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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Religione e sfera pubblica in Polonia. L'influenza della Conferenza Episcopale e dei movimenti pro-life sulla legislazione "eticamente sensibile". / Religion and public sphere in Poland. The influence of the Episcopal Conference and the pro-life movement on "ethically sensitive" legislation.

Capacci, Giulia <1980> 09 June 2016 (has links)
Il presente lavoro tratta l'influenza della Chiesa Cattolica in Polonia nella stesura della legislazione nazionale relativa all'interruzione di gravidanza e alla fecondazione assistita, nella loro costruzione discorsiva e nella loro collocazione ed espressione nel discorso pubblico. La tesi è divisa in tre parti. La prima fornisce un substrato di riferimento tramite un percorso torico e di revisione della letteratura che inquadra e motiva gli stretti rapporti esistenti fra Stato, Chiesa e identità in Polonia, creando la diade stereotipica Polak / Katolik. La seconda verifica la persistenza di questo binomio: attraverso l'analisi di dati provenienti dalla WVS e dal CBOS polacco, misuriamo il livello di religiosità e l'impatto della religione sulla vita quotidiana, sui comportamenti e sulle scelte morali della popolazione. Il tasso di aderenza alle pratiche religiose non si è modificato in maniera significativa nel corso dell'ultimo ventennio. Sebbene l'affiliazione sia maggiore per alcune categorie socio-demografiche, le differenze sono modeste e le correlazioni sovente non significative. Il ruolo storico della Chiesa Cattolica in Polonia e la diffusa e profonda religiosità del Paese costituiscono il framework dello spazio sociale in cui si articola il discorso pubblico. Nella terza parte, tramite Critical Discourse Analysis, abbiamo esaminato sia il discorso della Conferenza Episcopale Polacca sia la rappresentazione a mezzo stampa dei temi. Dall'analisi del corpus, emerge che il discorso pubblico è caratterizzato da parzialità, con una prevalenza pro-life in termini sia di linguaggio sia di messaggio. La semantica pro-vita si è trasferita non solo dal vocabolario orientato a quello quotidiano, ma anche dalla sfera della discussione sui diritti riproduttivi alle definizioni sociali di concetti più generali, configurando una “barriera discorsiva”. La stampa cattolica, inoltre, è particolarmente attiva nella trattazione di questi argomenti, mentre quella di sinistra mostra un ruolo meno incisivo nel prendere posizione sul tema. / The topic of the present work is the influence exerted by the Catholic Church in Poland on the drafting of national legislation on abortion and IVF, on their discursive construction and their collocation and expression in the public discourse. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first provides a theoric and historical framework motivating the close relations existing between State, Church, and identity in Poland, creating the stereotypical dyad Polak / Katolik. The second part verifies the persistence of this juxtaposition: through the analysis of data from the WVS and the Polish CBOS, we measure the level of religiosity and the impact of religion on daily life, behaviours, and moral choices of the population. Adherence rate to religious practices has not changed significantly over the last two decades. Although the affiliation is higher for some socio-demographic categories, differences are small and correlations often insignificant. The historical role of the Catholic Church in Poland and the widespread and deep religiosity of the country creates the social framework in which the public discourse is developed. In the third part, through Critical Discourse Analysis, we examined both the public discourses of the Polish Episcopal Conference and the representation of the issues in the national press. The analysis shows that public discourse is characterized by partiality, with a pro-life prevalence in terms of both language and message. Pro-life semantics moved not only from the oriented vocabulary to the everyday one, but also from the sphere of the discussion on reproductive rights to social definitions of more general concepts, configuring a “discursive barrier”. Moreover, while the Catholic press is particularly active in the discussion, the leftist one shows a less significant role in taking a position on the issue.

Statistical Mechanics of Hard-Core Particles with Attractive Interactions

Alberici, Diego <1988> 29 April 2016 (has links)
Mean-field monomer-dimer models, on sparse random graphs or on the complete graph, can be considered as an approximation of finite-dimensional physical models involving particles of different sizes. On the other hand they have a particular interest for the emerging applications to Computer Science and Social Sciences, since the real-world networks are often modelled by particular families of random graphs. We give a rigorous proof of Zdeborovà-Mézard's picture of the monomer-dimer model with pure hard-core interaction on sparse random graphs. As shown by Heilmann and Lieb, the hard-core interaction is not sufficient to cause a phase transition in monomer-dimer models. We study monomer-dimer models on the complete graph and in particular we add an attractive interaction to the hard-core one. We provide the solution of this model, showing that a phase transition occurs. The critical exponents are the standard mean-field ones and the central limit theorem breakdowns. Finite-dimensional monomer-dimer models (and more general hard-rods models) are still interesting also for applications to Physics, in the theory of liquid crystals. Heilmann and Lieb proposed some monomer-dimer models on Z^2 with attractive interactions that favour the presence of clusters of neighbouring parallel dimers. They showed the presence of orientational order at low temperatures, while they conjectured the absence of translational order. We prove the absence of translational order in a different framework, when the dimer potential favours one of the two orientations.

