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嵇康之思想及其論說文章分析. / Ji Kang zhi si xiang ji qi lun shuo wen zhang fen xi.January 1985 (has links)
鄧誠鋒. / 複本為複印本. / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學硏究院中文學部. / Fu ben wei fu yin ben. / Deng Chengfeng. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue yan jiu yuan Zhong wen xue bu. / 前言 --- p.1 / Chapter 上編 --- 思想分析 --- p.9 / Chapter 第一章 --- 背景分析 --- p.9 / Chapter 第一節 --- 政治及社會因素 --- p.9 / Chapter 第二節 --- 思想之轉變 --- p.32 / Chapter 第三節 --- 嵇康之性情 --- p.59 / Chapter 第二章 --- 宇宙觀 --- p.93 / Chapter 第一節 --- 氣化宇宙論 --- p.93 / Chapter 第二節 --- 天人之際 --- p.97 / Chapter 第三節 --- 天道與物性 --- p.116 / Chapter 第三章 --- 人生觀 --- p.137 / Chapter 第一節 --- 逍遙人間 --- p.137 / Chapter 第二節 --- 人生之意義 --- p.166 / Chapter 第四章 --- 文學觀 --- p.193 / Chapter 第一節 --- 詩 --- p.193 / Chapter 第二節 --- 論 --- p.210 / Chapter 第三節 --- 綜論 --- p.230 / Chapter 下編 --- 論說文章分析 --- p.251 / 概說 --- p.251 / Chapter 第一章 --- 聲無哀樂論 --- p.257 / Chapter 第一節 --- 傳統音樂思想 --- p.257 / Chapter 第二節 --- 論旨及其理論基礎 --- p.267 / Chapter 第三節 --- 音樂之作用 --- p.278 / Chapter 第四節 --- 評析 --- p.286 / Chapter 第二章 --- 釋私論 --- p.294 / Chapter 第一節 --- 背景分析 --- p.294 / Chapter 第二節 --- 論旨 --- p.297 / Chapter 第三節 --- 評析 --- p.308 / Chapter 第三章 --- 管蔡論 --- p.322 / Chapter 第一節 --- 有關聖人之討論 --- p.322 / Chapter 第二節 --- 論旨 --- p.325 / Chapter 第三節 --- 借古喻今 --- p.331 / Chapter 第四章 --- 明膽論 --- p.341 / Chapter 第一節 --- 英雄之涵義 --- p.341 / Chapter 第二節 --- 論旨 --- p.349 / Chapter 第三節 --- 明膽論與人物志 --- p.360 / Chapter 第五章 --- 難自然好學論 --- p.368 / Chapter 第一節 --- 自然好學論論旨 --- p.368 / Chapter 第二節 --- 論旨 --- p.372 / Chapter 第三節 --- 對名教之否定 --- p.386 / Chapter 第六章 --- 養生論及答難養生論 --- p.391 / Chapter 第一節 --- 養生之意義 --- p.391 / Chapter 第二節 --- 養神 --- p.394 / Chapter 第三節 --- 養形 --- p.410 / Chapter 第四節 --- 評析 --- p.416 / Chapter 第七章 --- 難及答釋難宅無吉凶攝生論 --- p.432 / Chapter 第一節 --- 作者問題 --- p.432 / Chapter 第二節 --- 論辨要點 --- p.438 / Chapter 第三節 --- 清談之風 --- p.450 / 注釋 --- p.458
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Wisdom, strange or somewhere in between : in search of a real woman in the Book of ProverbsHartwell, Jeanette May January 2017 (has links)
The focus of this study is the portrayal of the Strange Woman and the unnamed mothers and wives of Proverbs arguing for a realistic portrayal of these women within the book. Informed by a feminist approach it considers the impact of male-oriented reading strategies upon existing interpretation and attends to the way in which poetic parallelism and variant repetition create proverbial clusters which offer an alternative context for the interpretation of proverbs. The findings show, firstly, that current interpretations of women in Proverbs are unduly influenced by the portrayal of Wisdom, the Strange Woman and the Woman of Worth in the framework of chapters 1-9 and 31, rather than by the text itself. Secondly, women’s voices provide a possible source for material in the lectures of Proverbs 1-9 (along with the father), the poems of Proverbs 31, and as the narrator of the encounter with the Strange Woman in Proverbs 7. Thirdly, where mothers and wives are in focus, alternative interpretations can be offered which do not assess the character or behaviour of the woman, but rather focus on the son’s character and behaviour and its subsequent impact upon relationships with his parents, his wife and his own offspring.
