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Avaliação da imagem corporal e da (in)satisfação com o corpo gravido pela escala de medida em imagem corporal em gestantes inscritas no programa de pre-natal da rede basica de saude de vinhedo - SP / The evaluation of body image and pregnant body (dis)satisfaction using body image rating scale in pregnant woman from basic health program of Vinhedo - SPCairolli, Paola Bombassaro 07 July 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Antonieta Keiko Kakuda Shimo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T06:12:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: A gestação é um período de rápidas mudanças e adaptações, tanto corporais quanto emocionais. Ganho de peso, aumento das mamas, quadris e abdômen são algumas das mudanças corporais que acompanharão a mulher durante a gestação. Esse corpo em adaptação encontra na sociedade a cobrança da "perfeição", do ideal de beleza e boa forma. A imagem corporal é a representação mental do nosso corpo. Ela está em constante mutação, podendo ser alterada por informações, experiências sociais, emocionais e fisiológicas que o indivíduo recolhe no decorrer da vida. É por meio do corpo que interagimos com o mundo, é a partir dele que desenvolvemos a nossa identidade. A gestante vê o seu corpo mudando rapidamente e fugindo do que ela estabeleceu como sua identidade. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é avaliar a imagem corporal e a satisfação corporal de gestantes por meio da Escala de Medida em Imagem Corporal e um questionário sócio- demográfico e saber como esta escala se comporta na população gestante. O estudo se caracteriza como descritivo-exploratório. A amostra é composta por 93 gestantes do município de Vinhedo - SP que realizaram seus pré-natais das Unidades Básicas de Saúde e responderam aos questionários. Os escores totais e dos componentes da imagem corporal e a satisfação corporal (que é o equilíbrio entre os componentes da imagem corporal) foram analisados e relacionados aos dados sócio-demográficos como idade, IMC, entre outros. Tendo a escala se comportado de forma adequada para a população deste estudo, mostrando consistência interna muito boa (alfa de Cronbach = 0,912), obteve-se como resultado que a maioria das gestantes apresenta imagem corporal boa, sem alteração. Quando esta informação é relacionada aos dados sócio-demográficos, percebe-se relação significativa entre o peso corporal e a imagem corporal. Na avaliação da satisfação corporal, por sua vez, a maioria das gestantes (60,22%) estava insatisfeita. Esse resultado permite pensar que, quando se avalia os componentes da imagem corporal, eles podem se apresentar com escore elevado, mas não necessariamente em equilíbrio. Na associação com os dados sócio- demográficos, o peso corporal é, novamente, um fator de alteração na satisfação corporal das gestantes. Considerando os resultados obtidos, conclui-se que a avaliação da imagem corporal e da satisfação corporal, por meio de escalas como a deste estudo, devem ser de conhecimento dos profissionais que trabalham com gestantes e aplicadas nos programas de pré-natal para identificar, tratar e/ou prevenir alterações que possam comprometer o bem estar e a auto-estima das gestantes. Programas de apoio a gestante com atendimento psicológico e atividades físicas que permitam às mulheres conhecerem e identificarem seus corpos são úteis para manter a imagem corporal boa neste período / Abstract: Pregnancy is a short period of body and emotional changes and adaptations. Weight gain, increases in breast size, widening of hips and belly are some of the body changes that will happen to the woman during pregnancy. This body in change finds in society a call for "perfection", body ideals and good shape. Body image is the mental representation of our body. It is constantly changing, and might be modified by informations and social, emotional and physiological experiences that the individual collects during life. By the body we experience the world and based on it we develop our identity. The pregnant woman sees her body changing and becoming different from what she had established as her identity. The aim of this research is to evaluate pregnant women's body image and body satisfaction using the Body Image Rating Scale (Escala de Medida em Imagem Corporal) and a social-demographic questionnaire, and to know how this scale behaves in a pregnant woman group. This is a descriptive-exploratory research. The sample is composed of 93 pregnant women from Vinhedo - SP that made their prenatal appointments at the Basic Health Units in this city and answered the questionnaires. The body image total and components scores and the scores of body satisfaction (the balance of body image components) were analyzed and related to the social-demographic data such as age, BMI, and others. Since the scale behaved properly to the sample of this study, in which internal consistency was good (Cronbach's alpha = 0,912), the results showed that the majority of the pregnant women presents positive body image, without disturbances. When this information is related to social-demographic data, significant relation between body weight and body image is noticed. In the evaluation of body satisfaction, however, the majority of the pregnant women (60.22%) was dissatisfied. This result shows that, when the components of body image are assessed, they can have high scores, but not necessarily in balance. In association with social-demographic data, body weight is, again, a factor of disturbance in pregnant women's body satisfaction. In conclusion, considering the achieved results, body image and body satisfaction assessment, using scales like the one this research did, must be known by professionals who work with pregnancy and must be applied in prenatal programs to identify, treat and/or prevent disturbances that can compromise welfare and self-esteem of pregnant women. Supporting programs to pregnant women with psychological therapy and physical activities that allow women to know and to identify their bodies are useful to keep the positive body image during this period / Mestrado / Enfermagem e Trabalho / Mestre em Enfermagem
