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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studio di Mutazioni Geniche e Variazioni Copy-Number implicate nel deficit combinato degli Ormoni Ipofisari(CPHD)

Sponza, Giorgio <1968> 12 April 2010 (has links)
La crescita normale di un individuo è il risultato dell’azione coordinata di molteplici ormoni e recettori codificati da geni e a tal proposito, discreto interesse è stato dato ai geni tipici dell’asse del GH. Tuttavia altri geni, più a monte di questi e responsabili dello sviluppo dell’ipofisi contribuiscono alla crescita normale o patologica. Alcuni geni studiati sono POU1F1, PROP1, LHX3, LHX4, HESX1, SOX3 e svariate loro mutazioni sono state identificate come causa di panipopituarismo (CPHD=Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency). In realtà la ricerca genetica non spiega ancora molte anomalie ipofisarie e molte mutazioni devono ancora essere identificate. Uno degli scopi del dottorato, svoltosi nel laboratorio di Genetica molecolare di Pediatria, è stata l’identificazione di mutazioni geniche da un gruppo di pazienti CPHD considerando in particolare i geni POU1F1, LHX3, SOX3, non ancora messi a punto presso il laboratorio. L’approccio sperimentale si è basato sulle seguenti fasi: prelievo delle informazioni di sequenza da GeneBank, progettazione di primers per amplificare le porzioni esoniche, messa a punto delle fasi della PCR e del sequenziamento, analisi della sequenza e confronto con le informazioni di sequenza depositate allo scopo di rintracciare eventuali mutazioni o varianti. La bassa percentuale di mutazioni in questi geni non ha permesso finora di rintracciare mutazioni nelle porzioni esoniche salvo che in un soggetto, nell’esone 6 di LHX3b (nuova mutazione, recessiva eterozigote, c.1248A>G implicata nella mutazione p.T377A della sequenza proteica). Un metodo di screening di questa mutazione impiegando l’enzima di restrizione SacII è stato usato, senza rilevare nessun altra occorrenza dell’allele mutato in 53 soggetti di controllo. Oltre alla messa a punto del sequenziamento e di alcune tecniche di analisi di singoli SNP o piccoli INDELs per i 3 geni, la ricerca svolta è stata orientata all’impiego di metodi di rilevamento di riarrangiamenti genetici comportanti ampie delezioni e/o variazioni del copy-number di esoni/interi geni detto MLPA (Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification) e progettato da MRC-Holland. Il sequenziamento infatti non permette di rilevare tali alterazioni quando sono ampie ed in eterozigosi. Per esempio, in un’ampia delezione in eterozigosi, l’intervallo delimitato dai primers usati per la PCR può non includere totalmente la porzione interessata da delezione su un cromosoma cosicché la PCR ed il sequnziamento si basano solo sulle informazioni dell’altro cromosoma non deleto. Un vantaggio della tecnica MLPA, è l’analisi contemporanea di una quarantina di siti posti su svariati geni. Questa metodo tuttavia può essere affetto da un certo margine di errore spesso dipendente dalla qualità del DNA e dovrebbe essere affiancato e validato da altre tecniche più impegnativa dal punto di vista sperimentale ma più solide, per esempio la Real Time PCR detta anche PCR quantitativa (qPCR). In laboratorio, grazie all’MLPA si è verificata la condizione di delezione eterozigote di un paziente “storico” per il gene GH1 e la stessa mutazione è stata rilevata anche con la qPCR usando lo strumento Corbett Rotor Gene 6000 (Explera). Invece un’analisi solo con la qPCR di variazioni del copy-number (CNV) per SOX3 in pazienti maschili non ha ancora evidenziato anomalie. Entrambe le tecniche hanno aspetti interessanti, il miglior approccio al momento sembra un’analisi iniziale di pazienti con l’MLPA, seguita dalla verifica di un eventuale esito anomalo impiegando la real-time PCR.

