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Caratterizzazione del legame di molecole di interesse farmaceutico alla sieroalbumina umana mediante biocromatografia e dicroismo circolarePistolozzi, Marco <1978> 30 May 2008 (has links)
Negli ultimi anni, un crescente numero di studiosi ha focalizzato la propria
attenzione sullo sviluppo di strategie che permettessero di caratterizzare le
proprietà ADMET dei farmaci in via di sviluppo, il più rapidamente possibile.
Questa tendenza origina dalla consapevolezza che circa la metà dei farmaci in
via di sviluppo non viene commercializzato perché ha carenze nelle
caratteristiche ADME, e che almeno la metà delle molecole che riescono ad
essere commercializzate, hanno comunque qualche problema tossicologico o
ADME [1].
Infatti, poco importa quanto una molecola possa essere attiva o specifica:
perché possa diventare farmaco è necessario che venga ben assorbita, distribuita
nell’organismo, metabolizzata non troppo rapidamente, ne troppo lentamente e
completamente eliminata. Inoltre la molecola e i suoi metaboliti non dovrebbero
essere tossici per l’organismo.
Quindi è chiaro come una rapida determinazione dei parametri ADMET in fasi
precoci dello sviluppo del farmaco, consenta di risparmiare tempo e denaro,
permettendo di selezionare da subito i composti più promettenti e di lasciar
perdere quelli con caratteristiche negative.
Questa tesi si colloca in questo contesto, e mostra l’applicazione di una tecnica
semplice, la biocromatografia, per caratterizzare rapidamente il legame di
librerie di composti alla sieroalbumina umana (HSA). Inoltre mostra l’utilizzo di
un’altra tecnica indipendente, il dicroismo circolare, che permette di studiare gli
stessi sistemi farmaco-proteina, in soluzione, dando informazioni supplementari
riguardo alla stereochimica del processo di legame.
La HSA è la proteina più abbondante presente nel sangue. Questa proteina
funziona da carrier per un gran numero di molecole, sia endogene, come ad
esempio bilirubina, tiroxina, ormoni steroidei, acidi grassi, che xenobiotici.
Inoltre aumenta la solubilità di molecole lipofile poco solubili in ambiente
acquoso, come ad esempio i tassani. Il legame alla HSA è generalmente
stereoselettivo e ad avviene a livello di siti di legame ad alta affinità. Inoltre è
ben noto che la competizione tra farmaci o tra un farmaco e metaboliti endogeni,
possa variare in maniera significativa la loro frazione libera, modificandone
l’attività e la tossicità.
Per queste sue proprietà la HSA può influenzare sia le proprietà
farmacocinetiche che farmacodinamiche dei farmaci. Non è inusuale che un
intero progetto di sviluppo di un farmaco possa venire abbandonato a causa di
un’affinità troppo elevata alla HSA, o a un tempo di emivita troppo corto, o a
una scarsa distribuzione dovuta ad un debole legame alla HSA. Dal punto di
vista farmacocinetico, quindi, la HSA è la proteina di trasporto del plasma più
Un gran numero di pubblicazioni dimostra l’affidabilità della tecnica
biocromatografica nello studio dei fenomeni di bioriconoscimento tra proteine e
piccole molecole [2-6].
Il mio lavoro si è focalizzato principalmente sull’uso della biocromatografia
come metodo per valutare le caratteristiche di legame di alcune serie di composti
di interesse farmaceutico alla HSA, e sul miglioramento di tale tecnica. Per
ottenere una miglior comprensione dei meccanismi di legame delle molecole
studiate, gli stessi sistemi farmaco-HSA sono stati studiati anche con il
dicroismo circolare (CD).
Inizialmente, la HSA è stata immobilizzata su una colonna di silice epossidica
impaccata 50 x 4.6 mm di diametro interno, utilizzando una procedura
precedentemente riportata in letteratura [7], con alcune piccole modifiche.
