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A grid-aware emergency response model for natural disastersAsimakopoulou, Eleana January 2008 (has links)
Natural phenomena are essential and unavoidable planetary actions. When they occur in extreme forms they may have a disastrous impact on human life, property and the environment. Emergency management bodies mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from such events. Emergency response is a sum of decisions and actions taken through the collaboration and cooperation of many specialists from different disciplines. However, primary and secondary research findings suggest that there are limitations in the current information and communication technologies (leT), which affect the effectiveness and efficiency of emergency response tasks. Therefore, the focus of this research was to investigate whether the appropriate use of cutting-edge leT (such as the Grid) can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of emergency response operations for natural disasters. The approach adopted in the research involved literature reviews, case studies, face-toface structured interviews with emergency management stakeholders and leT experts, model development using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) linked to Information Systems Development Methodologies (lSDMs), and finally, one-to-one evaluation exercises. ease studies and interviews involving two member states of the European Union were carried out to investigate current practices and to highlight the limitations that emergency management stakeholders face during response operations. SSM was used to investigate the problem area and to produce a conceptual Emergency Response Model (ERM). Further literature review and interviews suggested the Grid as the most appropriate technology to support the ERM. The linking together of the SSM findings with ISDMs - resulted in the production of a Grid-Aware Emergency Response Model (G-AERM) for natural disasters. The evaluation of the G-AERM demonstrated the applicability of Grid technology to emergency response by supporting stakeholders in monitoring, planning, controlling and managing actions within emergency situations caused by natural disasters in a far more informed way in terms of effectiveness and efficiency....
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Méthodologie d’aide à la décision pour une gestion durable des risques d’origine naturelle en contexte incertain / Decision-support methodology for a sustainable management of natural hazard risk under uncertaintyEdjossan-Sossou, Abla Mimi 14 December 2015 (has links)
La gestion des risques d’origine naturelle est un défi stratégique majeur pour les collectivités territoriales en raison de l’impact négatif potentiel de ces risques sur leur développement. Dans la perspective d’une gestion durable de ces risques, l’élaboration de méthodes et d’outils d’aide à la décision multicritère pour l’évaluation de la durabilité des stratégies de gestion représente une thématique de recherche intéressante et d’actualité. Les principaux verrous scientifiques sous-jacents à cette thématique portent sur la nécessité de définir un cadre théorique pour l’évaluation de cette durabilité et la prise en compte d’incertitudes provenant de différentes sources (données d’entrée, choix méthodologiques, dynamique du contexte, etc.) susceptibles d'influer sur la qualité des résultats de l’évaluation et donc sur la prise de décision. D’où la nécessité d’une méthodologie pour la prise en compte des incertitudes dans le processus décisionnel afin de fournir des résultats les plus pertinents possibles aux décideurs. Pour lever ces verrous, cette thèse propose une méthodologie globale d’évaluation qui repose sur le concept de développement durable et intègre un ensemble de critères et indicateurs permettant de rendre compte des conséquences techniques, économiques, sociétales, environnementales et institutionnelles des stratégies de gestion. Les incertitudes sont quantifiées selon une approche probabiliste (Simulations Monte Carlo) ou possibiliste (théorie des possibilités) et propagées le long du processus d’évaluation par l’arithmétique de la théorie des intervalles. Elle propose également un simulateur pour évaluer les dommages liés aux inondations et permettre une estimation aussi bien déterministe qu’aléatoire de différents types de ces dommages à l’échelle d’une commune. Ces contributions ont été appliquées à une étude de cas sur la commune de Dieulouard où trois stratégies de gestion des risques liés aux inondations sont comparées (respect des prescriptions du plan de prévention des risques d’inondations pour la construction de tout nouveau bâtiment, réduction du niveau de l’aléa par la construction d’une digue, réduction de la vulnérabilité de tous les bâtiments en zone inondable par des dispositifs de protection individuelle). Les résultats permettent d’illustrer l’opérationnalité de la méthodologie de dégager des perspectives de recherche / Natural hazard risk management is a major strategic challenge for territorial authorities because of the potential adverse effects on their development that arise from the occurrence of such a kind of risks. With a view to sustainably managing these risks, the development of multicriteria decision-support methods and tools to evaluate the sustainability of risk management strategies is an interesting and topical research subject. The main underlying challenges of sustainability assessment are to define a theoretical framework that will enable assessing the sustainability, and to take into account inherent uncertainties that could derive from various sources (input data, methodological choices, dynamics of the context, etc.), and that could potentially influence the relevance of assessment results. Hence, there is a need to develop a methodology for handling uncertainties in the decision-making process in order to provide decision-makers with the most relevant results. The present research introduces an overall decision-support methodology for assessing the sustainability of risk management strategies that relies on the concept of sustainable development and includes a set of criteria and indicators for reporting on the technical, economic, societal, environmental as well as institutional outcomes of the strategies. Data uncertainties are quantified using probabilistic (Monte Carlo simulations) or possibilistic (possibility theory) approach, and are propagated along the evaluation process through interval arithmetic operations. Beyond that, a computational tool was designed to simulate, in a deterministic or uncertain way, various types of flood damages at a municipality scale. These contributions were applied to a case study regarding flood risk management in Dieulouard, which consists of comparing three management strategies (respecting constructive constraints for new buildings in hazard prone areas fixed by the flood risks prevention plan, constructing a dyke as a collective defence infrastructure, implementing individual protective measures for all buildings in hazard prone areas). This application demonstrates the practicality of the methodology, and highlights prospects for future works
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