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Development and evaluation of a treatment package for men with an intellectual disability who sexually offendSinclair, Neil R. January 2011 (has links)
Sex offending in the general population has been a focus of interest for some time due to the damaging nature of the behaviour, and the need to reduce recidivism. Theoretical and clinical advances (Finke1hor, 1986; HM Prison Service, 1996; Marshall, Anderson, & Fernandez, 1999; Serran & Marshall, 2010) in treatment for sex offenders in the general population have been extended to men with an intellectual disability at risk of sexual offending (Lindsay, 2009). The purpose of this project is to develop and evaluate the SOTSEC-ID version cftrus model. Participants are adult males from 15 different locations across England and Wales, with an intellectual disability or borderline cognitive functioning and who have committed sexual offences. A pilot study clarified assessments and procedures, and individual data over several years is presented. A qualitative study using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (JP A) illustrates the 'meaning making' of participants' treatment experience through six major themes. A reliability and validity study assesses the four main quantitative measures, QACSO, SAKA, SOSAS, and VESA, finding limited support for criterion validity for the SOSAS and SAKA, excellent inter-rater reli"ability for all four main measures, and good to excellent inter-rater reliability on all but the SAKA Finally, a quantitative study, in collaboration with the wider SOTSEC-ID group, uses a repeated measures design to compare the QACSO, SOSAS and SAKA across pre-group, post-group and follow. up. Significant main effects and post-hoc comparisons were in the predicted direction for all measures. A range of information on demographic, clinical and criminogenic factors including offending during treatment or follow-up are also presented. A recidivism rate of 12.3% over a year was calculated for the sample. The treatment model and collaborative framework is recommended for wider adoption.
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The role of attachment in sexual offences committed by men and the relationship between attachment, interpersonal style and aggression in a sample of personality disordered male in-patientsVallentine, Victoria January 2011 (has links)
Insecure attachment style has been implicated as a possible factor in sex offending. A review of the research aimed to determine 1) the evidence sex-offenders differ in attachment style from non-offenders 2) the evidence sexual-offenders differ in attachment style from non-sexual offenders and 3) attachment style being related to specific types and/or characteristics of sexual-offending. Overall, the findings were inconsistent. Sex-offenders were found by the majority of studies to have a higher prevalence of insecure attachment than non-offenders. Differences between offenders were less clear and a number of studies found that all offenders had higher levels of insecure attachment than the general population. Support for a multi- faceted model of sex-offending that included attachment theory was found. The results suggested attachment theory could be useful in the assessment and treatment of all offenders. It also highlighted the potential utility of examining links between 'attachment theory and aggressive behaviour in offenders. An empirical study further explored attachment, interpersonal style and aggression offenders with personality disorder detained in a high secure hospital. Differences were found between the sample and the general population on level of avoidant attachment and anxious attachment was predictive of total number of incidents. Coercive interpersonal style was predictive of all types (excluding self-directed) of aggression and total number of incidents. Length of stay, black-British ethnicity and absence of murder were also included in prediction models.
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The relationship between schemas and offence supportive attitudes in mentally disordered sexual offendersSzlachcic, Rebecca January 2012 (has links)
Objective: There has been increasing theory and research looking at the schemas of sexual offenders, with a suggestion that, offence supportive attitudes may be the product of an individual's underlying schemas. As such, schemas, rather than offence supportive attitudes may represent a more appropriate treatment need within this population. The investigation of schemas in sexual offenders is arguably still in its infancy and the investigation of sexual offending amongst men with severe mental illness generally, has been even more neglected. Therefore this research aimed to establish the relationship between offence supportive attitudes and schemas in mentally disordered male sexual offenders. Method: Men held within conditions of low, medium and high security under the Mental Health Act 1983 (as amended by the 2007 Act) with a well documented history of sexual offending were invited to participate. Each participant was assessed using the Young Schema Questionnaire, the Questionnaire of Attitudes Consistent with Sex Offending and the Paulhus Deception Scales. Demographics and offence related information were also collected through semi-structured interviews and file reviews. Results: Correlational analyses were used to investigate the relationships between the schemas and offence supportive attitudes. 'Insufficient Self-ControI/Self-Discipline', 'Entitlement' and 'Enmeshment' arose as the schemas associated with most offence supportive attitudes. Similarly 'Homosexual Assault', 'Rape and Attitudes to Women', and 'Offences Against Children' arose as the offence supportive attitudes related to the most schemas. 3 .• ~ ••............................. Conclusions: These findings suggest a relationship between particular schemas and offence supportive attitudes in mentally disordered sexual offenders. Whilst they also add weight to the argument that offence supportive attitudes may be the product of underlying schemas within this population, this study was unable to assess causality. The findings are discussed· in relation to the literature and the implications for the treatment of mentally disordered sexual offenders considered.
