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3D model vybraného objektu / 3D model of selected objectMajerčíková, Radka January 2015 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is to create a 3D model and technical report of Letohrádek Mitrovských in Brno. I started with the history, location and description of this object. Other part of my work is focused on making of 3D model. I have made two different models in two different programs. The main spatial model has been made in program AutoCAD and additional model in program 123DCatch. Thesis will be provided for usage in the future for the administrator of object Letohrádek Mitrovských in Brno.
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Zaměření a vyhotovení technické dokumentace objektu kostela / Surveying and elaboration of the technical documentation of the Church BuildingFerencová, Anna Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is a elaboration technical documentation of St.Peter’s and St. Paul’s church in Banske. The first part of the documentation includes the basic overview and study background description. Further on, the subject site description is developed along with detailed description of each step related to the surveying, processing, assessment and interpretation of the collected data. Final set of drawings includes the Site plan of surrounding lots, top views, cross and longitudinal sections and elevations.
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Zkoušky vybraných vlastností materiálů pro 3D tisk / Testing of selected material properties for 3D printingČáslavský, František January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with 3D printing, materials used for 3D printing, testing of the materials and learning their real parameters. Goal of the thesis is comparing selected materials, executing series of mechanical test and selecting suitable material for printing high-quality plastic parts for use in automobiles, especially for reproduction of parts that are no longer made for oldtimers and for use in motorsport.
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System for Recognition of 3D Hand Geometry / System for Recognition of 3D Hand GeometrySvoboda, Jan January 2014 (has links)
V posledním desetiletí došlo ke zvýšení zájmu o užití 3D dat k biometrické identifikaci osob. Možná vůbec největší výzkum proběhl v oblasti 3D rozpoznávání podle obličeje, přičemž je v současné době dostupných vícero komerčních zařízení. V oblastni rozpoznávání podle 3D geometrie ruky byl v minulých letech proveden určitý výzkum jehož výsledkem však nebylo žádné komerční zařízení. Nezávisle na tomto výzkumu se v posledních letech velmi rozšířil trh s cenově dostupnými 3D sensory, což potenciálně umožňuje jejich nasazení v mnoha typech biometrických systémů. Hlavním cílem této práce je vytvořit funkční vzorek bezdotykového systému pro rozpoznávání osob podle 3D geometrie ruky, který bude používat novou levnou kameru RealSense 3D vyvíjenou v současné době firmou Intel. Jedním z problémů při použití RealSense kamery je její velmi malý form factor, který je příčinou nižší kvality výsledných snímků v porovnání s velmi drahými alternativami, které byly použity v již dříve zmíněném výzkumu 3D biometrických systémů. Práce se snaží analyzovat robustnost různých 2D a 3D příznaků a vyzkoušet několik různých přístupů k jejich fúzi. Rovněž je vyhodnocena výkonnost výsledného systému, kde je ukázáno, že navržené řešení dosahuje výsledků porovnatelných se state-of-the-art.
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Nvrh a vroba optick©ho 3D scanneru / Construction and production of 3D optical scannerBÄhnek, David January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on an optical method for 3D scanning. There is selected photogrammetry for creating 3D models. In the practical part, a mechanism for automatic photo capture is designed and manufactured and 3D printed with using a digital camera, Arduino microcontroller and stepper motors. There are proposed two methods of capturing photographs with which digital twins of reference objects are created. The result of the work is a functional 3D scanner. The next are evaluated used methods as well as the production costs and the time required by the operator when creating a digital copy of the object is listed.
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3D model vybraného objektu / 3D model of the selected objectMrůzek, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the implementation of a 3D model of two objects using laser scanning. This paper deals with the accuracy evaluation of several data interpretation. The first two methods are the outputs of the results from the FARO SCENE program and other interpretations are the outputs from the TRIMBLE REAL WORKS program. To assess accuracy and veracity, the exact test field of points previously built in the AdMas complex was used. The result of the project is a georeferenced 3D model of two objects with the surrounding environment.
