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The strategic evaluation of technology innovation opportunities in waste strategy planningMcHenry, Peter P. January 2004 (has links)
Technology innovation is needed to support sustainable waste management systems and innovation should be viewed as a central focus of policy design. The difficulty is that policy is designed at a single point in time where as the environment and the processes of innovation are dynamic. The research investigates the extent to which the design of European Union waste policy and its implementation in the UK stimulates the opportunity for technology innovation. The research investigates how understanding of the relationships between EU waste policy, the process of innovation and technology assessment technique affect the opportunity for technology innovation. The research reviews the development of integrated waste management system models highlighting their limitation in evaluating waste technology options within the wider policy context in an uncertain environment over time. The review identifies their failure to consider the interaction between the financial, environmental, social and operational objectives of new technology. The research describes how failure to simulate system characteristics such as waste process operational demands/constraints, varying spatial resolutions, flexible system boundaries and the uncertain environment over time can affect the opportunity for technology innovation. The research describes the development of a modelling tool addressing these limitations in SIMILE Process Simulation Modelling Software. The model uses the Bedfordshire sub-region of the UK as a case study mapping the flow of waste from generation to disposal. The model calculates a single cost function based on economic, environmental and social costs through, wherever feasible, attributing monetary values to all impacts of any technology. Scenarios are modelled to investigate the extent to which ED waste policy and its implementation affects the opportunity for technology innovation. The model is used to investigate the extent to which relationships between the financial, environmental, social and operational objectives of technology create barriers to new technology. The research identifies how the design, development and application of waste strategy assessment models can influence the opportunity for technology innovation. The research identifies how policy imposes additional cost burdens on the opportunity for technology innovation in the Bedfordshire region. The research concludes by suggesting how policy might be designed to stimulate and support technology innovation.
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Waste in the titanium dioxide industry : with a focus on an analysis of tioxide Italia SPAHemily-Figus, Laurenne January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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The impacts and implications of the landfill tax on waste generation in the UKChapple, Wendy January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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The best practicable environmental option for paper waste management in geographically isolated communitiesHanan, Deirdre January 2011 (has links)
Waste management generally, and paper waste specifically, are important issues. The problems finding suitable landfill sites and the legislative and environmental needs for alternatives to landfill make research into this field important. Isolated communities have specific issues related to the treatment of waste. Available sites for landfill are limited, the community is often economically dependent on tourism and local alternatives to landfill are limited, whilst transport across the barrier is expensive. The aims of the research were to find the Best Practicable Environmental Option (BPEO) for paper waste management in isolated communities and to produce a tool that could be used by other areas to assess their own paper waste management practices. During this research, three geographically isolated areas were chosen as study areas and the financial, environmental and legislative aspects of the current household waste management systems were examined. A financial model was produced and used in the case study areas. The environmental emissions were modelled by the use of WRA TE, a Life Cycle Analysis programme developed by the Environment Agency for England and Wales. The financial, legislative and environmental impacts social factors of the six scenarios were examined by a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis workshop consisting of residents from one of the case study areas. The conclusions of the research were that: • MCDA can be used to combine LCA, financial, legislative and social information to assist in determining BPEO for managing waste in isolated communities, • The use of the MCDA panel allowed the local community to be involved in the decision-making process, • Isolated communities have specific issues in regard to waste management, • The research tool was valuable in finding the most sustainable paper waste management solution for the area, • Local solutions are to be preferred financially, environmentally and socially although local or national taxes can distort the financial position.