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Empathy towards victims of sexual and non-sexual crimes amongst men with intellectual disabilities : comparing sexual offenders and non offendersHockley, Oliver January 2012 (has links)
Abstract Aims: To investigate if levels of empathy differ, between two groups of men who have intellectual disabilities: those who have been convicted of sexual offending and those who no known history of criminal convictions. Methods: The participants (IQ Range: 55-69, N=35,) formed two groups: sexual offenders with intellectual disabilities (SOIDS; n=19) and non offenders with intellectual disabilities (n=16). Both groups completed a reworded version of the Victim Empathy Scale (VES-A) for two offences presented through a vignette, describing a sexual offence and a driving offence. The sexual offenders also completed the VES-A for their own offence, The Empathy Quotient (EQ) was completed by both groups as a measure of general empathy. The sexual offenders also completed the Questionnaire on Attitudes Consistent with Sexual Offending (QACSO) and the Sexual Offenders Self Appraisal Scale (SOSAS). Due to skewed data non parametric tests were predominantly used to analyse the data. Results: Sexual offenders had significantly lower victim empathy than non offenders for victims of sexual offending described in the vignette, but no difference for car offence victims. The non offending group demonstrated significantly higher general empathy. Sexual offenders demonstrated significantly lower victim empathy for their own victim than either of the vignette depicted victims. Empathy levels expressed by the offenders were shown to have a relationship with cognitive distortions. Conclusions: The results indicate that sexual offenders with IDs have difficulties with victim empathy when compared to non-offenders. Sexual offenders also show more difficulty expressing victim empathy for their own victims than they do for other victims of sexual offences. This implies sexual offenders have specific deficits in empathy expression and these deficits may be improved with successful challenges to the cognitive distortions the offender holds about these victims. Key words: intellectual disabilities, empathy, cognitive distortions, sexual offending, Victim Empathy Scale.
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Kriminologiese analise van die manlike kindermolesteerderSteyn, Anna Martha Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Kindermolestering het die afgelope vyftien jaar 'n toenemende probleem in Suid-Afrika geword. Baie
aandag is aan die slagoffer gegee, tenvyl die kindermolesteerder as kardinale deel van die
probleem heeltemal verwaarloos is. Laasgenoemde maak hierdie navorsingsondersoek ten opsigte van
die kindermolesteerder dringend noodsaaklik.
en prosesse in die lewe van die kindermolesteerder, waaruit 'n ryk en indiepte beskrywing
van die kindennolesteerder gevolg het.
Die tweede fase is kwantitatief benader en navorser het gebruik gemaak van 'n onderhoudskedule wat
aan 'n meer omvangryke groep kindermolesteerders en verkragters voorgele is om hulle reaksie op
die data syfennatig te bepaal. Verkragters is gekies omdat hulle en die molesteerders 'n seksuele
misdryf as gemene deler het. Navorser wou met laasgenoemde die bruikbaarheid van die skedule bepaal
en verdere ondersteuning vir die ondersoek verkry. Hierdie data is rekenaarmatig verwerk en
skematies uitgebeeld.
