'“ Puyang-bi-shi ”'Mei-Fei ru shi'. The author of the book was unknown. The love story between Cai-Ping Jiang and Tang Xuanzong. The poetry from“Yi-Hu-Zhu”、“Lou-Dong-Fu”、“Mi-Fei's Poem”, became the representative works of palace abandoned women. The story of Mei Fei in Yuan Dynasty, described in the Tao-Zongyi “Shuo-Fu” that the collection of “The Legend Of Mei-Fei”, eapand the plot of“Mei-Fei rushi”, increase Tang Xuanzong indulgence and lust, leading to national corruption, despised by others and blame. In the original love story, joined the political mockery, deepen the moral education of thought. “The Legend Of Jiang-Fei” in the Ming Dynasty, Mei Fei became the image of the nedative characters, Mei Fei and Yang Guifei together into the emperor's concubine struggle, Xie-Zhaizhi used severe criticism, ridiculed the concubine jealous of social phenomena in the story of Mei Fei's side branch. Another Legend of the Kunqu legends in the Ming Dynasty――“Jing Hong Ji”, Inheriting the Main Line of“The Legend Of Mei-Fei”, interposed rumors of Gui-Fei Yang framed Prince and Mei Fei Prince and Mei Fei adultery、Mei Fei sought refuge and rescued by the plot、to create Mei Fei broke the climax of the situation. On the other hand, in order to change the script about Mei Fei died in the end of the war, shaped the reunion of the dramatic effect, elegant lines and dialogue from intellectuals, making between the plot has a close cause and effect context. After the Mei Fei defected to the temple, involving the anecdotes of God and Buddha religious stories, came one after another, Finally reunited with the Emperor. According to the “ encounter unfortunate - separate - refuge in the temple - out of the temple - reunion ” of the time sequence from“Jing Hong Ji”. The folk narration is extended in the writers' creation, Full of common customs pleasure. During Ching Dynasty, the Historical Chapter Novel“ Sui and Tang Dynasties”, the fate of life reincarnation Mei Fei life, Continuation of “Jing Hong Ji”reunion drama main axis, The main cause of The An-Lushan Rebellion summarized in Gui-Fei Yang. Gui-Fei Yang destroyed the Emperor Tang Xuanzong、Mei Fei unforgettable marriage of the two cycles, shaping Mei Fei in an important moment of life and death, understood the truth and the spirit of self-sacrifice, Mei Fei became the only positive image of the female characters in the “ Sui and Tang Dynasties” . The story of Mei Fei in the Ming and Ching Dynasties, in the Tang Dynasty historical events to join the court secrets, character description delicate, almost realistic description, to meet the needs of the public, to provide interesting, satirical and human characteristics. This article from the diachronic and synchronic point of view, an analysis of the concepts of intellectual narration and folk narration, looking forward to the study of Mei Fei story, have more rich meaning and style.

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