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High-precision fabrication enables on-chip modeling with organ-level structural and mechanical complexityMichas, Christos 25 September 2021 (has links)
Organ-on-chip models are a rapidly evolving and promising tool for studying human physiology and disease and developing therapeutics. However, due to the lack of fabrication processes of pertinent precision to deliver well-defined architectural and mechanical elements, organ-on-chip models have been limited in recapitulating structural and biomechanical features of many tissues, which has impeded the modeling power and clinical relevance of these tools. The elusive in vitro replication of the pumping function and mechanical loading of the human heart, an outstanding instance of a structurally and mechanically complex physiological system, exemplifies the need for stronger fabrication processes.
In this work, we investigated the potential of two-photon direct laser writing (TPDLW), an emerging high-precision fabrication technique, in enabling the generation of structurally and biomechanically complex organ-on-chip models. We first identify the functional principles, advantages and limitations of TPDLW, and review existing applications of TPDLW for in vitro studies. Inspired by the fabrication versatility of TPDLW, we then engineer a microfluidic cardiac pump powered by human stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CM), aiming to replicate the ventricular pumping function on a chip by constructing miniaturized analogues of the functional elements of the human heart. We specifically fabricate a microscale metamaterial scaffold with fine-tuned mechanical properties to support the formation and cyclic contraction of an unprecedentedly miniaturized induced pluripotent stem cell derived ventricular chamber. Furthermore, we fabricate microfluidic valves with extreme sensitivity to rectify the flow generated by the ventricular chamber. The integrated microfluidic system recapitulates ventricular fluidic function and exhibits for the first time in vitro all phases of the ventricular hemodynamic loading pattern. Finally, we demonstrate a technique of increasing the fabrication output of TPDLW that could enable its broader adoption. Together, our results highlight the potential of high-precision fabrication in expanding the accessible spectrum of organ-on-a-chip models towards structurally and biomechanically sophisticated tissue architectures.
This dissertation is accompanied by a set of supplementary videos depicting the results of our experimental efforts. Movie 1 shows a cardiac tissue beating on an inverted hexagon scaffold. Movie 2 shows a compressive test on helical scaffold that is later embedded in a cardiac tissue. Movie 3 show a beating cardiac chamber on helical scaffold that can generate measurable flow. Movie 4 shows a functional suspension valve that is later embedded in the device with the cardiac chamber. Movie 5 shows the function of a suspension valve that rectifies oscillating flow. Movie 6 shows that the same suspension valve can rectify flow of increasing frequency. Movie 7 shows that the combined chamber and valves exhibit directional flow. Finally, movie 8 shows that the addition of afterload in the combined system leads to the emergence of isovolumetric phases. / 2023-09-24T00:00:00Z
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3D triangulační technika rekonstrukce objektů / 3D triangulation technique for object reconstructionPospíšil, Petr January 2009 (has links)
My paper work deals with the 3D active triangular method of building reconstruction. First, there was a measuring triangular system created. Then the way of its automatic calibration was proposed and consequently also performed. Also algorithms for the automatic detection of the sample projected were proposed. Algoriths were presented with several sample buildings. The result of these algorithms are 3D models of individual buildings. In the end achieved results nd restrictions of the system proposed were assessed.
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3D zobrazovací jednotka / 3D display deviceVarga, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Based on binocular vision the human eye is capable of generating the observed spatial perception of the object. Nowadays 3D imaging of two-dimensional surface is in vogue especially in the cinema industry. However, 3D imaging is gradually getting into other industries especially in other parts of everyday life (advertisements, presentations, entertainment ...). 3D images can be created in various ways, some of which are detailed in this master´s thesis. This thesis deals with the description and the drawing up of a 3D display which provides a three-dimensional image without using auxiliary objects such as glasses. The display unit produces a three-dimensional image at a fundamental level, which consists of providing high-speed rotation of the display and creates the current portion of the object in specified sections.
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Výroba prototypu automobilu s využitím moderních metod a technologie CAD/CAM / A car prototype manufacture using modern methods and CAD/CAMHorák, Aleš January 2010 (has links)
The project developed under the engineering studies, solves the problem of production of a prototype car using modern technology, reverse engineering and CAD / CAM. Based on the literary study of the issue, was designed process of digitization of the physical model of car, including the treatment and processing of data. Follow-up step was to verify the production of the additive rapid prototyping technology - FDM method. Verification of the results was performed on a vertical milling cantilever FV 25 CNC with control system Heidenhain iTNC 530 using a cutting strategies by PowerMILL CAM software. At the end of the resulting models edit as necessary.
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