In breve, l’immobilizzazione è stata effettuata ponendo a ricircolo, attraverso
una colonna precedentemente impaccata, una soluzione di HSA in determinate
condizioni di pH e forza ionica. La colonna è stata quindi caratterizzata per
quanto riguarda la quantità di proteina correttamente immobilizzata, attraverso
l’analisi frontale di L-triptofano [8]. Di seguito, sono stati iniettati in colonna
alcune soluzioni raceme di molecole note legare la HSA in maniera
enantioselettiva, per controllare che la procedura di immobilizzazione non
avesse modificato le proprietà di legame della proteina.
Dopo essere stata caratterizzata, la colonna è stata utilizzata per determinare la
percentuale di legame di una piccola serie di inibitori della proteasi HIV (IPs), e
per individuarne il sito(i) di legame. La percentuale di legame è stata calcolata
attraverso il fattore di capacità (k) dei campioni. Questo parametro in fase
acquosa è stato estrapolato linearmente dal grafico log k contro la percentuale
(v/v) di 1-propanolo presente nella fase mobile. Solamente per due dei cinque
composti analizzati è stato possibile misurare direttamente il valore di k in
assenza di solvente organico.
Tutti gli IPs analizzati hanno mostrato un’elevata percentuale di legame alla
HSA: in particolare, il valore per ritonavir, lopinavir e saquinavir è risultato
maggiore del 95%. Questi risultati sono in accordo con dati presenti in
letteratura, ottenuti attraverso il biosensore ottico [9]. Inoltre, questi risultati
sono coerenti con la significativa riduzione di attività inibitoria di questi
composti osservata in presenza di HSA. Questa riduzione sembra essere
maggiore per i composti che legano maggiormente la proteina [10].
Successivamente sono stati eseguiti degli studi di competizione tramite
cromatografia zonale. Questo metodo prevede di utilizzare una soluzione a
concentrazione nota di un competitore come fase mobile, mentre piccole
quantità di analita vengono iniettate nella colonna funzionalizzata con HSA. I
competitori sono stati selezionati in base al loro legame selettivo ad uno dei
principali siti di legame sulla proteina. In particolare, sono stati utilizzati
salicilato di sodio, ibuprofene e valproato di sodio come marker dei siti I, II e
sito della bilirubina, rispettivamente. Questi studi hanno mostrato un legame
indipendente dei PIs ai siti I e II, mentre è stata osservata una debole
anticooperatività per il sito della bilirubina.
Lo stesso sistema farmaco-proteina è stato infine investigato in soluzione
attraverso l’uso del dicroismo circolare. In particolare, è stato monitorata la
variazione del segnale CD indotto di un complesso equimolare
[HSA]/[bilirubina], a seguito dell’aggiunta di aliquote di ritonavir, scelto come
rappresentante della serie. I risultati confermano la lieve anticooperatività per il
sito della bilirubina osservato precedentemente negli studi biocromatografici.
Successivamente, lo stesso protocollo descritto precedentemente è stato
applicato a una colonna di silice epossidica monolitica 50 x 4.6 mm, per valutare
l’affidabilità del supporto monolitico per applicazioni biocromatografiche. Il
supporto monolitico monolitico ha mostrato buone caratteristiche
cromatografiche in termini di contropressione, efficienza e stabilità, oltre che
affidabilità nella determinazione dei parametri di legame alla HSA. Questa
colonna è stata utilizzata per la determinazione della percentuale di legame alla
HSA di una serie di poliamminochinoni sviluppati nell’ambito di una ricerca
sulla malattia di Alzheimer.
Tutti i composti hanno mostrato una percentuale di legame superiore al 95%.
Inoltre, è stata osservata una correlazione tra percentuale di legame è
caratteristiche della catena laterale (lunghezza e numero di gruppi amminici).
Successivamente sono stati effettuati studi di competizione dei composti in
esame tramite il dicroismo circolare in cui è stato evidenziato un effetto
anticooperativo dei poliamminochinoni ai siti I e II, mentre rispetto al sito della
bilirubina il legame si è dimostrato indipendente.