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Studies in Jewish exegesis of the Book of Ruth from the ancient version to the mediaeval commentariesBeattie, Derek Robert George January 1973 (has links)
No description available.
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Zirkulierende microRNAs beim komplexen regionalen Schmerzsyndron / Circulating microRNAs in complex regional pain syndromeSchwab, Bernhard January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
CRPS ist eine anhaltende Schmerzerkrankung, die nach Verletzungen auftritt und mit einer variierenden Kombination von Symptomen aus den Bereichen Sensorik, Vasomotorik, Sudomotorik/Ödemen und Motorik verbunden ist. Die Physiologie des Krankheitsbildes ist nicht abschließend geklärt, allerdings wird eine komplexe Interaktion mehrerer Pathomechanismen als Ursache angenommen. Deshalb stellt das CRPS sowohl eine diagnostische als auch eine therapeutische Herausforderung dar. miRNAs sind kurze, einsträngige und nicht-codierende RNAs, die durch Inhibierung der Translation und Degradierung von mRNAs an der posttranskriptionellen Regulation der Genexpression beteiligt sind. Sie werden auch von den Zellen durch Exosomen, Mikrovesikel, Lipoproteine und Apoptose freigesetzt, sodass sie in unterschiedlichen Körperflüssigkeiten nachgewiesen werden können. Bei vielen Erkrankungen kann eine Dysregulation der miRNA-Expression festgestellt werden, weshalb großes Interesse daran besteht, sie als Biomarker oder für therapeutische Ansätze nutzbar zu machen. Die miRNAs miR-183, -21, -29b, -144, - 223 wurden bereits im Zusammenhang mit entzündlichen und neuropathischen Prozessen und der Dysruption von Immunobarrieren beschrieben. In dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob bei der Expression dieser miRNAs im Blut von CRPS-Patienten, Patienten mit einem komplikationslosen posttraumatischen Heilungsverlauf und von Kontrollen ohne ein vorangegangenes Trauma Unterschiede bestehen. Die Messungen erfolgten im Plasma, in Leukozyten und Exosomen, um dadurch auch die Regulation in den einzelnen Blutkomponenten vergleichen zu können. Tatsächlich fanden sich unterschiedliche miRNA-Expressionsprofile bei den verschiedenen Biomaterialien. Außerdem konnte bei einzelnen miRNAs ein Einfluss von Alter und Geschlecht auf die Expression nachgewiesen werden. Diese Beeinflussung war darüber hinaus auch abhängig vom untersuchten Biomaterial und vor allem bei den Exosomen besonders ausgeprägt. In den Exosomen ergab sich eine signifikante Hochregulation von miR-223-5p bei den FK im Vergleich mit den CRPS-Patienten. Bei der Zusammenfassung der Daten von CRPS und FK fand sich außerdem eine negative Korrelation zwischen der miR-223-5p-Expression und dem CSS, sodass ein erhöhtes Expressionsniveau mit einer milderen Krankheitsausbildung verbunden war. Hinsichtlich der traumanaiven Kontrollen war das Expressionsniveau der CRPS-Patienten hingegen unverändert. Diese Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass beim CRPS im Vergleich mit einem regelrechten Heilungsverlauf eine insuffiziente beziehungsweise ausbleibende posttraumatische Anpassung des miRNA-Spektrums vorliegt. Diese posttraumatische Regulation stellt eventuell eine wichtige Voraussetzung für den Ablauf eines komplikationslosen Heilungsprozesses dar. Für miR-223-5p wurde bereits mehrfach eine antiinflammatorische Wirkung durch die Regulation von proinflammatorischen Rezeptoren und die Beeinflussung der Differenzierung von Makrophagen beschrieben. Eine verminderte Expression könnte somit zu einer Disposition für überschießende Entzündungsreaktionen führen und dadurch zur Entwicklung von CRPS beitragen. Diese Ergebnisse weisen auf die Beteiligung zirkulierender und vor allem exosomaler miRNAs bei der Pathophysiologie des CRPS hin. Zur weiterführenden Abklärung der pathophysiologischen Relevanz von miR-223-5p sind jedoch zusätzliche Untersuchungen erforderlich. Dabei bleibt es zu prüfen, ob eine verminderte miR-223-5p-Expression mit verstärkten Entzündungsmarkern und einer verstärkten proinflammatorischen Differenzierung von Makrophagen verbunden ist. Eine Abklärung der Herkunft der Exosomen könnte dabei helfen, zwischen einer lokalen und einer systemischen Reaktion zu unterscheiden. Die Beantwortung dieser Fragen könnte zu einem besseren Verständnis beitragen, warum manche Patienten nach einem Extremitätentrauma ein CRPS entwickeln und keinen normalen Heilungsverlauf erfahren. / CRPS is a lasting pain condition, which appears after an injury and manifests as a varying