NGAL urinaria come marker di acute kidney injury in very low birth weight infants

Locatelli, Chiara <1977> 25 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Timing per l'inserimento in lista dei pazienti affetti da fibrosi cistica che necessitano di trapianto polmonare: casistica di un centro regionale di riferimento

Bucci, Micaela <1975> 25 March 2011 (has links)
Timing of waiting list entrance for patients with cystic fibrosis in need of pulmonary transplant: the experience of a regional referral centre Objective: Evaluation of parameters that can predict a rapid decay of general conditions of patients affected by Cystic Fibrosis (CF) with no specific criteria to be candidate to pulmonary transplant. Material and methods: Fifteen patients with CF who died for complications and 8 who underwent lung transplantation in the 2000-2010 decade, were enrolled. Clinical data 2 years before the event (body max index, FEV1%, number of EV antibiotic treatments per year, colonization with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), pseudomonas aeruginosa mucosus, burkholderia cepacia, pulmonary allergic aspergilosis) were compared among the 2 groups. Results: Mean FEV1% was significantly higher and mean number of antibiotic treatment was lower in deceased than in the transplanted patients (p<0.002 and p<0.001 respectively). Although in patients who died there were no including criteria to enter the transplant list 2 years before the exitus, suggestive findings such as low BMI (17.3), high incidence of hepatic pathology (33.3%), diabetes (50%), and infections with MRSA infection (25%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (83.3%) and burkholderia cepacia (8.3%) were found with no statistical difference with transplanted patients, suggesting those patients were at risk of severe prognosis. In patients who died, females were double than males. Conclusion: While evaluating patients with CF, negative prognostic factors such as the ones investigated in this study, should be considered to select individuals with high mortality risk who need stricter therapeutical approach and follow up. Inclusion of those patients in the transplant waiting list should be taken into account.

Studio della funzionalità respiratoria in soggetti con sindrome di Turner

Forti, Sara <1972> 25 March 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is to evaluate the pulmonary function in subjects with diagnosis of Turner Syndrome, in charge at the Syndromology Ward of the Paediatric Clinic of S.Orsola-Malpighi hospital. There are very few datas about lung function in patients with Turner syndrome’s genotype and phenotype in medical literature. Since the thorax of these subjects have peculiar anatomic shape (as “shield” or “overturned triangle”), we presupposed that these subjects could have also a peculiar respiratory function. Moreover we look for the possibility of correlation between pulmonary function and estroprogestinic replacement therapy and/or growth hormone (GH) replacement therapy. Material and methods: we studied 48 patients, with diagnosis of Turner Syndrome; they all made spirometry voluntarily and, when capable, also plethismografy. Results: - the parametres of pulmonary function are a little higher of the predicted values for age and sex but they are a little lower if they're corrected for each patient’s ideal high and weight: so we can conclude that in Turner Syndrme subjects pulmonary function is normal; -there’s not a statistically significant correlation between pulmonary function and GH therapy; -there’s not a statistically significant correlation between GH therapy’s length and pulmonary function except for Total Lung Capacity which increases with the number of years of GH therapy; - there’s not a statistically significant correlation between pulmonary function and estroprogestinic replacement herapy.

Predittori precoci di outcome neurologico nei neonati affetti da Encefalopatia Ipossico-Ischemica sottoposti a trattamento ipotermico. Studio combinato Elettroencefalogramma ad integrazione di ampiezza e Spettroscopia nel vicino infrarosso / Early Predictors of short term Neurodevelopmental outcome in Asphyxiated cooled Infants. A combined Brain Amplitude integrated Electroencephalography and Near Infrared Spectroscopy Study

Maranella, Eugenia <1977> 02 April 2012 (has links)
Background: Brain cooling (BC) represents the elective treatment in asphyxiated newborns. Amplitude Integrated Electroencephalography (aEEG) and Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) monitoring may help to evaluate changes in cerebral electrical activity and cerebral hemodynamics during hypothermia. Objectives: To evaluate the prognostic value of aEEG time course and NIRS data in asphyxiated cooled infants. Methods: 12 term neonates admitted to our NICU with moderate-severe Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) underwent selective BC. aEEG and NIRS monitoring were started as soon as possible and maintained during the whole hypothermic treatment. Follow-up was scheduled at regular intervals; adverse outcome was defined as death, cerebral palsy (CP) or global quotient < 88.7 at Griffiths’ Scale. Results: 2/12 infants died, 2 developed CP, 1 was normal at 6 months of age and then lost at follow-up and 7 showed a normal outcome at least at 1 year of age. The aEEG background pattern at 24 hours of life was abnormal in 10 newborns; only 4 of them developed an adverse outcome, whereas the 2 infants with a normal aEEG developed normally. In infants with adverse outcome NIRS showed a higher Tissue Oxygenation Index (TOI) than those with normal outcome (80.0±10.5% vs 66.9±7.0%, p=0.057; 79.7±9.4% vs 67.1±7.9%, p=0.034; 80.2±8.8% vs 71.6±5.9%, p=0.069 at 6, 12 and 24 hours of life, respectively). Conclusions: The aEEG background pattern at 24 hours of life loses its positive predictive value after BC implementation; TOI could be useful to predict early on infants that may benefit from other innovative therapies.