Le conoscenze acquisite con il supporto monolitico precedentemente descritto,
sono state applicate a una colonna di silice epossidica più corta (10 x 4.6 mm). Il
metodo di determinazione della percentuale di legame utilizzato negli studi
precedenti si basa su dati ottenuti con più esperimenti, quindi è necessario molto
tempo prima di ottenere il dato finale. L’uso di una colonna più corta permette
di ridurre i tempi di ritenzione degli analiti, per cui la determinazione della
percentuale di legame alla HSA diventa molto più rapida. Si passa quindi da una
analisi a medio rendimento a una analisi di screening ad alto rendimento (highthroughput-
screening, HTS). Inoltre, la riduzione dei tempi di analisi, permette
di evitare l’uso di soventi organici nella fase mobile.
Dopo aver caratterizzato la colonna da 10 mm con lo stesso metodo
precedentemente descritto per le altre colonne, sono stati iniettati una serie di
standard variando il flusso della fase mobile, per valutare la possibilità di
utilizzare flussi elevati. La colonna è stata quindi impiegata per stimare la
percentuale di legame di una serie di molecole con differenti caratteristiche
chimiche. Successivamente è stata valutata la possibilità di utilizzare una
colonna così corta, anche per studi di competizione, ed è stata indagato il legame
di una serie di composti al sito I. Infine è stata effettuata una valutazione della
stabilità della colonna in seguito ad un uso estensivo.
L’uso di supporti cromatografici funzionalizzati con albumine di diversa
origine (ratto, cane, guinea pig, hamster, topo, coniglio), può essere proposto
come applicazione futura di queste colonne HTS. Infatti, la possibilità di
ottenere informazioni del legame dei farmaci in via di sviluppo alle diverse
albumine, permetterebbe un migliore paragone tra i dati ottenuti tramite
esperimenti in vitro e i dati ottenuti con esperimenti sull’animale, facilitando la
successiva estrapolazione all’uomo, con la velocità di un metodo HTS. Inoltre,
verrebbe ridotto anche il numero di animali utilizzati nelle sperimentazioni.
Alcuni lavori presenti in letteratura dimostrano l’affidabilita di colonne
funzionalizzate con albumine di diversa origine [11-13]: l’utilizzo di colonne più
corte potrebbe aumentarne le applicazioni. / Lately, an increasing number of scientists, academics as well as
pharmaceutical industries, have focused their attention on the development of
strategies to characterise the ADMET properties of the candidate drugs as early
as possible. This trend is due to the awareness that about half of all drugs in
development fail to make it to the market because of ADME deficiencies and
that at least half of the ones that do make it to market still have some ADME or
toxicological problems [1]. No matter how active nor specific is a chemical: to
turn it into drug it needs to be well absorbed, distributed throughout the body,
metabolised in a not too rapid nor too slow way and completely eliminated.
Moreover, it and its metabolites should not be toxic for the body. Thus, it is
clear how a rapid determination of ADMET parameters in early stages of drug
discovery would save money and time, allowing to choose the better compounds
and to eliminate any losers, early and cheaply.
This thesis is set in this context, showing the application of a simple technique,
biochromatography, to quickly evaluate candidate drugs as far as binding to
human serum albumin (HSA) is concerned. Furthermore it shows another
suitable independent technique, namely circular dichroism, able to study the
same drug-protein system, allowing a deeper insight into the stereochemistry of
the binding process.
HSA is the most abundant protein in the blood. It acts as a carrier for a wide
range of molecules either endogenous, such as bilirubin, tiroxine, steroid
hormones and fatty acids, or xenobiotics. Furthermore, it allows the
solubilisation of hydrophobic compounds (e.g. taxanes), characterized by very
low solubility. The binding to albumin is usually stereoselective and occurs at
high-affinity binding sites level. It is also well known that competition of drugs
for the same sites on HSA can meaningfully alter their free fraction affecting
their activity and toxicity. Thus, by its binding properties, HSA can affect the
pharmacokinetics as well as the pharmacodynamic properties of drugs. It is not
unusual that even whole drug discovery projects have been abandoned due to
very strong binding to HSA or short lifetime or poor distribution due to weak
binding. This makes HSA the most important serum protein from a
pharmacokinetics point of view.