combination of sensoric, vasomotoric, sudomotoric/edema and motoric symptoms. The
physiology of CRPS is not fully understood since there is a complex interaction of several
possible underlying pathomechanisms. Therefore, CRPS presents a diagnostic as well as
a therapeutic challenge. miRNAs are short, single-stranded, non-coding RNAs, which are
involved in the posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression by inhibiting the trans-
lation and causing the degradation of mRNA. They can be exported by the cells using
exosomes, microvesicels, lipoproteins und apoptosis. Extracellular miRNAs can be found
in several in different body fluids. Dysregulation of miRNA-expression has been found
in several diseases, causing in an interest to utilize them as biomarkers or for therapeutic
applications. The miRNAs miR-183, -21, -29b, -144 and -223 have been described in
inflammatory und neuropathic processes as well as disruption of immunobarriers. This
work investigated, if there is a difference in the expression of these miRNAs in the blood
of CRPS patients, patients with a normal posttraumatic recovery und controls without
trauma. miRNAs were measured in plasma, leukocytes and exosomes to additionally
compare these blood components ...
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Das hellenistische Hohelied / The hellenistic Song of SongsWalter, Sebastian January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Magisterarbeit vergleicht Motive des Hld mit verwandten Motiven in griechischer Literatur und jüdischen Texten hellenistischer Zeit, um von hier aus einige neue Vorschläge zur Deutung einzelner Lieder des Hld zu machen. / This master's thesis compares motives of SoS with related motives in greek / hellenistic literature for the purpose of making some new proposals about the meaning of some of the songs in SoS.
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Balancing self with the world and others: Angela Krauß' Romanticism and novel escape from the postmodernHentschel, Graham N. 27 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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The function of the tricolon in the Psalms of AscentsStocks, Simon Paul January 2011 (has links)
In Biblical Hebrew poetry the common bipartite line-form is sometimes varied to become tripartite, producing lines commonly designated ‘tricola’. Studies of the form or function of tricola have been limited in their value by inconsistent or ambiguous approaches to the colometry of the text. A review of theories of colometry finds the accentual rhythmical approach of Sievers to provide the most consistent and reliable analysis. This approach can be nuanced by the adoption of numerical limits on words and syllables that are commensurate with several other approaches, in order to provide an explicit and consistent basis for assessing colometry. The Psalms of Ascents are taken as a sample corpus of poetic texts and their colometry is assessed on that basis. Particular attention is paid to a detail of Sievers’ theory that identifies a six-stress tripartite line as rhythmically equivalent to a six-stress bicolon. Such a line is designated a ‘para-tricolon’ and is distinguished from a full tricolon that typically has eight or more stresses. Similarly, three different analyses of the macro-structure of each psalm are used to explore how it is structured through the connections between its component cola and lines.The internal syntactic and semantic structure of each tripartite line is analysed in order to facilitate an assessment of its function within the structure of the psalm and to contribute to a general characterisation of tripartite lines. The significance of enjambment is particularly explored as a distinguishing factor between different line-forms and as a means of uniting non-parallel cola.It is evident that no single defining characteristic of a tripartite line exists. The semantic and syntactic structures of tripartite lines both vary widely. However, clear differences are apparent between the form and function of para-tricola and those of tricola.