Die navorsingsondersoek het aan die lig gebring dat kindermolesteerders uit disfunksionele gesinne
kom, waarin hulle persoonlikheidseienskappe en gedragspatrone aangeleer het, wat kan lei tot
kindermolestering. Laasgenoemde word deur bevindings ten opsigte van
Hierdie navorsingsondersoek het 'n bydrae tot die wetenskaplike kennis gemaak deurdat
die bruikbaarheid van pluralisme in die ondersoek uitgewys is;
• ooreenkomste en verskille tussen kindermolesteerders en verkragters geYdentifiseer is;
• die prominente rol van pornografie in kindermolestering aan die lig gekom het;
• 'n profiel van die kindermolesteerder saamgestel is;
die gedrag van die molesteerder teoreties verklaar is;
• 'n behandelingstruktuur vir die oortreder saamgestel is.
Aanbevelings vir die toekomstige bantering van die kindermolesteerder en verdere navorsing in die
verband is gemaak.
Die doel van hierdie navorsingsondersoek is om 'n omvattende beeld van die kindermolesteerder as
oortreder te verkry ten einde die probleem van kindermolestering aan te spreek.
Hierdie ondersoek is pluralisties benader en het in opeenvolgende fases plaasgevind. Fase een is
kwalitatief benader en navorser het semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude gevoer met tien
kindermolesteerders aan die hand van 'n onderhoudsgids. Aandag is gegee aan die gebeure / Over the past fifteen years child molestation has become a growing problem in South Africa.
Much attention has been given to the victim while the child molester as a cardinal part ofthe
problem has been completely neglected, which made this study of the child molester crucial.
The purpose of this study is to obtain a comprehensive picture of the child molester as offender
in order to tackle the problem of child molestation.
The research was conducted in consecutive phases from a pluralistic approach. The first phase was
qualitative and the researcher conducted semi$tructured interviews with ten child molesters, based
on an interview guide. Attention was given to the events and processes in the lives of the
child molesters. From this a rich and detailed description of the child molesters was obtained.
The second phase was quantitative and the researcher used an interview schedule which was
presented to a more comprehensive group of child molesters and rapists to determine their reaction
to the data statistically. Rapists were chosen because they and the child molesters had a sexual
offence as common denominator. By using rapists the researcher wanted to detennine the usefulness
of the schedule and gain further support for the investigation. The data were processed by computer
and depicted schematically.
The research revealed that child molesters come from dysfunctional families, in which they
acquired personality traits and behavioural patterns which can lead to child molestation. The
latter is supported by findings on rapists.
child molesters. From this a rich and detailed description of the child molesters was obtained.
The second phase was quantitative and the researcher used an interview schedule which was
presented to a more comprehensive group of child molesters and rapists to determine their reaction
to the data statistically. Rapists were chosen because they and the child molesters had a sexual
offence as common denominator. By using rapists the researcher wanted to detennine the usefulness
of the schedule and gain further support for the investigation. The data were processed by computer
and depicted schematically.
The research revealed that child molesters come from dysfunctional families, in which they
acquired personality traits and behavioural patterns which can lead to child molestation. The
latter is supported by findings on rapists.
A profile of the child molester was compiled and Bandura's social learning theory used to explain
his behaviour. To deal with the problem of child molestation, a treatment schedule was
developed for the child molester.
This study has contributed to scientific knowledge by
• showing the usefulness of pluralism in the investigation
• identifying similarities and differences between child molesters and rapists
• revealing the prominent role of pornography in child molestation
• compiling a profile of the child molester
• explaining the behaviour of the molester theoretically
• developing a treatment structure for the offender
Recommendations are made for the future treatment of the child molester and further research. / Criminology and Security Studies / D.Phil. (Kriminologie)
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Kriminologiese analise van die manlike kindermolesteerderSteyn, Anna Martha Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Kindermolestering het die afgelope vyftien jaar 'n toenemende probleem in Suid-Afrika geword. Baie
aandag is aan die slagoffer gegee, tenvyl die kindermolesteerder as kardinale deel van die
probleem heeltemal verwaarloos is. Laasgenoemde maak hierdie navorsingsondersoek ten opsigte van
die kindermolesteerder dringend noodsaaklik.
en prosesse in die lewe van die kindermolesteerder, waaruit 'n ryk en indiepte beskrywing
van die kindennolesteerder gevolg het.