A large body of literature has showed the reliability of the biochromatographic
technique for the study of the biorecognition processes between proteins and
small molecules [2-6].
My work was mainly finalised to use this technique to evaluate the binding
characteristics of series of compounds and to improve such technique. To obtain
a better comprehension of the binding mechanisms of the molecules
investigated, circular dichroism was also employed.
First, HSA was immobilised onto a classic packed epoxy silica-based column
50 x 4.6 mm i.d. using a slightly modified procedure previously reported [7]. In
brief, the immobilisation was achieved by overnight recirculation of a solution
of HSA through the column previously packed with epoxy silica particles, at set
pH and ionic strength. Then, the column was characterised in terms of amount
of HSA correctly immobilised by the frontal analysis of L-tryptophan [8]. By
injecting some racemates known to bind the protein in a stereoselective manner,
we also checked that the immobilisation procedure would preserve the binding
properties of the free protein. The column so characterised was employed to
determine the binding percentage of a small series of five HIV protease
inhibitors (PIs), and also it was attempted to identify their binding site(s). The
bound drug percentage was calculated from the capacity factor (k) of the
samples. This parameter in only aqueous phase was extrapolated by linearly
plotting the log k values against the percentage (v/v) of 1-propanol in the eluent
mixtures. Only for two of the five compounds, it has been possible to measure
the k value without organic modifier. All of the IPs analysed proved to strongly
bind HSA; in particular the percentage of binding for ritonavir, lopinavir and
saquinavir was found to be higher than 95%. The results are in agreement with
data achieved by optical biosensor technique previously published [9]. In
addition, these results are consistent with the significant reduction of their
inhibitor activity observed in the presence of HSA. This effect seems to be
greater for the inhibitors strongly bound to the protein [10].
Displacement studies were also performed by zonal elution approach. By this
method, a known concentration of a competitive agent is continuously applied in
the mobile phase to the HSA-based column, while small amounts of the studied
drugs are injected. The competitors employed were chosen for their selective
binding in the main binding areas of HSA. In particular salicylate, ibuprofen,
and valproate were employed as markers of Sudlow’s site I, of Sudlow’s site II,
and of bilirubin site, respectively. The displacement studies have shown an
independent binding of PIs to sites I and II, while a slight anticooperativity was
observed for the bilirubin site. The same system, drug – target protein, was
finally investigated in solution using circular dichroism spectroscopy. The
change in the induced CD spectrum of an equimolar complex HSA/bilirubin was
monitored once increasing amounts of ritonavir, chosen as representative of the
series, were added. The results confirmed a slight anticooperativity for the
bilirubin binding site observed by the biochromatographic approach.
Subsequently, the validation protocol previously described was applied to a
novel 50 mm epoxy silica-based monolithic column to evaluate the reliability of
using such support for biochromatographic studies. That monolithic column
showed good chromatographic characteristics in terms of backpressure,
efficiency and stability as well as reliability in drug binding parameters
determination. Such column was applied in the determination of the binding
percentage to HSA of a series of poliaminoquinones developed within a project
on Alzheimer’s disease. All samples showed a binding percentage higher than
95%. Furthermore, the data obtained showed a good correlation between binding
percentage and side chain chemical features (length and number of amine
groups). Also in this case circular dichroism provided useful information about
the binding sites on HSA of the chemicals studied: displacement studies
indicated an anticooperative binding of these poliaminoquinones to sites I and II,
while an independent binding with respect to bilirubin site was observed.