Towards an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries for Nephrops Norvegicus and Meluccius Merluccius Inhabiting the Central Adriatic Sea

Angelini, Silvia <1986> January 1900 (has links)
This study presents the development of a Model of Intermediate Complexity for Ecosystem assessments (MICE) for testing management scenarios for the stock of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) and Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) inhabiting the Central Adriatic Sea. These two species represent the target species, as well as the predators, of this study. They are mainly fished by Italian and Croatian bottom trawl fishery, accounting for both the highest landings and commercial value among demersal species in the area. The specific circulation of the Adriatic Sea is responsible for strong nutrient recycling processes within this area, resulting in a rich fishing ground extensively exploited by Italian and Croatian fishing vessels, make it an interesting case study for the development of an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF). Here, an EAF was developed using the MICE approach, since it is well adapted to test specific management questions, as required by this study. The MICE was developed in a step-wise manner. Firstly, single-species stock assessments for both the target species were pursued, allowing the evaluation of the state of these resources and permitting the production of the input values to be included within the MICE. Secondly, the diet of the target species were examined and prey items portioned in four groups; consumption of each prey group by each predator was modelled using a Holling Type II functional response. Finally, predator and prey dynamics were linked within the MICE model, using a modified biomass dynamic model to project them into the future and testing different management strategies. The best management scenario resulted to be the protection of adults, which produced the most beneficial results for both predators and prey groups.

Selected publications 1952-1992 / B.E.C. Nordin. / Selections. 1993

Nordin, B. E. C. (Borje Edgar Christopher) January 1993 (has links)
1 v. (various pagings) : / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (D. Sc.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Pathology, 1993

Rigorous results in Spin Glasses and Monomer-Dimer systems

Mingione, Emanuele <1980> 04 June 2015 (has links)
In this work I reported recent results in the field of Statistical Mechanics of Equilibrium, and in particular in Spin Glass models and Monomer Dimer models . We start giving the mathematical background and the general formalism for Spin (Disordered) Models with some of their applications to physical and mathematical problems. Next we move on general aspects of the theory of spin glasses, in particular to the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model which is of fundamental interest for the work. In Chapter 3, we introduce the Multi-species Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model (MSK), we prove the existence of the thermodynamical limit and the Guerra's Bound for the quenched pressure together with a detailed analysis of the annealed and the replica symmetric regime. The result is a multidimensional generalization of the Parisi's theory. Finally we brie y illustrate the strategy of the Panchenko's proof of the lower bound. In Chapter 4 we discuss the Aizenmann-Contucci and the Ghirlanda-Guerra identities for a wide class of Spin Glass models. As an example of application, we discuss the role of these identities in the proof of the lower bound. In Chapter 5 we introduce the basic mathematical formalism of Monomer Dimer models. We introduce a Gaussian representation of the partition function that will be fundamental in the rest of the work. In Chapter 6, we introduce an interacting Monomer-Dimer model. Its exact solution is derived and a detailed study of its analytical properties and related physical quantities is performed. In Chapter 7, we introduce a quenched randomness in the Monomer Dimer model and show that, under suitable conditions the pressure is a self averaging quantity. The main result is that, if we consider randomness only in the monomer activity, the model is exactly solvable.

Negoziazioni intergenerazionali dell'autonomia abitativa in contesti di working class / Intergenerational negotiations of independent living in working class context