Studio della funzione cardiaca e della massa ventricolare sinistra mediante ecocardiografia convenzionale e tissue doppler imaging in una popolazione pediatrica con malattia renale cronica in terapia conservativa e sostitutiva / Study of the left ventricular mass and cardiac function in children with Chronic Kidney Disease with echocardiography (ECHO) and tissue Doppler imaging

Mencarelli, Francesca <1976> 02 April 2012 (has links)
Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in childhood chronic kidney disease (CKD). Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is known to be one of the earliest events in CVD development. Left ventricular diastolic function (DF) is thought to be also impaired in children with CKD. Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) provide an accurate measure of DF and is less load dependent than conventional ECHO. Aim: To evaluate the LV mass and the DF in a population of children with CKD. Methods: 37 patients, median age: 10.4 (3.3-19.8); underlying renal disease: hypo/dysplasia (N=28), nephronophthisis (N=4), Alport (N=2), ARPKD (N=3), were analyzed. Thirty-eight percent of the patients were on stage 1-2 of CKD, 38% on stage 3, 16% on stage 4. Three patients were on dialysis. The most frequent factors related to CVD in CKD have been studied. LVH has been defined as a left ventricular mass index (LVMI) more than 35.7 g/h2,7. Results: Twenty-five patients (81%) had a LVH. LVMI and diastolic function index (E’/A’) were significantly related to the glomerular filtration rate (p<0.003 and p<0.004). Moreover the LVMI was correlated with the phosphorus and the hemoglobin level (p<0.0001 and p<0.004). LVH was present since the first stages of CKD (58% of patients were on stages 1-2). Early-diastolic myocardial velocity was reduced in 73% of our patients. We didn’t find any correlation between LVH and systemic hypertension. Conclusion: ECHO evaluation with TDI is suggested also in children prior to dialysis and with a normal blood pressure. If LVH is diagnosed, a periodic follow-up is necessary with the treatment of the modifiable risk factors (hypertension, disturbances of calcium, phosphorus and PTH, anemia ).

New approach in the diagnosis and therapy of hyperphenylalaninemia

Bettocchi, Ilaria <1976> 02 April 2012 (has links)
Background. Phenylketonuria is the most prevalent inborn error of aminoacid metabolism. Is an autosomal recessive disorder. It results from mutations in the phenylalanine hydroxilase (PAH) gene. Phenotypes can vary from mild hyperphenylalaninemia to a severe phenylketonuria wich, if untreated, results in severe mental retardation. Thanks to neonatal screening programmes, early detection and promp dietetic intervention (phenylalanine restricted diet lifelong) has allowed to avoid neurocognitive complications. Recently, a new therapy is become widely used: the oral supplementation with the PAH cofactor (BH4), wich can alleviate the diet burden. Genotype-phenotype correlation is a reliable tool to predict metabolic phenotype in order to establish a better tailored diet and to assess the potential responsiveness to BH4 therapy. Aim Molecular analysis of the PAH gene, evaluation of genotype-phenotype correlation and prediction of BH4 responsiveness in a group of HPA patients living in Emilia Romagna. Patients and methods. We studied 48 patients affected by PAH deficiency in regular follow-up to our Metabolic Centre. We performed the molecular analysis of these patients using genomic DNA extracted from peripheral blood samples Results. We obtained a full genotipic characterization of 46 patients. We found 87 mutant alleles and 35 different mutations, being the most frequent IVS10-11 G>A (19.3%), R261Q (9.1%), R158Q (9.1%), R408Q (6.8%) and A403V (5.7%), including 2 new ones (L287, N223Y) ever described previously. Notably, we found 15 mutations already identified in BH4-responsive patients, according to the literature. We found 42 different genotipic combinations, most of them in single patients and involving a BH4-responsive mutation. Conclusion. BH4 responsiveness is shown by a consistent number of PAH deficient hyperphenylalaninemic patients. This treatment, combined with a less restricted diet or as monotherapy, can reduce nutritional complications and improve the quality of life of these patients.