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Espelho convexo: o corpo desviante no imaginário coletivo pela voz da literatura infanto-juvenil / Convex mirror: the divergent body in the colletctive imaginary, through children and youth literature.Ligia Assumpcao Amaral 25 June 1992 (has links)
Partindo de uma hipótese inicial de que há na Literatura Infantojuvenil elementos (explícitos ou implícitos) que configuram representações do corpo desviante geradoras ou propiciadoras de cristalizações de estereótipos, denunciadoras de atitudes e preconceitos frente à diferença corporal e perpetuadoras de leituras maniqueístas e estigma, o presente trabalho buscou a analise da concretização desses elementos, através do estudo de características das 47 histórias eleitas, destinadas ao público infantil e juvenil, escritas por autores brasileiros e editadas entre 1971 e 1991, sendo que a ênfase da análise recaiu sob e atributos e ações das personagens corporalmente diferentes. Antes de chegar aos resultados, foi percorrido um caminho que, partindo das visões de corpo, transitou pela problemática do desvio, da diferença, da deficiência; pelo emaranhado conceitual de atitudes, preconceitos, estereótipos e estigma; pelo universo das significações, das anomalias, das monstruosidades, do grotesco; pelo território da Literatura e da Psicologia; pelas especificidades do gênero literário em pauta; pelos meandros metodológicos. As unidades de análise para pesquisa do corpus foram: o narrador, a trama, a narrativa e o tipo de discurso; a situação inicial da história; o universo constitucional das personagens; os tipos de deficiência e alteração corporal; as personagens no contexto dramático: características, ações e funções; a nomeação; os campos de atribuição dos fenômenos na etiologia e no desfecho. Foram também definidos três focos adicionais de interesse, voltados para as questões do \"olhar\" do outro, das \"perdas\" e dos \"desejos\". Conclui-se pela confirmação da hipótese inicial e distribui-se as reflexões finais em três grandes vertentes: etiologia da diferença (ênfase na culpabilização), status da personagem (vitima, herói, vilão) e desfecho (cura, exotismo, isolamento, morte). Vertentes essas pensadas como girando em torno de três eixos principais: histórias \"altamente\" preconceituosas, histórias \"denunciado as\" de preconceitos e histórias \"livres\" de preconceitos. / This study was based on the suppostiion that representations of the divergent body gener-ate and/or make possible the cristallization of stereotypes. These stereotypes reveal the existence of prejudices (among other attitudes) against corporeal differences and contribute to maintain stigma and manichaeistic interpretations of those differences. As a consequence of this supposition, it was assumed that it could be found, in the literature written fo child en and young people, elements, implicitly o explicitly argued, that were in acco dance with the kind of representation supposed. To investigate this empirical assumption, the present study analyzed the characteristics of 47 chosen stories, written by Brazilian authors, for child en and young people, and published from 1971 to 1991. The focuses of the analysis were the actions and the attributes of those characters whose bodies were divergent from the more usual one. A two-ply theoretical support for the analysis was sought. In one hand, it was based on the literature concerning the concepts of body. specially conside ing the issues of deviation, difference and disability. On the other hand the support was sought on the conceptual puzzle of attitudes, stereotypes and stigma. Across the criticai reading of this literature, \"the long and winding road\" travelled included the universe of meanings, anomalias, monstrosities and the grothesque appearence. It was necessary to specificate the literary genre studied and the methodological approach best fitted to the pursued goals. The units employed to analyze the corpus were the starting point of the story; the narrator; the narrativa structure; the nar ation itself and the kind of speech used; the character\'s constitutional universe; the kinds of disability and/o co poreal alteration. The characters were also analyzed in the d amatic context, considering their cha acteristics, actions and functions. The fields of attribution of the occurrences were determined at the beginning (etiology) and at the ending of these occurences. Additionally, three other issues were investigated, which are the other person\'s look to the character whose body was different and the lesses and desires of this character.