Die tweede fase is kwantitatief benader en navorser het gebruik gemaak van 'n onderhoudskedule wat
aan 'n meer omvangryke groep kindermolesteerders en verkragters voorgele is om hulle reaksie op
die data syfennatig te bepaal. Verkragters is gekies omdat hulle en die molesteerders 'n seksuele
misdryf as gemene deler het. Navorser wou met laasgenoemde die bruikbaarheid van die skedule bepaal
en verdere ondersteuning vir die ondersoek verkry. Hierdie data is rekenaarmatig verwerk en
skematies uitgebeeld.
Die navorsingsondersoek het aan die lig gebring dat kindermolesteerders uit disfunksionele gesinne
kom, waarin hulle persoonlikheidseienskappe en gedragspatrone aangeleer het, wat kan lei tot
kindermolestering. Laasgenoemde word deur bevindings ten opsigte van
Hierdie navorsingsondersoek het 'n bydrae tot die wetenskaplike kennis gemaak deurdat
die bruikbaarheid van pluralisme in die ondersoek uitgewys is;
• ooreenkomste en verskille tussen kindermolesteerders en verkragters geYdentifiseer is;
• die prominente rol van pornografie in kindermolestering aan die lig gekom het;
• 'n profiel van die kindermolesteerder saamgestel is;
die gedrag van die molesteerder teoreties verklaar is;
• 'n behandelingstruktuur vir die oortreder saamgestel is.
Aanbevelings vir die toekomstige bantering van die kindermolesteerder en verdere navorsing in die
verband is gemaak.
Die doel van hierdie navorsingsondersoek is om 'n omvattende beeld van die kindermolesteerder as
oortreder te verkry ten einde die probleem van kindermolestering aan te spreek.
Hierdie ondersoek is pluralisties benader en het in opeenvolgende fases plaasgevind. Fase een is
kwalitatief benader en navorser het semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude gevoer met tien
kindermolesteerders aan die hand van 'n onderhoudsgids. Aandag is gegee aan die gebeure / Over the past fifteen years child molestation has become a growing problem in South Africa.
Much attention has been given to the victim while the child molester as a cardinal part ofthe
problem has been completely neglected, which made this study of the child molester crucial.
The purpose of this study is to obtain a comprehensive picture of the child molester as offender
in order to tackle the problem of child molestation.
The research was conducted in consecutive phases from a pluralistic approach. The first phase was
qualitative and the researcher conducted semi$tructured interviews with ten child molesters, based
on an interview guide. Attention was given to the events and processes in the lives of the
child molesters. From this a rich and detailed description of the child molesters was obtained.
The second phase was quantitative and the researcher used an interview schedule which was
presented to a more comprehensive group of child molesters and rapists to determine their reaction
to the data statistically. Rapists were chosen because they and the child molesters had a sexual
offence as common denominator. By using rapists the researcher wanted to detennine the usefulness
of the schedule and gain further support for the investigation. The data were processed by computer
and depicted schematically.
The research revealed that child molesters come from dysfunctional families, in which they
acquired personality traits and behavioural patterns which can lead to child molestation. The
latter is supported by findings on rapists.
child molesters. From this a rich and detailed description of the child molesters was obtained.
The second phase was quantitative and the researcher used an interview schedule which was
presented to a more comprehensive group of child molesters and rapists to determine their reaction
to the data statistically. Rapists were chosen because they and the child molesters had a sexual
offence as common denominator. By using rapists the researcher wanted to detennine the usefulness
of the schedule and gain further support for the investigation. The data were processed by computer
and depicted schematically.
The research revealed that child molesters come from dysfunctional families, in which they
acquired personality traits and behavioural patterns which can lead to child molestation. The
latter is supported by findings on rapists.
A profile of the child molester was compiled and Bandura's social learning theory used to explain
his behaviour. To deal with the problem of child molestation, a treatment schedule was
developed for the child molester.
This study has contributed to scientific knowledge by
• showing the usefulness of pluralism in the investigation
• identifying similarities and differences between child molesters and rapists
• revealing the prominent role of pornography in child molestation
• compiling a profile of the child molester
• explaining the behaviour of the molester theoretically
• developing a treatment structure for the offender
Recommendations are made for the future treatment of the child molester and further research. / Criminology and Security Studies / D.Phil. (Kriminologie)
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