The knowledge built up with the monolithic support previously described was
applied to a shorter monolithic column (10 x 4.6 mm). The method previously
described for the binding percentage determination is based on the data of
several analyses, so it is time consuming. The use of a shorter column allows
reducing the retention times of analytes. As a consequence the time needed to
determine the binding percentage to HSA of a series of molecules undergo a
tremendous decrease, turning such biochromatography from medium to highthroughput
screening technique. Furthermore, the significant retention time
shortness makes unnecessary the use of organic modifier, like 1-propanol, in the
mobile phase. After the characterisation of the short column as previously
described for the other columns, a series of standards were injected, also by
changing the flow rate in order to evaluate the possibility to use high flows. The
column was than employed to investigate the binding percentage to HSA and the
main binding sites of a series of molecules with different moieties. Finally, the
stability of the column was evaluated, in terms of reliability of results after
repeated analysis.
The development of chromatographic supports based on albumins from other
mammalian species (i.e. rat, dog, guinea pig, hamster, mouse, rabbit) may be
proposed as a future application of these short columns. In fact, this would allow
a better comparison between data achieved by in-vitro experiments and data
collected by experiments on animals, making easier the following data
extrapolation to human, with the speed of an high-throughput screening method.
Moreover it may reduce the number of animals used for pharmacokinetics
investigations. Some papers previously published proved the reliability of these
albumin-based supports [11-13]: using a shorter column may enhance its
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Virtual screening di inibitori del complesso N-Myc/Max e valutazioni in vitroMontemurro, Luca Antonio <1977> 30 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Capillary coatings in Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) analysis of BiomoleculesOlmo, Stefano <1978> 30 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterization of L-type Calcium Channel Binding-Site of a new class of Calcium modulators by a Multidisciplinary approachUgenti, Maria Paola <1977> 29 April 2009 (has links)
Many potential diltiazem related L-VDCC blockers were developed using a multidisciplinary approach. This current study was to investigate and compare diltiazem with to the newly developed compounds by mouse Langendorff-perfused heart, Ca2+-transient and on recombinant L-VDCC. Twenty particular compounds were selected by the ligand-based virtual screening procedure (LBVS). From these compounds, five of them (5b, M2, M7, M8 and P1) showed a potent and selective inotropic activity on guinea-pig left atria driven 1 Hz. Further assays displayed an interesting negative inotropic effect of M2, M8, P1 and M7 on guinea pig isolated left papillary muscle driven at 1 Hz, a relevant vasorelaxant activity of 5b, M2, M7, M8 and P1 on K+-depolarized guinea-pig ileum longitudinal smooth muscle and a significant inhibition of contraction of 5b, M2, M8 and P1 on carbachol stimulated ileum longitudinal smooth muscle.
Wild-type human heart and rabbit lung α1 subunits were expressed (combined with the regulatory α2δ and β3 subunits) in Xenopus Leavis oocytes using a two-electrode voltage clamp technique. Diltiazem is a benzothiazepine Ca2+ channel blocker used clinically for its antihypertensive and antiarrhythmic effects. Previous radioligand binding assays revealed a complex interaction with the benzothiazepine binding site for M2, M7 and M8. (Carosati E. et al. J. Med Chem. 2006, 49; 5206). In agreement with this findings, the relative order of increased rates of contraction and relaxation at lower concentrations s(≤10-6M) in unpaced hearts was M7>M2>M8>P1. Similar increases in Ca2+ transient were observed in cardiomyocytes. Diltiazem showed negative inotropic effects whereas 5b had no significant effect. Diltiazem blocks Ca2+current in a use-dependent manner and facilitates the channel by accelerating the inactivation and decelerating the recovery from inactivation. In contrast to diltiazem, the new analogs had no pronounced use-dependence. Application of 100 μM M8, M2 showed ~ 10% tonic block; in addition, M8, M2 and P1 shifted the steady state inactivation in hyperpolarized direction and the current inactivation time was significantly decreased compared with control (219.6 ± 11.5 ms, 226 ± 14.5 vs. 269 ± 12.9 vs. 199.28 ± 8.19 ms). Contrary to diltiazem, the recovery from the block by M8 and M2 was comparable to control. Only P1 showed a significantly decrease of the time for the recovery from inactivation. All of the compounds displayed the same sensitivity on the Ca2+ channel rabbit lung α1 except P1. Taken together, these findings suggest that M8, M2 and P1 might directly decrease the binding affinity or allow rapid dissociation from the benzothiazepine binding site.