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The Cultivation of Eating Disorders through InstagramO'Brien, Kendall 30 October 2015 (has links)
A profusion of research has been dedicated to the effects of new media on body image. In an attempt to explain the inflation of eating disorders, several researchers have turned to the cultivation theory, postulating that increased interaction with these medias will lead to internalizations of the messages they disseminate. The over presence of extremely thin models and actresses can create a new reality for media users, who begin to equate thinness with beauty, power, femininity and happiness. While an abundance of research has delved into the impact of this thin ideal through television and magazines, the Internet as a medium is relatively new territory. Untrodden further is the field of social media, and particularly Instagram. The aim of this study was to determine the potential of cultivation theory via Instagram and its users.
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Body schema development in 3 to 6 year old childrenCampbell, Sharon Weatherbee January 1973 (has links)
This developmental study attempted to distinguish between the preference differentiation, sensorimotor differentiation and language differentiation of body parts by 3 to 6 year old children. The development of the body schema defined as the neurological model of the sensorimotor aspects of body parts was emphasized.
Sixty-four children served as subjects in this study. There were eight boys and eight girls in each age category. These subjects were selected from a group of 3 to 6 year old children with play school experience at Sunset Recreation Centre.
Four Task Series were administered; Task Series I was sensorimotor finger localization; Task Series II was sensorimotor hand-finger orientation; Task Series III was hand preference and foot preference; Task Series IV was the verbal understanding of body parts with respect to the right and left co-ordinates of the body.
Four different experimental conditions that involved visual presentations and tactual-kinesthetic presentations for visual movement response and non-visual movement response were used in Task Series I and Task Series II.
The data of Task Series I and II was submitted to bivariste frequency analysis and an analysis of variance. In Task Series III and Task Series IV age group percentiles for correct responses across trials were calculated.
This data analyses indicated that the major development in the differentiation of body parts at 3 to 6 years of age is at the sensorimotor level of organization. This sensorimotor development reflected a reliance upon the tactual-kinesthetic sensory system.
The results were discussed in terms of the applicability of the neurological term body schema to the research in developmental and educational psychology concerned with the developmental significance of body awareness in 3 to 6 year old children; the implications for the relationships reported between neurological disorders; and the considerations for the limited research in integrative processing.
Future directions for physical education research in the developmental study of effective cues for motor learning were indicated. / Education, Faculty of / Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP), Department of / Graduate
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Význam body image v marketingovej komunikácii / Importance of body image in marketing communicationVáradyová, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The thesis dedicated to the issue of body image in the context of marketing communication emphasizing female body imaging in advertising. The aim of Master's thesis is to identify differences in the perception of beauty between the German and Czechoslovak culture. The theoretical part is intended to explain the body image issues, including historical development. Furthermore points out the influence of mass media on women's physical self-concept. The practical part deals with content analysis of selected Czech and German magazines and identification of differences in the perception of beauty between these cultures based on frequency of body image components. The last section contains output and evaluation of a questionnaire survey conducted among members of the two cultures. The aim is to detect differences in the perception of body image and influence of media.
