Spelling suggestions: "subject:"300401 animal breeding"" "subject:"300401 animal reeding""
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Nutritional influences on reproductive performance of beef cattle in the Barkly TablelandSavage, Darryl B. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Nutritional influences on reproductive performance of beef cattle in the Barkly TablelandSavage, Darryl B. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Nutritional influences on reproductive performance of beef cattle in the Barkly TablelandSavage, Darryl B. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Establishing mating systems by microsatellite analysis in declining saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) hatchling production at Edward River Crocodile Farm (Nth. Queensland)Jamerlan, Mona Lisa Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Use of decision science to aid selection of genetically superior animals : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandSherriff, Ryan Leith January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with a theoretical simulation model for pig breeding, as part of the ongoing search for the “perfect” genotype. The starting point is an additive model to investigate how accurately the classical, infinitesimal model predicts genetic gain for traits controlled by few loci and few alleles. This initial investigation demonstrates that the infinitesimal model is robust, providing that at least 15 loci are controlling a trait and there is symmetry in the allele distributions. A Genotype-Pig (GE-Pig) model is then developed to apply the additive effects of alleles on sub-phenotypic traits like maximum protein deposition, minimum lipid to protein content in the whole body, ad libitum digestible energy intake, energy for maintenance requirement and water content in the whole body. These parameters are then used in a nutrient partitioning simulation model to growth a pig and calculate traditional breeding traits such as average daily gain, feed conversion ratio, and backfat thickness for any combination of alleles. Three algorithms, Genetic Algorithm, Tabu Search, and Simulated Annealing, are used to investigate the GE-Pig model and find optimal combination of alleles for different dietary and selection objective situations. The two diets investigated were either of a low or high quality, and the three selection objectives used were, maximising average daily gain, minimizing feed conversion ratio, and minimizing back fat. A graphical method is developed for easy comparison of the genotypes. Of the algorithms, the Genetic Algorithm performed the best, followed by Tabu Search and finally Simulated Annealing. It is demonstrated that, in general, there is a different, single, optimum for any given selection objective and diet. However under the back fat selection objective, both diets produce the same optimal genotype. Also there are many similarities between the optima for the average daily gain and feed conversion ratio selection objectives. When the theoretical minimum number of generations of selection to the optima is considered, the feed conversion ratio selection objective is the quickest for a breeding program to achieve the optimal solutions, followed by back fat, then average daily gain. It is demonstrated that diet also has an effect on the theoretical number of generations. A Multiple selection objective, using relative economic values applied to the individual selection objectives, is also investigated. For both diets, the majority of the multiple selection objective solutions are in the vicinity of the feed conversion ratio optima, indicating that feed conversion ratio is the most prominent factor. It is also demonstrated that the optimal solution is most affected by the objective parameter weights under low diet conditions.
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Uterine involution in the dairy cow : comparative study between organic and conventional dairy cows : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for degree of Masters of Science in Animal Science, Massey University, Palmerston NorthDobson-Hill, Brenna Catherine January 2009 (has links)
Organic dairying is growing in popularity in New Zealand and the demand for knowledge is ever increasing. Many more farmers are considering organics as an alternative to their current conventional system. However, limited information is available on organic dairying in a New Zealand pastoral situation particularly in relation to its effect on fertility. The New Zealand dairy industry requires the dairy cow to become pregnant every year at the same time to maximise milk production and utilise the high pasture production in spring. A cow requires 40 to 60 days for uterine involution to occur and for resumption of oestrous cycles. It is critical that the cow becomes pregnant within the six to eight week mating period, however, this can be difficult for late calvers or those cows that had or still have a uterine infection, to undergo uterine involution and be successfully mated. These cows will often not become pregnant and as a consequence be culled for infertility. During the first few weeks postpartum, the bacterial composition of the uterus fluctuates as a result of spontaneous contamination, elimination and recontamination. Most cows are able to eliminate these bacteria, however, 10 to 17% of cows are unable to do this. In these cows, the bacteria persist, cause infection and inflammation, and delay uterine involution. The main objective of this present study was to investigate the effect of different management systems (Organic and Conventional) on productivity and reproduction, particularly the process of uterine involution and its relationship with reproductive outcomes. Uterine involution will be studied through the following measurements: cervical diameter as assessed by measurement per rectum, plasma concentrations of glucocorticoids and bacteriology of the uterus. Lactation characteristics: milk yield, cumulative milk yield, milksolids production and somatic cell count will also be investigated. From the results, it can be concluded that Organic cows have reduced milk yield (P=0.05) and milksolids production (P<0.01) through there were no major differences at peak lactation or in the rate of decline after. However, overall somatic cell count was not affected by management system though the Conventional cows had high somatic cell counts in early lactation (P=0.925). Cervical diameter was affected by the management system with the difference between Organic and Conventional cows almost significant (P=0.06). Cortisol concentrations were significantly higher in Organic cows (0.68 ± 0.08 ng/ml) when compared to Conventional cows (0.95 ± 0.06 ng/ml) (P=0.01). Cortisol concentrations decreased over time postpartum (P<0.01). Additionally Organic cows had a shorter interval from calving to AI (P=0.017). However, none of the other reproductive outcomes were affected by management system. Simple correlations established that reproductive outcomes and bacterial counts, reproductive outcomes and cortisol at Day seven, and cortisol and milk production characteristics, were not independent of each other. Aerobic bacterial counts on Day 28 and the interval from calving to AI were found to be significantly correlated (r= 0.615). Stepwise partial regression analysis, plus analysis of variance calculated on the relationships between uterine involution parameters and reproductive outcomes found multiple weak correlations. It found that cervical diameter, and aerobic and anaerobic bacterial counts on Day 28 were significantly correlated with the interval from calving to first AI (P=0.018). The differences in lactation characteristics are related to the lower pasture production on the organic farmlet reducing the maximal potential milk production and the possibly earlier calving dates of the Conventional cows. The differences in bacterial counts and almost significant difference in cervical diameter may be related to the lower cortisol levels and thus suggest that the Organic cows may be less stressed. As stress suppresses the immune system, it may be possible that the higher bacterial counts are indicitative of a less efficient or slightly weakened immune system which takes longer to eliminate bacteria in the uterus; however this is open to conjecture. The shorter interval from calving to AI suggests that Organic cows may be exhibiting oestrus behaviour earlier postpartum or the Conventional cows are having “silent heats” but this difference is possibly related to human factors. The correlation between parameters of uterine involution and interval from calving to AI, and the lower values for uterine involution parameters in Organic cows suggest the possibility of faster uterine involution and this may result in better fertility in the Organic cows. More research needs to be carried out to further investigate the effect of organic dairying on uterine involution and reproduction outcomes but organic dairying at the very least does not negatively impact on uterine involution and fertility.