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Innovative analytical methods for Central Nervous System Drug analysis in biological fluidsMusenga, Alessandro <1975> 29 April 2009 (has links)
During recent years a consistent number of central nervous system (CNS) drugs have been approved and introduced on the market for the treatment of many psychiatric and neurological disorders, including psychosis, depression, Parkinson disease and epilepsy. Despite the great advancements obtained in the treatment of CNS diseases/disorders, partial response to therapy or treatment failure are frequent, at least in part due to poor compliance, but also genetic variability in the metabolism of psychotropic agents or polypharmacy, which may lead to sub-therapeutic or toxic plasma levels of the drugs, and finally inefficacy of the treatment or adverse/toxic effects. With the aim of improving the treatment, reducing toxic/side effects and patient hospitalisation, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) is certainly useful, allowing for a personalisation of the therapy. Reliable analytical methods are required to determine the plasma levels of psychotropic drugs, which are often present at low concentrations (tens or hundreds of nanograms per millilitre).
The present PhD Thesis has focused on the development of analytical methods for the determination of CNS drugs in biological fluids, including antidepressants (sertraline and duloxetine), antipsychotics (aripiprazole), antiepileptics (vigabatrin and topiramate) and antiparkinsons (pramipexole). Innovative methods based on liquid chromatography or capillary electrophoresis coupled to diode-array or laser-induced fluorescence detectors have been developed, together with the suitable sample pre-treatment for interference removal and fluorescent labelling in case of LIF detection. All methods have been validated according to official guidelines and applied to the analysis of real samples obtained from patients, resulting suitable for the TDM of psychotropic drugs.
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Studies on the interaction of surfactants and neutral cyclodextrins by capillary electrophoresis. Application to chiral analysisBendazzoli, Claudia <1981> 29 April 2009 (has links)
In the present study, mixed systems composed of SDS in the presence of neutral cyclodextrins were considered. Firstly, the effect of the CDs on the CMC of the surfactant was evaluated by CE experiments. Furthermore, a new CE approach based on electric current measurement was developed for the estimation of the stoichiometry as well as of the binding constants of SDS-CDs complexes. The results of these investigations were compared to those obtained with a different technique, electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The obtained results suggested that methylated CDs, in particular (2,6-di-O-methyl)-beta-cyclodextrin (DM-beta-CD), strongly affect the micellization of SDS in comparison to the other studied CDs. This effect also paralleled the chiral CD-MEKC performance, as indicated by the enantioresolution of (+/-)-Catechin, which was firstly selected as a model compound representative of important chiral phytomarkers. Then a CD-MEKC system, composed of sodium dodecyl sulfate as surfactant (90 mM) and hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (25 mM) as chiral selector, under acidic conditions (25 mM borate – phosphate buffer, pH 2.5) was applied to study the thermal epimerisation of epi-structured catechins, (-)-Epicatechin and (-)-Epigallocatechin, to non epi-structured (-)-Catechin and (-)-Gallocatechin. The latter compounds, being non-native molecules, were for the first time regarded as useful phytomarkers of tea sample degradation. The proposed method was applied to the analysis of more than twenty tea samples of different geographical origins (China, Japan, Ceylon), having undergone different storage conditions and manufacturing processes.
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Design and synthesis of novel non peptidomimtic beta-secretase inhibitors in the treatment of Alzheimer's diseaseMatera, Riccardo <1977> 29 April 2009 (has links)
The aspartic protease BACE1 (β-amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme, β-secretase) is recognized as one of the most promising targets in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The accumulation of β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) in the brain is a major factor in the pathogenesis of AD. Aβ is formed by initial cleavage of β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) by β-secretase, therefore BACE1 inhibition represents one of the therapeutic approaches to control progression of AD, by preventing the abnormal generation of Aβ. For this reason, in the last decade, many research efforts have focused at the identification of new BACE1 inhibitors as drug candidates. Generally, BACE1 inhibitors are grouped into two families: substrate-based inhibitors, designed as peptidomimetic inhibitors, and non-peptidomimetic ones. The research on non-peptidomimetic small molecules BACE1 inhibitors remains the most interesting approach, since these compounds hold an improved bioavailability after systemic administration, due to a good blood-brain barrier permeability in comparison to peptidomimetic inhibitors.