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Síntese e caracterização de filmes finos da fase ß-BaB2O4 a partir do sistema ternário BaO-B2O3-TiO2 / Synthesis and characterization of ß-BaB2O4 thin filmes from the BaO-B2O3-TiO2 systemMaia, Lauro June Queiroz 26 March 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a síntese e a caracterização de pós e filmes finos da fase ß-BaB2O4 (ß-BBO) a partir do sistema temário BaO-B2O3-TiO2. A preparação destas amostras foi baseada na utilização de dois métodos de síntese: o método dos precursores poliméricos e o método de deposição por evaporação utilizando um feixe de elétrons. O estudo das amostras na forma de pós mostrou que a adição de TiO2 ao sistema BaO-B2O3 acelera o processo de decomposição térmica e reduz a temperatura de cristalização e de fusão da fase ß-BBO. No que concerne a obtenção da fase ß-BBO, a composição mais adequada é a que contém 4% de TiO2 e cristalizada a 700°C durante 2 horas. As propriedades estruturais, microestruturais e ópticas dos filmes também foram influenciadas pela quantidade de TiO2. Os filmes finos contendo 4% de TiO2 e cristalizados a 650°C apresentam somente a fase ß-BBO com um alto grau de orientação preferencial quando depositados sobre substratos de quartzo amorfo, silício e quartzo monocristalinos. Filmes finos cristalinos depositados pelo método de evaporação por feixe de elétrons contendo a fase ß-BBO somente foram obtidos \"in-situ\" quando os substratos foram aquecidos a 650°C. Os filmes cristalinos obtidos por ambos os métodos apresentaram o efeito de geração de segundo harmônico (\"SHG\"). / The main objective of this work was the synthesis and the characterization of the ß-BaB2O4 (ß-BBO) phase in a powder and thin film form from the BaO-B2O3-TiO2 ternary system. The powder and thin film samples were obtained using two different methods, the polymeric precursor method and the electron beam evaporation method. The study of the powder samples showed that the addition of titanium oxide to the BaO-B2O3 system accelerate the decomposition process, reduces the crystallization temperature and the ß-BBO melting point. The ß-BBO phase was obtained as the main phase for the sample containing 4% of titanium and heat-treated at 700°C for 2h. Structural, microstructural and optical properties of the thin films were also influenced by addition of TiO2. Thin films with 4% of TiO2 and crystallized at 650°C shown only ß-BBO phase with a higher degree of preferred orientation when coated on fused silica, silicon and quartz substrates. The microstructural and the optical properties of these thin films were affected by the type of the substrate and by crystallization temperature and by the heating rate. For the thin film deposited by electron beam evaporation the crystallization of ß-BBO phase \"in-situ\" was only possible when the substrates was heated at 650°C during the deposition. Thin films prepared by both methods presents the effect of Second Harmonic Generation (SHG).