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Impacts of self-discrepancy and media exposure on body image perception among females : an integrated cognitive processing approachLeung, Shuet Yan 01 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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The Relationship of Actual Stature to Height of Human Figure DrawingsBurnett, Donald E. 01 1900 (has links)
One purpose of this study was to determine of the actual physical dimensions of an individual are related to the dimensions of his human figure drawings. The specific physical dimension used in this study is that of stature of height. Another purpose of this study was to determine if college males majoring in Physical Education might be superior to college males majoring in Industrial Arts in terms of their clarity of body image.
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Family Context as It Relates to Weight-Related Behaviors in Preadolescent African American GirlsDalton, William T., Klesges, Lisa M., Sherrill-Mittleman, Deborah, Stockton, Michelle B., Allen, Suzanne, Klesges, Robert C. 01 January 2011 (has links)
To examine family context in relation to body image, weight concerns, and weight control behaviors in preadolescent African American girls. Methods: Cross-sectional baseline data were analyzed from 303 African American girls 8 to 10 years old and a caregiver in the Girls health Enrichment Multi-site Studies Phase 2(GEMS), an obesity prevention intervention trial. Results: Fruit, juice, and vegetable accessibility and family support for healthy eating and physical activity were significantly related to girls' body image and weight control behaviors. Conclusions: A comprehensive understanding of family factors may improve future programs aimed at preadolescent girls.
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Reflections: Battling Body Image as a DancerShaffer, Erika 06 April 2022 (has links)
Reflections is a dance I choreographed and performed on February 25, 2022 in studio 205 Campus Center Building at East Tennessee State University. The dance explores the relationship between a dancer’s mind and body and uses mirrors and repetition to express the dancers’ perception of their flaws and insecurities. The following thesis, Reflections: Battling Body Image as a Dancer, analyzes the artistic elements of the choreographic process, my experiences as a dance student at ETSU from 2018-2022, as well as my training in my youth. My research for this thesis involves exploring the history and craft of choreography including the fundamentals of Laban Movement Analysis. In addition, my research includes a survey concerning body dysmorphia in dancers. In theory and practice, I accepted the challenge of stepping outside my comfort zone to create an emotional and physical dance composition that serves to demonstrate a dancer fighting a battle with body image.
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Burnout syndrome in athletes and their association with body image dissatisfaction at a private universityBaella-Vigil, Gilda V., Hurtado-Bocanegra, Mayra, Marroquín-Quintana, Julio, Rojas-Fernández, María V., Rosales-Medina, Jessica M., Urbina-Rodríguez, Juan C., Tarabay-Barriga, Ana P., Carreazo, Nilton Y. 01 April 2020 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Burnout syndrome, from the sporting point of view, is the integration of both physical and emotional signs, caused by the high demands in competition. According to several studies, the prevalence of burnout syndrome is influenced by several factors that would lead to athlete’s body image dissatisfaction. METHODS: The study design is cross-sectional analysis. The study sample was 352 athletes selected from the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). The main variables of this study are the burnout syndrome; which was measured by Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ) and body image dissatisfaction, through thirteen Scale drawings contour figure Gardner. To find the association between body image dissatisfaction and burnout syndrome Poisson regression was used. RESULTS: Athletes with burnout syndrome have 1.08 times more likely having body image dissatisfaction with a value P=0.011 (95% CI: 1.02-1.15). It was also found that a sport collectively practiced is a protective factor for Burnout Syndrome with P=0.015 (95% CI: 0.4-0.9). CONCLUSIONS: Relation between burnout syndrome and body image dissatisfaction in athletes was found. In addition, a relationship between practicing an individual sport and burnout syndrome was also found. More studies are necessary to confirm these relationships. / Revisión por pares
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