Very recently, our research group discovered a new promising lead compound for the treatment of AD, named lipocrine, a hybrid derivative between lipoic acid and the AChE inhibitor (AChEI) tacrine, characterized by a tetrahydroacridinic moiety. Lipocrine is one of the first compounds able to inhibit the catalytic activity of AChE and AChE-induced amyloid-β aggregation and to protect against reactive oxygen species. Due to this interesting profile, lipocrine was also evaluated for BACE1 inhibitory activity, resulting in a potent lead compound for BACE1 inhibition. Starting from this interesting profile, a series of tetrahydroacridine analogues were synthesised varying the chain length between the two fragments. Moreover, following the approach of combining in a single molecule two different pharmacophores, we designed and synthesised different compounds bearing the moieties of known AChEIs (rivastigmine and caproctamine) coupled with lipoic acid, since it was shown that dithiolane group is an important structural feature of lipocrine for the optimal inhibition of BACE1. All the tetrahydroacridines, rivastigmine and caproctamine-based compounds, were evaluated for BACE1 inhibitory activity in a FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) enzymatic assay (test A). With the aim to enhancing the biological activity of the lead compound, we applied the molecular simplification approach to design and synthesize novel heterocyclic compounds related to lipocrine, in which the tetrahydroacridine moiety was replaced by 4-amino-quinoline or 4-amino-quinazoline rings. All the synthesized compounds were also evaluated in a modified FRET enzymatic assay (test B), changing the fluorescent substrate for enzymatic BACE1 cleavage. This test method guided deep structure-activity relationships for BACE1 inhibition on the most promising quinazoline-based derivatives. By varying the substituent on the 2-position of the quinazoline ring and by replacing the lipoic acid residue in lateral chain with different moieties (i.e. trans-ferulic acid, a known antioxidant molecule), a series of quinazoline derivatives were obtained. In order to confirm inhibitory activity of the most active compounds, they were evaluated with a third FRET assay (test C) which, surprisingly, did not confirm the previous good activity profiles. An evaluation study of kinetic parameters of the three assays revealed that method C is endowed with the best specificity and enzymatic efficiency. Biological evaluation of the modified 2,4-diamino-quinazoline derivatives measured through the method C, allow to obtain a new lead compound bearing the trans-ferulic acid residue coupled to 2,4-diamino-quinazoline core endowed with a good BACE1 inhibitory activity (IC50 = 0.8 mM). We reported on the variability of the results in the three different FRET assays that are known to have some disadvantages in term of interference rates that are strongly dependent on compound properties. The observed results variability could be also ascribed to different enzyme origin, varied substrate and different fluorescent groups. The inhibitors should be tested on a parallel screening in order to have a more reliable data prior to be tested into cellular assay. With this aim, preliminary cellular BACE1 inhibition assay carried out on lipocrine confirmed a good cellular activity profile (EC50 = 3.7 mM) strengthening the idea to find a small molecule non-peptidomimetic compound as BACE1 inhibitor. In conclusion, the present study allowed to identify a new lead compound endowed with BACE1 inhibitory activity in submicromolar range. Further lead optimization to the obtained derivative is needed in order to obtain a more potent and a selective BACE1 inhibitor based on 2,4-diamino-quinazoline scaffold.