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Integration and waste planning : the role and scope of the new spatial planning regimeAckers, Stephen January 2012 (has links)
The significance and complexity of waste planning and waste management in England has increased since the introduction of EU legislation, which required Member States to divert increasing proportions of Municipal Solid Waste away from landfill. The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (amended 2008) which includes waste planning, was intended to re-invigorate the plan making process and introduced the notion of spatial planning. This new spatial plan making regime was intended to go beyond traditional planning practices and establish a fairer, faster and more flexible spatial planning process which addressed the particular needs and concerns of distinctive places. The aim of this research was to critically explore waste planning at the local level and determine the effectiveness of the new spatial plan making regime in facilitating vertical, horizontal and stakeholder integration. A survey of all Waste Planning Authorities was conducted to establish the current context of waste planning and waste management and establish a typology of practice based on varying degrees of collaborative practice in waste plan and waste strategy production. Four detailed case study areas reflecting different forms of collaborative practice were examined to determine the relative strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to waste planning. The case studies were: Sheffield; Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham; Hull and East Riding; and North Yorkshire and York. The research demonstrated the strength of vertical and horizontal policy integration during waste plan making in all typologies of practice and found the effectiveness of cross boundary working to be relatively limited, reflecting a micro approach to waste plan making and infrastructure development. Stakeholder integration was also found to be mixed with private stakeholder integration being strong while public consultation, in some instances, failed to capture the imagination of the public or demonstrate the relevance of the waste planning framework on residents' lives. Research also revealed the airing of policy grievances was being restricted by a lack of transparency during waste plan making and the complexity of the new spatial plan making regime. Although there were strengths and weaknesses to each typology of practice, collaboration in the production of a Joint Waste Plan alongside either a Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy or individual authority Municipal Waste Management Strategy, was found to represent better practice. Alternatively, collaboration in the production of a Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy alongside an individual authority waste planning framework was found to provide a disjointed approach to waste plan production and infrastructure delivery.
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Uncertainty in incinerator and landfill risk assessmentsGanatsiou, Joanna January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the development of a framework for the systematic appraisal and communication of uncertainty in incinerator and landfill human health risk assessments. This aspiration has been in response to finding a limited and ambiguous use of the term 'uncertainty', a lack of consensus in its definition and nomenclature, and its perfunctory review in risk assessmentsI.n the light of the need for such a framework, implications of its introduction are discussed. Guided by the literature and data collected from the field, the development of the framework progressed in three phases. First, the general concept was analysed - immediate and wider goals were set, the target audience identified, the context of use determined, the elements of the framework defined and the needs and requirements of the target audience considered, giving rise to a set of criteria to guide its development. The second phase included the proposal of an initial framework, which would appraise and communicate uncertainty. In drafting the framework, the thesis explored the fundamental context in which uncertainty is placed, drew on the strengths of past definitions and classification schemes to redefine it and suggested a more comprehensive classification scheme which finds practical application in the proposed framework. A second interaction with the field enabled the refinement of the first version and production of a more robust, second version of the framework. Supported by case studies of both incinerator and landfill risk assessments, the third phase of the research involved the application of the framework as "scenarios of use' and its integrity discussed in terms of the set of heuristics developed in the concept analysis. The intention of the introduction of the proposed framework is to increase the transparency of risk assessments, which in turn could establish their reliability and trustworthiness, aid decision-making and allow for its management and subsequent refinement of the risk assessment practice. Although these are achieved to a certain degree, structural and methodological issues stemming from the complex and multidisciplinary nature of uncertainty, the intricacy of risk assessments and the unfamiliarity of the target audience with the fundamental concepts of uncertainty and the framework itself, resulted in both functionality and usability being compromised to a certain extent. Suggestions for future research are made.
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Metaphors of waste : several ways of seeing "development" and Cairo's garbage collectorsFurniss, Philip J. D. January 2012 (has links)
The struggle with garbage is not only a physical struggle to deal with the unwanted stuff people throw away. It is also a struggle over meanings. At the centre of that struggle in Cairo are the Zabbaleen: the city's 'informal sector' or 'traditional' waste collectors. Over the past 40 years the Zabbaleen have been the focus of a great deal of outside attention and intervention, especially by the Egyptian state and development organizations. Based on 1.5 years' fieldwork in Cairo, including interviewing, archival work, and analysis of artefacts of mass culture such as film and newspapers, this dissertation asks how different outsiders represented and construed the Zabbaleen, and what they wanted to change about them. Each chapter corresponds to a different outside viewpoint. Chapter 3 examines the beginning of the story of outside development intervention, with the French Mother Theresa figure Sr. Emmanuelle. Starting in 1971, she lived with the Zabbaleen and built schools, hospitals and clubs for them. Chap- ter 4 examines how a popular Egyptian film, which appeared in 1980, used the story of a garbage collector's success as a social metaphor for the country's dysfunction and the overthrow of its mod- ernist ideal. Chapter 5 examines a series of Zabbaleen development projects implemented by the World Bank (water, sewer and electricity) and its consultants (modifications to the Zabbaleen built environment and behaviour) between the late 1970s and the early 1990s. Chapter 6 discusses the Egyptian Government's decision to contract European waste management firms in the early 2000s. Chapter 7 examines why and how the Egyptian state decided to slaughter all pigs (raised by the Zab- baleen) during the 'swine flu' epidemic in 2009, and how this split Christians in the country. The ambition of the dissertation is to make a contribution to critical development studies. It plots the evolution of development thinking and practice over the forty-year period covered (including weigh- ing developmentalism relative to other paradigms of intervention), and demonstrates how interpreta- tions of waste have been central to shaping interventions and imaginaries of 'development' through- out that period.