Mattioli, Elena <1983> 27 May 2015 (has links)
Nell’ambito della riflessione sui processi di riproduzione e trasmissione intergenerazionale delle disuguaglianze sociali, la presente tesi dottorale propone un’analisi in prospettiva intersezionale dei percorsi verso l’indipendenza abitativa dei giovani bolognesi di origine popolare, e il ruolo svolto dalle loro famiglie in questi percorsi. Nell’approfondimento teorico si offre una ricostruzione del dibattito sociologico nazionale e internazionale sul tema delle disuguaglianze sociali e abitative delle giovani generazioni, nonché dello studio della classe sociale e i principali approcci presenti in letteratura. La ricerca sul campo si concentra, in particolare, sui modi in cui le famiglie appartenenti ad una determinata classe sociale, intesa nel senso conferito al termine da Bourdieu, negoziano e sostengono la transizione all’indipendenza abitativa dei loro figli. L’approfondimento empirico consiste in una ricerca qualitativa longitudinale retrospettiva, condotta nel bolognese nel 2013-2014 su un campione di famiglie working class. Ai giovani-adulti coinvolti e ai loro genitori è stato chiesto di ricostruire le loro biografie attraverso lo strumento delle life histories. La ricerca evidenzia il delinearsi di “micro sistemi economici” familiari specifici e creativi. Le molteplici forme di sostegno genitoriale nei percorsi di autonomizzazione dei figli, individuate nel corso dell’analisi del materiale raccolto, si innestano quindi all’interno di un più ampio sistema di supporto intergenerazionale, che continua anche dopo l’uscita dalla famiglia di origine, a conferma dello stretto legame che caratterizza le famiglie italiane. Nello studio una particolare attenzione viene rivolta alle logiche di legittimazione del sostegno genitoriale, adottate dalle famiglie per orientare i propri interventi di aiuto. Infine, mettendo a confronto la concezione di indipendenza dei giovani adulti con quella dei loro genitori, l’indagine rileva l’esistenza di una apparente contraddizione tra le rappresentazioni dell’indipendenza e dell’autonomia abitativa e i comportamenti attuati nella vita quotidiana, contraddizione che trova una risoluzione nella negoziazione, tra le due diverse generazioni, del concetto stesso di indipendenza. / The present doctoral thesis offers an intersectional analysis of the housing pathways of working class young people in Bologna, and of the role played by their family in the transition towards independent living, within a broader reflection on processes of reproduction and intergenerational transmission of social inequalities. The first part sets out the national and international sociological debate on youth’ social and housing inequalities, as well as the debate on social class. In the second part, the focus is on the empirical research. In particular, questions are raised on how families belonging to a particular social class, as understood in Bourdieu’s terms, negotiate and support the transition to independent living of their adult-children. The empirical study consists of a retrospective longitudinal qualitative research, carried out in Bologna in 2013-2014 on a sample of working-class families. Through life histories, young-adults and their parents were asked to reconstruct their biographies and housing experiences. The research highlights the emergence of specific and creative "micro-economic family systems". Through analysis on the collected materials, it was possible to identify several forms of parental support in young-adults’ pathways towards independent living, embedded in a wider system of intergenerational support, which continues even after leaving the family nest and confirms once again the strong ties characterizing Italian families. In the study, particular attention is given also to logics of legitimacy of parental support, underlying working class families' decisions of helping their adult-children. Finally, by comparing young adults’ idea of independence with that of their parents, the research reveals an apparent contradiction between representations of autonomy and independent living and everyday life practices, which is being solved by negotiating, between the two generations taken in exam, the meaning of independence itself.

Heterosis in maize (Zea mays, L.): characterization of heterotic quantitative trait loci (QTL) for agronomic traits in near isogenic lines (NILs) and their testcrosses

Cané, Maria Angela <1978> 06 June 2011 (has links)
In a previous study on maize (Zea mays, L.) several quantitative trait loci (QTL) showing high dominance-additive ratio for agronomic traits were identified in a population of recombinant inbred lines derived from B73 × H99. For four of these mapped QTL, namely 3.05, 4.10, 7.03 and 10.03 according to their chromosome and bin position, families of near-isogenic lines (NILs) were developed, i.e., couples of homozygous lines nearly identical except for the QTL region that is homozygote either for the allele provided by B73 or by H99. For two of these QTL (3.05 and 4.10) the NILs families were produced in two different genetic backgrounds. The present research was conducted in order to: (i) characterize these QTL by estimating additive and dominance effects; (ii) investigate if these effects can be affected by genetic background, inbreeding level and environmental growing conditions (low vs. high plant density). The six NILs’ families were tested across three years and in three Experiments at different inbreeding levels as NILs per se and their reciprocal crosses (Experiment 1), NILs crossed to related inbreds B73 and H99 (Experiment 2) and NILs crossed to four unrelated inbreds (Experiment 3). Experiment 2 was conducted at two plant densities (4.5 and 9.0 plants m-2). Results of Experiments 1 and 2 confirmed previous findings as to QTL effects, with dominance-additive ratio superior to 1 for several traits, especially for grain yield per plant and its component traits; as a tendency, dominance effects were more pronounced in Experiment 1. The QTL effects were also confirmed in Experiment 3. The interactions involving QTL effects, families and plant density were generally negligible, suggesting a certain stability of the QTL. Results emphasize the importance of dominance effects for these QTL, suggesting that they might deserve further studies, using NILs’ families and their crosses as base materials.