A side project related to the synthesis of novel enzymatic inhibitors of BACE1 in order to explore the pseudopeptidic transition-state isosteres chemistry was carried out during research stage at Università de Montrèal (Canada) in Hanessian's group. The aim of this work has been the synthesis of the δ-aminocyclohexane carboxylic acid motif with stereochemically defined substitution to incorporating such a constrained core in potential BACE1 inhibitors. This fragment, endowed with reduced peptidic character, is not known in the context of peptidomimetic design. In particular, we envisioned an alternative route based on an organocatalytic asymmetric conjugate addition of nitroalkanes to cyclohexenone in presence of D-proline and trans-2,5-dimethylpiperazine. The enantioenriched obtained 3-(α-nitroalkyl)-cyclohexanones were further functionalized to give the corresponding δ-nitroalkyl cyclohexane carboxylic acids. These intermediates were elaborated to the target structures 3-(α-aminoalkyl)-1-cyclohexane carboxylic acids in a new readily accessible way.
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Computational investigation of the Plasmodium falciparum fatty acid biosynthetic pathway toward the discovery of novel antimalarialsColizzi, Francesco <1978> 29 April 2009 (has links)
The structural peculiarities of a protein are related to its biological function. In the fatty acid elongation cycle, one small carrier protein shuttles and delivers the acyl intermediates from one enzyme to the other. The carrier has to recognize several enzymatic counterparts, specifically interact with each of them, and finally transiently deliver the carried substrate to the active site. Carry out such a complex game requires the players to be flexible and efficiently adapt their structure to the interacting protein or substrate. In a drug discovery effort, the structure-function relationships of a target system should be taken into account to optimistically interfere with its biological function. In this doctoral work, the essential role of structural plasticity in key steps of fatty acid biosynthesis in Plasmodium falciparum is investigated by means of molecular simulations. The key steps considered include the delivery of acyl substrates and the structural rearrangements of catalytic pockets upon ligand binding. The ground-level bases for carrier/enzyme recognition and interaction are also put forward. The structural features of the target have driven the selection of proper drug discovery tools, which captured the dynamics of biological processes and could allow the rational design of novel inhibitors. The model may be perspectively used for the identification of novel pathway-based antimalarial compounds.
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Doxorubicina coniugata alla albumina umana lattosaminata: azione antineoplastica sui carcinomi epatocellulari indotti nel ratto dalla dietilnitrosamminaBaglioni, Michele <1977> 15 June 2009 (has links)
The experiments described in the thesis for my PhD were addressed to the study of the anticancer activity of a conjugate of doxorubicin (DOXO) with lactosaminated human albumin (L-HSA) on hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) induced in rats by diethylnitrosamine. L-HSA is a neoglycoprotein exposing galactosyl residues. The conjugate was prepared to improve the chemo therapeutic index of DOXO in the treatment of the well differentiated (WD) HCCs whose cells
mantain the receptor for galactosyl terminating glycoproteins and consequently can actively internalize L-HSA. In my first experiments I found that L-HSA coupled DOXO produced concentrations of DOXO higher than those raised by an equal dose of free drug, not only in WD HCCs, but also in the poorly differentiated forms (PD) of these tumors which do no express the receptor for galactosyl terminating glycoproteins. Subsequently I provided evidence that penetration of L-HSA-DOXO in PD HCCs was due to a non-specific adsorption mediated by the DOXO residues of the conjugate which interact with the cell surface mainly because at physiological pH they are positively charged and bind to anionic phospholipids of the cell membrane. In subsequent experiments, by ultrasound technique, I studied the action of free and L-HSA coupled DOXO on the growth of rat HCCs. I found that L-HSA coupled DOXO hindered the development of new neoplastic nodules and inhibited the growth of the established tumors. In contrast, the free drug
neither inhibited the development of HCCs nor prevented the growth of the established tumors. Moreover, the free drug produced a severe loss of weight of rats, a sign of severe toxicity, which was not caused by the conjugate.
In conclusion assuming that the results obtained in rats can be applied to patients, the results of my thesis suggest that the conjugate by increasing the efficacy and tolerability of DOXO could improve the value of this drug in the treatment of human HCCs.
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Studio delle caratteristiche botaniche, fitochimiche, farmacologiche e delle relative attività biologiche di alcune piante della medicina tradizionale africanaNadembega, Pascal <1966> 15 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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