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Weiterentwicklung des AbfallvermeidungsbeitragesWagner, Steffen, Ibold, Heiko, von Bechtolsheim, Caroline, Wittzack, Maren, Fritz, Erich, Schönfelder, Jan 16 June 2016 (has links)
Im Jahr 2013 hat die Bundesregierung das Abfallvermeidungsprogramm des Bundes unter Beteiligung der Länder beschlossen. Sachsen hat im Jahr 2010 seinen Beitrag dazu dem Bund übergeben. Der Forschungsbericht befasst sich mit den europäischen, deutschen und sächsischen rechtlichen Verpflichtungen zur Abfallvermeidung. Weiterhin wurde das Abfallvermeidungsprogramm unter dem Blickwinkel der sächsischen Akteure und ihrer Abfallvermeidungsmaßnahmen sowie auf mögliche Indikatoren zur Messung der Abfallvermeidung in Sachsen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse über die verpflichteten und freiwilligen Akteure sowie die rechtlichen, inhaltlichen und zeitlichen Rahmenbedingungen im Zusammenhang mit der Vermeidung von Abfällen sind für die systematische Weiterentwicklung des sächsischen Abfallvermeidungsbeitrages von Bedeutung.
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Η μελέτη περιβαλλοντικών παραμέτρων του υδατικού αποδέκτη (Πατραϊκού κόλπου) των επεξεργασμένων αστικών λυμάτων της πόλης των ΠατρώνΜακρή, Ζωή 20 February 2009 (has links)
Η προτεινόμενη έρευνα αποσκοπεί στην μελέτη των περιβαλλοντικών παραμέτρων του υδατικού αποδέκτη (Πατραϊκού Κόλπου) των επεξεργασμένων αστικών λυμάτων της πόλης των Πατρών.
Η μελέτη περιλαμβάνει την ανάλυση και σύνθεση των εξής φυσικών και χημικών παραμέτρων του θαλασσινού νερού : 1) θερμοκρασία, 2) αλατότητα, 3) διαλυμένο οξυγόνο, 4) φωσφορικά/νιτρικά άλατα, 5) αιωρούμενο υλικό και 6) θαλάσσια ρεύματα. Οι παράμετροι αυτοί θα μετρηθούν σε συγκεκριμένο σημείο γύρω από το στόμιο του υποθαλάσσιου αγωγού.
Μετά την ανάλυση των στοιχείων θα γίνει προσπάθεια να εξετασθεί η διάχυση των αποβλήτων στο θαλάσσιο χώρο με την βοήθεια αριθμητικού ομοιώματος. / -
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Abfallkalender ...: Landkreis Mittelsachsen: Ein Landkreis - ein Abfallkalender15 June 2015 (has links)
Ihre Entsorgungstermine auf einen Blick mit Tipps zur Abfallvermeidung und richtigen Trennung
Aus dem Vorwort:
"... der Abfallkalender 2015 ist erstmals ein einheitlicher Kalender für den gesamten Landkreis. Im Heft finden Sie wie gewohnt Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen zur Abfallentsorgung, die Entsorgungstermine für Ihre Stadt oder Gemeinde sowie Informationen, wie jeder Einzelne Abfälle vermeiden, verwerten und ordnungsgemäß entsorgen kann. Zudem sind Anschriften und Rufnummern von Firmen und Einrichtungen im Heft aufgeführt, die Sie bei der Entsorgung Ihrer Abfälle unterstützen. ..."
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