Studio di caratteri correlati a stress idrico in una collezione di cultivar di frumento duro (Triticum durum Desf.) / Investigation on water-stress related traits in a collection of Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) cultivars

Francia, Rossella <1978> 10 June 2013 (has links)
L’agricoltura si trova ad affrontare una diminuzione della disponibilità d’acqua ed una crescente domanda della produzione di cereali per scopi alimentari. Sono perciò necessarie strategie di coltivazione innovative per migliorare la produttività e nuovi genotipi migliorati nell'efficienza dell’uso delle risorse in condizioni di siccità. Questi rappresentano gli obietti principali del progetto “DROPS” (Drought tolerant yielding Plants) all’interno del quale ha avuto luogo il mio progetto di Dottorato. La mia attività di ricerca è stata svolta come segue: 1. Caratterizzazione molecolare di un panel di188 accessioni di frumento duro con marcatori SSR e DaRT; 2. Esperimenti in serra su 100 accessioni del panel per valutare la Water-Use Efficiency (WUE) in sei repliche secondo un Alpha Lattice design; 3. Prove sul campo, effettuate secondo un Alpha Lattice design, in due stagioni di crescita: a. 2010/11, valutazione di 100 accessioni presso l’Azienda sperimentale dell'Università di Cadriano (BO); b. 2011/12, valutazione del panel completo in 3 ambienti, con due diversi regimi irrigui In entrambi gli anni, abbiamo valutato caratteri agronomici correlati con il ciclo di sviluppo, la resa di granella e sue componenti, nonché diversi fattori ambientali e del suolo. Per quanto riguarda WUE, abbiamo trovato differenze altamente significative tra accessioni; inoltre, cinque accessioni hanno mostrato elevati valori di WUE e cinque accessioni valori molto bassi di WUE in tutte e sei le repliche. Gli esperimenti di campo nelle stagioni 2011 e 2012 hanno evidenziato differenze altamente significative tra le accessioni del panel per la maggior parte dei caratteri analizzati, confermando inoltre che il panel di fiorisce entro una settimana. L'esperimento del secondo anno ci ha permesso osservare un significativa interazione Genotipo X Ambiente. Questi risultati saranno integrati con ulteriori analisi QTL, per identificare regioni cromosomiche coinvolte nel controllo genetico dei caratteri di interesse e verificare la stabilità dei QTL in diversi ambienti. / Agriculture is facing a decline in water availability and an increasing food demand. Novel crop strategies are needed to improve yield and resource-use efficiency in water-limited conditions. Contributing to the development of such new strategies is the main aim of the European project DROPS (DROught- tolerant yielding PlantS), in which my PhD project took place. For my study, the main plant material was a panel of 188 durum wheat cultivars. My research activity included: 1. Molecular characterization of 188 durum wheat accessions with SSR and DaRT markers; 2. Glasshouse experiments involving 100 accessions of the panel which were evaluated for Water-Use -Efficiency accordingly to an Alpha Lattice design; 3. Field trials, performed accordingly to an Alpha Lattice design, in two growing seasons: a. 2010/11; evaluation of 100 durum wheat accessions at the University experimental station in Cadriano (BO); b. 2011/12; evaluation of 188 durum wheat accessions in 3 environments, with two different water treatments. In both years, we measured plant traits related with developmental cycle, grain yield and its components, as well as a number of environmental and soil characteristics. Concerning Water-Use-Efficiency, we found highly significant differences between genotypes within the panel. In all the replicates, five accessions showed higher WUE and five lower WUE as compared to the rest of the 100 accessions under analysis. The first- and second- year field experiments evidenced highly significant differences between the lines in the panel for most of the investigated traits, and confirmed the property of the panel to flower within one week time. The second-year experiment allowed us to first investigate the genotype by environment interaction. These results will be integrated with further QTL analysis, to identify chromosomal regions involved in the genetic control of traits of interest and to verify QTL stability across environments.

The ecology of red fox predation on roe deer fawns with respect to population density, habitat and alternative prey

Panzacchi, Manuela <1973> 20 April 2007 (has links)
No description available.

La valorizzazione del patrimonio geologico: un'esperienza di ricerca sui geositi tra Emilia-Romagna e Baviera

Mariani, Stefano <1977> 07 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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