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Current practices and future possibilities of performance recording extensively-grazed commercial beef herds in New ZealandThomas, Craig W. January 2008 (has links)
There is little evidence that the productivity of New Zealand beef herds has improved over time. Data from the NZ Meat and Wool Board’s Economic Service (2006) suggest that the average national calving percentage has declined over the last two decades. During the same period cattle carcass weights have increased but so too has the average cow live-weight which has resulted in increased maintenance costs of the cow herds. It is unclear whether production efficiency in the industry has improved or declined over time. The aim of this research was to develop means of improving productivity in commercial beef herds through practical methods of performance recording. The objectives were firstly to establish current management practices in commercial herds and secondly to develop an objective system for cow selection and culling which would have practical application in commercial herds. Beef management survey Ninety two commercial beef producers with more than 100 breeding cows from the greater Canterbury region of New Zealand were surveyed. Pasture control was the main reason given for owning a beef herd. Size and conformation were the main selection criteria for choosing replacement heifers and bulls. Over 80% of herds retained their own heifers as replacements and >60% mated yearling heifers to first calve at two years of age. Fertility was poor in the surveyed herds. In-calf rates at pregnancy testing averaged 88% for maiden heifers, 92% for rising second calvers and 93% for mixed age (m.a.) cows. There was no significant difference between in-calf rates of maiden heifers mated to first calve at two or three years of age; nor was there any significant difference between the re-breeding success of the two groups. Heifers mated at least one week earlier than m.a. cows, achieved a re-breeding success 4.7% greater (P<.01) than those mated at the same time. Reasons for cows not weaning a calf included wet dry (9.3% of pregnant cows wintered), pregnancy tested not-in-calf (7.4%) and dam death (2.6%). Only 87.9% of pregnant females wintered weaned a calf (89.4% of m.a. cows and 84.9% of heifers). Reasons why cows exited the herds included diagnosed empty (37.2% of all exits), involuntary culls (25.4%), sold wet dry (16.2%), deaths (13.1%) and poor calf production (5.1%). Vaccination was infrequent with clostridial vaccines the most common in m.a. cows (15.2%) and in calves (40.7%); vaccination against Leptospirosis was much less common. Very few of the surveyed farms used any system of performance recording; as a result there was very little performance-based selection or culling practiced. Evaluation of alternative measures of cow productivity Data from four performance recording beef herds were used to compare alternative measures of cow productivity with the industry standard which is calf weaning weight adjusted for sex (SOC) and age of calf and age of dam (AOD), i.e. the “200 day weight.” None of the alternative measures evaluated required knowledge of calving date and all were relatively easily obtainable in extensively managed beef herds. The assessment of cows was based not on their estimated breeding values but instead on their most probable producing ability which, as the sum of all of the permanent, repeatable aspects of the calf-rearing ability of the cow, explains considerably more of the variance of weaning weight than does breeding value alone. SOC and AOD-adjusted marking weight, weaning weight and average daily gain (ADG) between marking and weaning were the traits mostly highly correlated with the 200d wt of calves (r = 0.68, 0.90 and 0.74. respectively). An Extensively- Grazed-Cow-Weaning-Index of these three indicator traits was found to be more highly correlated than any of the individual traits on their own (r = 0.94). Index weights for the three indicator traits were calculated within each herd and then those within-herd index weights were regressed on readily obtainable herd descriptive variables to obtain a regression equation that could predict index weights for any herd. When the model was applied to data from two additional herd years not included in the original model, the EGCW Index was highly correlated with the 200d weights (r>0.90). Performance-based culling of previously unselected commercial beef herds based on the EGCW Index will result in improved productivity due to the moderately high repeatability of calf weaning weight. Objective data from extensively grazed commercial herds will also make possible the use of commercial herd data in genetic evaluations of herd sires.
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