Values, Priorities and Performance in the Management of Virginia's Fish and Wildlife Resources: A Comparative Study Between Internal and External Constituents of the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries

Watkins, James R. 17 April 2000 (has links)
House Bill 38 will allocate up to $13 million per year in state sales tax revenue to the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) beginning in Fiscal Year 2001. To plan for this major budget enhancement, the VDGIF asked us (in cooperation with Responsive Management and Dr. Brett Wright) to identify the agency programs and functions that VDGIF employees gave high priority to for the allocation of additional resources, and to compare these priorities with those of the agency's external constituents. We also evaluated how internal and external stakeholders rated agency performance in its programs. Of all VDGIF functions, employees felt most strongly that more resources should be allocated to enhancing public awareness of VDGIF and to providing general wildlife-related education and information to Virginia citizens. Among constituent groups, employees placed higher priority for additional resources on educating and informing children and youth than they did on allocating additional resources to educate urban/suburban constituents, women and minorities. Employees assigned high priority for additional resources to capital improvement needs and to land acquisition-related issues. Activities that improved the agency's ability to provide hunting opportunities such as enforcing laws that protect habitat, encouraging private landowners to open their lands for hunting and managing game animals also received high priority for additional resources. Although employees felt that nearly all agency programs needed additional resources, their assessment of agency performance varied widely. Programs in which agency performance was relatively poor, such as acquisition of additional land and water for wildlife conservation, educating and informing citizens, and providing education and outreach to schools, have greater need for additional resources than programs in which agency performance was quite good (e.g., hunter education and enforcement programs). Virginia citizens felt law enforcement and providing safety education for boating and hunting were VDGIF's most important functions. Both citizens and employees placed greater importance on the existence value of wildlife than they did on its recreational value. Virginia citizens placed significantly less importance on providing hunting opportunities than did VDGIF employees and substantially more on providing wildlife viewing opportunities than did agency personnel. This study also revealed substantial latent interest in fish and wildlife-oriented recreation among Virginians who currently do not participate and that all forms of wildlife-related recreation in Virginia have substantial growth potential. / Master of Science

The Scottish retail motor trade, 1920-38

Scott, R. S. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

“Le Conseil spécial est mort, Vive le Conseil spécial!” The Special Councils of Lower Canada, 1838-1841

Dagenais, Maxime 22 August 2011 (has links)
Although the 1837-38 Rebellions and the Union of the Canadas have received much attention from historians, the Special Council—a political body that bridged two constitutions—remains largely unexplored in comparison. This dissertation considers its time as the legislature of Lower Canada. More specifically, it examines its social, political and economic impact on the colony and its inhabitants. Based on the works of previous historians and on various primary sources, this dissertation first demonstrates that the Special Council proved to be very important to Lower Canada, but more specifically, to British merchants and Tories. After years of frustration for this group, the era of the Special Council represented what could be called a “catching up” period regarding their social, commercial and economic interests in the colony. This first section ends with an evaluation of the legacy of the Special Council, and posits the theory that the period was revolutionary as it produced several ordinances that changed the colony’s social, economic and political culture This first section will also set the stage for the most important matter considered in this dissertation as it emphasizes the Special Council’s authoritarianism. During this period, Lower Canadians lost all political rights and the decisions taken by the Special Council were made by non-elected councilors. The second section therefore considers the various ordinances the council passed, its obvious favoritism and authoritarianism, and the opinions of Lower Canadians towards them. The following questions are considered: did the British and French-Canadians react differently to the dissolution of their legislature and the suspension of their constitution? Considering the fact that many people, habitants and British alike, did not support the rebellion, did they view the council as a necessity in restoring peace and stability to the colony, and therefore accepted its authoritarianism, and even supported it? More importantly, did French-Canadians submit to the Special Council and all of the new laws and institutions it imposed in the years following the failed rebellions? Evidence suggests that French-Canadians were very vocal in their opposition to the Special Council.

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