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Síntese e caracterização de filmes finos da fase ß-BaB2O4 a partir do sistema ternário BaO-B2O3-TiO2 / Synthesis and characterization of ß-BaB2O4 thin filmes from the BaO-B2O3-TiO2 systemLauro June Queiroz Maia 26 March 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a síntese e a caracterização de pós e filmes finos da fase ß-BaB2O4 (ß-BBO) a partir do sistema temário BaO-B2O3-TiO2. A preparação destas amostras foi baseada na utilização de dois métodos de síntese: o método dos precursores poliméricos e o método de deposição por evaporação utilizando um feixe de elétrons. O estudo das amostras na forma de pós mostrou que a adição de TiO2 ao sistema BaO-B2O3 acelera o processo de decomposição térmica e reduz a temperatura de cristalização e de fusão da fase ß-BBO. No que concerne a obtenção da fase ß-BBO, a composição mais adequada é a que contém 4% de TiO2 e cristalizada a 700°C durante 2 horas. As propriedades estruturais, microestruturais e ópticas dos filmes também foram influenciadas pela quantidade de TiO2. Os filmes finos contendo 4% de TiO2 e cristalizados a 650°C apresentam somente a fase ß-BBO com um alto grau de orientação preferencial quando depositados sobre substratos de quartzo amorfo, silício e quartzo monocristalinos. Filmes finos cristalinos depositados pelo método de evaporação por feixe de elétrons contendo a fase ß-BBO somente foram obtidos \"in-situ\" quando os substratos foram aquecidos a 650°C. Os filmes cristalinos obtidos por ambos os métodos apresentaram o efeito de geração de segundo harmônico (\"SHG\"). / The main objective of this work was the synthesis and the characterization of the ß-BaB2O4 (ß-BBO) phase in a powder and thin film form from the BaO-B2O3-TiO2 ternary system. The powder and thin film samples were obtained using two different methods, the polymeric precursor method and the electron beam evaporation method. The study of the powder samples showed that the addition of titanium oxide to the BaO-B2O3 system accelerate the decomposition process, reduces the crystallization temperature and the ß-BBO melting point. The ß-BBO phase was obtained as the main phase for the sample containing 4% of titanium and heat-treated at 700°C for 2h. Structural, microstructural and optical properties of the thin films were also influenced by addition of TiO2. Thin films with 4% of TiO2 and crystallized at 650°C shown only ß-BBO phase with a higher degree of preferred orientation when coated on fused silica, silicon and quartz substrates. The microstructural and the optical properties of these thin films were affected by the type of the substrate and by crystallization temperature and by the heating rate. For the thin film deposited by electron beam evaporation the crystallization of ß-BBO phase \"in-situ\" was only possible when the substrates was heated at 650°C during the deposition. Thin films prepared by both methods presents the effect of Second Harmonic Generation (SHG).
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Prayers for remembering in the PsalmsDaffern, Megan I. J. January 2014 (has links)
The Hebrew language of remembering is complex and theologically interesting. The effective, relational, actualising aspects of zkr are particularly evident in language of prayer, especially in Psalm texts. Prayer is a remembering of God, a reminding of God, and a call to remember the pray-er herself, and such performative illocutions are addressed to both human and divine audience alike. The texts become not only present acts of remembering, but also means by which future acts of remembering are to be performed. Questions in Psalms criticism, of public or private Sitz-im-Leben, of form classification, and the ongoing debate about which critical methods to bring to Psalms scholarship, are brought together in an attempt to answer how remembering in prayer works in the Psalms. By employing hermeneutics informed by linguistics, not only the semantic field of zkr may be studied, but also pragmatic questions appropriately tackled. Thus the potential contributions of speech-act theory and discourse analysis when applied to the Psalms are indicated, alongside what comparable work has already been done by others in Psalms scholarship in these areas. Further linguistic insights which have not previously been applied to Psalms study, such as Audience Design, are then also brought to bear. Broader areas such as the theological nexus of memory, prayer, place and time, are then explored. Memory is thus seen to be an important constituent of Psalmic prayer at all levels of analysis, as a tool by which prayers are passed down and God and his people remain in relationship. Connections between remembering, didactic, and Wisdom are noted. The centrality of memory in the performance of prayer is viewed as a prototype for New Testament prayers, culminating in the Eucharist and evident for instance also in the Lord’s Prayer. Memory, in prayer texts and in their hermeneutics, both enshrines the past, and makes an ever-relevant present anticipate the future.
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